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March 13, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-13

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SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1938


THE MICHIGAN DAILY HalfA Decade With Pres. Roosevelt;
Daily Writer Gives New Deal History

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
tude* Publications.
Pubiished every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
x reserved.
Enered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mal matter.
' nSubscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
° 4.00; by mail, $4.50.
'ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Wepresenativ
Board of Editors
ri Busness Department
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Dr. Gallup's
Popular Polls .. .
O1NE OF THE MOST notable contribu-
tions to the process of democratic
governmnent appears likely to develop out of what
started several years ago as a magazine circula-
tion-getter-the polling of general public opinion
on questions of national import. The practice
first came into prominence when the Literary Di-
gest conducted a series of referendurs on a va-
riety of questions, notably straw votes on presi-
dential campaigns, and succeeded in foretelling
with surprising accuracy the results of the cam-
paigns of 1928 and 1932. The Digest's poll on the
prohibition issue likewise was borne out by close
correlation of the results of the referendum held
by Congress on the uestion.
The Digest's polling career came to an abrupt
end with- what might be described as the debacle
of '36, in which the magazine's results were more
outstanding in their inaccuracy than any prev-
ious poll had been in accuracy. At the same
time, however, the American Institute of Public
Opinion, subsidized by a group of bi-partisan
newspapers and conducted by Professor Gallup
of Columbia University, made a series of tests of
popular sentiment, the last of which, carried out
several days before the election, predicted the
huge majority by which President Roosevelt was
reelected to a close degree. The discrepancy be-
tween two polls was a subject of much discus-
sion at the time, and it has since been generally
admitted that the Gallup method, which differs
in technique from that of the Digest, is an ex-
tremely efficient, if not infallible, one. The chief
improvement instituted by Professor Gallup was
the conducting of a house-to-house canvass in
order to reach certain classes of voters who
would not respond to a mailed ballot survey.
Since its victory in 1936, the Institute of Public
Opinion has enjoyed increasing prominence as
an authority in its field. Its prestige has been
augmented by successful predictions of the out-
come of several minor elections, as the Detroit
city election of last fall, and various other local
and state campaigns. Its findings on matters on
which there is no following check have become

generally accepted as true barometers of pop-
ular prejudice. Among its recent surveys, it has
discovered that a large majority of Americans
support the Spanish Loyalist Government, want
wage-and-hour legislation, favor a Federal anti-
lynching law (most of the people of the south
even, are found to support such a measure), retain
confidence in Roosevelt, and hold a number of
other quite positive views.
Perhaps the time has not yet come to employ
such an instrument as the Gallup organization in
an official capacity, but Congressmen, Senators
and other public officers would certainly do well
to take its findings into strong consideration in
framing legislative measures and otherwise carry-
ing out the business of government.
Joseph Gies.

When Franklin Delano Roosevelt took his in-
auguration oath on March 4, 1933, imminent ca-
tastrophe seemed about to overwhelm the entire
American economic and social structure. Un-
employment and its inevitable concomitants,
destitution, frustration and decadence swept over
the land, a modern Black Plague, leaving a per-
manent army of 15,000,000 victims in the ranks
of the disinherited. The inexorable concentra-
tion of wealth and power threatened to anni-
whilate the small business unit and the farm,
and together with them the political structure
of democracy, the constitutional safeguards of
liberty and justice, and the Jeffersonian philos-
ophy of "men enjoying and ease and security the
fruits of their own industry." Although Amer-
icans still felt psychologically and politically
classless, economic discontent was for the first
time in the country's history taking on the Euro-
pean class aspect.
Qbviously the situation begged for immediate
and effective action. For the preceding thirteen
years the ruthless modern version of the laissez-
faire philosophy had been dominant in Wash-
ington, and since inaction is the very essence
of- laissez-faire, the restive electorate, ready as
always to follow the leaders who make the most
concessions to its collective demands, voted into
.office the messiahs of the New Deal.
President Faces Recovery Problem
Before he could embark upon a long-time pro-
gram of social and economic reform the President
was forced to tackle the urgent problem of re-
covery. Fundamentally, however, Rooseveltian
reform and recovery both stem from the same As-
sumption that it is possible to establish a per-
manent truce on class antagonisms by the res-
toration of depleted purchasing power. A higher
price level all around, a fair wage and a fair
return on investment-these are at the heart
of the New Deal. It is futile therefore to attempt
to separate the reform and recovery measures,
and apply to each a different scale of values.
Equally futile are the efforts of the partisans of
the various political and economic camps to
designate each measure of the Administration as
conclusive proof that the President has either
sold out to the vested interests or moved irre-
trievably toward state socialism.
As a matter of fact, the distinguishing char-
acteristic of the New Deal has been its lack of
definite distinction, and of an economic philos-
ophy in harmony with a dynamic society, and its
constant vacillation. Like the great disorganized
middle class it represents it is convinced that the
interests of the majority of the people of the
country are opposed to monopolization and con-
centration of power, but all its efforts in this
direction have been foredoomed to failure.
Franklin D. Roosevelt came into office on the
crest of the greatest reform and protest vote in
the country's history. Both on the political and
economic fronts progressive sentiment surged
through the early halcyon days of the New Deal.
It seemed that the old liberalisms of the pre-
war progressives were about to blossom anew,
strengthened by the significant lessons of the
Bryan, Wilson and La Follette movements and
centralized in a leader who possessed more pop-
ular appeal and political flair than any of his
Applies Wage Theory
To the three major problems confronting him
in 1933, and incidentally still undetermined after
five years of sincere effort on the part of the
Administration, the President applied the full
driving power of his theory of price and wage
equalization. Lifting the threat of economic in-
security from the heads of wage-earners, and eas-
ing the burdens of a debased agriculture were the
problems demanding most urgent attention.
Restoration of the purchasing power of unem-
ployed workers and sub-marginal farmers were
not viewed solely as a necessary humanitarian
venture, however, but also as the mooring from
which the entire population was to be launched
upon a new period of prosperity.
There is no doubt that the relief measures pro-
posed in the early days of the Administration
are the most far-reaching social and economic
reforms ever attempted in the nation's history.
To restore confidence on'the part of business
and to tide the unemployed over the period of
distress, the Roosevelt program championed a

complete system of social insurance against un-
employment, sickness and old age; reliable public
employment bureaus; planned public works for
employment in times of industrial crisis; a
shorter working day without material pay reduc-
tions; abolition of child labor and legislation to
aid farmers and small business men against the
"growing concentration of economic control and
resultant monopolistic practices which persist
today." Not all the proposals were made into law,
of course, and some of those which did get into
the books were, confused and distorted by special
interest pressure, but Americans were heartened
by the sight of a government, however risdirect-
ed and ineffectual its efforts, functioning primar-
ily for the welfare of the entire people.
NRA Was Creat Expvriment
The perfect embodii-iatnt of Rooseveltian eco-
nomic philosophy was the NRA, the great experi-
ment in industrial democracy which contained in,
its provisions all the contradictions, inconsisten-
cies, and despairing hopes of the chaos and con-
fusion in which it was born and drafted.
The act repudiated the idea of organized
cartels without control in the public interest,
but, as Dwight Dumond, Louis Hacker and John
Chamberlain have repeatedly pointed out, what it
actual y did was to legalize those voluntary trade
associaions which President Hoover had encour-
aged by removing the restraints of the anti-trust

lem, but introduces a method that can have
only one effect upon the small, dependent farmer
-to drive him off his already miserable subsis-
tence farm into the ranks of the unemployed.
The various Administration acts provided for
voluntary reduction of crop acreage of basic
agricultural commodities. But the department
of agriculture soon learned that acreage reduc-
tion is not synonymous with crop reduction, and
that its subsidization program not only reacted
against the consumer, but forced manufacturers
to raise prices, thus nullifying the alleviating
intentions of the subsidies to the farmers them-
Supreme Court Steps In
in the late Spring of 1935, the Supreme Court
invalidated the NRA, and began what looked
like a systematic decapitation of the New Deal. It
also started for millions of Americans a process
of re-education in the fundamentals of their gov-
ernment. Convinced of the utility of the Su-
preme Court as a stabilizer of social relations,
Americans had come to look upon the judicial
interpretation of the constitution as the most
distinctive part of their system of government.
On the other hand, as believers inpopular gov-
ernment many citizens were disquieted by the
fact that judicial review could operate in such a
manner as to impede the democratic process;
they felt rightfully anxiout about the conse-
quences of such obstruction at a time of national
Only the blindly partisan can see in Roosevelt's
dealings with the court and the Constitution an
abortive attempt to overthrow both institutions.
Beard, Boudin, Corwin and Frankfurter have
convincingly punctured the great illusion that the
Judiciary is governed by disembodied legal in-
telligence, and is concerned not with the sub-
stance of the laws but merely with seeing that the
general principles of the Constitution have been
observed in their enactmnent. Frankly recogniz-
ing the inevitable political implications of judi-
cial review, the President has merely taken steps
to affect such modifications in the Court's powers
and procedure as will make judicial review more
compatible with democratic government.
'Just Price' Theory Fails
It has become obvious now, after five years of
the New Deal, that despite the intelligence and
undoubted good will of the President and many
of his advisers, the "just price," anti-monopoly
legislation, crop reduction schemes, and prodig-
ious expenditures from the Federal treasury for
pump-priming purposes, have failed either tA
maintain an equilibrium among the industrial,
agricultural and laboring classes, or to bring to
the "forgotten man," so near to the heart of the
President, the independence he has so often been
promised. Roosevelt is scourged alike by con-
servatives and radicals, although for different
Essentially the great issue that is being tried
today is for the control of the great combinations
that control the sources of production. It is the
effort of the middle class, left behind in the cap-
italistic struggle, to retain for itself some of the
power it had in a more primitive society. Rose-
velt has attempted to achieve this power by reg-
ulation, a process that is futile in the face of
dynamic technology and evolution which veer
irresistably to centralized control. Seen in this
light, his program could only lead to increased
antagonisms. Its sole purpose has been to pre-
vent changes that would leave the small man
unprotected, but it chose to do so oy preventing
the evolution of modern capitalism from taking
its natural cotrse.
If Mr. Roosevelt could by some magic halt the
process of monopoly, if he could "roll back the
wheels of history" his effortsto restore freedom;
of competition would have profound significance.
But with large-scale production units, concen-
tration, and monopoly forming the most domi-
nant factors in present-day society, his efforts
to return to the economy of an earlier day are as
out-moded as the "Social Statics" philosophy of
Spencer and the rugged individualists. Monopoly
cannot be regulated out of existence. The prob-
lem is not one of bigness but of control.

New York Philharmonic-Symphony, John Bar-
birolli conductor, Josef Hofmann pianist. Dances
from Purcell's The Fairy Queen, Chopin's Piano
Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Schubert's "Unfin-
ished Symphony, Gardiner's Sheperd Fennel's
Dance, Theme and Variations Suite No. 3 of
Tschaikowsky. 3-5, CBS.
Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Sir Ernest Mac-
Millan conductor, Jose Iturbi pianist. Rossini's
Barber of Seville Overture, Larghetto and Rondo
all 'Ongherese from Haydn's D major Concerto,
Gantwoort's The Golden Crown, Grainger's Mol-
ly on the Shore, Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue,
Strauss' Artist's Life Waltz. 9-10, CBS.
Rising Musical Star series, Alexander Smallens
conductor, Charlotte Symons soprano, Pauline
Pierce contralto, Leonard Warren baritone. Mous-
sorgsky's Night on the Bald Mountain, selec-
tions from Louise, Manon, Rigoletto, and Tschai-
kowsky's The Queen of Spades. 10-11, NBC Red.
Columbia Chamber Orchestra, Bernard Her-
mann conductor. Handel's Concerto Grosso No. 2.
4-4:30, CBS.

It Seems To Me
y Heywood Broun
My first newspaper boss was a hard
man, and his name was Shep Fried
man. Looking up from a couple o
pages of sprightly copy, he said
"Broun, try to get this through your
thick head. Nobody cares what on
newspaper man thinks about another
and certainly not a living soul gives a
hoot as to what a newspaper man
thinks about himself."
I said, "Yes, sir," and went back
to my desk to do a perfectly straight
piece on the picnic of the Little Tin
Sullivan Assn. I happened that sum-
mer to be the Clambake Editor of
the Old, Old Morning Telegraph
which was published in a car barn
on Eighth Ave.
That was a long time ago, and they
have taken all the horses ,away and
most of the reporters. I guess old
Shep plays poker every night now
and fills those inside straights which
used to throw him.
And his theory is gone, too. At any
rate, columnists clutter the earth
and syndicate their opinions. And
along Broadway the gossipers pros-
per by taking in each other's wash-
ing. Indeed, when a managing edi-
tor considers a promising recruit for
journalism these days he asks' him-
self, "I wonder whether the young
man has a radio voice and how he
will screen."
AP A5 . L f lthl

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
f (Continued from Page 2) day, Thursday and Friday evening
from 7:00 to 10:00. All those wish-
, of a series of four will be held today ing to qualify for an examiner's cer-
x at 3 p.m., Lane Hall. tificate in life saving should plan to
e "Revelation and Its Scientific Crit- take this course which is open to men
, icism" is the topic to be discussed by and women.
a Raphael Isaacs of the Simpson Mem- Congress-Assembly: There will be
orial Institute, William A. McLaugh- ,iaCongress-Assembly Tea Dance held
lin of the Romance Language De- in the League Ballroom Wednesday,
k partment, and Albert K. Stevens of March 16. . The admission charge
the Department of English. All stu- will be 25 cents per man, women will
- dents are invited to come and take be admitted free of charge. Please
part in the discussion. Tea will be come stag.
f .served in the Hall Library following
the meeting.
Hillel Independent Cost Supper to- Ann Arbor Friends will hold their
night at 5:00. Supper to be followed Areu rbein rsw ipSd n-
by Forum. regular meeting for worship Sun-

Avukah Meeting at 3:30 this after-
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
The Monday Evening Drama See-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet at the Michigan Union at,

7:30 p.m. on March 14.
But there was something in what
Shep said. I am not the one to Biological Chemistry Seminar,
point the finger of scorn at all the Monday, March 14, 3:30 p.m., Room
autobiographists who have crept in 313 West Medical Building.
where once reporters used to stroll. "Inorganic Metabolism. II. Calcium
For almost two years I lived by writ- and Magneusium" will be discussed.
ing daily pieces about my*infant son, All interested are invited.
and even now when in a quandry for
a theme I try to get by with a slightly, Research Club. Will meet Wednes-
mendacious essay on my mother. And day, March 16, at 8 p.m., in Room
when my columnar dotage rolls 2528, East Medical Building. Pro-
around (do I by any chance hear gram: Professor W. H. Hobbs, "The
the sound of galloping horses?) I Discoveries of ,Aptarctica as revealed
trust there may be a grandchild with by newly, found maps and docu-
which to eke out a writing existence. ments"; Professor F. K. Sparrow,
Even so I wish the Friedman law "Aquatic Fungi."
were still in existence and that it The Council will not meet this
could be enforced sufficiently to leave month.
ony a few loopholes. A little bootleg-
stuff in some weekly speakeasy of Roots: Lydia Mendelssohn Box Of-
opinion might be well enough, but I fice will be open for reservations for
hate to see the slicks and the news- Rogts on Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 5
papers themselves all sullied o'er p.m. and on Wednesday, Thursday,
with bioraphies,rautobiographies Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to
and profiles of fourth -estaters. Al- 9 p.m.
most every other book a reviewer _ _
picks up turns out to be the life story Faculty Women's Club: The Play
of some inkstained wretch who feels reading section of the Faculty Wom-
that the public is passionate to know en's Club will meet on Tuesday af-
ail the details of his life before he ternoon, March 15 at 2:15 o'clock in
escaped from the galleys. the Myary Henderson Room of the
Some of it has been good stuff, but Michigan League.
there is too much of it. A reporter,
to be sure, is the noblest work of God, Homemaking Group, Michigan
but one may grow weary of looking Dames, Tuesday, at 8 o'clock at the
at old masters. home of Mrs. Roy W. Cowden, 1016

Benchley's Comments I
In my opinion the man who has
done best in dealing with any sort of1
l ewspaper subject was "Guy Fawkes,"
who used to do a department called
'The Wayward Press" in the New
Yorker. Fawkes was actually Robert
C. Benchley. He knew his way aroundt
a city room, and it is a pity that hei
has turned to other activities.t
One difficulty about newspaper
books and articles by newspaper men,
and women is that reporters-and I
refer to "us"-have a tendency to bee
longwinded both vocally and in print
the moment space restrictions are!
off. I believe the Freudians would I
termt it "over-compensation."
Still I think that matters pertain-
ing to journalism had better be left
to journalists, despite their faults. I
have partly in mind a current maga-
zine series about columnists by an
enterprising young lady. There is
only one fault to be discovered in the'
series-the young lady doesn't know
what she's talking about. That makes
her, in my opinion, three and one-
half times too bumptious.
Atutrian Fate
Laid To Error
(Continued from Page 1)I
clusion, Il Duce could have taken a
stronger stand on Austria without
fearing the results of splitting thel
Rome-Berlin axis."
At the moment, Professor Ehrmann
said, Italy cannot dispute German
control of Austria., "for the strength.
of Italy's position in dealing with
France and England depends on her,
bargaining power, which is based on
the Rome-Berlin axis." And Italy is
seeking from the two 'democracies'
recognition of her conquest of Ethio-
pia, colonial concessions and greater
freedom in Spain.
Reports that Austria will be main-;
tained as a political entity apart
from the Reich mean little, Professor
Ehrmann believes. "Ultimately the
intention is to incorporate Austria
into Germany. In the meantime
Austria will continue in a state of de-
pendency under a regime. directedj
from Berlin.
Whsai+mat ft fitrn tl

Olivia. Miss McKinnon of the
University Hospital will speak on
"Diets." Everyone with or without
cars should meet at the Michigan
League at 8 o'clock.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, March 16, at 12
o'clock, in the Russian Tea .Room of
the Michigan League. Cafeteria serv-
ice. Professor Glenn McGeoch of
the School of Music will speak in-
formally on "Music Appreciation."
The American Federation of Teach-
ers is sponsoring a showing and dis-
cussion of three films: "The Plow
that Broke the Plains," "A Tale of
Two Rivers," and "The Delta Co-
Operative Farm" Tuesday, March 15
at 8:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium. Tickets at the doors; 25
Phi Sigma Meeting Wednesday,
March 16, 1938 at 8 p.m. in Room
2116 N.S. Building. .
Dr. N. R. F. Maier, of the Psy-
chology Department will speak on
"The Use of Brain Extirpation in
the Analysis of Behavior."
Assciation Book Group: Mr.
Thomas L. Harris will discuss his
recent book, "Unholy Pilgrimage" at
the meeting of the Association Book
Group Tuesday, 4:15 p.m., at Lane
Hall Library.
Freshman Glee Club: Regular meet-
ing on Wednesday at 4:30 in the
Union. Old members are urged to
attend as there will be election of
new officers. All freshmen interested
are invited.
The Men's Physical Education Club
will meet on Tuesday evening, March
15 in Room 323 of the Union at 9
o'clock p.m. Dean J. B. E~dmonson,
of the school of education will give a
brief talk regarding general condi-
tions in the field of education.
We urge every one to attend this
meeting. Students of the depart-
ment, coaches and faculty members
are invited to attend. Refreshments
will be served at the close of this
Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold a
very important business meeting
Monday, March 14, in the Michigan
League at 7:30. An initiation serv-
ice will follow the meeting.

day at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League.
All who are interested are welcome.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., l\Vorning Worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, inister.
12:00 noon. Students' Bible Class.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 p.m., Professor Roy W. Sel-
lars will speak to the Guild , on
"Choosing A Vocation in a Changing
World." This will be the first of a
series of four discussions on the
general subject "You, Your World
and Your Life Work."
First Baptist Church: Sunday,
10:45. Mr. Sayles will speak on
"Mastering Externals."
9:30, Church School, Dr. Logan,
4:30, Junior High in church par-
6:00, Senior High in church parlors.
Roger Williams Guild: Sunday
noon. Mr. Chapman will meet the
studentclass at the GuildHouse.
6:15, Students at Guild House. Dr.
Waterman will answer questions
growing out ,of his previous talks on
the religious inheritance of Jesus.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner of State and William.
10:45 a.m., Service of worship,
Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on
"An Experience," continuing his Len-
ten series on "What Is This Chris-
tianity?" Special music will include
the baritone solo "Green Pastures"
of Sanderson sung by Donn Chown
and an anthem "Go the Dark Geth-
semane" of Noble by the choir.
6:00 p.m., the young people of the
Student Fellowship are again for-
tunate in having Prof. Bennett
Weaver speak to them on Sunday
evening. His subject will be "The
Real Jesus." Supper will be served at
6 p.m.; the program will begin at 7
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Substance."
Golden Text: Philippians 4:19.
Sunday School at 11:45 after the
morning service.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr. Bra-
shares will preach on "Changed
Lives." The service will be held at
the Michigan Theatre.
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Class under the leadership of Prof.
Carrothers. The subject for dis-
cussion is:'"Dividing the Profits," 6
p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting. This
will be a Communion Service with
the following persons speaking: Anne
Schaeffer, Jane Dinehart, and Doug-
las MacNaughton. 7 p.m. Fellowship
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., "Demons and Disposi-
tions" is the subject of Dr. *. P.
Lemon's second Lenten sermon of a
series on "Moderns andMiracles" at
the Morning Worship Service. The
student choir directed by Prof. E. W.
Doty and the children's choir under
the leadership of Mrs. Fred Morns
will take part in the service. The
musical numbers will include: Or-
gan Prelude, "Schumcke Dick, 0
Liebe Seele" by Kark-Elert; Anthem,
"Incense and a Pure Offering" by
Marcum; Duet, "The Lord is My
Light" by Buck, Helen Quick Dun-
lop and George Cox.
5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild
supper and meeting. The discussion
groups on The Principles of Chris-
tian Living-In Interpreting Events
of Today; In Getting Along with
People; In Men and Women rela-
tions, and In Business and Profes-
sions will be continued. The fifth
group on Basic Principles of Chris-
tianity will also meet.

Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are :
8 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School, 11 a.m. Kindergar-
ten. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and
Sermon by The Rev. Thomas L.
Harris Hall: There will be a cele-
bration of the Holy Communion Sun-
day morning in the Chapel at 9 a.m.
with breakfast following. There will
be an Episcopal Student Fellowship
meeting in the Hall at 7 n'cloir

They Want Him Too


' " I

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