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March 16, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-16

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The Weather
Contiued cloudy today and to-
morrow; prabably rain.


4t g an


The Passing
Of-Clarence Darrow,
In Rebel Spain...

VOL. XLVIII. No. 119



II i


French Staff Meets
On Looming Crises
Over Austria,_Spain,

Bill Drafted
To Clean Up
Inspection To Be Required
By City Ordinance; Sinai
ApproVes The Measure
Council Will Vote
After 3 Readings

Plans Started
For Michieras
May 6 And 7
Rader Named Chairman
With Charin Assistant;
Funds To Benefit Band
Woinen's Swimming
Pool Also To Get Aid




Housing Plea To Regents;

Retreat Of Loyalist Groups
And Nazis Austrian Coup
Make AllEurope Tense
Views Italian Army
In SpainFearfully
PARIS, March 15.-(P)-French
military chieftains held an emergency
conference tonight to meet what they
considered threatening changes in
Spain and German Austria.
Precipitou retreat of Spanish Gov-
ernment troops and absorption of Au-
stria by Germany brought the emer-
gency meeting of Premier Leon Blum
with the general staff and Joseph
Paul Boncour, Foreign Minister.
Persistent reports that the Spanish
Government was seeking an armistice
found no confirmation even in Insur-
gent sources. They were denied by
the Spanish Embassy.
Secret service reports of a new in-
flux of Italian troops into Insurgent
Spain prompted the general staff to
consider reinforcement of French de-
fenses on the Spanish frontier.
Officials said that the Government
viewed the number of German and
Italian troops in Insurgent territory
as surpassing the needs of the Insur-
gent Army.
They expressed the belief that such
forces would be directed against
France's Pyrenees frontier in case of
European war over Czechoslovakia.
LONDON, March 15.-(P--Great
Britain and France both studied
counter-measur-s tonight to a pos-
sible Italo-German secret military al-
liance involving a Nazi-Fascist bar-
gain over Austria and the Mediter-
Aides of Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain drafted plans for ex-
pansion of Britain's already tower-
ing rearmament to be presented at a
vital cabinet meeting tomorrow.
Chamberlain's entire "talk with
dictators" policy apparently faced
A movement developed among
members of Parliament to broaden
the present "National" government
to give the nation more unity in the
sudden European crisis. It was not
aimed, however, at Chamberlain, but
to put experienced men such as Wins-
ton Churchhill and Anthony Eden in
the inner councils.
From Europe's Capitals
VIENNA-Adolf Hitler capped ab-'
sorption of Austria with a speech
calling it his "greatest achievement"
and then flew back to Germany leav-
ing Nazi officials to complete drastic
reorganization of Austria as German
B E R L I N- German newspapers
warned Czechoslovakia she must find
an "early" solution of the problem of
3,500,000 Germans within her bord-
PRAGUE - Czechoslovakia N a z i
leader gave parliament virtual ulti-
matum the Czechs must meet Ger-
man demands concerning their Ger-
man minority.
ROME-Duce scheduled important
speech Wednesday which was expect-
ed to outline his view of Hitler's
Austrian triumph.
MOSCOW-High Soviet official de-
clared Russia would go to Czecho-
slovakia's aid if France too gave as-
sistance against any German aggres-
BUCHAREST--King Carol can-
celled scheduled state visit to London
because of rapid European develop-!
ZURICH-Switzerland sped com-
pletition of better border defenses on
Austro-German frontier.
AMSTERDAM -Premier appealed
for the Netherlands to remain calm
in Europear crsis.

Reeves Discourages
Embryo Diplomats
On Foreign Service
Unless you are exceptionally well-
qualified or possessed of private
means, don't plan to enter the diplo-
matic service, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of

Franco Drives
Loyalists Into
F ull Retreat
HENDAYE France, at the Spanish
Frontier, March :5.-WP)-Shattered
Government troops were in full re-
treat tonight before 100,000 Insur-
gents bent on tearing Government
Spain apart and forcing a quick end
to the Spanish civil war.
Encountering only feeble rearguard
resistance, the Insurgents pushed for-
ward 10 miles from Alcaniz to cap-
ture the strategic village of Raimun-
do, controlling the main inland high-
way from Valencia to Barcelona.
From that point only the rugged
coastal Sierras stood between Gen-
eral Francisco Franco's army and the
Mediterranean, little more than 30
miles from Raimundo.
Since General Franco started his
overwhelming spring offensive a
week ago from Villanueva, on the
Aragon front between Zaragoza and
Teruel, his troops have advanced
about 65 miles, conquering nearly 2,-
000 square miles of territory.
Rapidly consolidating his strength
along a new 20-mile line from Caspe
to Alcaniz today, General Franco
struck out again toward new objec-
tives-Nonaspe, 15 miles due east of
Caspe; Candesa, 25 miles east of
Alcaniz; and Valderrobres, on the
Matarrana River 25 miles southeast
of Alcaniz.
Italian Black Arrow brigades, for-
eign legionnaires, Moorish cavalry
and native Navarrese swept forward
along the wide front, unchecked by
fleeing Government units.
Gives Recovery
Talk On Friday
Hansen, Noted Economis
To DiscussCycle
Dr. Alvin H. Hansen of the Harvard
Graduate School of Public Adminis-
tration will give a University lecture
at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the Natural
Science Auditorium in one of the
principle addresses of the session of
the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters here. His subject
will be "Full Recovery or Stagnation."
Dr. Hansen, who is president of the
American Economic Association, is
prominent in the fields of the bus-
iness cycle and of labor and unem-
ployment. He has served as economic
adviser to the Department of State
and on the advisory committee for
the Social Security Board. He also
was Director of Research of the
Commission for Inquiry on National
Policy in International Relations.4
He received his Ph.D. degree from
the University of Wisconsin anda
taught at Brown University and the1
University of Minnesota before ac-
cepting his position at Harvard.t
Books he has written include "Eco-
nomic Stabilization in an Unbalanced1
World," "Business Cycles," and "A1
New Plan for Unemployment Re-t
Russian Trial C]
Of Democrac
With the condemning to death of
18 of the 21 Russians late last week,
the Soviet Union closed the latest of
the political purges with the almost
complete elimination of the opposi-
tion to democracy, in the opinion of
Dr. John Stanton of the history de-

The liquidation of the "Old Guard"
revolutionaries brings the resulting
safe institution of the combination of
youth and democracy, the new,
younger group of officials being those
"who are willing to progress," to
strive toward democracy, within the
Soviet structure, as defined by the
Russian Constitution, Dr. Stanton
pointed out.
This younger "enlightened" clique
now surrounding Stalin has rid itself

Granting wide powers to Ann Ar- Plans for the second annual Michi-
bor health authorities to impose and gras, to be held May 6 and 7 at Yost
enforce sanitary standards in city Field House, were begun last night
with the naming of committeemen
eating establishments, the final draft Hugh Rader, '38. president of the
of a proposed statute was approved Men's Council, was selected to head
Monday night at 4 joint meeting of the carnival and Sam Charm, '38, was
the Ordinance Committee of the City chosen his assistant.
Council and the Board of Health. Last year, a huge parade was held
Following the actionhof the Or- er, more than 8,000 people jammed
dinance Committee, the proposed the field house for two nights to wit-
measure will undergo its first read- ness the huge carnival which was put
ing before the council meeting Mon- on for the benefit of the women's
day, March 21, according to Prof. swimming pool and the men's dormi-
Ralph Hammett of the architecture tory funds. This year, Rader said.
college, chairman of the committee. the Michigras receipts will go to
Two more readings must follow be- funds for the University Band and
fore the measure reaches a vote. the women's pool.
The proposal, if passed, will climax Myriad Entertainments
the long standing drive by University Every type of carnival entertain-
and city health officials for legal ment will be found at this year's
authority to regulate and maintain Michigras, Rader pointed out. Plans
sanitary conditions in restaurants. are being made to get a double ferris
Should Solve Needs wheel, a "hip," and other rides. In a
When questioned about the pro- short time, final rules will be formu-
posed ordinance Prof. Nathan Sinai lated for concessions which will be
of Hygiene and Public Health, con- under the auspices of various campus
sultant at the meeting, declared, "I organizations.
think the ordinance, as it will be Members of the executive commit-
amplified by the rules of the Board tee for this second annual Michigras
of Health, should amply take care of are: Dean Walter B. Rea, Miss Marie
the needs in Ann Arbor." Hartwig, Ernest Jones, '38, Sam
In order to remain in operation all Charin, '38, Irving Matthews, '38;
public eating establishments will be Mary Johnson, '38, and Betty Lyons,
compelled to obtain licenses, issued '39.
according to the regulations of the Charin is assistant chairman. Oth-
city sanitarian. In fixing the fee at er chairmen are: booths, Dick Fox,
$5 an attempt was made by the com- '39, and Miss Lyons; their assistants
mittee to adjust this charge to cover are Faith Watkins, '39, and Harriet
costs of inspection. Sharkey, '40. Mathews is in charge
All fraternities, sororities and oth- of publicity and assisting him is
er boarding houses with closed mem- Mary Alice MacKenzie, '39. Tickets
berships will be exempt from the li - are being handled by Elic' Robinson,i
ensing requirement, according to the '39, and Janet Fullenweider, '39. Vir-
drafted ordinance. But the Board ginia Allen, '39; is in charge of con-
of Health will not surrender its right cessions.
to inspect such eating establishments Parade Opening
at any time. Last year, a h-_ parade was held
to herald the opening of the Michi-
The health authorities will have gras. It was led by former Mayor
the power to revoke any license if the Rbert A C .ll


Factions Unite To Discuss
Campus Issues, Appoint
Group To Study Housing
Conservatives Fill
Rules Committee


A conservative majority and a lib-
eral minority at the Student Sen-
ate's first meeting last night in the
Union joined in a unanimous vote to
tconsider all problems having a "vital
bearing" on Michigan students and
finally settled the "local issue" ques-
tion by appointing a committee to
study housing and to make its report
at an open hearing.
The sharp two-way split crystal-
lized when the conservative bloc by
an 18 to 14 majority over liberals
captured all posts in the election of
three Senators to serve on a rules
committee with three members of the
original Senate Sponsoring Commit-
tee. The six Senators elected on the
Conservative ticket and the eight
elected on the United Liberal Coali-
tion slate formed the nuclei of the
two factions.
The next meeting of the Senate will
be Tuesday, March 22. Ann Vicary,
'40, United Liberal Coalition, spoke
against the spirit of factionalism and
made a plea for "sportsmanship."
Norman E. Kewley, '40E, Conserva-
tive, said that the factionalism would
tend to disappear when specific is-
sues came before the Senate.
Speaking in support of the motion
to consider all issues vital to Mich-
igan students, Robert M. Perlman,
Grad., elected on the Liberty-Equal-
ity-Fraternity ticket, said that thef
Senate must be more than a, discus-
sion group-that it must be an active
body to press issues before the cam-
The defining motion, as passed, was;
made by Phil Westbrook, '40ULC. The
motion reads: "We, the members of
the Student Senate, resolve to con-
sider all issues having a vital bear-.
ing on students of the University
of Michigan."
The three elected by the conserva-
tive bloc to the rules committee are
Senators Tom Adams, '40, Liberal;
Alfred H. Lovell, Jr., '39, Liberal Con-
servative, and Marvin W. Reider, '39,
Progressive Independent.
After informal caucuses, the Chair-
man and Director of Elections, Mich-
ael Scammon, Grad., appointed to the
housing committee three conserva-
tives, Senators Allen Braun, '40, Pro-
gressive Independent, chairman;
George H. Gangwere, '40, Liberal; and
Seymour J. Spelman, '39PI, and two
members of the United Liberal Coali-t
tion, Miss Vicary and Tom Downs, '39.
The committee will report at an open
hearing at the Senate's third meeting,
to which landladies and others inter-'
ested will be invited.
At the next meeting the Senate willr
act on a suggestion made by Irving
Silverman, '38ULC, that the Senate,
representing campus opinion, answerx
questions in a survey on internationalC
and national problems that is beingY
conducted on campuses throughoutc
the United States by the Brown Dailyc
Herald of Brown University.,
Four recommendations to the rulesc
(Continued on Page 6)C
Prof. Joeph R. Hayden, chairmanc
of the political science department,1
will speak on "American Policy in the
Far East" at the open forum spon-
sored by the Foreign Relations Clubc
of Ann Arbor High School at 7:30s

New Coaching Staff
Earned Scholarship
Awards In Big Ten.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
New Deal is not the only thing that
has a "brain trus." Michigan's New
Deal in football will have one, too,
next year.
For all the new coaches were win-
ners of the Western Conference Medal
for Proficiency in Scholarship and
Athletics while they were in school.
Head Coach Fritz Crisler received
it while he was playing football for
the University of Chicago; Backfield
Coach Earl Martineau while he was
playing for the University of Minne-
sota; Line Coach Clarence Munn
while he was playing for the Univer-
sity of Minnesota; and End Coach
Campbell Dickson while he was play-
ing for the University of Chicago.
This award is given to the man,
who, according to the committee in;
charge, is the outstanding combina-
tion of student and athlete in the Big
Ten. Captain Jake Townsend of
Michigan's basketball team won the
award this year.
Besides being an end coach, Dick-t
son is also a practicing criminal law-
All the coaches will be honored and
will be present at Crisler Night 8 p.m.
Monday in Hill Auditorium. They will1
be called upon to speak, the band
will be present and varsity cheer-r
leaders will lead many MichiganY
Students and townspeople are in-Y
vited to the rally, the official welcome
of Crisler and his staff by the Univer-
The Union is sponsoring Crisler
night, and Jack Thom, '38, is chair-n
man of the affair.j
Aid Promised "
Railroad Ment
Who Lose JobsL
Roosevelt, Says Workersr
Forced Out By Mergersr
Will Be Protectedr
WASHINGTON, March 15.-(IP)-I
President Roosevelt promised today
that the Government would protect
any railroad workers who might lose
their jobs through Federally-dictated
railroad consolidations.
If men lose their jobs as a result
of Government action, they should
be compensated through annuity pay-
ments or lump sum compensation, heG
He made the statement to news-
papermen after conferring with a
committee of 14 advisors about b
methods of curing the financial andb
competitive ills of the railroads. No
decision was reached on the feasibil-a
ity of compulsory consolidation orc
other proposals, however, and the
committee will meet again Thursday. h
The President said the committee
did not discuss last week's proposal E
of the railroads to cut wages by five,
per cent but Chairman W. M. W.
Splawn of the Interstate Com\ erce c
Commission said reduction of wages
or layoffs should be avoided "if pos- S
sible." Ti-

Petition Will Be Presented
At Meeting Of Regents
On FridayAfternoon
Seeks To Limit
Approved Houses

rules governing "conditions that are
unsanitary or unhealthful" have been
violated. The restaurant will have
the right of appeal to the common
council, in such cases. Penalties of
fines and imprisonment are also pro-
vided for in case of violation.
Extends To Equipment
The regulatory scope of the health
authorities will extend to personnel,
equipment and general sanitary con-
ditions in the restaurants.
The proposed measure will require
the Board of Health to establish a
grading system for eating places, and
will demand the posting of these.
(Continued on Page 2)
$165 Taken As Detroit
Book Store Is Entered

tJu 1. auumpn e ana Chie of1
Police Lewis W. Fohey riding in a
hack drawn by two white horses.
Mimes won the prize for the most in-
genious float. This year, Paul Brick-
ley, '39, is in charge of the parade.
Marjorie Merker, '39, will handle
patrons and Jean Smith,. will head
the posters committee. Donald Bel-
den, '39, will oversee the rides and
Barbara Epstein, '39, will handle the
decorations. Douglas Farmer will se-
lect the prizes and Fred Luebke, '39,
will take care of the program.
For some time now the W.A.A. has
rCont nued on Page 2)
Prof. Salvemini
Explainis Triple
A 1; e k ra lz

While the fledgling Student Sen-
ate at its first meeting voted to hold
an investigation of student housing,
leaders representing almost every im-
portant group on campus yesterday
drew up a petition to be presented
to the Board of Regents on Friday
asking the abolition of University en-
forced contracts in men's rooming
Backing the petition, which requires
Board of Regents' approval to get into
effect are Hugh Rader, '38, president
of the Men's Council, Clarence Kresin
president of the Student Religious
Association; Joseph Gies, '39, presi-
dent of the Progressive Club; Irving
Silverman, '38, president of Congress,
independent men's organization; Bud
Lundahl, '38, president of the Inter-
fraternity Council; Jack Thom, '38,
president of the Union; Hope Hart-
wig, '38, president of the League;
George Quick, '38, editor of the Gar-
goyle; John McFate, '38, editor of the
'Ensian; Phil Westbrook, '39, presi-
dent of the Sophomore class; and
Stephanie Parfet, '39, president of
Panhellenic Association.
Declaring "that the level of room
rents in Ann Arbor rooming houses
has been exorbitantly high," the mes-
sage proposes to pull it back into
bounds by allowing student bargain-
ing power to breathe once again of
the atmosphere of competition.
It proposes that the University ap-
prove only enough houses to accom-
modate the incoming freshman class
and throw the rest back into the open
market. It provides, however, that
those lanidladies who desire to remain
upon the approved list, although the
University will not require or en-
force contracts, be permitted to main-
tain that status.
The text of the petition follows:
Board of Regents,.
University of Michigan
Dear Sirs:
That the level of rents in Ann Arbor
rooming houses has been exorbitantly
high has long been a matter of com-
mon knowledge to the student body. A
recent survey has revealed concretely,
however, that such rents are not only
high for the value received but also
(Continued on Page 2)
Student Injured
In Auto Crash
Senior Suffers A Possible
Skull Fracture
A senior education student who has
been working his way through school
y working nights at Ford's River
Rouge plant, fell asleep at the wheel
as he returned to Ann Arbor for
lasses yesterday morning and suf-
fered a possible skull fracture when
his car overturned.
The student, George Shakarian, of
Dearborn, was described as being in
fairly good" condition by the Univer-
sity hospital late yesterday. He is
Shakarian, who lives at 1007 S.
state, was traveling at 9:45 a.m. on
US-12 about one-half mile east of
Ypsilanti. He dozed off and then
awakened just in time to see another
mar directly ahead. Swerving to avoid
i collision, his car left the pavement
and turned over several times. The
vehicle was completely wrecked. State
Police from Ypsilanti handled the
Tornadoes Hit
Seven States
Fourteen persons were reported
killed yesterday and considerable
property damage resulted from pre-
spring tornadoes that struck in seven
different states.
The twisters hit in Illinois Mis-

DETROIT, March 15.--(P)-The
student book store on the University
of Detroit campus was broken into Mazzini Doctrine Of Fight
at noon today and $165 stolen from
a strong box, university officials re- For 'Italia Irredenta'
ported to the police today. Won Over Compromise
Miss May L. Schneider, manager
of the store, said the burglary oc-
curred while she was at lunch. John .msini'stdortria rrentp-
Hand, maintenance employe, said he mising fight for "Italia Irredenta"
Had, sinteanclevemploye, sradewon out over Italian policies of gain
had seen a man leave the store, and through compromise when the last,
that he had found that the lock on bond for Italy in the Triple Alliance
the door had been broken. was broken in 1914, Prof. Gaetano
Salvemini of Harvard University,
Foe stated yesterday in a University lec-
heck To FOes ture on the pe-warforeign policy of
Ttanton a s Up to 1914, Professor Salvemini
said, changing conditions in the bal-
ance of power in Europe had or-
suspected enemies; the Russians re- iginally altered Italy's obligations in
gard the trials as manifestations of the Triple Alliance, although Italy
the tendency toward deniocracy, the continued to value the alliance as a
clearing of the road for safer travel- possible means of winning Austrian
ing. concession of its minorities in "un-
Trotsky, in this respect, Dr. Stan- redeemed" Trentino and other cities.
ton declared, is being used as a con- Austria was pledged, in the Alliance,
venient weapon by the Communists to make conditions with Italy before
against the condemned. Trotsky making any aggression in the Bal-
symbolizes Stalin's opposition, so that kans.
all who oppose the Communist Party In 1914, however, Austria made no
Secretary, fall naturally into the di- gestures compensating toward Italy
vision of Trotskyites. when it declared war on Serbia, he
The "twilight of intrigue," of which said, and this caused Italians to give
the trials are a part, the true nature up their conservattive ideas in favor
of the politics behind the political of the old doctrines of Mazzini, who,

Salve mini Says Duce's Mistake
was Not Forming Balkan Union,

Mussolini's mistake was not that
he watched Hitler annex Austria, but
that he never worked for tke creation
of a Balkan Entente and a Danubian
Entente to hold the balance of power
between England and France on the
one hand and Germany on the other,
Prof. Gaetano Salvemini of Harvard
University said yesterday in an inter-
Annexation of Austria by Germany
was the almost "mathematical" con-
sequence of the dismemberment of

of the Weimar Republic, thus weak-
ening it and paving the way for Hit-
The annexation of Austria by Ger-
many, Professor Salvemini believes,
was made possible by the bargain
which was made in 1935 between
Hitler and Mussolini. In return for
a free hand given by Hitler to Mus-
solini in Ethiopia, he said,' Il Duce
allowed Hitler a free hand in Cen-j
tieal Europe.I
Nevertheless ,he emphasized, Hit-
ler did not annex Austriau ntil he ha

purges cannot of course be known,
Dr. Stanton showed, unless the evi-
dence presented at the closed sessions
is known. Just as the true history

80 years earlier, had urged aggres-
sion against Austria to win back the
lost northern provinces.
Tal1v did not break its trntv nrnm-

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