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March 06, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-06

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__ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY siJN



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- - - -'g.ars - n -' "
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studen* Publications.
Pubiisled every morning except Monday during the
niversity year and Bummer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
oAllege Publishers Re esetative
Board of Editors
PORTS EDITOR.. ..................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthven.r
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Double Standard
And T1he Triple Standard ...
askance the alleged double standard
.existent in America. Actually, the standard is
not double. It is triple! Somewhere far below
the freedoms of the American white males and
females there languish the privileges of the Amer-
ican Negro whose present de facto existence
riddles with bald-faced hypocrisy our heritage
of equality and liberty.
It is a platitude that the Civil War and the
resultant legislation designed for the freedom of
the Negro, were at best abortive attempts to help
the black man. And perhaps during the recon-
struction days, it was better that way. Carpet-
baggers and the Republican party, armed with
the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, we know,
descended like hungry vultures on the southland
and gorged themselves with offices of 'public
trust through the medium of the Negro vote. It
Was natural that the crippled southern states
Mhould take drastic measures to cleanse them-
selves of this choking malignancy. The grand-
father clauses, the Ku Klux Klan and the Union
League were militant, ruthless and vindictive,
but natural reactions, nonetheless, against the
North's attempted rape of the South.
Today, however, there is nothing natural,
nothing logical, nothing reasonable, nothing just
about the swashbuckling discrimination flouted
everywhere in the face of the black man. The
charges against the New York Bell Telephone
Company last week are only a single incident
in a weary list of race discriminations. Thus,
South, Carolina follows an old Southern custom
when it expends $60.06 a year for the education
of a white child and $7.60 a year for the education
of a Negro child. The importation of Negroes as
Gcabs in strikes and the dual wage scale are facts
far more than twice told, but facts, nonethe-
less, that we do little to turn into fiction.
Efforts to prove the black man inferior intel-
lectually have fallen before the cold evidence of
army Alpha tests, which found the Alabama

whites rating inferior to the.Harlem Negro. Ef-.
forts to prove the black man more disposed to
:rime have fallen before the penetrating inves-
igation of criminologists and the dubious impar-
tiality of judges, juries and police. Vague ef-
forts to prove the black man inferior by virtue
f his color alone have fallen before biologic,
inquiry which found black a decidedly superior
color for torrid temperatures.
The heritage of the Negro in America is a
:roud one. The negro piloted Columbus across
he unknown Atlantic. The Negro fought and
found with Balboa. The Negro mustered out
,000 strong for the War of Independence. The
Negro was instrumental in Jackson's splendid
defense of New Orleans. The Negro swelled
he ranks of the A.E.F. with 400,000 doughboys.,
As a contributor to the general tenor and pat-
ern of American civilization we cannot deny the
aegro his place. On the stage there has been
he immortal Bert Williams, Charles Gilpin of
The Emperor Jones," Frank Wilson of "Porgy,"
he "Lawd" Richard B. Harrison and All-Amer-
:an Paul Robeson of Phi Beta Kappa and "Show
3oat." In literature: Booker T. Washington, Paul
awrence Dunbar, William E. B. DuBois, William

1918 America's Negro youth returned from battle
with a new sense of freedom. They had fought
shoulder to shoulder with the American whites
and they had acquitted themselves admirably.
But the country and the South in particular,
was fearful. The Southern white visioned a repe-
tition of the recoistruction days, days whose
horrors were just now fading after more than
60 years. Aggravating conditions were dema-
gogues of the Heflin variety who ranged the rural
southern sections with the diligence of a dog on a
slop roite, touching off the fires of racial hatred.
The Ku Klux Klan rose from its grave while
Kleagles and Klailiffs reigned in terror. Lynch-
mgs went up like Chrysler stock and the motion
picture "The Birth of a Nation" crystallized the
burning racial feeling.
Inter-racial committees, criminologists and
philanthropists are functioning effectively, but
the help of the Negroes and the whites them-
selves must be enlisted. Booker-T. Washington
once said that the two races talked "too much
about each other and not enough to each other."
Too true. On our modern university campuses
we see Negro men and women who do credit to
any race. Let's talk to them.
Robert I. Fitzhenry.
Salsburg . .
Arturo Toscanini is perhaps the only prac-
ticing musician alive whose activities may be
said to have an international political signifi-
cance. This does not arise from politcal am-
bition or from any detailed interest in political
phenomena as such, but from his instantaneous
reaction to situations that are politically caused.
When Mussolini made the party line a con- /
ditioning influence on the sort of music he
performed, Toscanini withdrew as an active
force in the musical life of Italy. If he had to
perform the artistically puerile marching song
of the Fascisti, he wouldn't perform anything.
When Hitler drove the Jewish musicians of
Germany from their posts, he promptly resigned
as a director of the Bayreuth Festival. And now
that he has announced his intention of staying
away from the 1938 Salzburg Festival, it fol-
lows that he no longer considers Austria-with
its possible incipient Nazi-ism--an appropriate
background for the free practice of his art.
Needless to say, his decision is a serious blow
to the Salzburg Festival. Those who attended
the Festival in the last four years always found
that tickets for the Toscanini operas and con-
certs were almost impossible to obtain, while
there were 'plenty of seats for all other at-
tractions. They also found that this difference
in demand was a"fairly accurate reflection of
the differing quality of the various performances.
.From the artistic view, his decision c n be
only a matter of the deepest regret. Evp so,
one cannot help being moved by such con-
spicuous integrity and by the implied belief
that what is degrading to a people must in-
evitably be degrading to their arts.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Public Service And Charm...
Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, the young and
provocative president of the University of Chi-
cago, made a speech the other day to the Inland
Daily Press Association which contained much
sound sense. He may have been putting it a
bit strong when} he said that "the shadiest
educational ventures under respectable aus-
pices are the schools of journalism," but he
surely was on firm ground when he said that
"what education cannot do is to prepare men
and women for specific jobs."
People can be taught how to run a linotype
machine, they can be taught taxidermy, cattle
judging, tree planting, dam building and a mil-
lion other things, but the suspicion still re-
mains that our educational system is mis-
directed when it attempts to prepare a man
directly for either journalism or public lifej
It is somehow as pointless as trying to turn'
an oaf into a gentleman in twelve easy lessons.
After decrying the fact-and it is a fact-
that "there is a ldt of loose talk going around
in educational circles about the public service,"
Dr. Hutchins said that "public life" is con-
cerned with action adapted to immediate con-
crete situations, and that it is imposisble to

learn how to deal with these situations "except
by dealing with them." All this may sound
obvious, but it isn't. Our colleges are even
trying to teach people how to be happy. They
try to teach them how to be big business
executives. They try to give them an equip-
ment which will enable them to take the seats
of Dana, Greeley and Pulitzer. They even try
to teach them how to administer public' offices,
which is on par with trying to tell a man how,
on some immediate tomorrow, he can be a
LaGuardia or a Robert Moses. And while all
this is going on, we live in a world where the
fobs are few.
Some of the schools of journalism have turned
out competent and even distinguished news-
paper men. The Harvard School of Business
Administration likewise has turned out some
good busines sexecutives. And so on. But we
venture, to surmise that in almost every such
instance the result was due not so much to
the training received in such schools as to the
qualities inherent in the individual-that, and
the breaks of circumstances.
The ability to operate a typewriter, to arrange
an attractive typographical layout, or to make
up a balanced front page 'are all admirable
enough in a journalist. But the other things,
the sound background, the inquiring and skep-
tical mind, the awareness of what is happening
in the world, the feeling for what is good and
what is bad, would seem to be among the more
important things which should be the partic-
ular business of an educational system. Which
is another way of saying that the concern of
a college is the education of men and women,
and not of jobholders. They will get the jobs,
if there are any jobs to be had. And they may
even turn out to be charming without any one
having to tell them how to be.

x:..femwfz'o Me
H-eywood Broun
In addition to a desire for rest and healthful
living and early hours, I went to Florida chiefly
to see "Snow White." After standing outside
the Rockefellers' Music Hall for an hour or so
I said to myself, "It can't be as good as all that."
And I was wrong. It is. The Disney picture
is a creation of great charm,
high wit and much imag-
ination. I have only one
slight suggestion to make.
I think it should be played
under the strict rule that
it is for adults only.
I don't mean that chil-
dren won't like it. Most of
them enjoy it enormously.
But that's the trouble. The
tots and kiddies are enor-
mously cruel and they are also extremely cur-
ious about horrors and very receptive to sug-
As a matter of fact I know a lot of little
toddlers who would be just fascinated with Jim
Cain's new novel, "Serenade." Just the same,
I would try to keep it away from them, even
if they didn't altogether get the idea.
Fun For Aunt Clara
Old Aunt Clara, yes, indeed! ,-Auit Clara
doesn't have much fun these days and she will
enjoy seeing the witch rolled around. I even
suspect that the fine old gentlewoman may
make an identification with the character.
But I think little Mildred ought to stay home.
She already has the habit of waking in the
middle of the night and screaming that some-
body is chasing her with a knife. Her parents
erred, I believe, in letting her read the tabloids
quiteso freely at the time of the bathtub
Still, they had a reasonable excuse.
"What's the point of trying to keep the murder
stories and photographs away from Mildred?"
they said. "After all, she does listen to the
kiddies' programs on the radio, and there
always is something on them about spooks and
hands coming through the wall to throttle
people. And if it isn't the radio it's the funnies,
where all the people get knocked about.
The Case Of Little Mildred
"Even school isn't always encouraging. Only
last Friday Mildred came home from kinder-
garten weeping her eyes ot about a nice little
fairy story which the teacher had read. It
was something of Hans Christian Andersen's
about a little match girl who gets out into a
blizzard and freezes to death. You know, Mil-
dred is very precocious. She had heard pap
say something at dinner about the depression
and she figured that maybe pretty soon she'd
be out selling matches herself, and freezing her
ears off.-.
"And papa says that if somebody doesn't turn
those crazy Congressmen out maybe she will.
So we've agreed not to try and stop Mildred
from seeing anything or hearing anything. Our
rule is to let her scare the life out of herself
and then thump the breath out of her when
she wakes up in the middle of the night and
Now, certainly there is something to be said
for this system, but it seems to me too harsh
and too punishing for 'both parents and pro-
geny. I would try to keep the little ones away
from disturbing thoughts simply to make them
sleep better at night. It may be selfish on my
part. But there isn't much sense in filling a
child with spinach for, his health and then
letting him get stuffed with pictures of horrible
old witches.
Three Forms
Of Conquest .. .
The world in recent months has seen three

conquerors in action, adding to their realms and
their power by three distinctly different methods.
In Ethiopia, Mussolini pursued= the ancient way
of raw and naked force. The invaders bombed
and blasted a sovereign people into submission,
then supplanted their Government with military
administrators from across the sea. Japan's
militarists, too, use force and terror in the war
on China, but adopt the fiction of puppet states
-nominally headed by apostate Chinese, but
actually dominated by Japanese "advisers"-to
control the conquered areas. Hitler uses the
more subtle technique of boring from within.
He has accomplished the virtual annexation of
Austria without firing a shot, without crossing
a border, by merely insisting upon a Cabinet
shuffle which puts his own adherents in places
of power.
There is no bloodshed, for the moment at
least, in the Nazi method, but it is the most
difficult one to combat. Austrian patriots sud-
denly found that the brown-shirted enemy had
captured their Government. Against foreign
protests, Hitler can say that the Austrian coup
is purely a domestic matter, and this is super-
ficially true. The Austrian Nazis owe allegiance
to Hitler and run to him for orders, to be sure,
but their Cabinet appointments are in good
order. This situation causes Britain and France,
guarantors of Austrian independence, to hesi-
tate as to protest or interference.
Infiltration as a method of conquest is a sub-
tle and dangerous device. It menaces all the
nations that are within the orbit of the Nazi
propaganda machine. The Austrian success,
whose scope will not be fully known until Hitler
delivers his Reichstag speech tomorrow, will
doubtless stimulate the alert propagandists of
the Third Reich to further efforts. Hitler can
safely reiterate his avowed opposition to war.

iLile Symphony Concert
(Sunday, 8 p.m., Michigan League)
Every dog has its day, and every
nation has its era of supremacy - in
art as well as politics. Today, the
lowland countries of Belgium and
Holland have almost no musical in-
dividualityor prestige, but there was
a time, in the fifteenth and early six-
teenth centuries, when even Mother
Italy herself took a few lessons from
the contrapuntal masters of the
Netherlands School. With the pass-
ing of the Reformation century, how-
ever, also passed the musical ascen-
dency of the Netherlands, to be suc-
ceeded by the equally remarkable
Dutch and Flemish printing of the
seventeenth century.
Then came music's period of ado-
lescence in the eighteenth century,
and from the low countries emanated
a small group of minor composers
headed by Jean Baptiste Loelliet
which settled in other countries and
thus lost its significance as artists
in their native land. Lolliet was born
at Ghent in 1653, but in 1705 went to
London, where he became flutist in
the orchestra at the Haymarket The-
ater and thus probably took part in
the performances of Handel's early
operas. It was while he was in Lon-
don that Loelliet's "Sonate a trois,'
of which the C minor is the fifth
were published by Walsh, who also
published many of Handel's composi-
tions. Rescored for chamber orches-
tra by Thor Johnson, the C mino
Sonata is in two movements, Grave
and Andante.
Concerto in B minor for Viola and
Orchestra - Handel. Because we
think of the concerto as being very
much a "symphony" for solo instru-
ment and orchestra, and theref or
as an offshoot of the symphonic form
it is interesting to recall that the two
forms were evolved along somewha
different lines and that the concerto
was the earlier of the two to be te-
veloped. It must be remembered
however, that the eighteenth cen-
tury concerto was usually of the
"gr osso" type, contrasting the tone
colors and technical possibilities o
a solo group of instruments with
those of the orchestral tutti instead
of "showing off" a single solo instru-
mentasedoes the nineteenth cen-
tury concerto.
This Viola Concerto, nevertheless
is of the latter type, and in the com-
plexity of some of its rhythms, the
warmly lyrical nature of its slow
movement, and its comparative har-
monic freedom, it appears quite ad-
vanced for Handel. According to the
score, the complete harmonigation
and orchestration are the work of
Henri Casadesus, brother of the bril-
liant French pianist, but the original
form of the music is not indicated
It is definitely not a part of any of
the concertos or other instrumental
pieces contained in the complete col-
lection of Handel's works, and if it
really originated with Handel must
have been completed from some un-
published sketch.
Solos for Harpsichord Alone. Here
exemplified are the three principal
forms in which eighteenth century
harpsichord compositions were cast.
From Handel's fifth Suite pour le
Clavecin the Theme and Variations-
long known popularly as "The Har-
monious Blacksmith" from the erro-
neous legend that it was suggested
by the anvil-accompanied song of a
blacksmith with whom the composer
once took refuge from a storm - is a
simple though melodious example of
the variations form in which the

theme is varied each time through
the ornamental and pianistic elabora-
tions suggested by a fluent keyboard
technique. The "sonatas" (A, G, and
D minor) of Domenico Scarlatti are
not so called from their form but
simply to distinguish them as instru-
mental rather than vocal pieces; to-
day they would be termed "etudes,"
for they usually were based on some
problem of execution, and as such
are elegant and scintillating rather
than profound. The two preludes (D
and E-flat minor) of Bach are from
the famous "Well-Tempered Key-
board," which served both to estab-.
lish the practicability of the tempered
tuning of keyboard instruments and
as studies of great interest and musi-
cal worth.
..Adagio, Opus 3 - Lekeu. For the
second time within a week Ann Arbor
will hear a work by Guillaume Lekeu,
a Belgian like Loelliet, but separated
from him by two centuries which
were practically barren as far as Bel-
gian music is concerned. Like the
Violin Sonata played by Enesco, the
Adagio is warmly romantic in char-
acter, but with a touch of the elegiac,
and even more rhapsodic in form. It
could almost be called an orchestral
recitative. Some slight literary hint
as to the precise feelings of the com-
poser in creating it is furnished by
the quotation from Georges Vanor
found on the title page: "Les Fleurs
pales du Souvenir . . .."
Symphony No. 5 in B-flat - Schu-
bert. Though but nineteen at the

(Continued from Page 2)
Room 304 of the Union. Staff mem-
bers and graduate students in Eco-
nomics and Business Administration
are invited to attend.
Michigan Dames. The music group
will meet Monday, March 7, 8:00 p.m.
-at the Michigan League. New mem-
bers cordially invited.
Bibliophiles. The Bibliophile sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club will
meet Tuesday, March 8, 2:30 p.m., at
the home of Mrs. Lars Thomassen,
- 2115 Woodside Road.
Luncheon for Graduate Students on
Wednesday, March 9, at 12 noon, in
the Russian Tea Room of the Michi-
gan League. Cafeteria Service. Prof.
Carl Guthe, Director of the University
Museums and Museum of Anthropol-
ogy, and Chairman of the Division of
Social Sciences, will speak informally
on "The Chronological Records of the
Maya Indians."
Phi Tau Alpha. There will be a
meeting of the Phi Tau Alpha, Tues-
day, March 8, at 8:00 p.m. at the
9 Michigan League.
Iota Sigma Pi: An important busi-
ness meeting will be held on Tues-
day, March 8, at University House
at 7:30 p.m. At the close ofthe
business meeting, the president will
give a short talk on her research
ework. Please attend.
Acolytes: Prof. Paul Henle, of the
philosophy department, will read a
paper on "Verification" Monday eve-
ning, March 7 at 7:45 in Room 202
S.W. Those interested in philoso-
phical discussion are invited to.a-
e tend.
' Intramural Fencing Tournaent:
t The entries for the Intramural Fen-
cing Championship will be taken on
Monday, March 7, in the small gym-
nasium of the Itramural Building.
Entries will be accepted for foil, sabre
and epee. The first round will be
f fought at 4:30 on Wednesday, March
9. Members of Scimitar will act as
judges. No entries will be accepted
after March 9.
Congress: All district officers-both
presidents and secretaries - are to
meet Monday March 7, in the Con-
gress office, Room 306, of the Union,
at 7:30 p.m.
The Educational Colloquy Club. We
wish to announce to the student body
the beginning of a new club for the
f discussion of the problems and meth-
ods of education. Our first meeting
is open to all those interested in edu-
cation and will be held in Lane Hall,
. on Monday, March 7, at 8:00.
There will be an open forum on the
question, Are Our Modern Universi-
ties Efficient? The discussion will be
based on the views of Robert May-
nard Hutchins as presented in his
book "The Higher Learning" in Amer-
Congress: The Assembly-Congress
Tea Dance Committee and Chairman
will meet at 4:00 p.m. Monday in the
Motion Pictures of scenic and recre-
ational attractions of Wyoming,
. Monday afternoon at 4:15, Natural
Science Auditorium. The public is
Women's Swimming Class: The
7:30 p.m. swimming class for women
will not meet on 'Tuesday evening,
March 8th.
Scandinavian Club: There will be
a meeting in the "Upper Room" at
Lane Hall, Wednesday, March 9, at
8:00 p.m. Professor Willey of the
German Department will speak on
the Early Scandinavian ,Literature
and Folk Lore.

Disciples' Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister. 7
.5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea. 7
6:30 p.m., Mrs. Rosa Page, a prom-;
inent Negro musician of Chicago, will
speak on Spirituals. Mrs. Welch will
sing a number of solos and will also
lead the group in singing many of
the best known Spirituals. All stu-t
dents are welcome.
First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:45
a.m. Mr. Sayles, Minister of Church,
will speak on "The Mastery of Self."
This is the second in a series of
Lenten sermons. Church School at
9:30, Dr. Logan, superintendent.
Junior High at 4:30 p.m. Senior Hight
at 6:00 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild, Students,.
both his own instincts and the ideals
of the new romanticism whicht
gripped his era by trying, with ama-
teurish success, to color the restraintt
and objectivity of the classic sym-c
phony with warm and subjectivec
In the fifth of his symphonies, how-

P-.iiiatinn In th~e BEiItizi Is constructive notie to all mmn oer*t3th
UniVersity C'OPYreceived at the Offte orf itbPf4Cnt to th E re~jlaeit
unatii 2130~, 11:00 Ja. non lSatiirday.

12:00 noon, student group meets Mr.
Chapman at Guild ,House for forty
minute discussion o n "Efficient
6:15 p.m. Dr. Waterman will give
the second talk on "The Religious In-
heritance of Jesus, and What He did
with it."
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30;
Subject, "Man."
Golden Text: Romans 8:14.
Sunday School at 11:45 after the
morning service.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner of State and William.
10:45 a.m., Service of worship.
Beginning his Lenten sermons on
the theme "What Is This Christian-
ity?" Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach
on "An Event." The music will in-
clude selections from Gounod's Motet
"Gallia" by the choir under the di-
rection of Mr. Henry Bruinsma; a so-
prano solo by Miss Lois Greig; and
Karg-Elert's "Clair de Lune" and
"Choral Improvisation" by Miss Mary
Porter, organist.
6 p.m. Professor Bennett Weaver
whose talks to students have been so
popular and inspiring, has consented
to address the Student Fellowship for
the next three Sunday evenings with
talks that will contain the challenge
of the Lenten season. The first of
these addresses will be on "Reality
Itself" and will follow the supper at
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship Service at 10:45 o'clock. Dr.
Brashares will preach on "War and
Peace." Service will be held in the
Michigan Theatre.
Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45
a.m. Prof. Carrothers will lead the
discussion on "Serving With What
We Have." Wsleyan Guild meeting
!at 6 p.m. Kappa Phi will present a
play, "Horizons of the Church." Fel-
lowship Hour at 7, p.m. This is to
be candid camera night. If you have
a camera or kodak bring it with you.
Mr. Ivory of the Calkins-Fletcher
Co. will speak on some phase of
photography. All Methodist stu-
dents and their friends are cordially
FirstnPresbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., "Creative Living" is the
subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's first
Lenten sermon of a series on "Mod-
erns and Miracles" at the Morning
,Worship Service. The student chir
directed by Prof. E. W. Doty and
the children's choir under the lead-
ership of Mrs. Fred Morns will take
part in the service. The musical
numbers will include: Organ Pre-
lude, "O Sacred Head Once Wound-
ed" byKarg-Elert; Anthem, "Surely
He Hath Borne Our Griefs" by .Lot-
ti; Solo, "O Jesus, Lord of Mercy
Great" by Sowerby, Burnette Brad-
ley Staebler.
5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild
supper and meeting. The discussion
groups on The Principles of Chris-
tian Living-In Interpreting Events
of Today; In Getting Along With
People; In Men and Women Rela-
tions, and In Business' and Profes-
sions will be continued. The fifth
group on Basic Principles of Chris-
tianity will also meet.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are:
. 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30
a.m. Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kin-
dergarten; 11:00 a.m. Holy Commun-
ion and Sermon by the Rev. Henry
Harris Hall: There will be a cele-
bration of .the Holy Communion in
the Chapel at 9 a.m. Sunday morn-
ing, followed by breakfast. The
speaker Sunday evening will 'be Rab-

bi Bernard Heller. His topic is "The
Enduring Influence of the Hebrew
Prophets," and his address will begin
at seven o'clock. We are fortunate
to have Rabbi Heller with us as he is
not only a student of the Old Testa-
ment, but is noted for a liberal out-
look on present day problems. All
Episcopal students and their* friends
are cordially invited.
Trinity Lutheran Church, corner of
Williams St. and Fifth Ave. Pastor:
Rev. H. O. Yoder. The sermon by
the pastor will be on "Sin-With A
Sinless Christ."
Lutheran Student Club: 5:30 Zion
Parish Hall. Marshall Levy from
Ann Arbor Youth Guidance Project
will be the speaker. His talk will in-
clude case histories in connection
with the Youth guidance project. The
choir will meet as usual at 4 p.m.
Unitarian Church, State and Huron
Streets. This Sunday marks the re-
turn to the morning services at 11:00
a.m. 11:00 a.m.. Morning Service.
Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on
"Shangri-La," man's search for his
Lost Horizons. 7:30 p.m. Liberal
Student's Union. Student discussion
of war and peace with emphasis up-
on the question of Collective Security
and Isolationist points of view.

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