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March 16, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-16

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'AGr1 ; '

THaEs- MI vCH.i ' AN DATT.V L'tIEP"L-1

,..,... a , ..,

Enery Deutsch

Will Replace Clyde

Lucas At



Dance Tickets Chic For Spring Canters itiations, Installments Announced
Still Available
At Union Desk In) 19 Fraternity.And Sorority Houses,
~ - 'I Alpha Delta Pi
Business Administration iThe new officers were installed the installation of the following of- pledging of Bruce Battey, '41E, of=
Schools Third Annual Monday. Edna Kandelin, '39, was ficers; Nancy DalI, '39, president; Rochester, N.Y.
elected president. The other officers Nancy Saibert, '39, recording secre- PHI SIGMA SIGMA
Formal Is March 25 Lare Frances Hubbs, '40, vice-presi- tary; Margaret Cram. '39, rushing Professor and Mrs. Preston Slos-
Emery Deutsch and his orchestradentMary;nWeiss'4,coresond chairman; Mary Jane Frye, '39, social were guests at Phi Sigma at their
Emry DeLuc and his "Cl ords..ing secretary; Marion CAnde, 41, re- hairman; Jane Hart, '40, correspond- monthly dinner. A fireside discus
ifornia Dons" previously announced '3 atrgerer;MadlainWestning secretary; Earle Dodge, '4, treas- sio followed dinner
as the band to play for the third an- urer; Betty Hill, '40, registrar. SIGMA PHI EPSILON
dorf. '40, rushing chairman; and Mil- Tl im h pio none h
nual Capitalist Ball to be held March drdMcrhuh'9eouemngr sorority also announces the
' }nlatBlo e l c ded MacArthur 39, house manager. ied go yaenone Sigma Phi Epsilon announces th
25 in the Union Ballroom, William itA#: ESIONPH peldging of Mary Carey, '40, of Pitts-pldigo Wlia As,'1D-
Shaw, 39BAd., publicity chairman, Alpha Epsilon Phi announces the burgh, Pa. troit; Martin Cover, '41E, Dearborn;
announced yesterday. initiation of Joan Harris, '41, Elinor LAMBDA CHI ALPhA Wadsworth Kaye, Jr., '40, Paw Paw;
"The contract with Clyde Lucas :Y * . Harris, '41, Elizabeth Lipton, '41, IDor, Lambda Chi Alpha announces theGordon Moody, '40E, Highland Park
and his iforniaions ts b ok is Wechsler, '41, Miriam Weinberg, installation of the following officers: Clarence Sahlin, '40, Ironwood; Wil-
Mr. S aw said, "but th Business 40, Marcia Wilkes, '41, and Marcia Morgan Gibbs, '39 epresident;;Charles iam Stuck, '41, Mt. Clemens; Werner
With warm weather returningSharfman, '41. . K ' 99 - Wulf, '39E, Highland Park; William
Administration School feels it has Wihwr°ethrrtr 'g ALPHA OMICRON II ad Knowe, '39E, secretary; Elmer'Povall, 40, Toledo, Ohio and William
found a worthy successor in Emery you really do something about the A HSCloot,,'3IEeser aRy'n
Alpha Omicron Pi announces the ht, '9, treae and Roy S. Harry Reid, Jr., '40E, Detroit.
Deutsch." riding you've thought about for soNef'4,scachimn
Emery Deutsch and his band have long, and a single-breasted jacket pledging of Mary Jane Lange 4SM N 4 c aTHETA DELTA CHI
played at the Book-Cadillac in De- like this one is ideal: wool to keep of Wichita, Kan. PHI KAPPA TAU Theta Delta Chi announces the
troit, the Netherland Plaza Hotel in out the early spring winds, and ALPHA PHI Phi Kappa Tau announces the in-pledging of Marion Bradbury, '40,
Cincinnati, O., and Radio City in New smart in plaid with its wide lapels, Alpha Phi announces the pledging stallation of the following officers: (Continued on Page 6)
York City. At present they are 1- to keep up your reputation as a of Freda VanderVene, '39. The sor- William Barr, '40, president; Her- - - -
cated in New York City but they will well-dressed woman on campus. ority is also giving a faculty tea to- bert Pieller, '40, vice-president; Rich- -___-____
fly out to Ann Arbor for the dance, day to which 134 faculty members are ard Jay, '39, treasurer; Ben Marino,
according to Chester Shelly, '39BAd., invited. 40, social chairman and Philip Steph-
and James McCollum, '39BAd., co- Ilave CHI OMEGA enson, '40, recording secretary.
chairmen. Mr. Deutsch is the com- ,Chi Omega announces the initia- The fraternity also announces the
" r tion of Ellen St. John, '41; Jane Ann I pledging of Thomas Coleman, '41, of
Moon.''fhsgSru ot Visscher, '41; Yvonne Westrate, '41;
The tickets priced at two dollars Rhea, Jane Easton, '40; Suzanne Mor- PHI RHO SIGMA
per couple are going rapidly, said F 1gan, '41; Ruth Davis, '41; and Betty Phi Rho Sigma announces the in-
pe cou H y ard, gB a d,aidke ate ioeL S Jane Swift, '41. stallation of the following officers:
committee, but there are still some The following officers were installed Leo B. Rasmussen, '39M, president;
available at the Union desk. The Two questions have been suggested recently: Jeannette Beck, '39, presi- Sheldon R. Newcomer, '39M, vice-
sale is open to all students on cam- for the women's intramural debates, dent; Faith Watkins, '39: vice-presi- president; Donald S. Patterson, '40M,
pus, he added. Miss Olive Lockwood, faculty adviser dent; Doris Scott, '40, secretary; and corresponding secretary and Robert
for the activity, announced yesterday. Doris Vogel, '39, rushing chairman. H. Davies, '41M, recorder.
T swt s s dDELTA TAU DELTA The fraternity also announces the
The firstquyPrepareness eislvte Delta Tau Delta initiated the fol- pledging of Robert Ziegler, '41M, of Music
Z Way to Peace" and the second is, Re- lowing recently: William Beatty, '41; Birmingham.AP
F'J. .PhcGeorgeConell'41AfredDub'40;PHI SIGMA KAPPA
{o 9. * solved: That Intercollegiate Athletics Nevin Jamieson, '41; Merrill Johnson, PhbimyKpaanone h
should be Subsidized.'' From these two '41 Bradford Laughlin, '41; Edward Phi Sigma Kappa announces the
questions the women who are plan-i '41; William Vollmer, '41; Hans intiation of Harold Weckler, '38E; CHARLIE
Fing to debate are to decide which eRidch1; W4llandVJmes4WHnlrRobert Hartnett, '39; Ricard North-
F one they prefer. Miss Lockwood said ,W4i way, 41; Harold McGregor, '39E'
Rehearsals Announced that the decision will be made at a 1. Robert Benford, '40E; and HallecC
mass meeting of all the debaters to K A H EFry, '40
Charlie Zwick and his orchestra be held next week. Kappa Alpha Theta announces the The fraternity also announces the
have been contracted to play for. the The names of those women who installation of the following officers:
1938 Junior Girls Play, "The Mul- wish to debate must be handed in by Betty Shaffer, '39, president; Sybil
berry Bush," it was announced yester- 4 p.m. tomorrow, Helen Jean Dean Svartout, '39, vice-president; Mary
day by Roberta Chissus, general '39, co-chairman of the committe' Gies, '39, recording secretary; Har-
chairman. in charge, announced recently. Tiereriet Sharkey, '40, corersponding secre-
Zwick furnished the music for the will be a box for this purpose in the tary; Janet Fullenwider, '39, treasur-
production last year, "Feather in His Undergraduate Office of the League. er; Jean Rutherford, '40, social chair-
Cap, an plas a theLeaue bll- The debates are to begin after1 KAPPA DELTAII 4 3f KU E dI
room. "The Mulberry Bush," a mus- Spring vacation and will be run offmB a n k .h e
ical comedy, written by Jean Keller in successive weeks Kappa Delta announces the intia-
and Russell McCracken, includes 1on of the following: Helen May Gas-
many songs and dances.- ser, '40; Gertrude French, '41; Ann,
The final schedule of rehearsalsA !r ~cCarthy, '40; Alice Hopkins, 40;E'*d ~ tEi'u~
was announced by Sarah Pierce, who .A W i ionor 1 Elizabeth Emswiler, '41; FrancesCar
Ls directing the production. The apart-~ rr r-1y Carlisle, '40; and Margaret Woodruff,
ment scene with the madrigal singers ,hree Lones Today '41. Miss Frances Jones, national
will be rehearsed at 4:30 p.m. todayivice-president, attended the intiation
in the Garden Room at the League. Zones III, IV and V are invited by ceremony.
The whole cast with the exception the Women's Athletic Association to a KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA TO A CERTAIN EXTENT Prosperityi
of the secretaries andaservants must team to be given at 4:30 p.m. today Kappa Kappa Gamma announces
be at rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, at the W.A.A. Building, VirginiaAl-_-- -- --- -- two institutons. The bank functions
March 19. The secretaries and ser- len, '39, chairman of the affair, an-ac
vants should come at 9:30 p.m. At nounced. reservations tive business activity, contributingt
7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 20, the This tea is one of a series which theweias n rEnd Tay ing andbuying power. The newspap
Mendelssohn Theatre. s league house zones to interest them ___T__En the eatn ne
Dress rehearsals will be held Mon- in women's athletic activities. The on the community, creating new desi
day and Tuesday nights of next week. party will be in the form of a St.! Tables For League Stle
[f anyone is planning to be absent Patrick's Day entertainment and helping merchandisers to market th
from practice Saturday or Sunday there will be old fashioned dancing Show ro Be Reserved
they should leave the cast immediate- and games. Reservationsby sororities far tables
ly as it is absolutely necessary tlat Virginia Mulholland, '39, is in eevagin btyle sow, fo bes
everyone be present, Miss Chissus charge of the entertainment and at the League Style Show, to be held
tte.Ruth Smith, '40, is chairman of the frou e omstob5:30i p.m. a, Friday atrd the
stated. L mtHarthi a eu:3 o5 m FdacaCA RLOA DS of raw ma teriaI and f in i
The ushers committee will meet at invitations. Harriet Sharkey, 40, is e t d, oi
1:30 p.m. today at the League. The taking care of the food.I charge. ucts roll in dout AnnA
properties committee will hold a I These reservations can be made

Prof. Slosson To Speak Tea Room or the- League. Professor
Slossonswilsspenk inormally o
At Graduate Luncheon "Great Power Doiomacy
Prof. Prestonoslbson of the his- Prof. Carl Guthe, director of'the
tory department will be the speaker'j University museums, spoke on "The
at the Graduate Luncheon which will Chronological Records of the Maya
be held at noon today in the Russian Indians," at the luncheon last week.
"Hats That Are Different"
SUIT HATS-of Pedaline . . . . . 3.00 to 3.50
SEMI-DRESS HATS . . . . . . . 3.00 to 5.00
DRESS HATS Handmade . . . . 5.00 to 10.00
Copies or Exclusive Designs in Fabrics,
Straw or Felt made to order.
227 South State Street Phone 2-1416
E ood year'S






at 8:00 P.M.



in a democratic nation

is built


as a means of stimulating construc-
the entire community greater earn-
r serves as a psychological influence
res, inspiring public confidence, and
~it goods.

shed prod-

meeting at 4 p.m. tomorrow. The
publicity committee will meet at 5
p.m. tomorrow.
Mc Cormch
Petitions Due,
Petitioning for the three Ethel Mc-1
Cormick scholarships will end today,
Angelene Maliszewski, '38, head of
Judiciary Council, announced yester-
Petitions will be available all day
in the Undergrad Office of the League.
Two letters of recommendation, ad-
dressed to Hope Hartwig, '38, presi-
dent of the League, are required of
each woman petitioning, Miss Mahis-
zewski said.
Interviews will be held from 4 to
5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 24, at the
League. Miss Maliszewski said that
it will be necessary for each person
petitioning to be interviewed at that
The qualifications for these three
scholarships are that the students
participate in extra-curricular activ-
ities, maintain a 1.7 scholastic average
and be in need of the money.
Basketball Teai.
To Play Columbia
The basketball team of which Sally

Dormitory Holds Annual
Faculty Tea Tomorrow
The annual faculty tea of Helen
Newberry Residence will be at 4 p.m.j
tomorrow in the dormitory, accord-
ing to announcement made yesterday
by Helen Jane Barr, '38, social chair-
Those in the receiving line will be
Dean Alice M. Lloyd, Miss Ruth L.
Danielson, Miss Eilen Mann and
Norma Curtis, '39. Mrs. Arthur W.
Bromage and Mrs. J. G. Hays will
;;;;;;; --

w ith Miss Ethel McCormick, socialI
director of the League, or with Miss
Gatward. There will be no admis-
sion charge but guests will be able
to order refreshments. Tables will be
set up in the Ballroom, Ethel Foun-
tain Hussey Room., Concourse and
Grand Rapids Room.
Clothes for the show are donated
to the League by a Detroit shop, and
the owner will give 10 cents to the
League for every person present. For-
mal gowns, sport dresses, afternoon
dresses, suits, negligees lounging pa-
jamas and house coats will be mod-

work for hundreds of men a small store
improves its service with new equipment. The
operation and improvement of businesses both
large and small is oftentimes carried on and
speeded-up through banking services.

build the home they have

Speed (

..., , ' ' , r
O e ..r -.. _ Q
"4 Y
, ~

so long dreamed of - an aged man and his
wife are saved from want through the prudence
of an earlier day. Not only is the bank impor-
tant to the business man and financier, but by
means of the personal loan and savings facil-
ities it extends its help to every member of the

A 4 x 5 Speed Graphic Camera, with
f. 4.5 Zeiss Tessar lense and Compur
Shutter will be sold to the highest bidder.
List price $125.00. Cannot be distin-
guished from new camera. Leave name,
address and bid at Board office in Student

BOTH the bank and the newspaper are institutions built for service.



the course of our economic development they have become vitally con-
cerned with the welfare of the community. For that reason they deserve
the whole-hearted support of those whom they seek to serve.


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