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March 16, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-16

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" _


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studer* Publications.
Pubtshed every morning except MondAy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assocated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
EzV.,red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,.Michigan as
Second. class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$40M; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegate Press, 1937.38
College Pubhlishers Representative
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults,' but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Passing
Of Clarence Darrow . .
passed - Clarence Darrow, great
criminal lawyer and Michigan alumnus, is no
more. The man who believed that it was not
for him to judge a man, but rather to defend
him, died at the age of 80, Sunday, March 13.
Darrow entered the profession of law as gen-
eral counsel for the Chicago and Northwestern
system, but decided to give up this profitable
practice at the age of 37. He then entered an
entirely new field, criminal law, when Eugene
V. Debs, charged by the government with con-
spiracy to help the American Railway Union ob-
viate a Federal injunction against union activ-
ities, sought his aid. Then and there, Darrow
assumed the role which he loved above all else:
attorney for the defense. The government dis-
mised the criminal conspiracy charge against
Debs when a juror's illness haltedthe trial. The
remaining 11 jurors reported themselves as 10 to
1 for acquittal.
Thus began Darrow's defense of the underdog.
Among the other cases were those involving Hay-
wood, the McNamaras, Loeb and Leopold, Scopes
and the Massies-all of which set legal precedent.
In 1907 he successfully defended "Big Bill"
Haywood, radical leader, and two associates, Pet-
tibone and Moyer, for the alleged murder of
former Governor Steunenburg of Idaho during a
strike. William E. Borah, now Senator, was the
special prosecutor. It was expected that be-
cause Haywood was a socialist and the forerunner
of I.W.W. ideology he would be convicted of the
murder of the governor during a strike. However,
Darrow triumphed and Haywood was not con-
In 1911 Darrow himself went on trial on a
charge growing out of his defense of the Mc-
Namara brothers, charged with the bombing of
the Los Angeles Times Building. The McNa-
maras, union leaders, were charged with being
involved in a widespread plot to dynamite struc-
tures all over the country that were being built

by non-union labor. Darrow was accused of
jury-bribing, but was acquitted when no jury
could find him guilty. Darrow was always a
friend of the worker.
One of his most famous trials-where his
caustic wit had the greatest free play-was in
the famous Scopes trial July, 1925 in Dayton,
Tennessee. John Thomas Scopes, school teacher,
was tried for violation of the Tennessee anti-
evolution statute.
William Jennings Bryan, prosecuting attorney,
took the stand to refute the religious arguments
of the agnostic Darrow. The latter questioned
Bryan, on the witness chair, about his iron-
bound belief on the literal unerringness of the
Bible. He asked Bryan such questions as:
"How do you think that the snake walked
before it got down on its belly?" and to question
the Bible's statement that the flood killed all
living things which were not in the Ark, "Do you
believe all the fishes of the sea were drowned
in the deluge?"
At one time Darrow got so vitriolic, that he
forgot to be subtle and the Court cited him

ciates got $130,000 for defending Loeb and Leo-
pold for the vicious murder of little Bobby Franks.
Leopold, who at the time was studying at the
University Law School, and Loeb were the sons
of very rich families. They had no defense, but
it was expected that Darrow would try to free
them in some way. It was a great surprise when
Darrow entered a plea of guilty. However, he so
lucidly showed that they were suffering from
mental deficiencies and were just as liable to
pity as a physical cripple that he succeeded in
getting the Court to grant life imprisonment
instead of death. Not one of Darrow's clients
ever was punished with death.
Of Darrow's private life, the most predomi-
nant factor was his poor health-he suffered
many nervous breakdowns. He studied originally
at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania, but came
to Law School here in 1877. Thus, Clarence Dar-
row's death is to be mourned as the curtail-
ment of the career of a great Michigan alumnus
as well as thatlof a great public benefactor and
friend of the laboring man.
Earl R. Gilman.
Education In
Rebel Spain.
A SHORT TIME AGO newspaper read-
ers were startled to learn that "The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer" had been banned
in Brazil as Communistic. It comes as some-
what of a shock, therefore, to hear that the
list of forbidden literature in Rebel Spain includes
the works of Stendahl, Gautier, Carlyle, Dumas,
Flaubert, Dostoievski, Balzac and several Span-
ish writers.
One of the best known of the latter, Pio Barojo,
is claimed by the Rebels as a sympathizer. Some
of his works, however, contain indictments of the
Spanish land-holding and ruling class, and are
therefore unfit reading for the people of Spain.
The recent Papal encyclical concerning the
persecution of Catholics in Germany is also con-
sidered unhealthful literature in Insurgent terri-
tory. The Pope, according to reports, had di-
rected that this and a number of other recent
Vatican pronouncements should be publicly read
in Spain, but Gen. Franco ordered it withheld
until instructions from Berlin could be obtained.
The Hitler government refused permission to cir-
culate the offending encyclical, and consequently
it has been officially blue-penciled by the Burgos
Regular education marches lock-step in fas-
cist Spain. The school teachers of conquered
Bilbao, former Basque capital, wear a prescribed
uniform of Falangist (fascist) colors. Men teach-
ers carry swords as part of their academic para-
Education is regarded with sspicion and dis-
trust in totalitarian states, and is carried on only
in the most narrow and restricted sense and
its conduct placed in the hands of only the most
reliable agencies, the government propaganda
bureau, the army or, a hand-picked educational
corps. And even these are not always trusted.
Joseph Gies.
Spring Minus
Bock For Germany ...
T HE GERMANS have now completely
broken with the past; they have
plunged to the depths of a crass, materialistic
society; they no longer have their Bock Beer!
The German today is thus no longer a Nordic
German, Hitler to the contrary; he is no longer
the German who could forget the material world
in "Old Heidelberg" with a bevy and a Bock
and an imagination. The Germany of the past
is now a luxury to be dreamed of, happiness to
be wished for.
In no more forceful way could the sweeping
change in Germany be dramatized than to pic-
ture the German holding a gun instead of a
stein. Bock Beer, as well as its underlying prod-
uct, has been banned by Der Fuehrer throughout
the Reich, except for export purposes, because of
the necessity for preserving the barley for other
Whereas in the old days Bock Beer heralded
the return of Spring, today the acquisition of
new territory ushers in "the Spring" in the words
of Germany's No. 2 war-horse, Gen. Goering. The
annexation of Austria means "Spring has come

to Germany. God grant that eternal summer
Imagine a German looking forward to the
Summer without his Bock stein in the Spring!
Irving Silverman.
Nazi Calisthenics
To the Editor:
The other day there appeared in the Daily a
report of a talk given at the Michigan League
by a graduate exchange student from Germany.
I quote from the article, "Berg declared that,
contrary to common belief, the Storm Troopers
are not a militaristic organization but a political
and sport group to give people, especially the
poorer class, an opportunity for continuous exer-
cise in sports."
If we are to take this statement at face value
the ideal German sports today must be military
drilling, and then that most delightful "con-
tinuous exercise" in the sport of beating Jews,
Catholics, Protestants, and all who have the
spark of humanity and courage still unsmothered
and protest the outrage against their people
which is Naziism. It is, of course, easy to under-
stand der Fuehrer blessing the aforementioned
sports as morally uplifting for the German people,

Ifeeinrto Me
Heywood Broun
This year I have been rooting for spring as if it
were a race horse coming down the stretch. I
want to get back to chopping trees instead of
splitting checks. And I long to fumble with the
weeds and radishes.
It seems as if the new season were just around
the corner. The trees in the alley back of the
hotel have put out no foliage, but there are
blossoms already in view
upon the sport pages. Second
Ruths have been found in the
training camps of Florida,
and Joe McCarthy announces
that he has rookies fully cap-
able of replacing Gehrig and
Di Maggio. Each year the
spring wonders of the big
leagues come out and get
nipped by some early frost.
but the legends are pleasant and only go to prove
that hope springs eternally in the saplings and
the heart of man.
There is something peculiarly appropriate in
setting baseball camps in Florida, for here the
veterans, go seeking that same life-giving stream.
which Ponce de Leon never found.
And each baseball writer is himself potentially
a discoverer. Accordingly ,it surprises me to ob-
serve that no member of the fraternity has yet
come across the greatest pitcher of all time. He
is resident in Florida at the moment. In fact,
the Boston Red Sox are training within a mile
of his home.
* * *
The American Speed King
Here is a newcomer with more speed on his
fast one than Walter Johnson ever knew..More-
over, I believe the candiate I have in mind
will never lose an argument to any umpire. This
is important, because the rookie possibly is more
of a thrower at the moment than a pitcher. I've
seen his speed, but I'm not sure of his control.
The scouts find him readily enough, because
he is living in a cage in the winter quarters of the
Ringling Circus. Naturally, I refer to the large
gorilla who goes by the name of Gargantua the
Great. When I was in Sarasota I suggested to
John Ringling North that he give the big playful
fellow a baseball to fool around with before
Yawkey arrived with the rest of the menagerie
known as the Red Sox. North demurred. "He
might injure some tourist or even me," said
There was something of prophecy in this, for
a little later the ape took hold of the Yale man's
arm and mussed him up with a flying tackle. But'
nobody has ever questioned Gargantua's poten-
tialities for football. Right now he is almost
good enough to become a first string substitute
on the Harvard team.
His diamond prowess is still a matter of con-
jecture. But some evidence is already in. I my-
self saw Gargantua practically fell a young lady
with nothing more than a dried banana skin. He
merely dusted her off around the ear. This might
not appeal sufficiently to a scout, because the
young lady is a friend of mine and, being used
to nothing but loving kindness, it may be that
she has no ability to stand up under punishment.
From One Who Knows
On the other hand, I have been batted around
a lot all through my life, and Gargantua knocked
me against the ropes with nothing more than a
swiftly hurled whisp of hay. If addressed to, him
there would be real meaning in the familiar re-
mark, "You could have floored me with a plume."
But John North has even more concrete proof
of the ape's ability. He was idling outside the
cage one day (I mean the Yale man and not
the monkey) when Gargantua suddenly hurled
half a carrot at his head.
The ape had saved it for just this purpose.
And that represented both character and pre-
meditation upon the part of the monster. Gar-
gantua loves carrots, but he hates Yale men
even more. And so he had practically starved
himself just in the hope of beaning his boss. Such

instincts, of course, are known only among the
lower mammals.
New Haven traffic being what it-is, young North
learned to dodge as an undergraduate. He ducked
the fast one. And that half carrot tore its way
through six inches of pine board. That
is the story told by John Ringling North, and
naturally a Yale man and the head of a circus
would never lie.
He feels that he had a narrow escape. "If
that carrot had hit me squarely between the
eyes," he said, "it might have bruised me rather
And so if the Red Sox decide to sign up Gaiu
gantua he might mow down some of the players.
Yet in the case of any man, and particularly
in respect to the Red Sox veterans, it is only fair
to observe that no man can expect to live forever.
Some of Mr. Yawkey's pensioners might prefer
the one swift thrust rather than the slow dissolu-
tion of the Southern League and points West.
Some little confusion might arise if-Gargantua
becomes a professional pitcher. But I think I
know an easy way out. It would merely be neces-
sary to tie a red ribbon around the head of the
big brute.
Because of an error, a line was l.eft out of the
initial paragraph of Prof. Kenneth Rowe's letter
to the editor which appeared in yesterday's Daily.
The first paragraph should have read:
As a result of some journalistic accident be-
tween Mr. Kiell's writing and the -printing in
Sunday's Daily of an interview with me on the
National Arts Conference and the Coffee Bill, the
emphasis intended was exactly reversed. The

In the inquiry being made by the Fubiication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Regents into the character and cost University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
of public education in the State of until M;:00a i. on Saturday.
New York there is a discussion of the
proper size for a school district. The (Continued from Page 2) today at 12 o'clock, in the Russin
conclusion reached after conferences - -- Tea Room of the Michigan League.
with school administrators, board ing Society will be held Thursday,
members, teachers, parents, taxpayers March 17, at 8 p.m. in the Detroit Le-Cafeteria service. Professor Glenn
and others is embodied in the follow-I land Hotel. Mr. R. W. Brendle of McGeoch of the School of Music will
ing recommendations: the Great Lakes Engineering Worksi speak informally on "Music Apprecia-
Every school district should: will present an illustrated talk on tion."
1. Contain enough children -so that The All-Welded Freighters, "Green
a well balanced, elementary and high Island" and "Norfolk." These ships' Pi Tau Sigma: Delta chapter of
school program can be maintained were built in the yards of the speak- Pi Tau Sigma wil meet tonight at
economically; t er's company, at Ecorse, Mich. 7:30 p.m. in Room 301 of the Eng
2. Be so arranged geographically T Bldg. Annex.
that schools may be conveniently lo- ~ Those members of the class desir- Bd.Anx
atd sndhtrnspotaytonweie neo-ing to attend this meeting should ad-
cated and transportation, where nec- vise the course instructors not later Lenten Services are being held this
essary, easily arranged without re- :han 5 p.m., Wednesday. Transpor- evening in Trinity Lutheran Church
quiring long routes tation will be provided leaving corner of Fifth Ave. and Williams St.
3. Contain sufficient assessed valu- Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Sermon will be on Part: 3 "Friend,
ation and taxpaying capacity to carry (_wherefore art thou come?" Services
the bulk of the school program. are at 7:30, p.m.
4. Coincide as far as possible with Exhibitions
the natural community boundaries Exhibition, College of Architecture: The Radio Club will meet tonight
and, where possible, with local gov- Examples of engraving, typography, in the Michigan Union. There-will be
ernments units, so that cooperative printing in black-and-white and a "Code Contest;" and general dis-
seve color, details in the manufacturing cussion. Everybody is invited.
ly in connection with health, trafic of a book, and details in the design
control, planning, recreation, the and make-up of a magazine. Shown Congress: There will be a district
joint use of plant, and proper man- through the courtesy of The Lakeside council meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in
agement of the public debt; Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com- Room 306 of the Union. All presi-
5. Keep the schools and the govern- pany, Chicago. Ground floor cases, dents 'who can not attend will' please
ment of the schools close to the peo- Architectural Building. Open daily send their secretaries.
ple, so that the citizens generally, in- 9 to 5, through April 7. The public
eluding the parents and the taxpay- is cordially invited. Publicity Committee of the League
ers, may know what their schools are meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday. All
doing, may have an effective voice in Exhibition of Ink Rubbings of Han members must be present.
the school program, and may partici- Dynasty Tomb Reliefs from Wu-
pate in the community use of the Liang-Tsu. Monday, March 14 to Mimes: There will be a short meet-
school building. Saturday, March 26, week-days, 2 to ing of Mimes in Room 302 of the
Of these the last two factors are 5 p.m., West Gallery, Alumni Me- Union tonight at 8:30 p.m.
named as of first-rate educational sig- morial Hall.
nificance and "are not to be sacrificed Phi Sigma Meeting tonight at 8
in the interest of efficiency." If the The Ann Arbor Art Association pre- p.m., in Room 2116 N.S. Building.
schools are not kept close to the sents two print exhibitions, work by Dr. N. R. F. Maier of the Psy-
people, and within the natural com- the Chicago Society of Etchers and chology Department will speak on
munity boundaries, we shall find in a by the American Artists Group of "The Use of Brain Extirpation in the
generation that "something of deep New York, March 15 through 27, in Analysis of Behavior."
significance which money cannot buy the North and South Galleries of Al-
has been edstroyed." 'umni Memorial Hall. Open daily, in- Michigan Dames Drama Group:
Most of the rural districts were laid eluding Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m., free to Regular monthly meeting tonight at
out considerably more than a 100 students andl to members. 8 p.m. in the League. A play will be


years ago (1812). A law permitting
consolidation of common school dis-
tricts was passed in 1913, but little
change was made till the Legislature
of 1925 increased the regular State aid
and met a portion of the cost of trans-
portation of pupils and the construc-
tion of the Central School. The plan
of action must now be "to make the
full use of the democratic process" so
that when the new boundaries are
drawn they will local sentiments, con-
form to community needs and lessen'
disparities in economic resources.
"Everywhere one goes," according tol
the preliminary report, the schoolsI
are known as "our schools." It is,
vitally important that the local in-
terest and community pride be main-
tained and advanced within the bord;
ers of the new districts.
New York Times.
For the 987th time someone has
brought to Mr. W. J. Lichtenwanger's
attention the very general and the-
oretical argument between swing and
the classics, which, in more pedantic
terms, is the fight between jazz on
one side and the romantic, classical
o"A n~nr nnthe other

Exhibit of Photographs of Botanical
Subjects: The Botanical Section of
I the Michigan Academy will have an
exhibit of photographs in Room 3004
Natural Science Building Friday,
March 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sat-
urday, March 19, 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.
The public is cordially invited.
i La Sociedad Hispanica will pre-
sent the fourth lecture in its series
Wednesday, March 16, at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 103 Romance Language Bld.
Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon will lecture
on "Unos Romances Espanoles." All
members are urged to be present.
Tickets for the public available at
the door.-
Chemistry Lecture: Prof. Louis F.
Fieser, of Harvard University, will
speak on "Cancer-Producing Hydro-
carbons," at 4:15 p.m., Thursday,
March 17, in Chemistry Amphithe-
atre, under the auspices of the U. of
M. Section of the American Chem-
ical Society.
Uaiversity Lecture: Dr. Michael
Heidelberger, Associate Professor of
Biological Chemistry, Columbia Uni-
versity College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, will lecture on "Recent Chemi-
cal Theories of Immune Reactions

But ismtere nyrgumentWevand Some Practical Applications," on
But is there any argument? (We've Friday, March 18, in Room 1528 East
been asking ourselves this question Medical Building at 8 p.m., under the
for the past 45 minutes, now and then auspices of the University and the
I the answer comes out "No" every Michigan Department of Health. The
time). Mr. Lichtenwanger, however, public is cordially invited.
seemed to infer that there was such
an argument as he dwelt heavily- Public Lecture: "Graeco-Buddhist
and well-on the reasons why he Sculpture: Its Place in Far Eastern
could not appreciate swing. We bear Art," by Mr. James M. Plummer. Il-
no grudge against Mr. Lichtenwang- lustrated with slides. Sponsored by
er: different sounds have different the Research Seminary in Islamic
appeals to the normal ear. (The nor- Art. Monday, March 21, 4:15 in
mal ear, we might add, is one that R TAm nnT-t AAi


ead with Mrs. W. Adrion acting as
chairman. All Dames and their guests
are cordially invited.
Progressive Club Social Committee:
Meeting in the League today at 3:30
for the Spanish Fiesta. All members
of the committee are requested to be
Hiawatha Club: The meeting sched-
uled for this evening has been post-
poned until next Monday.
University of Michigan Flying Club.
There will be a meeting of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Flying Club, tonight
at 7:15 p.m., at the Michigan Union.
This is an organization meeting,
and the data will be compiled, con-
cerning the Loening Trophy; for
which we are eligible. Bring your
log books.
Junior Girls Play: The apartment
scene with the madrigal singers will
be rehearsed at 4:30 p.m. today in
the Garden Room at the League.
Junior Girls Play: The ushers copm-
mittee will meet at 4:30 p.m. today
at the League.
Coming Events
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon,
March 17, in the Observatory lecture
Mr. Herbert R. J. Grosch will speak
on "Density Distribution in Distorted
Stellar Configurations." Tea will be
served at 4 o'clock.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a meeting of the
Student Branch of the Institute of
the Aeronautical Sciences on Thurs-
day evening, March 17, at 7:30' pm.,
in Room 1042 East Engineering, Bldg.
Mr. E. W. Conlon, who has been with
Sikorskiy Aircraft for several' years,
will speak on his experiences in' avia-
tion from an engineering standpoint.
Refreshments will be served: Every-
body welcome.
La Sociedad Hispanica announces
"Noche Mejicana" (Mexican Night),
a program of Mexican songs sung
and played by a group of native
Mexicans, Thursday, March 17, 8
p.m., at the Union. All those interest-
ed are invited. No admission charge.
Mr. Arthur Dunham, Professor of
Community Organization, of the In-
stitute of Public and Social Admin-
istration, will lead the discussion at
the Association Fireside, 8 o'clock
Thursday evening at Lane Hall
The topic will be "The Background
of Social Agencies." All persons go-
ing on the Reconciliation Trip to De-
troit on Saturday are required to be
at this meeting.
Interfraternity Council Tryouts: All
eligible second semester sophomores
interested in trying out for the Coun-
cil are to report Monday, March 21,
in Room 306, Michigan Union, at 5
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at Lane Hall at 2:45 Sunday after-
noon and will go hiking and bicycling.
In case of inclement weather the
group will go to the Coliseum for skat-

jtGVI L, r 111 YC~1~iilil. 10-
adheres rather closely to the head mission free.
and LOOKS like an ear). The ma- is f
jority, we are certain, would admit, Ev tsTod y
that in color, harmony, rhythm and Eves
the other musical qualities the classi- Research Club. Will meet tonight
cal school is unquestionably superior. at 8 p.m., in Room 2528, East Medical
It has always been our contention Building. Program: Professor W. H.
that the real trouble lies within the Hobbs. "The Discoveries of Antarctica
swing group and not between any as revealed by newly found maps and
types of music. documents"; Professor F. K. Sparrow,
1Genuine rioting among the swing ''Aquatic Fungi.''
fans comes when such a person as The Council will not meet this
Miss Mary Biondi tells Detroit Free month.
Press readers: "To those who write in
saying they do not like swing, I have Forestry Club Meeting, today, 7:301
this to say: You have never heard p.m., Room 2054 Nat. Sc. Bldg. Prof.
swing. What you are thinking of E. M. Hoover wil ltalk on "The Ec-
is probably some tin-horn orchestra . onomics of Industrial Location," with
playing 'modified jazz' and calling it special reference to the pulpwood in-
MUSIC. Listen to GUY LOMBARDO, Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
who really plays TR pi swing, andmeet in Room 122, Chemistry Build-
you'll change youropiarnBionding today at 4:15 p.m. Dr. L. O. Case
Mary Biondi." will speak on "Planck's formulation
And then again Miss Biondi may of the principle of Le Chatelier."
T be anti-pacifistic. Who knows?
University Girls' Glee Club: There
Sees Libr'ar Work will be a regular rehearsal tonight at
Jthe league at 7:15. All members must
As A Limited Fiehi be present. Please be prompt. Im-
portant announcement.

Emphasizing the limited field of
library science in contrast to other
professions, Dr. William W. Bishop,
librarian, warned students that
they could not hope to create new
jobs for themselves as librarians, butf
must depend upon already estab-
lished institutions for their liveli-

A.S.M.E. Spring Smoker tonight at
7:30 in the Union. Dr.. A. J. Eardley
will talk on "The Relation of Geology
to Engineering." All students in-
terested invited to attend. Refresh-
ments will be served.


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