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March 09, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-09

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness today;
occasional rain tomorrow,

A6F Albl
.ftitr4t g an

Pati j

A New Program
For An Old Party? ..
Wanted: A Site
F.; The Obseratry.



British, Italian
Envoys Start
Yoda Guilty
Tomorrow, England And
(ermanv To Commence
Discussions On Colonies
Hoover And Hitler
Convene At Reich
Leading news dispatches last night
from Europe reported friendship talks
between British and Italian diplo-
mats and plans for similar conver-
sations between German and British
envoys; a talk between the only liv-
ing former president of the United
States and Adolph Hitler; and the
confession of a former head of the
Russian secret police that he was
guilty of four medical murders, in-
cluding that of Maxim Gorky, fa-.
m'ous writer.
Tn Shanghai, the Chinese reported
that Guerilla bands had captured a
dozen towns in Honan and Hopeh
provinces behind advancing Japanese
columns. Meanwhile, the Japanese
bombarded cities on the south bank
of the Yellow River.l
In Hendaye, Spanish insurgents
reinforced a blockading fleet after
sinking the Cruiser Baleares. t
Anglo-Italian Discussions Begin
While major nations engaged in
the most furious armaments race
since the World War, British and Ital-
ian diplomats started bargaining in
On Thursday the British will begin
even more ticklish discussions in
London with Nazi Germany. It was
believed the success of the London
talks hinged on whether Great Brit-
ain is willing to do something about
Chancellor Adolf Hitler's demands
for colonies.
Meanwhile, in Moscow, Genrikh G.
Yagoda, secret police chief who
"wanted to become a Russian Hit-
ler," faced the Moscow treason trialt
court and pleaded full guilt in four
medical murders.
He admitted having ordered the
death of his predecessor in office,
and having tried unsuccessfully to
poison Nikolai Yezhoff, present sec-
ret police chief. He also testified
that he had sent $100,000 to Leon
Trotsky, exiled former Soviet leader.
Former President Herbert Hoover
last night had no comment to make
after his meeting with Hitler at the
Reich chancellery.
Rebels Reinforce Blockade
Chancellery officials said that the
two statesmen had talked of national
problems, German-American rela-
tions and "just about everything."
The conversation was in the presence
of Hugh R Wilson, the United States
ambassador, and an interpreter.,
At Hendaye, France the loss of the
10,000-ton cruiser Baleares caused
the Spanish insurgent government
today to reinforce its blockading fleet
with armed trawlers and other con-'
verted auxiliary vessels.1
Sinking of the crack cruiser Ba-
leares after it was hit by a torpedo
in a naval engagement early Sunday
off Catagena seriously weakened the
insurgent blockading fleet and in-
creased the comparative strength of
the government fleet.
In Shanghai Chinese reported that
Guerilla bands had recaptured a
dozen towns in conquered territory
north of the Yellow River while
Japanese artillery bombarded stra-
tegic cities on the south bank.
Most of the reported Chinese su-

cesses were along the Honan-Hopeh
border, 40 to 60 miles behind the
Japanese advance lines which werec
held up by the broad river.
Bunting Talks
On Dental Fieldt
Preventive Dentistry Now
Offers New Chances I
Discovery that ninety per cent ofI
disease enters the body through the
mouth has revolutionized the profes-
sion of dentistry since 1900, opening a
vast new field for the practice of
preventive dentistry, Dean Russel
W. Bunting of the School of Dentistry
told pre-dental students yesterday in
the second of the vocational lecture
Due to the growth of public health!
rncnna c Thtlllflefan ,', U, i.,t nd t ,ai

University Hospital Separates
Men-Women,' Women-Men'

Bradbury Tells Of Weird
Cases On Record Here
Of Undetermined Sex
Inter-sex is what the medical au-
thorities call it, but to the layman
it appears more like a slice of H. G.
Wells fantasy, far too fantastic for
20th century Ann Arbor.
Dr. James T. Bradbury of Univer-
sity Hospital unfolds a strange story
from his observations of patients
with undetermined sex. But the
evidence is irrefutable.
The highly publicized Zdenka
Doubka, d a p p e r Czechoslovakian
gentleman who once established a
woman's Olympic track record, and
Mark Weston, English girl athlete
who later married a former female
companion, have nothing, it would
seem, on the cases which University
Hospital has recorded.
Strangest of all is the individual
who folowed the male habits of life
for 36 years. He grew up as any
normal boy, played baseball, scaled
fences and taunted the "sissies" who
sought the company of the fairer sex.
Leaving school, he found a job and
later married happily. But at the
age of 35, abdominal pains began to
trouble him and he was admitted to
University Hospital for observation.
Medical authorities examined, X-
Rayed, consulted case histories,
scratched their heads and finally pro-
claimed the patient a woman! But
they were still uncertain.
The patient was sent to Johns
Hopkins University at Baltimore
where after a cursory preliminary ex-
amination the doctors enthusiastical-
ly announced a possible true herma-
phrodite. Medical authorities hailed
the "find" as a needed addition to
medical books far too uninformative
on the subject. But the preliminary
was also to be the conclusion as the
individual foreswore a guinea-pig4
role and bolted Johns Hopkins in the
night without so much as a "good-
Another patient, not long ago, came
to the hospital for a major operation.
Baptized a female and now inher
thirties, she had worn dresses all her
life. But preliminary diagnoses re-
Big Industries
Hit Small Units,
Heekscher Says
Economist Explains New
Movements That Tend
For Decentralization 1
Forces which have developed mod-I
ern large-scale industrialization are
preventing the growth of economic
institutions which tend to decentral-
ize again into a small-unit economic
set-up, Prof. Eli F. Heckscher, noted
Swedish economist, said yesterday in
a University lecture in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.
Professor Heckscher will deliver
two more lectures at 4:15 p.m. today
and tomorrow on "Mercantilism" in'
Room C, Haven Hall.
The automobile and electricity, both
of which are equally available and
serviceable to small producers as to
large industry, Professor Heckscher
declared, are indicative of the new
forces which tend toward decentrali-
zation of large, monopolistic produc-
tion. Political and psychological
impediments are mainly what have
hampered the progress of this decen-
tralization so far, he said.
Professor Heckscher traced the;
growth of the centralization of in-
dustry after the war and attributed
it to changes in political and ec-
onomic theories. Popular ideas of
individualism and "laissez-faire," he

said, gave way to ideas of group ac-
tion, while states were much more
able to control and to try and direct
conditions than before. He showed
the important influences of the rail-
road in leading toularge industry.
Statistics show that the new trend
to small industry is only beginning
to be effective, he stated, pointing out
that in Sweden alone, of major indus-
trial countries, is there an actual in-
crease in small production units.
Extension Division
Plans Adult Series
The University Extension Division,
in collaboration with the Michigan
State Federation of Women's Clubs,
n.nfi an Qadult educagtionseries to be

vealed strange .obstructions and
puzzling absences. Surgeons feared
to cut open such an uncommon ana-
Takes Over Cap pon's Job

tomy. Finally the problem was
solved. The patient was an under-
developed male.
Somewhat similar is the case of a
(Continued on Page 6)
Student Senate
Sets U pFour I
2,000 Students Expected,
To Participate In New
P.R. Election System
The Student Senate Sponsoring
Committee yesterday appointed cleri-
cal officers to supervise the campus-
The last meeting of all those
who wish to serve on the Student
Senate's Election Board as coun-
ters or clerks for the Friday elec-
tion will be held at 4 p.m. today
in the Union.
wide P.R. election and listed four
polling places at which more than 2,-
000 students are expected to vote Fri-
Polling places will be open from
7:30 a.m. to 7:30,.p.m. in the Angell
Hall Lobby, the Library, the Union I
and the League.
Candidates who wish to have theirk
platforms printed in The Daily are re-
quested to have them at the officesa
by 12:30 p.m. today and are urgedj
to typewrite them triple-spaced. Thel
Daily reserves the right to abridge any }
that are too long.
Sample ballots will be available at
5 p.m. today in Lane Hall for the use
of candidates.
Patterson Will Speak
On Vincent Voiture'
Prof. Warner F. Patterson of the
romance languages department will
give a lecture on "Vincent Voiture,
Poete Precieux" at 4:15 p.m. today
in Room 103 Romance Languages
This is the sixth in a series of lec-
tures sponsored by the Cercle Fran-
cais, tickets for which may be se-
cured at the door.r

Board Names
As Cage Coach
Former Assistant Under
Cappon Takes Over Job;
Weber Will Also Remain
Townsend May Get
Bennie's Old Post
Bennie Oosterbaakn will succeed
Franklin C. Cappon as head basket-
ball coach it was announced yesterday
by the Board in Control of Athletics.
Oosterbaan was formerly assistant
basketball coach under Cappon who
resigned to take a football and bas-
ketball coaching position on the
Princeton athletic staff.
Besides acting as cage mentor, Oos-
terbaan will continue serving as fresh-
man baseball coach and as an as-
sistant coach on the football staff
under Coach Herbert O. (Fritz) Cris-
Along with the coaching announce-
ment came the election of Leo C.
Beebe, of Dearborn, as captain of
the basketball team for next year.
Beebe, a junior, has won a Varsity
award as a guard for the past two
seasons. In 12 Big Ten games this
year he scored 58 points.
Townsend May Get Post
Walter J. (Wally) Weber whose
status under the new set-up was in
doubt will a1sd remain as a full time
member of the football coaching staff.
Weber was backfield coach last sea-
Considerable campus sentiment
centered around this year's captain,
John Townsend, as the likeliest can-
didate for the basketball coaching
Asked last night about his feelings
on the matter, Townsend, who is
graduating in June, said:
"I'd like to become Bennie' assist-
ant since I'm planning on entering
law school next fall and the part-
time coaching job would fit in well
with my plans."
Bennie Was Good
Oosterbaan becomes basketball
coach after 14 years of participation
in Michigan athletics both as a playern
and as a coach. While a student he
became one of Michigan's greatest
athletes, Picked three years running
as an All-American end, he won three
letters each in football, basketball
and baseball. Six of these teams, two
in each sport won the Western Con-
ference championships. During the
1928 hardwood season he led the
league in high-scoring with 129. He
(Continued on Page 3)
Crisler Promises j
'A Fighting Team,
BOSTON, March 8.-(P)-The
coaches themselves were cited as col-
lege football's most dangerous ene-
mies today by Herbert O. (Fritz)
Crisler, new Michigan head coach,
during a luncheon tendered him by
the Michigan Club of Boston.
"I'm not worried by the reformers
or other outsiders," Crisler said.
"What I fear most is the constant
rules changes advocated by the
coaches. If they are not halted, we
won't be able to recognize the game
25 years hence."
Although Crisler said he was not
familiar with football conditions at
Michigan, he promised the Boston
Alumni group a "fighting team."

To Open Today
At Mendelssohn
"Stage Door, presented by Play
Production, will open at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
The plot of the play, written by
George Kaufman and Edna Ferber,
is woven around the life and experi-
ences of a group of "stage struck"
girls who are living in one of the
well-known brownstone boarding
houses of New York.
The cast will include more than 25
women. Roles of major importance
will be layed by Ellen Rohblatt, '39;
Miriam Brous, '39; Marie Sawyer,
'38; Hattie Bell Ross, Grad.; Evelyn
Smith, '39; Nancy Shaefer, '39; Mar-
jory Coe, '38; Bunty Bain,. '39; Ruth
Menefee, '39; and Bettie Howard, '39.
Others in the cast include Mary
Rall, '39; Beatrice Danziger, '40M;
Marian Wall, Grad.; Jane Krause, '41;
Rhoda Foxman, '39; Helen Hirshey,
'38; Margery Soenksen, '39; Maxine
Adler, '40; Roberta Jones '38; Mar-
(Continued on Page 2)-
Collegoe Ruling
Now Requires
Average Of VC
,juniors-Elect Need Sixty
Honor Points In Order
To Remain In School
Sophomores and freshmen of the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts were reminded yesterday by of-
ficials of that college that beginning
with this June all students who do
not have at least a "C" average for
the first two years of their college
work will be required to withdraw
permanently from the University.
This requirement, known as the 60-
hour -60--honor-point rule, is not
new, but has been in effect since the
1932 school year. By terms of the
original legislation, however, in order
to givestudents a period of adjust-
ment, advisers up to the present have
granted extra time for attaining the
average. Through 1935 an extra
semester and a summer session were
allowed, and since that time one extra
semester has been allowed. Such ex-
tensions are hereafter to be discon-
Drawn up as a corollary to pro-
grams in concentration at the May
meeting of the faculty of the College
in 1931, the rule has as its intention
to make certain that students con-
tinuing into the junior and senior
year will be able to pursue their con-
centration programs to advantage, it
was explained.
Transfer students from other uni-
versities and colleges are subject to
the requirement at the time of com-
pleting 60 hours of work unless they
have been in residence only one se-
mester. These students who have
only one semester of residence and
who have earned 60 hours with less
than 60 points, will be referred to a
special counselor who has authority
to grant an extension of time or to
require withdrawal from college.
Pro gressives
To Hear Strikers
Meeting Today Will Take
Up Plans For Fiesta
Lewis Falstreux, head of the strike
committee of the International Typo-
graphical Union now striking against

the Ann Arbor' Press, and Kirby Jen-
nings, also a member of the union,
will speak at a meeting of the Pro-
gressive Club at 8 p.m. today at the
A. W. Wiltse, one of the owners of
the Ann Arbor Press, was invited by
the club tosend a representativeto
speak at the meeting, but refused the
Election of officers for the new
semester will be held. Those offices to
be filled are chairman, vice-chair-
man and secretary-treasurer.
The system of proportional repre-
sentation to be used in the election
for the Student Senate will be ex-'
plained by Stanley Leibergott, '38.1
The Spanish Fiesta which the ClubN
will sponsor, and plans for raising
money for an ambulance to be sent to
Spain will be discussed.
Mooney Is To Appear
In California House
SACRAMENTO, Calif., March 8.-
(P)-The California Assembly in an
Iimnr,'rt d tv, r nP ~ra + rnrprA o,

Roosevelt Demands
Showdown OnTVA

On One Side Of the Fence

David Lilienthal, Tennessee Val-
ley Authority director, is shown in
Washington as he outlined in a
Press conference an offer to buy out
private power companies in south-
eastern states.
Au1to Physics
Meet Planned
For March 1445
Lecturers, Inspection Trips
And An Informal Dinner
Are On Program. Here
The department of physics, in con-
junction with the American Institute
of Physics, will sponsor the first sym-
posium on the relation of physics to
the automotive industry here March
14 and 15.
The program includes lectures by
outstanding men in the automotive
industry, inspection tours of labora-
tory equipment and an informal din-
ner Monday night. Hutchins Hall,
the Physics Building and the Union
will be the main scenes of activity.
Prof. Floyd A. Firestone of the
physics department will deliver one
of the feature talks Tuesday in
Hutchins Hall.
Prof. Harrison M. Randall, head
of the physics department, in com-
menting on the symposium, said that
it was endorsed by the automobile
industries in Detroit and attracted
nation-wide attention. "One reason
why the meeting is being held here,"
he said, "is in recognition of the fact
that the department of physics has
for a long time been actively en-
gaged in the application of physics
to industries."
F. K. Richtmyer, Dean of the Cor-
nell Graduate School, will open the
program Monday morning, speaking
on: "What Physics Can Do For The
Automotive Industry.'
Other featured speakers for the day
include: Carl Breer, director of
Chrysler Engineering Research; M.
Muskat and F. Morgan, Gulf Re-'
search Laboratories; Frederick Seitz
atnd C. G. Found, General Electric
Company Research Laboratory; E. J.
Martin, General Motors Research
(Continued on Page 2)
ICC Allows Rise
In Rail Prices
Board Trys To Save Roads
From Insolvencies
WASHINGTON, March 8.-(P)-
The Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion granted a $270,000,000 annual
increase in freight rates tonight to
save the railroads from threatened
insolvencies and possibly to stimulate
industries which sell railroad equip-
Railroad men, who had pleaded for
a fiat 15 per cent increase amount-
ing to about $470,000,000, were frank-
ihv ii sa nrnintM w ev~rnxcu,


President Will Call Three
Directors For Conference
In His Office Friday
Resolution Asks
Directors To Quit
(By The Associated Press)
President Roosevelt, obviously pro-
voked, yesterday demanded a show-
down on the internal trouble of the
Tennessee Valley Authority, demand-
ing that the embittered directors, Ar-
thur E. Morgan, Harcourt Morgan
and David Lilienthal, justify their
bitter charges and counter charges
if they can.
Stepping directly into the row
among the three men, two of whom
have lined up against Chairman Ar-
thur Morgan, the President an-
nounced that he had called all three
into a conference to be held in his
office Friday.
Grimly and emphatically, he told
reporters that he would demand
proof of the charges of bad faith
that have been flying back and forth
between the two factions and added
that he wanted facts, not opinions;
nothing but facts.
Three additional developments in
connection with the TVA row oc-
curred during the day.
Senator Norris (Dem., Neb.), au-
thor of the TVA act and closely in
touch with the controversy at all
times, told the Senate that "intense
jealousy" had led, Chairman Morgan
to make angry charges against Lilien-
thal and Harcourt Morgan. Norris
said the "green-eyed monster" had
impelled Morgan to go "beyond rea-
son and right."
Wendell Willkie, president of Com-
monwealth and Southern Corp., wrote-
Lilienthal that he would accept the
latter's proposed bases for negotia-
tions for the sale of competing pri-
vate utilities to the TVA; if during
the negotiations PWA grants to mu-
nicipalities for the construction of
power plants would be discontinued.
A resolution was introduced in the
House demanding that all three TVA
directors resign.
Mr. Roosevelt reviewed the back-
ground of the TVA feud to the cor-
respondents, adding to previous public
knowledge of what had been happen-
ing within the board room of that
agency. After about a year in which
Chairman Morgan and the Lilienthal-
Harcourt Morgan faction had been
seriously and almost continually at
odds on matters of policy, Chairman
Morgan wrote a magazine article.
It appeared last September in the
Atlantic Monthly, and prompted Lil-
ienthal and Harcourt Morgan, as a
majority of the board, to adopt a
resolution asking that statements in
the article which they regarded as
impugning their good faith be jus-
tified or withdrawn.
Old Wall Street
Whitney Company Fails;
Investigation Started
NEW YORK, March 8.-(A)-The
brokerage house of Richard Whitney
& Company-whose senior partner
ruled over the New York stock ex-
change in the crucial days following
the 1929 market collapse-failed to-
Federal and state. agencies imme-
diately plunged into widespread in-
vestigations of the firm's activities.
Although the failure was regarded
in Wall Street as one of the most
spectacular in exchange historynbe-
cause of Whitney's prominence, it

left the stock market calm.
Prices of leading issues generally
opened lower, slipped moderately after
the news of the Whitney failure was
announced from the rostrum of the
exchange a few minutes after the
opening and strengthened in late
While investigators of the Secur-
ities and Exchange Commission
worked behind the locked doors of the
brokerage house, Assistant Attorney
General Ambrose V. McCall of New
York state opened private hearings,
first questioning Henry D. Mygatt, a
partner in the firm.

Chrysler Executive Views Joh
Chances Bright Despite Slump
By JACK DAVIS ties for the college graduate bulked
i. th, nferneonOccu-i larger at the present time in mod-

opening ue ULiLco UUL ttu
pational Information at the Union,
dapper grey-haired Dr. James S.
Thomas, president of the Chrysler
Institute of Engineering, told an au-1
The conference continues its
series of lectures and forums
with three addresses in the
Union today. At 4:15 p.m. W. A.
P. John, president of the Mac-
Mapus, John and Adams adver-
tising agency will speak on "Ad-
vertising." Two talks are sched-
uled for 7:30 when J. C. Newman,
special agent in the Department
of Justice will discuss "Oppor-
tunities in the Federal Bureau of
Investigation" and E 1 e a n o r
Cranefield, of the University
Graduate center in Detroit will
speak on "Social Service."

Speaks Here Today

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H. F. Taggart Appointed

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