0. S.U.. . 24 INDIANA .
. 69
. . 4 5
. . 27 IOWA . ...
. 29 KANSAS.
. 32 U.S.C.. .
. . 47 BAYLOR.
. . 38 TEXAS.
. . . .40 DRAKE ,28
. 39 TULSA... .24
SUNDAY, FEB. 28, 1937
Michigan Is EasyVictor Over Buckeye
Team, 62-33
Varsity Breaks
Two, Ties Two
Marks In Win
Mile Relay, High Jump
And Shot Put Records
Are Brokeii
Birleson Wins In 440
(Continued from Page 1)
forced to take a second and a third.
In the quarter Stan Birleson broke
on top and led all the way to nose
out Beetham by two feet in :49.9.
A half hour later Beetham re-
turned to run the half but here Ben
Starr of Michigan was not to be
beaten. Star set the pace for the
first quarter and then yielded the
lead to Bob Blickle of Ohio for a lap.
Beetham was running last. Starr re-
captured the lead as they entered the
last 00 yards and finished about a
yard in front of Bckle. Beetham
took third as he finished with. a tre-
mendous kick in the last 50 yards.
Sammy Stoller beat out his team-
mate, sophomore Alan Smith, by
inches in the 60 and in doing so tied
his own Field House record of :06.2
seconds. A few minutes later in the
65-yard high hurdles Capt. Osgood
of the Wolverines was clockedin:0
secondsflat to tie the record held
jointly by himself and Willis Ward.
Seitz and Albrittn 6f Ohio were
second and third.
Osgood Wins, Lows
Osgood also won the lows, nmsing
out Steve Mason to do so, and thus
became the high point man of the
meet wh 11 1/4 points to his credit
as he also ran a leg of the relay.
Clayt Brelsford was the victor in
the mile in 4:18.4 while in the two
mile Paul Benner of Ohio led Paul
Pinkerton to the tape for the Buck
eyes' second victory.
In a special 880-yard relay between
the freshmen and a Varsity quartet
the yearlings, although finshing sec-
ond, established a new freshman
record for the distance at 1:33.5.
Mile Run: Won by Brelsford (M);
second, Sexton (G.S.U.); third, Fink
(M). Time: 4:18.4.
60-Yard Dash: Won by Stoller
(M); second, Smith (M>; third, Lew-
is (0..U.). Time: :06.2. (Ties Yost
Field House record).
440-Yard Dash: Won by Birleson
(M); second, Beetham (O.S.U.);
'third, Howard Davidson (M). Time:
65-Yard High Hurdles: Won by Os-
good (M); second, Seitz (O.S.U..);
third, Albritton (0.S.U.). Time: :08.
(Ties Field House record).I
Shot Put: Won by Watson (M);
second, Zarnas (O.S.U.); third, Mit-
chell (M). Distance: 50 feet, 1 inch.
(New Field House record as well asj
new all-time Michigan mark. Old
record set by Watson last Saturday
at 49 feet 912 inches.)t
Two-Mile Run: Won by Benneri
(O.S.E.); second, Pinkerton (M);I
third Alix (M). Time: 9:43.9.
880-Vard Run: Won by Starr (M);(
second, Blickle (O.S.U); third Bee-a
tham (O.S.U.). Time: 1:56.7.
65-Yard Low Hurdles. Won by-Os-~
good (M); second Mason (M); third,1
Albritton (0..U.)'. Time: :07.3.
High Jump: Won by Albritton (O.-
S.U.; second, Walker (O.S.U.); third,'
Friedenberg (M). Height: 6 feet 5%
_hinchesi(New Field House record,
breaking his own mark, set in 1936,
which was 6 feet 43/% inches).
Pole Vault: Won by Kingsley (M);l
second, Hunn (1); third, Williams
(O.S.U.). Height: 13 feet.
Mile Relay: Won by Michigan
(Mason, Howard Davidson, Osgood,
Birleson). Time: 3:19.8. (New Field
House record. Old mark of 3:21.8
set by Michigan in 1936).
DETROIT, Feb. 27. - (P) - The
Western Open Table Tennis Tourna-
ment will be held here March 5, 6
and 7. Among the entrants are
Jimmy McClure, ndianapolis, ranked
No. 1 in the United States; Bobby
Pepul, Grand Haven, Mich., who won
the State Championship at the age
of 16, and Coleman Clark, Chicago,
once National Champion.
Varsity Swimming Team Sinks Minnesota Tanksters 49-35
Tops Own Mrk
<* - V
Gopher Squad
Captures Only
One First Place
Big Ten Standings
Michigan Shows
Resulting From
Iowa University
Michigan ...... .....8
Minnesota ..........8
Ohio State ..........7
Indiana .............5
Northwestern ........4
Wisconsin ..2
Chicago 0
- Associated Press Photo
Lanky Dave Albritton, great
Negro high jumper, bettered his
own record last night at the Yost
Fief House when he jumped 6
feet 5% inches to add one inch to
his mark of last year. Albritton,
the present world titleholder in this
event, took one of the two first
places won by the Buckeyes last
Rosemont Cops
$100,000 Purse
At Santa Anita
27- P - Rosemont the favorite,
captured the third running of. the
$100,000 Santa Anita handicap to-
day in a brilliant chapter of Ameri-
can turf history.
Records fell behind as the Fox-
catcher Farm's big bay champion
thundered under the wire to win
from C. S. Howard's sensational Sea-
biscuit in a finish so close it took a
photograph to decide the winner.
Major Austin C. Taylor's Indian
Broom was third, and the Canadian!
sportsman's other candidate, Special
Agent, ran fourth in the field of 18
A record breaking crowd of more
than 50,000 crammed Santa Anita's
famed racing plant for the day's fes-
tivities, spending more than $1,000,-
000 through the betting mills during,
the day and $396,553 on the feature
race alone.
Jockey Harry Richards brought
Rosemont from behind as they
neared the far turn, and with Sea-
biscuit, Special Agent, Indian Broom
and a Gallant Don Robert battling
gamely, literally lunged down the
track to win.
The balance of the field finished
in this order : Time Supply, Don Ro-
berto, Red Rain, Grand Manitou,
Goldseeker, Watersplash, Goldeneye,)
Chanceview, Mr. Bones, Star Sha-
dow, Accolade, Rushaway, Boxthorn!
and Sablin.!
Before a crowd that completely
filled the Varsity natatorium a tired
crew of Michigan swimmers defeated
the Minnesota tank team last night
by a score of 49-35. The Wolverines
captured all but one first place from
the Gophers.
Coach Matt Mann reversed the or-
der of the events in order to send a
fresh team in quest of new collegiate
records in the 400, 500 and 600-yard
relays. In this event, the first on the
program, the Varsity showed the fa-
tigue resulting from the long trip
home from Iowa City Friday night
and was unable to beat the record
times set by Yale on Friday.
Mann Promises Mark
Walt Tomski, Tom Haynie, Bob
Mowerson, Ed Kirar, Baker Bryant,
and Bill Farnsworth swam in the
combined relays. Mann promised
.the fans however, that the sextet
would not disappoint them the next
time a record attempt is made.
Michigan handed the Gopher
tankers their only first on a platter,
so to speak. Ben Grady, one of Mich-
igan s All-American divers last year
was not entered in the event. Mann
kept him.out of the diving in favor of
Hanley 'Staley, a new member of the
Varsity mermen. Leonard Klun with
318. points took the honors in the
event, with Phil Haughey of the
Varsity and Martig of Minesota tak-
ing second and third respectively.
Barnard Wins
Co-captain Frank Barnard, Michi-
gan's lone entry in the 220-yard free-i
style won the event but was followed
closely . all the way by Elling and
Philip of the Minnesota squad. Bar-
nard crossed the line with a time of
The 50-yard free-style was prob-
ably the most hotly contested event
of the evening. Ed Kirar, who had
clipped off a fast leg in the relay less
than a half-hour previously, turned
on the steam to defeat Rex Hudson,,
up until last night undefeated for
the year, with a good time of 23.6.
Walt Tomski,, sophomore sprint
star, again humbled Hudson to lead
him to the finish in the century dash.
Hudson swam hard but was unable
to overtake the fleet Wolverine.
Baker Bryant of the Varsity took a
third in the event.
Cody Beats Brandt
Lyman Brandt, another Gopher
boasting a clean record for the sea-
son, fell before the powerful back-
stroke of Fred Cody and was only
able to place second in the 150-yard
event. Michigan's Robinson placed
Tom Haynie. who set new colle-
giate records at Iowa Friday night
for the 220 and 440-yard swims,
gained first easily against the Goph--
ers last night. Tiring in the long
quarter-mile grind, he swam the dis-
tance in a time that was 19 seconds
slower than his record-breaking per-
formance against the Hawkeyes.
Bob Sauer, Jack Kasley and Bob
Mowerson copped first in the 300-
yard medley relay for Michigan.
Sauer followed Brandt by ' several
yards at the end of the first leg of
the race but Kasley easily overcame
I rd. j ......... . . V w
Michigan Five
Defeats O.S.U.
With LateRally
Varsity Scores 27 Points
In Second Half ; Ohio
State Tallies Six
San Romani Is
Victor In A.A.U.
1,500 Meters
Beats Beccali In Closing
Rush; Cunningham Has
Cold, Withdraws
NEW YORK, Feb. 27.--(P)-Un-
corking a whirlwind sprint in the
stretch, Archie San Romani of Em-
poria, Kansas, Teachers College, cap-
tured the classic 1,500 meters cham-
pionship run in the National A.A.U.
Track and Field title meet tonight on
the Madison. Square Garden boards.
San Romani rushed past Luigi Bec-
cali of Italy and Gene Venzke of the
New York A.C. to win in 3:51.2.
San Romani made his first triumph
of the Eastern indoor season a thriller
as he came up with a terrific "kick"
from third place to beat Beccali by
two yards and Venzke by three in a
six-man field that was minus the
great Glenn Cunningham, king of
the American milers.
Cunninghambecause of a cold,
withdrew on short notice, bhus losing
a chance to turn the tables on his
conqueror of a year ago, Venzke, in
the same event.
Venzke, who holds the world's in-
door record of 3:49.9 for the "metric
mile," looked like a winner as he took
command, two laps from home, with
Beccali, San Romani, and Indiana's
Don Lash trailing in that order. Gene
fought off Beccali's challenge, going
into the last turn, but was unable to
stand additional pressure from both
Beccali and San Romani in a 50-me-
ter stretch drive.
Maroons Lose Again
Purdue Takes Hoosiers .
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 2.--R)-
Purdue went on a scoring rampage
here tonight and trounced Indiana
University's cagers, 69 to 45, in a
wild game.
Jewell Young stole the show, scor-
ing 22 points to come within five of
setting a new Conference record for
the season. Young has another game
Monday night in which to try for the
The total number of points scored
by the two teams tonight, 114, sets a
new Conference record.
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 27.-(A)-
The University of Chicago's basket-
ball team suffered its eleventh
straight Big Ten defeat tonight, los-
ing to Northwestern, 34 to 27, at Pat-
ten Gym before 4,000. The Maroons
have yet to win a Conference game.
In winning its fourth Big Ten,
game, Northwestern took a ten point
lead midway in the first half and
maintained that margin throughout.
Mike McMichael, veteran Purple
forward, led both teams for indivi-
dual high scoring, withfive baskets
and three penalty tosses.
(Continued from Page 1)
spotlight there with his great height
advantage. Gee had litle trouble
with the tip.
Michigan opened the game taking
an 8 to 3 lead but Coach Harold 01-
sen's outfit began to hit its long
shots, with Thomas and Jimmy Hull.
leading the way. The Wolverines
were ice cold and the top seemed to
be on the basket for them as they
couldn't get a break on the back-
Varsity Wild
But luck can't be said to be the
only feature responsible for the
Bucks' big lead. The Varsity'
handled the ball a bit haphazardly
and failed to guard the Ohio State
team close as the Buckeyes screen
offense gave them plenty of time on
long shots.
State tried to rush Michigan in
the back court as usual, but failed
to bother either Ed Thomas, Herm
Fishman, or Bill Barclay to any ap-
preciable degree.
In the second half the Columbus
team continued to hit its longs, but
finally after about four minutes of
play and the score standing 22 to 11,
the Michigan offense began to click
as Townsend and Gee began to hit
with plenty of help from Thomas,
Fishman and Patanelli.
Defense Tightens
The Michigan defense didn't give
-any short shots in the second half
and it couldn't hit its longs.
Three Ohio State stars played their
last basketball game. They were little
Henry Harrison Dye nemisis of the
Wolverine football, basketball, and
baseball teams for the last three
years, Thomas, and Hack Rauda-
bough. The Bucks finished the sea-
son with seven wins and five losses.
The victory was the Varsity's sixth
in a row and gave them the Big Ten
lead of eight wins to two losses.
the lead and gained more than half
a pool length on Knight of Minne-
Jack Kasley took it easy in the 200-
yard breast-stroke but still coasted
in well ahead of Comstock and
Knight of the Gopher team.
Promptly and neatly done by experi-
enced operators at Moderate px'lces.
314 South State Street
. '""
I ilini Win 40-29 .
IOWA CITY, Ia., Feb. 27.-(P)-
The University of Illinois continued
its march toward a Western Confer-
ence championship by defeating the
University of Iowa quintet 40 to 29
before 7,500 tonight.
The score was knotted twice in the
opening half and the visitors held a
three point lead, 18-15 margin at the
Louis Boudreau, sensational soph-
omore, paced the Illini attack with
six field goals and four free throws
for 16 points.
Gophers Trim Badgers
MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 27.--(P)}-
Minnesota's fighting band of basket
shooters kept in the thick of the
Western Conference championship
race by crushing Wisconsin 30 to 17
A crowd of 12,800 watched the Go-
pher team hang up its eighth victory
in ten league starts this season. For
Wisconsin it was the eighth loss in
ten games.
LANSING, Feb. 27.-OP)--Western
Reserve swimmers won their 26th
straight victory from M.S.C.
Box Score
A Custom Made
Michigan (38)
Townsend, f
Barclay, f ... .
Gee, c .......
Fishman, g ..
Patanelli, g ..
Thomas, g .. .
Beebe, f .....
. . . . . . . . . . . I
. . . . . . ... . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . I
. ..5 5 15
...0 0 0
...4 2 10
...2 1 5
...1 2 4
...1 0 2
...1 0 2
. .14 10 38
Totals .................
Ohio State (24)
McDonald, f .............
Hull, f ...................
Thomas, c ...............
Raudabaugh, c ..........
Dye, g ..................
Totals .................
Half-time score: Ohio
Michigan 11.
Referee : Schommer +
Umpire: Reese (Denison).
..2 1 5
...3 0 6
...4 19
S.1 13
...0. 1 1
..10. 4 24
State 18,
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woolens, or from those fine Imported wool-
ens off the looms of England, chosen for
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