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February 28, 1937 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-28

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IARVARD ... 33
YALE ........29

DETROIT .... 29
DE PAUL .... 24

LOYOLA . . .. 39 BUTLER . . .. 17 BPRINCETON .3s


N . 19



MiehiganFaces Indiana Matmen In Crucial Meet Tom


oosiers Are
Varsity's Chief
Ten Threat
Knee Injury Puts Jordan
Out; Speicher Opposes
Conference Champ
Meet Starts At 7:30
Michigan's Varsity wrestlers meet
thir supreme dual meet test of the
year tomorrow when they tackle In-
dlanr*0 powerful mat aggregation at
7 30: in the Yost Field House.
T&H6H is long king-pins of the
&nf& ;e Will p rvde the Varsity
vWith their stiffest opposition since
their Lehigh encounter. The result
cf the imeeting will be an accurate in-
dicatdr'of both teams' chances in the
iiperiing: Big Ten tournament to be
lIld-iierel March 12 and 13.I
W "th the exception of big Butch
Jrdati, Wolverine heavyweight,
&oach Cliff' Keen's lineup is set for
the impyending match. Jordan's
knee, injured- in the Lehigh fracas
ii Jariiaryt , has responded slowly to
tr atmeft and only if Keen is pressed
in the closing bout will he use the
sophomnore tomorrow.
S eiche' Faces Myers
The odening bout of the evening-
shoul be the best on the card. It
wil 1 ing- together "Two-Bit" Myers,
S g Ten champion at 11-pounds,
aid MIehigan's undefeated Johnny
Speicet, who lost to Myers in the
Onferned meet last year. Speicher
hls bee I comiing along very fast this
year, and the encounter should be
nip-and-tuck all the way.
Scotty- Sefton or Seth Boyd of In-
di4nr Will reet Paul Cameron at 126
Admission to.the Indiana-Mich-
iga4 -wrestling meet at 7:30 p.m.,
March 1-, is free with student
ideitification cards, which must
be ,resented at the door. For all
others a 25c admission will be
pounds. Cameron's experience gives
hin theh nd over either of these two
sopho ores. Ear Thomas, recuper-
ating from an attack of flu, will
b dtle To- Bryce of Indiana at 135-
pbunds. If Thomas' condition is
right, he should take his opponent
without too much trouble.
The 145-pound tilt is a toss-up.
Harold Nichols, Varsity sophomore,
tckles Cliff Bassham, aggressive
Hbosier second year man, with
nether holding much advantage over
thE other.
EiMWI Favored
Cnptairi Frak- Bissell is an odds-
o w favorite to whip either John Keg-
l1' or John Tatum of Indiana at
1 i-pounds. Harland Danner, how-.
e k, will have- a real battle on his
hnls meeting Chauncey McDaniel a
good sophomore from Indiana
ae 5-pounds. The aggressive Dan-
nom is favored despite his opponent's
i iessive records in past meets.
k Tasch of Michigan opposes
Clis Traicoff at 175-pounds in an
e i-Stephen affair. Abe Lincoln,
w1idP will sub for the injured Jordan,
bUtips into a real powerhouse in Bob
Hask, 215-pound Hoosier heavy.
Henk has pinned every foe to date
a fd is favored over his less experi-
ene d opponent.
1jb-Yard Free-Style Relay: Won
by ichigan (Tomski, Haynie, Mw-
e Kirar). time 3:34.2.
2O-Yard Free-Style: Won by Bar-
nard (Mich.); Elling (Minn.), sec-
oridi ; Philip (Minn.) third. Time:
2 r 7.
2: ,Yard Free-Style: Won by Kirar
( ilh.); Hudson (Minn.) second;
Atkrman (Minn.) third. Time: 23.6.

Hilanrty Reigns
As Fraternities.
TangleOn Ice
Hilarity on the ice is the title of'
this opus, and it concerns the Intra-
mural-hockey games occasionally fea-
tured on the Coliseum ice. The antics
of those skating tyros matches any-
thing Sonja Heine or the Ritz Broth-
ers ever did.
A skirmish last Tuesday night be-
tween the Alpha Delts and Phi Psis
was typical. The latter six won, 6 to
1, but the score was only incidental
to the story. It was a ser-comic
battle to see which team could retain
its equilbrium longest
The Alpha Delt goalie, San Ladd,
was an unfortunate victim of the
proceedings, as he vainly tried to
steady his shimmying feet, adjust a
Tyrolean cap and a catcher's chest
protector and keep Phi Psi goals out
of the nets--all at the same time.
Even though his efforts were yeoman,
he managed to duck' only six shots,
the others landing' on various parts
of his anatomy.
Sehware Has Trouble
Fred Sehwarze, Phi Psi goalie, was
having troubles of his own in the nets.
His feet, too, insisted upon jostling
each other, although he succeeded
once in dodging Russ Cole's blistering
shot, which gave the Alpha Delts
their only score.
The piece de resistance of the eve-
ning was Jack D'Arcy's brilliant solo
dash through the bewildered Phi Psi
defense. Jack eluded two opponents,
faked another out of his shoes, then
poised his stick for the climactic
shot. But-lo! there was no puck
at the end of it. In his haste he
had left the rubber disk lying ne-
glected half way up the ice.
On another occasion an Alpha Delt
wing rode into the Phi Psi territory
and swung his stick hard, missing the
puck altogether. But it didn't pre-
vent Goalie Schwarze's feet from-fly-
ing out from under him anyhow.
Kollig Snares A Stray
After eleven falls of the second
period John Kollig, Alpha Delt wing,
snared a stray puck near the center
line and hustled down for an open
shot at the Phi Psi goal, but the
excitement of the moment proved too
much for John as he went sprawling
on his belly.
A capacity crowd of 1,192 pre-
ferred other pursuits to Tuesday
night's match, although the five
pledge Phi Psis that did attend gave
sporadic vocal demonstrations, get-
ting particularly noisy between the
second and third periods, when Okla-
homa Dave Flue made several nifty
shots-while the Alpha Delt goalie
was taking a smoke.
So 'if you're sated with the usual
sports event, you are advised to get
a ringside seat at the next Intramural
hockey fracas. You will witness a
dignity-damaging performance, be
assured, and the assorted outfits the
players wear are goshawful.
Diving: Won by Klune (Minn.),
Haughey (Mich.) second; Martig
(Minn.) third. Total points 318.6.
100-Yard Free-Style: Won by
-Tomski (Mich.); Hudson (Minn.),
second; Bryant (Mich.) third. Time:
150-Yard Backstroke - Won by
Cody (Mich.); Brandt (Minn.) sec-
ond; Robinson (Mich.) third. Time:
200-Yard Breast-Stroke: Won by
Kasley (Mich.); Comstock (Minn.)
second; Knight (Minn.) third. Time:
440-Yard Free-Style: Won by
Haynie (Mich.); Morris (Minn.) sec-
ond; Philip (Minn.) third. Time:
-300Yard Medley Relay-Won by
Michigan (Sauer, Kasley, Mowerson).
Time: 3:06.7.

The PRESS ANGLE ... By George Andros

Zerbos Win State Handball Title

Revenge For Vic. .
N EYE FOR AN EYE and a toothI
for a tooth.... Well, anyhow,
a hell of a lot of satisfaction
for a tooth . . . That is what Vic
Heyliger got . Friday night when he
scored the' winning goal against Min-
nesota . . . The-Beaver lost an in-
cisor in Wednesday night's skirm-
ish . . . And the sports editors of
The Minnesota Daily must have been
duly chagrined when Captain Vic
poke-checked the puck and swept to
a score with 11 seconds of play re-
maining . . . The Gopher writers put
the black-thatched center on the.
pan to no small extent after Min-
nesota's 3-1 win Wednesday night. . .
They said'he spent most of his time
on the ice- and seemed ready to go.
on a sit-down strike after particular-
ly hard bumps from the Norse de-
fensemen ... Not Victor, gentlemen,

not the Beaver . . . Coach Larry
Armstrong: is still fuming, I'll bet ...
He's given to violent language
Especially when his team is not far-
ing well . . . Did you say national
championship, Minnesota Daily? . .
Did you say your 8-1 defeat in Ann
Arbor was just one of those things?
. Tsk, tsk, my worthy colleagues.
To The ictors .,..
Lowrey and the Varsity hockey
team who brought home the. first of
the winter's Big Ten titles,. . . At least
a good share of it ... And don't forget
the state championship won from
Tech . . . An extra large orchid to
goalie Bill Chase, who came through
when he was on the spot ... Speak-
ing of hockey, Keith Crossman, one
of- Coach Lowrey's stars of a few

years ago, won a nifty trophy as high
scorer of the Michigan-Ontario
Amateur League whose regular sea-
son just closed . . . Crossman and
Emie Reid, his old Wolverine play-
mate, are both members of the cham-
pionship Holzbaugh-Ford Six of De-
troit . . . Michigan's swimmers seem
to thrive in Iowa's pool . . . They
broke three Intercollegiate records
and a couple of American marks in
the Hawkeye tank two years ago ..
Friday night they did even better
Sports publicity from Purdue says
last Monday night's basketball might
have been a different story had the
Boilermakers cashed in on scoring
opportunities . . . Did anyone see
many good scoring opportunities for
the men of Piggy Lambert? . I
didn't . . . Jack Kasley is about due
to become the first breast-stroke
swimmer to break 2:20 for 200 yards

Al and Lou Zerbo flashed through
the final match of the A.A.U. Hand-
ball Tourney at the Intramural
building yesterday to beat Joe Holtz-
man and Lefty Dworman and take
the State Doubles title for the sec-
ond year in a row. They won in
straight games, 21-10, 21-10.
Although the play was fairly close
during the first game, the winners
only taking the game after inum-
erable volleys, the second tilt was
practically in the bag after a few
minutes of play, due, to the fact that

Dworman suffered a cramp in his
leg, forcing his partner- to do most of
the work for the team. In spite of
this fact, that they were practicay
licked at the. half way mark, Holtz-
man played a whale of a game alone,
and prolonged the battle some five
or 10 minutes.
The first tilt was a bit slow in get-
ting started, although both teams
picked up speed about midway, re-
turning shots from almnost impossible
angles, winning several points, on
cornered shots that hYit the front
wall at the floor, thus preventing. the
ball from bouncing back.


1 ' ,

William at State Phone 7831





_ '_:

March In With., a Li on,
March Out Witth a Lamb

1 ,; .

BREEZE IN with that suit, hat, coat, or dress ,They may not be exactly
'lions, but they do have a bit of a mangey appearance, you know, what with
rain and snow and soot and wind And when they go out they're spotless
lambs. It's the gentle care we give them, the art of knowing how to be kind
to your_ garments It's Greene's MICROCLEANING that does it!

Complete Outfits for
We Also Carry a Complete Line
tifIA IIA p r E ri nIIw L






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