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March 20, 1938 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-20

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--- -- - ----,- .- - - Margaret all become vital persortali-
C ties. The reader finds a "willing sus-
ovella Contest W inner Proves pension of disbelief" not at all diffi-
cult. These are people as youand I,
A n Excellent Piece Of W ritin i bitterly paying for the Calvinistic
code of one among them. Essentially,
this novella is "right." More skill-
REMEMBERING LAUGHTER, a Soon, despite their a tempts at resis- fully wrought than Night At Hg-
novella by Wallace Stegner. Little tance, the pair are in love. One day wallow, another of the prize win-
Brown and Co. 154 ppsM $1.25. i ners, it shows whiat can be done with
Margaret discovers them together. I a worthwhile literary form. To the
By STAN SWINTON That is the end of happiness for all reader interested in the style which
Selected from a field of 1,340 three. Margaret never forgives the O'Brien and many others consider
manuscripts submitted in Little, two and, since all are unwilling to the "white hope" of American litera-
Brown and Co's much publicized "break down" and thresh the matter ture,. Remembering Laughter is cer-
novella contest, Wallace Stegner's out, family relations remain harshly Ifinly first-class reading despite its
strained. minor flaws.
was awarded the $2,500 prize. The Elsthdiscovesh he ai --
average reader should neartily sup- covered up, with one of the farm-
port the judges' decision. hands accepting responsibility, and
In a scant 154 pages, Stegner has the child grows up in the atmosphere IV EW A Y
packed a real literary achievement; of tense antagonism. Years later,
something which is memorable, far when Alec dies, Elsbeth's son dis-
above the average run of books. "Re- covers the secret of his birth and I(AV EL
membering Laughter" is not a great leaves home. Margaret and Elsbeth
book, but it is a beautifully written both sources of their animosity gone,
and unique one.,1 are wordlessly reconciled.
The plot, despite its unpleasant- That, baldly, is the "Ethan Frome"
ness, is carried off successfully. Mar- type plot. In Stegner's rich (some-
garet McLeod, the "rather proud wife times almost lush) style, the tale ac-
of a Wealthy farmer who tightened quires stature. The earlier por-
herself up to what she thought her tions include occasional overwritten
position and built her life on its con- passages, but on the whole Remem- K I L LI N S GRAVE L
ventions," is repressed, unbernding, a bering Laughter again .shows what
Calvinist. Her husband, Alec, is a can be done with a literary form COMPANY
lusty Iowan. Elsbeth M c C 1 e o d wh-ich has been too much neglected
comes from Scotland to live with her in this country. Tel e 12
sister and, because of her gayety and Especially good is Stegner's treat-T
understanding nature, attracts Alec. ment of characters. Alec, Elsbeth and
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If You Think This is Funny
You Ought to See
"The Mulberry Bush"
byJ. G. P.
March 23, 24, 25, 26 . ydia Mcndelssohn Thcatrc
TICKEIs . . . $1.00 - 75c 50c
Drop 1-
Somet -e



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