The Weather
Continued fair today; not
much change in temperature.
46J46WA& Ap
- 4- *
AW44tir t
For Vienna? ...
VOL. XLVII. No. 122
Into 11 Units
For 2nd Day's
Meeting Here
Two Addresses By Hansen
And Bergquist Feature
Yesterday's Discussions
Symposiums Today
Closes Convention
More than 400 people were esti-
mated to have attended the second
day's section meetings of the Mich-
igan Academy of Science, Arts and
Letters held yesterday on campus. To-
day's business and section meetings
will close the convention.
The two leading events yesterday
were the general lecture given by Dr.
Alvin H. Hansen, of Harvard Univer-
sity, at 4:15 p.m. on "Full Recovery or
Stagnation" and the presidential ad-
dress given by President of the Acad-
emy Stanard G. Bergquist, of Mich-
igan State College, on "Natural Gas
Developments in Michigan," at 7:45
p.m. following the annual dinner.
Failure to provide adequate outlets
for capital has been largely respon-
sible for the present economic de-
cline and may ultimately be an im-
portant force tending toward change
in the capitalist economy, Dr. Han-
sen declared.
He listed several factors that aided
as outlets for capital in the rapid
growth of the capitalistic system in
the 19th century and showed how
these factors were now largely closed
to future expansion of the system.
One of the chief of these, he said,
was the opening of vast land areas in
the United States into which great
amounts of capital were absorbed in
Rapid Growth In 19th Century
The 19th century was aiso marked
by a rapid growth of population in
all countries of the world, he pointed
out, and this brought demand for
capital both in consumption and in
developing production. Inventions
bmught n ewQU.ts for capital, while
the public utilities and railroads were
almost inexhaustible outlets in the
periods of their development
As concerns the present recession,
Dr. Hansen pointed to an overcau-
tious attitude of business which has
kept it from expanding past direct
demands for production.
Michigan's supply of natural gas
will be exhausted in about five years
at the present rate of consumption,
Dr. Bergquist told an audience of
about 100 people last night at the
There will be new fields discovered,
he continued, but these will not be
large and plans for future consump-
tion should not be based too strongly
on them for fear of disappoitment,
he said.
3 Fields Of Natural Gas
Three fields, the Greenvale, Bloom-
field and Austin, comprise the major
source of supply of Michigan natural
gas, Dr. Bergquist said. These are
located in parallel lines in a north to
easterly direction across the middle
of the state,
Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Bay City,
Lansing, and Mt. Pleasant are the
chief cities supplied at present with
Michigan' natural gas; according to
Dr. Bergquist.
Highlights in the Academy's bus-
iness today are the meeting of the
council at 2 p.m. in Room 4065 Na-
lurn Sciene nc uilding nd the s-
iness meeting at 3 p.m1). i1 1oom 2003
Natural Science Building. The ofli-j
cers for ncxt year will then be chosen.
Other events today are: seehons
on geology ad mineralogy, 8:30 in
9 a.m., sections on anthropology, bot-
any, landscape architecture, language
and literature and zoology.
(Full Coverage on Pages 4, 6)
3Year Old ChIld
Taken From River
- .Iflael IHaskell
Wamd in l Othe Waer oil I l
"Island," Rafael Jlaskell, '39E, yes-
terday rescued a drownirig three-
year-old child, who had slipped into
the Huron River and was struggling
in the deep water. 0
Haskell, strolling along the river
bank with some friends, noticed the
floundering child and quickly stepped
into the water and pulled him out.
The rescued boy, Sofrano Lobello,
had fallen into the river during a
mud battle with a four-year-old
Hitler Sets Four-Year Program;
Warning To Czechs Is Implied
Regents Accept
$7,000 Gifts,
Grant Leaves
Housing Petition Referred
To Welf are Committee
And Board1 Of 1Deans
17 Sabbaticals Given
To Teaching Staff
Gifts of more than $7,000 were re-
ceived, and sabbatical leaves for 171
faculty members were approved at
the regular meeting of the Board of
Regents yesterday.
The petition of student leaders
asking for better rooming conditions
in Ann Arbor were referred to the
Student Welfare Committee of the
Board and Deans Joseph A. Bursley,
Alice C. Lloyd and Henry C. Ander-
The largest gift came from Paul
W. Vooheis of Detroit on behalf of
the Law Class of 1900. The class
gave $3,911.99 to establish the Class
of 1900 Law Scholarship Loan Fund.
Chrysler Gives $2,000
Dr. Walter P. Chrysler of New York
City gave $2,000 for the Department
of Mechanical Engineering for work
to be offered in the Institute of Me-
chanical Engineering in the coming
Summer Session.
Onethousand dollars was received
from the Community Fund of Detroit
for three scholarships in social work
in the Institute of Public and Social
Administration. These scholarships
are to be given this semester.
The Board in Control of Student
Publications presented the Regents
with $210.66, of which $156 is to go to
the Student Goodwill Aid Fund for
Men, and the rest to the Student
Goodwill Aid Fund for Women.
Women's Club Gives $169
The Ann Arbor Business and Pro-
fessional Women's Club gave $169
for the Ann Arbor Business and Pro-
Fear Polish Message a
Precipitate War As Troops
Mlass On Lithuarnan Line
Baltic 'Sore Spots' Bring New 'Crisis'
NS /
MUNICH "';-.
VIENNA r - .3
War looms on the Polish-Lithuanian border (1).rRelations have been
strained since the Poles seized. Vihia (2) 18 years ago. The Polish
corridor (3) is also a sore spot as is Memel (4), once a part of Germany.
Union Asks That University
Printers Observe Two Statutes
The Nazi flag of Germany replaced the emam v Austria as the
German embassy took over the Austrian legation in Washington. The
acquisition made the Germans next door neighbors to the Czechoslova-
kian legation (left). Hitler's speech yesterday indicated that the Germant
legation may grow even larger.
Fuehrer Tells Cheering Reichstag In Final Session
He Plans Still Bigger German Fatherland;
Calls For Elections On April 1
BERLIN, March 18.-(P)-Reichs-
fuehrer Adolf Hitler tonight held up
Austria's fate as an implied warning
to Czechoslovakia.,
He asked the Reichstag at its fare-
well meeting for "another four years
that I may complete the tasks ahead
in the greater Reich."
Before Hitler began his speech,
Field Marshall Hermann Wihelm
Goering as president of the Reich-
stag announced dissolution of that
body and called legislative elections
for the new Pan-Germany for April
That is the date of the plebiscite
for Austria to give approval of her
absorption by Germany.
Hitler thanked Premier Benito
Mussolini again for his approval of
the Austrian conquest and pledged:
"Italy's frontiers remain for us in-
violate. Behind tfhis word stands theI
German nation."
He pitied "the democracies" be-1
cause they did not understand his
move into Germany's southern neigh-
bor. a state which he said was "basedI
upon a stark violation of the right of
self-determination of the 6,500,000
people of German nationality."
Sneaking slowly and emphasizing
each word, the moulder and master
of the Greater Germany declared the
time was past when Germans just
across the border could be mistreat-
"There comes a time when it is
simply impossible for a self-respect-
ing nation to look on any longer," lie
Referring to his talk Feb. 12 at
Berchtesgader with Schuschnigg,
then Chancellor of Austria, he said
he explained "most earnestly" that
continued suppression of Nazi pa-
triots inevitably would result in rev-
olutionary uprisings which would
compel' Germany to intervene.
He said he had proposed to Schu-
schnigg a way out which would lead
to gradual internal pacification and
thus to reconciliation not only be-
tween Austrians but between the two fessional Women's Club Loan Fund,
German states, and $100 was presented by William
"However, I warned him it would P. Harris of Detroit to supplement
be my last attcnpt," he said. If the the William P. Harris research fund
Berchtesgaden agreement failed "I in the Museum of Zoo gy.- George
was determined to safeguard the S. Eddy of New York City gave $100
rights of German people in my home- towards a fund to enable L. A. Brown
land with those means which since of the William L. Clements Library to
time immemorial remained the do work on eastern maps.
means of last resort." Sabbatical leaves for the first se-
ITU Goes Before Regents ;
NLRB May Hear Case
March 31 At Union
Spokesmen for the International
Typographical Union which is con-
ducting a month-old strike against
the Ann Arbor Press, asked tfle e-'
gents yesterday to make every effort
to see that the firm doing University
printing lives up to the laws of Mich-
igan and the United States, Harry
A. Reifin, ITU representative said last
rates and working conditions "pre-
valent in the locality," and to the
Nat :onal Labor Relations Act, which
guarantees to employes the right of
self-organization and collective bar-
gaining. The Ann Arbor Press has
filed suit against the State of Michi-
gan in Ingham County Circuit Court
to test the constitutionality of Public
Act 153.
Meanwhile the Daily learned from
Harold Cranefield, NLRB attorney for
the seventh region, that no formal
complaint has been issued against
the local printing establishment, but
Contrasting with the Fuehrer's
bitterness against Schusch nigg was
his praise of Mussolini for the lat-
ter's neutrality during the German
march into Austria.
New Football
Staff To SpWeak
Srograit A I 'o Features
Band; Sigma Delta Chi
To Present Prizes
--Speeches by all meirZeis of Mich-
Ch os igan's new coaching staff, a drawing
s r to determine the winner of the Sigmia
Delta Chi lucky numbers awards, and
music by the Michigan band will
For lupp e e t comprie the prograin for "Crise r
Night," to be held at 8:00 p.m. Mon-
day in Hill Auditorium.
1 Rilerial t' or Ii rsI /5tW1' Sponsored by the Michigan 'Union,
wY "w 4 d Y UtIt# ay the event will introduce Coach Cris-
__ er to the campus and formally ii-i
'lic Uiversity's new literary itiate him into his post as head of
,.i U wive ntya new -Perspeytive.Michigan's football terra. Crisler
ne will be mnaed "Perspcctive," booklets will be sold before the rally
the Board in Contro of Student i lrot of l Audiun
P ub1icbaal oiJs decided I hursday. 'vitors' Opes Progra
it was also stipulated that for the The program, as arounced. will
present the magazine accept manu- be opened by "The Viet ors," played
scripts from students of the Univer- by the band, followed by Michigan
sity only. Material for publication cheers under the direction of Bob,
must be placed in the "Perspective" Canning. '39, head cheer-leader. jack
drawer at the Student Publications Thom, '38, president of the Union and a
Building by Tucsday. chairman of the event, will then in-
The first issue will be circulated troduce Michael Gornman, editor of
vratI is to s'rbscrtiberg of the Daily, the Flint Journal, who is to be inaslt ci
,rc .rild I a nominal charge to oth of ceremnonies for the evening.
"'rs oa hI vw weks from onor- Gorma n will take cha rge of iI i;
O )W program from then on and will ii-
lroduce F m'aiJ Martincari, new back-
field coach, who will bmake a short
Edalson Sunderland greeting to the crowd. The band will
r , er u play "Varsity," and then Clarence
?4'' *, Matnnt, new linec coach, will be ia-
----- troduced. Min's talk is to be fol-
'Thlit Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti lowed by yells, a"(d by the introduc-
branches of American Association of tion of the third member of Cris-
University Women will hold ajoint er's staff, Campbell llicksoi, end
1i n no n!A i t d in the Mich- Coach,
inester of next year were granted
Prof. Anson S. Hawley of the me-
chanical engineering department,
Prof. Louis D. Bredvold of the Eng-
lish department, Prof. Charles C.
Frieze of the English department,
Prof. F. W. Peterson of the English
department, Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of
the history department, Prof. J. W.
Bradshaw of the mathematics de-
partment, Prof. J. M. Cork of the
physics department, Prof. Anthony
Jobin of the French department, Prof.
George R. LaRue of the zoology de-
partment, Prof. Edwin Baker of the
chemical engineering department,
Prof. Clarence T. Johnson of the sur-
veying department, Prof. George E.
Myers of the education school, Prof.
t c±nucci on Page 3)
Japs Vulnerable,
'lo Import Ba i,
Pof. IHelliiSays
if f ftrIiu were traken in 7onlcrt
byt tGre~i t Brita in, the United States
,and Hollraid. .Japan would be un-
ursi rally vulnerable to both economic
-<ar ret ioiis wi clh wonuld keep her from
' * cutr ig vital1 rawxv materials and to sa
policy which would ban imports from
,Japan, in the opinion of Prof. Royal
G. Hall of Albion College,
JProfessorh a iI, an authority on the
con)oiiic sit ua Lion in Japan, has
spenr t. a rniunber of years in the Far
r 1I. He was ini Ann Arbor for the
Aca ,(Jo nly icetilngs.
_,ca s of low wa, a, well dc-
vc(,w)( iindustr'ial planut, andl its ge-
op,]-'Ia ici(aIl)posit~ion)in nrelation to
I'll 1)1: ( t,,.J;atp~Ll I fas )1 well able to rap-=
it fly i rasue ; it,,,;industrial production
in recentt yea lrs, he dleclared. Natural-
ly, this increase has also made Japan
miore depende it economnically iijjou
w)jwor ci orela ,1i (on shi ns of tra de.
"'Withlla ne control of its food
surpplies , .Japun iI Could apparenttly do
will ouat ihip rotedfood,'' Professor
Fl'ail p~ointedI out, but she liust im-
p~ort. Eat lea sfrone- quarter of her raw
mnaterials. Also, heer export trade is
(If praime importfance in that it en-
Dorms Answer
Room Trouble,
Ritliven HolIs
Student Sentiment Is Vital
In Securing l eFlunds
For Projected Dorumis
Contacted today both President
Ruthven and Dean Bursley declared
that regardless of the effect of what
are primarily temporary measures,
the present housing problem can only
be solved by the construction of dor-
Plans ar) being projected, and have
been for some time, for the con-
struction of dormitory facilities suf-
ficient to house the freshman class,
President Ruthven said. Work will
be begun as soon as the funds are
forthcoming, he said,
Dean Bursley Agrees
Dean Bursley concurred in assert-
ing that such attempts as the pro-
posed elimination of University-
backed contracts for upperclassmen
were only temporary and that more
dormitories held the key to the stu-
dent housing riddle. He expressed
the belief that the result of forcing
down room rents might lead to a
corresponding shrinkage in supply as
landladies now taking in roomers
found the returns not worth the sac-
rifice. Should the petition result in
such withdrawals it would aggravate
the situation, not solve it.
Declaring that ' eloquent stu"den I
sentiment might be of vital import-
ance in securing the funds for dormi-
tories, he urged that campus opinion
be concentrated upon the positive
phase of the problem.
Rent Will Be High
In my opinion, he said, the average
price of rooms will closely approxi-
Cranefield said last night, "might
possibly make the hearing unneces-
Governor Frank Murphy said at a
conference Monday that his adminis-
Ira tion was behind the union's ef-
forts to see Michigan Pubic Act No.
153 enforced, Reif in said.
The action of the strike committee'
and the progress of the strike were
unanimously approved at the meeting
last night of the ITU Local 154 in
Labor Hall. The membership unani-
mously approved retaining legal
counsel to intervene on the side of
the Sate in the Ann Arbor Press case
testing the constitutionality of Pub- I
lie Act No. 153.
Fifteen strikers asked to attend
the meeting of the Independent As-
sociation of Ann Arbor Press Em-
(Continued on Page 6)
Colds, Disease
Now Rampant,
13 race Asserts
Many colds and contagious diseases
this month indicate that March is
living up to its reputation as "one of
the busiest months" at the Health
Service, Dr. William M. Brace re-
ported yesterday.
Cases of both German and red
measles are being treated at the
11ealtli Service, Dr. Brace said, and
there have been several cases of
mumps among men students. One
Health Service patient has scarlet
Measles come in cycles of two or
three years, Dr. Brace said, and
"this year seems to be a measles
year." More than 75 cases have been
reported in Ann Arbor, according to
Dr. Brace, and "it is not surprising
that some students have it.
Any rash noticed should be re-
Th eeecswr oMcia that if a complaint is issued the
The references were tMihgnNLRB hearing will be held beginning
Public Act No. 153, requiring print- NLRBheaingthe nien.n
ing paid for by. the state to be pro- March 31 in the Union.
duced in a shop that maintains wage Mr. Cranefield will confer in Ann
-----__ _ -Arbor today with an attorney for the
Ann Arbor Press. "The conference,"
Barcelona Losses Reach
600 As Rebel Air Force
Resumes Attack.On City
Poland Demands
Renewed Relations
WARSAW, Poland, March 18-(P)
-The danger of war between Poland
and Lithuania hung over Europe to-
night more ominously than ever.
Peace depended on Lithuania's ac-
ceptance of a Polish ultimatum that
will expire at 3 p.m. (EST) tomorrow.
One Lithuanian offer already has
been rejected.
Poland, moving troops close to the
border, demanded that Lithuania re-
nounce any claim to Wilno, her his-
toric capital, and reestablish relations
with Poland that have been broken
for 18 years.
Therehas been no exchange of
diplomats and no traffic, either rail
or air, between the neighbors since
Poland seized Wilno and -about one-
third of Lithuania's territory Oct. 9,
This issue flared up anew over the
killing of a Polish guard March 11
on the frontier which Lithuania in-
sists merely is a demarcationmline.
Besides Germany, it was watched
with particular interest by Soviet
Russia and by the Little Baltic states
to the North-Latvia and Estonia-
who wondered whether they too,
would be sunk by a wave of terri-
torial re-arrangement Germany's
annexation of Austria set in motion,
A Polish Government communique
said Lithuania had made an unac-
ceptable offer to settle the border
incident by appointment of a mixed
A fevor of excitement swept PolAd
and vented itself throughout the day
in countless mass, demonstrations,
rallies and political meetings,
A climax came this afternoon at
Wilno, near the frontier and the bone
of contention, where hundreds of
thousands of impassioned Poles ac-
claimed Marshal Edward Smigly-
Rydz, Poland's strong man.
BARCELONA, Spain, March 18.--
(P--Insurgent bombers pitilessly
pounding Barcelona today raised the
toll of known dead in a 42-hour se-
ries of raids to 600 and the number
injured to 1,200.
Seven attacks today by 5 p.m.
(noon EST) alone killed more than
100 and wounded an estimated 150.
An unknown number of persons
lay buried in the wreckage of the
blood-soaked city which the Insur-
egnts converted from a gay capital
to one of mourning.
Eleven Given
Publications Board Makes.
Selections Public
Scholarships of $50 have been
awarded 11 students who managed
to earn scholastic averages of better
than "B" for four or more semesters
during which they were working on
one of the student publications, the
Board in Control announced yester-
. The 11 earned the highest col-
lective average which has been made
since the scholarships were founded
-248. The highest average to be
earned by a winner was 2,73, the low-
est 2.25.
Those who were given awards were
Betty Jean Gatward, '38, 'Ensian;
George S. Quick, '38, Gargoyle; Bud
Benjamin, '39; Daily sports; Philip
Buchen, '39, Daily business; Marcia
Connell, '39, Gargoyle; Saul It. Klei-
man, '39, Daily editorial; Mary Alice
MacKenzie, '39, Daily Women's staff;
Albert P. Mayio, '39, Daily editorial;
Robert Mitchell, '39, Daily editorial;
Robert Perlman, '39, Daily editorial,
and Jean A. Drake, '39, 'Ensian.
Betty Jean Gatward and George S.
Quick had previously won awards,
but kept their averages over "B" for
two additional semesters to again be-
come eligible,
Local Club Demonstrates
igan League.
The speaker for the afternoon will
be Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, pro-
Sig mi Delta Uhi lFootlialI
Drawings for the Slgma Delta Ch
autographed football and tickets for