1936 Car Tag
Deadline Is Set
LANSING, Feb. 27.-(Special to
The Daily)-Secretary of State Leon
D. Case today requested all law en-1
forcement agencies of the state to
cooperate with him in extending the
deadline for the use of 1936 automo-
bile license tags until March 16 in
accordance with a resolution adopted
yesterday by the legislature.
Powerless to legally extend the
deadline beyond March 1, Secretary
Case has chosen this means to act
in accordance with the wishes of the
Local police and sheriff's forcesl
yesterday agreed to extend the dead-
line for 1936 license tags until March
Chief of Police Lewis W. Fohey
and Sheriff Jacob B. Andres said
that their departments will comply
with the wishes of the state and re-
(rain from arresting any person for
driving a car displaying 1936 plates
until after the new deadline.
The line-up at the local license bu-
reau was greatly thinned out yester-
day morning before the attitude of
the law enforcement agencies to the
resolution was known.
Doty To Be Soloist
or Organ Recital
Prof. E. William Doty, organist of
the School of Music, and associate
to Prof. Palmer Christian, University
organist, will be the soloist at the
Twilight Organ Recital, Wednesday,
March 32 in Hill Auditorium.
A graduate of the University, Pro-
fessor Doty was for a time a member
of the faculty of the University of
Illinois. He returned to Ann Arbor,
however, and assumed teaching du-
ties in the University School of Music.
The program will include:
Pachelbel: Toccata in G major and
Chorale Prelude "0 Spotless Lamb of
God"; Bach: Allegro from Fifth Trio,
Sonata; Franck : Chorale in E major;!{
Vierne: Intermezzo; Russel: Up the
Mulet: 0 Carillon-Sortie. !
Twenty-Five To Get
Absentee Ballots
Applications for absent voters bal-
lots for the spring primary Monday
have been made by 25 persons, Fred
C. Perry, city clerk, reported yester-
At the same time Mr. Perry an-
nounced that 378 voters, notified of
the lapse of their registration be-
cause of failure to vote in any elec-
tion in the last two years, had applied
for reinstatement. Of the 2,249 vot-
ers notified, 2,121 have been removed
from the records.
VOL. XLVII No. 105
SUNDAY, FEB. 28, 1937
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to students on Wednesday,
March 3, from 4 to 6 p.m.
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts:
The fifth regular meeting of the
faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the aca-
demic session of 1936-1937 will be
held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, March
1, 1937, at 4:10 p.m.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of Feb. 1, 1937, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 314-324).
2. Reports:.
a. Executive Committee, by- Prof.
C. F. Remer.{
b. University° Council, by Prof. Ar-
thur L. Cross.
c. Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs, by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton.
d. Deans' Conference, by Dean E.
H. Kraus.
3. Announcements and new busi-
A full attendance at this meeting;
is desired.
Edward H. Kraus.
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: A meet-
Douglas Aircraft Plant Sit-Down Strikers Land In Jail
-- Associated Press Photo
Here are a few of the sit-down strikers at the Los Angeles county jail
after they had evacuated the huge Douglas Aircraft plant which they,
held for three days. All were-arrested on warrants charging conspiracy
to trespass and 343 were jailed.
ing will be held on Tuesday, March 2,
at 4:16 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell
Hall for students in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts and
others interested in future work in
law. The meeting will be addressed
by Dean Ienry M. Bates of the Law
Schools This will be the first meet-
ing of the vocational series designed
to give information concerning the
nature of and preparation for the
various professions. The second meet-
ing, to be addressed by Dr. R. W.
Bunting of the School of Dentistry,
will be held on Thursday, March 4.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: Juniors becoming eligible
for candidacy for the first time in
February 1937 are urged to call for
their concentration slips beginning
Tuesday, Feb. 23, and have slips
approved by the adviser, returning
white slip to Room 4 U.H. by March 6.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: Students who receive
marks of I orX at the close of the
afirst semester will receive a grade of
E in the course unless this work is
made up by March 15. Students
wishing an extension of time should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans-
Attention of Hopwood Contestants
is directed to page 6 of the Bulletin,
Rule 14. No petition will be consid-
ered by the committee after March 1,
1937. R. W. Cowden.
Sigma Delta Chi will have a lun-
cheon business meeting 12:15 p.m.
Tuesday at the Union for members
and pledges.
Entrants in the Freshman Ho.p-
wood Contest are requested to call
at the Hopwood Room, afternoons
March 1 to 5 for the manuscripts
submitted by them. P. L. Schenk
Sigma Xi: In order to be acted up-
on this year, nominations for mem-
bership must be submitted to the sec-
retary, Ralph G. Smith, Pharmacol-
ogy Bldg., by March 1.
Stanley Cho'rus: The following
numbers have been assigned to the
girl whose name precedes them: E.
Bilby 5, M. MacDougall 6, P. Kalb 7,
G. Duffendack 8, M. Roebeck 9, B. To-
bin 10, 0. Groth 11, E. White 12, M.
Mayes 13, G. Wilson 14, L. McLean
15, P. Slavin 16, L. Perkins 17, C.
Beltramini 18, E. Bingham 19, E.
Turner 20, F. Rogers 21, R. Allderige
22, J. Allington 23, D. Novy 24, H.
Dean 25, B. Boult 26, M. Matthews
27, M. C. Johnson 28, P. Putnam 29,
H. Rupeter- 30, B. Lindegren 31, M.
J. Kronner 32, H. Simpson 33, M.
Denne 34, H. Barry 35, J. Park 36,
A. Jeldersma 37, R. Lacoste 38.
H. L. Mosher 39, R. M. Smith 40, M.
Bailey 41, Jeanice Byrne 42, H. Aup-
perle 43,, E. Morgan 44, M. Parsons
45, E. Harwood 46, S. Morrison 47,
K. Reynolds 48, M. Fingerle 3, B. Par-
rish 4, M. Morrison 2. There will be
a meeting in the League Sunday af-
ternoon at 3 p.m., for all members.
Any petitions not already signed and
handed in for the various offices, must
be filled out and handed in at that
time. Petitions will not be accepted
after Sunday.
Hillel Players: All those selling
tickets for the play "They Too Arise"
to be given in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater March 12 and 13, please re-
port for collections at the Hillel
Foundatipn, Wednesday, March 3, at
5:00 p.m.
Acadmic Notices
Mathematics 6, Tu. Thurs. at 9,
will meet in Room 2300 East Engi-
neering, beginning Tuesday, March 2.
instead of in 340 West Engineering.
M.E. 2, Section IV will meet in
Room 220 West Engineering Build-
ing Tuesday morning, March 2 at 8
Faculty Concert: Arthur Hackett,
tenor; Wassily Besekirsky, violinist;
and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will
appear in a miscellaneous concert
this afternoon, in Hill Auditorium at
4:15 p.m. The public, with the ex-
ception of small children, is invited
without admission charge.
Carillon Programs: Wilmot Pratt,
University Carillonneur, announces
that until further notice the third
Thursday of each month the program
will be made up of request numbers.
Those interested in making sugges-
tions are invited to write to Mr.
Pratt atdthe School of Music at as
early a date as possible.
Twilight Organ Recital: E. William
Doty, Assistant Professor of Organ,
will provide a program of interesting
organ compositions at the regular
recital Wednesday afternoon, March
3, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium.
The general public, with the excep-
tion of small children, is invited
without admission charge, but is
respectfully requested to be seated on
University Lecture: Prof. Homero
Seris, formerly librarian of the Cen-
ter for Historical Studies at Madrid,
will lecture under the auspices of the
Department of Library Science on the
subject "Experiences of Wartime
Spain" on Monday, March 1, at 4:15
p.m. in the Natural Science Auditor-
ium. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Prof. Alexan-
der R. Hohlfeld, of the University of
Wisconsin, will lecture on "Richard
Wagner, Dramatist," (in English) on
Monday, March 1, at 8 p.m. in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Prof Alexan-
der R. Hohlfeld, of the University of
Wisconsin, will lecture on "Der Ir-
dische Ausgang der Faustdichtung
Goethes" (in German) on Tuesday,
March 2, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Lectures in Mathematics: Prof.
Otto Szasz, formerly of the Univer-
sity of Frankfort A.M., visiting lec-
turer in mathematics at the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati, will deliver a series
of three lectures on topics in analy-
sis. The third lecture will be given
Tuesday, March 2, at 4:15 p.m. in
Don't M iss
Monday BARGAI N Sectior
Room 3011 Angell Hall on "Power
Series and Singularities of Func-
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural building. Open daily from 9
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
Oil Paintings by Karl Hofer in
Alumni Memorial Hall are showing
an extra week through Feb. 28, af-
ternoons 2-5.
Exhibition, Architectural Building:
The Annual Big Ten Exhibit, estab-
lished to foster .student interest in
art in the Big Ten Universities and
to provide an opportunity for student
artists to exhibit their work, is now
being shown in the third floor Exhi-
bition Room of the Architectural
Building. Open daily from 9:00 to
5:00 excepting Sundays, until March
10. The public is cordially Tnvited.
Events Today
* Varsity Glee Club: Full rehearsal
4:30 p.m.
Suomi Club: A meeting will be held
at 3 p.m. today in the Upper Room,
Lane Hall.
The Third Inter-Faith Symposium
will be held today, Feb 28, from 3
to 5 p.m. in the Small ballroom of
the Michigan Union. The subject
will be "Is Life Worth Living?" The
Honorable Tschou-Kwong R. Kah, of
Chicago will present the Confucian
view, Rabbi Bernard Heller the Jew-l
The Congregational StudentI
lowship is holding a "Retreat" at:
Kenny Hall, Ypsilanti this aftern
and evening. Transportation wil
provided. All will meet at Pilg
(Continued from Page 4)
ish view, Prof. W. A. McLaughlin the
Roman Catholic view, and Prof. P.
W. Slosson the Protestant view.
Druids: Regular meeting will be
held in the Forest Room of the Union
at 5 p.m. All members are requested
to be present.
Harris Hall, Sunday, Feb. 28:
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. in
Harris Hall followed by breakfast.
The speaker at the Student Meeting
at night will be the Rev. Sheldon S.
4Iarbach, Assistant, St. Joseph's
Church, Detroit. His subject is "Mys-
ticism in Religion." All students
and their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday, Feb. 28:
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.
11 a.m., Morning prayer and ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
First Congregational Church, Alli-.
son Ray Heaps, minister. Sunday,
Feb. 28:
10:45 a.m., service of worship, ser-
mon by the pastor. Subject, "Things
That Abide." This will be Mr. Heaps'
last sermon until Easter.
6 p.m., Student Fellowship, follow-
ing the supper and fellowship hour
there will be a group discussion on
"Making Life Count," led by Carl
l be
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