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February 28, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-28

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Awulr4t gun


The Pittman
Fca"'e Bill i. . .



Jamison Calls Crop 'Insurance'
Sound Although Not Insurance

In all there were three Field House
marks broken last night, Dave Al-
britton of Ohio smashing that in the
high jump as he captured one of the
Bucks' two firsts. His height was
6 feet 5 7/8 inches, topping by ex-
actlyone inch the record he estab-
lished last year.
Other marks to fall were in the
shot put and mile relay while those
in the 60-yard dash and high hurdles
were tied. In the shot Michigan's
great sophomore, Bill Watson, be-
came the first man in Wolverine
track history to break 50 feet as he
heaved the heavy ball 50 feet 1 inch
on his second attempt. The second
place winner, Gus Zarnas of Ohio
could do no better than 41 feet 8
Relay Sets Record
Mig gn's .nle, relay team com-
posed of Steve Mason, Howard Da-
vidson, Bob Osgood and Stan Birl-
seon was clocked in 3:19.8, beating
the record set by the 1936 Wolverine
quartet by two seconds as anchor
man Birleson crossed the finish line
a full 5 yards ahead of Harley How-
ells, fourth Buckeye runner.
Perhaps most interesting to the
fans were the great Michigan per-
formances in the 440 and 880 where
Capt. Chuck Beetham of Ohio was
(Continued on Page 6)
Sunday Forum
To Hear Bates
On Court Plan
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the law
school, opponent of the President's
proposal to enlarge the Supreme
Court, will give his views of "The
President's Proposal on the Supreme
Court" at 4:30 p.m. today in the ball-
room of the Union. His talk will be
the first in series B of the Union
Sunday Forums.
"I shall attempt," he said yester- I
day, "to explain what the proposal
really amounts to when stripped of
its non-essentials, what effect it
would have on the departments of
government, chiefly the legislative,
and what the result of giving to the
President the power to appoint ad-
ditional judges would be."
Dean Bates, one of the 16 signers
of a letter directed to Michigan's
United State Senators by the faculty
of the law school urging their oppo-
sition to the bill, has already brand-
ed the plan as "reactionary, auto-
cratic and destructive to true de-
Anti-Saloonists Seeking
10,000,000 Teetotalers
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Feb. 27.-I
(/P-The Anti-Saloon League of
America will be called upon to en-
dorse a campaign to ask ten million
young people to sign pledges against
'alcoholic beverages.
O. G. Christgau, associate superin-
tendent, said today this nationwide
educational drive is one of many pro-
posed methods of attack on the liquor
traffic which the organization will
study at its annual convention open-
ing here tomorrow.

Lig;ht Primary
Vote Expected J
In Nominations
Sadler, Staff an Campaign
In All Parts Of City
As Election Nears
Mounting interest in the primary'
election for the Republican nomina-
tions for two city jobs still left room
for predictions of light balloting in
the spring primaries tomorrow.
Interest centers in the Republican
nominations for mayor for which
Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the engi-
neering college, president of the city
council, is running against Frank
W. Staffan, fourth ward alderman.
Professor Sadler has served for
three years as alderman, during
which time he has been very active
on the several committees of the
council. For the last year he has
s ved as president of the city coun-
ci .
Three graduates of the University
Law School are seeking the Repub-
lican nomination for justice of the
peace in the coming city elections.
Albert W. Hooper, '30L, member
of the law firm of Hooper & Hooper,
is making his first bid for public
office by seeking the Republican no-
mination for justice of the peace.
While in law school he was employed
by the law firm of Stivers & Hooper,
and was a justice court clerk.
Jack J. Kraizman, '35L, is another
newcomer among political candidates,
though he has been active in party
affairs since he helped establish the
Young Republican League of Wash-
tenaw County in 1930. Since 1932,
he has been secretary of the league.
Justice Jay H. Payne, '25L, is seek-
ing the nomination for the post which
(Continued on Page 2)
'Music Professors
To Give. Concert
At 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
torium, Prof. Arthur Hackett, tenor;
Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violinist;
and Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist,
all of the School of Music, will com-
bine talents to present another in a
series of 'faculty concerts.
The program which has been ar-
ranged is as follows:f
Faure: Sonata for violin and piano,
Op. 13 (Professor Besekirsky and
Professor Brinkman).
Craxton: Come You Mary; Clough-
Leighter: Requiescat; Brinkman: The
Whistling Boy; Dunhill: The Cloths
of Heaven; Aiken: Sigh No More
(Professor Hackett).-
Brahms: Intermezzo, Op. 76, No. 6
and Intermezzo, Op. 119, No. 3.
Chopin: Ballade, Op. 38 and Bal-
lade, Op. 23.

Professor Sees Security
Proposal As Feasible
For Government Alone
Although believing that "as a social
theory crop insurance is very sound,"
Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the
School of Business Administration
stated yesterday in an interview that
crop insurance cannot be referred to
as insurance in the ordinary sense.
Distributing the income derived
in taxes from the entire nation
among those who have met misfor-
tune in their crops does not come
into the realm of insurance, Professor
Jamison -emphasized, adding that
"if we could work out a system where-
by those that would benefit most
from the insurance would contribute
most on the premium, then it would
be more correct to refer to it as in-
surance. But this would be impos-
sible, for he explained, some farmers
in semi-arid sections have a success-
ful crop only once in five years, and
if these persons were called upon
to pay the necessary enormous prem-
iums to cover the risk involved, they
probably would have to give up farm-
Must Redefine Insurance
In order to call the method of of-
fering greater security to farmers by
recompensing them in case of crop
failures and avoiding human misery,
a system of crop insurance, Professor
Jamison stated "we would have to
redefine insurance. Crop insurance,"
he said, "is a catastrophe hazard,
which is uninsurable, and no prem-
ium can be computed for it on an
actuarial basis." In addition, he;
stated, the risks are not uniform1
throughout the country.
Is Feasible To Tax
"It is, however, feasible for the+
Federal government to meet these
losses by taxing everybody," Profes-
sor Jamison pointed out, "but no pri-
vate company would undertake such1
a project." He cited the case of+
the Hartford Fire and Guaranty Co.
which in 1920 experimented with+
crop insurance. It collected $800,000
in premiums, but paid out $2,500,000
in losses, so it quit.
The principle of equalizing security,;
he believes, is the philosophy behind+
many of the proposals of the present
(Continued on Page 2)
New Speakers
Feature Local'
Rev. Johns To Give Talk
At League; Harbach To
Speak Before Guild
Out-of-town speakers will give the'
featured talks in Ann Arbor churches
"What's Ahead for Youth" will be
the subject of a discussion at the
meeting of the Ann Arbor Friends'
at 5 p.m. in the League. Ray Johns+
of Plymouth, director of the Youth
Study which has been carried on
during the past year under the aus-
pices of the Council of Social Agen-
cies of metropolitan Detroit is the
principal speaker. The topic is one
of several which for the next few
months will center about the gen-
eral subject of "Methods of Achiev-
ing Economic Justice."
The Rev. Sheldon S. Harbach of
St. Joseph's Church, Detroit, will
speak on "Mysticism in Religion" at
the evening meeting of the Student
Guild of Harris Hall.
The Rev. Dr. Carroll Rockey, for-
mer pastor for Lutheran students at
the University of Wisconsin will be
the speaker at the Lutheran Student
Club at 6:30 p.m.
"For Spiritual Security" is the topic
upon which the Rev. Dr. W. P. Lemon
will preach at the morning worship
service of the First Presbyterian

church at 10:45 a.m., the third of a
Lenten series on "Letters on Life."
Dr. Robert Shaw will talk on "Impres-
sions of Lands and Peoples" at 6:30
p.m. at the Westminster Guild.
Kermit Eby of the Ann Arbor High
School Faculty will 4ddress the guild
of the Church of Christ at 6:30 p.m.
The Rev. H. P. Marley will speak
f (Continued on Page 2)
F.D.R. Seeks Check
On Farm Land Loss
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.--()-
President Roosevelt sought today to
1 enlist all 48 states in the national
campaign to save farm lands from
blowing away in dust storms or wash-
ing away in floods.
Heasked al ,ove.nAVs in an _ien-

hird el.ious
Parley Meets
Today In Union
Life's Worth Is Subject
For Representatives Of
Four Traditions
The third session of the current
Inter-faith Symposium series on the
subject "Is Life Worth Living" will
be held from 3 to 5 ppn. today in
the small ballroom of the Union.
Tschou-Kwong R. Kah, Chinese
Consul-General at Chicago, will pre-
sent the Confusian outlook on the
question of life's worth, which Rabbi
Bernard Heller, director of Hillel
Foundation, Prof. Preston W. Slosson
of the history department, and Prof.
William McLaughlin of the French
department will approach from the
standpoints of Judaism, Protestant-
ism and Catholicism respectively.
This special topic has been chosen,
according to John Luther, Grad.,
chairman of the program committee
of -the Symposium, as anattempt to
explain the students the attitudes of
the major religious traditions with re-
spect to facing the discouragements
encountered in the normal course of
the struggle for existence.
With the shift in emphasis from
earlier days when life after death
was considered ample regard for suf-
fering on earth, to the modern at-
titude that enjoyment of life counts
also, Luther said, the disappointment
and frequent thwarting of youth and
man in general in his search for se-
curity and happiness has led most
people at some time or other to
question life's purpose. It is the
endeavor of the symposium to an-
swer this query from the religious
traditions of the students themselves,
Luther explained.
. Following the presentation of
speeches a reception will be held to
enable students to meet the lecturers
and faculty members.
New Comet Located
By Harvard Observers
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 27.-(P)
-Harvard observatory tonight re-
ported it had located and photo-
graphed a "new comet"discovered
earlier today by a man named Wiks
at Cracow, Poland.
Observatory experts here located
the comet a few hours after receiving
a radiogram announcing Wilks' dis-
Dr. Helen Pratt Davis of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin Health Service
is temporarily taking the place of the
late Dr. Helene E. Schutz on the staff
of the Health Service,


Speaks Here

Curtis Plans
Pacific Trip
To View Sun
[Iist Or Clouds May Mar
Two Month Trip To Get
Four MinuteSight
Eclipse Path Lies
Mostly Over Sea
To obtain a four-minute glimpse
of the eclipsed sun Prof. Heber D.
Curtis, a director of the University
Observatory, will undertake this
spring a two-months trip to a tiny
isle far out in the Pacific. For this
trip, it was learned yesterday, prep-
arations are already well underway.
When everything has been set in
readiness for the total eclipse, which
is scheduled for June 8 and 9, chance
mist or clouds may obscure the heav-
ens at the crucial moments and cause
failure. Despite the risk, Professor
Curtis declared, the opportunity of
adding even minutely to present
knowledge of the sun cannot be over-
Photograph For 90 Seconds
Since photography has been added
to the 'means available for study of
this nearest star, only 65 minutes of
total eclipse have beennrecorded, Pro-
fessor Curtis explained. In 1932 a
University expedition had the luck
to photograph a total eclipse for 90
seconds while observers everywhere
else along its path were frustrated by
The eclipse which Professor Curtis
hopes to witness will possess several
unusual features. Starting over the
southwestern Pacific at sunrise, June
9, it will travel eastward over the
International Date Line to end at
sunset, June 8, on western South
America. Practically its entire path
will lie over water, with only a few
ships to provide unofficial watchers.
Seek Island In Path
In order to obtain firm ground for
setting up their instruments Profes-
sor Curtis and other astronomers
planning the trip cast about for an
island in the path of the eclipse.
Enderbury Island, 1,600 miles south-
west of Hawaii has been selected as
the most suitable. There totality, it
has been calculated, will last for four
minutes and eight seconds, although,
at a spot in the ocean some 1,500
miles from land it will have a dura-
tion of seven minutes.
Enderbury Island, one of the
Phoenix group, is two and a half
miles longgbya mile wide, Professor
Curtis said, and is formed of coral.
There are at present no inhabitants,
no fresh water, and a difficult an-
With the completion of this jour-
(Continued on Page 2)
Recover Six Bodies
From Farm Home
ESCANABA, Feb. 27 - ('P) -The
charred, broken bodies of six mem-
bers of one family were recovered
Ilate today from smouldering ruins
after an early morning fire which
destroyed the, Nels Johnson farm
home in Danforth community, near
Two others were burned, one seri-
ously, in escaping the flames, at-
tributed to an overheated stove.
The dead were Mrs. Nels John-
son, 50; her children, Arthur, 17;
Ruth, 15; Arnold, 13; Robert, 4;
and grandchild, Barbara Williams, 6.

A son, Roy, 23, and daughter, Ev-
elyn, 19, were burned in jumping out
a window after unsuccessful at-
tempts to arouse other members of
the family.

Ten Days Of Sneezing
Put Woman In Hospital

Michigan Holds O.S.U. To
Six Points In Stron
second Half Drive
Gee Leads Thomas

Although the hay fever season is
still months in the future, a sneezing
spell has so afflicted Mrs. Pearl
Wakefield of Battle Creek for more
than a week that she was received
as a patient in the University Hos-
pital three days ago.
Her condition is highly unusual,
according to Dr. Charles Smith of
the hospital staff. As yet no definite
diagnosis has been made, but her
case is under close attention.
The sneezing was described as be-
ing of a rather irregular nature and
not very violent at present. Mrs.
Wakefield was reported last night as
resting comfortably.
Strikers Battle
In Detroit Fray
Murphy Seeks Settlement
In Strike Emergencies;
KrogstadTo Mediate
(By The Associated Press)
Embattled unionists came to grips
with their adversaries yesterday (Sat-
urday) at a pivotal point on the na-
tion's coast-to-strike front.
"Sit-down" strikers, bombarded
with heavy lead pellets, swarmed into
the administration building of the
Ferro Stamping Co. at Detroit and
routed most of their 20 non-union
foes. A woman and two men were
Gov. Frank Murphy offered the
services of state labor commissioner
G. A. Krogstad in adjusting a score
of labor disputes in progress there.
A strike of 100 workers forced 1,000
into idleness at the Michigan Malle-
able Iron Co. Approximately 100
salesgirls at the F. W. Woolworth five
and ten cent store and 15 drivers and
salesmen at the Canada Dry Ginger
Ale Co. started "sit down" strikes.
Six hundred went out at Thompson
Products, Inc.
Picket lines tightened in other cen-
ters. Altogether about 30,000 were
jobless in controversies over wages
and union recognition at a half hun-
dred factories and foundries, mills
and boat yards and utility and air-
plane plants in many sections of the
Pickets gathered at the Fansteel
Metallurgical Corporation in North
Chicago, Ill., where 61 squatters fled
a tear gas attack Friday. Five union
and Committee for Industrial Organi-
zation leaders were hunted on war-
rants charging conspiracy to ob-
struct a court order for the strikers
eviction. Two others were arrested
and released on bond.
Supreme Court
Proposal Gets
New Adherent
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.--()-
Supporters and opponents of the
Roosevelt proposal for reorganizing
the judiciary each gained a Senate
recruit today.
Senator Smathers (Dem., N.J.) der
clared himself for the White House
program, asserting that "all the peo-
ple of the nation will be best served
by adding new and younger members
to the Supreme Court, men with lib-
eral and progressive approach to the
nation's social and economic prob-
Senator Donahey (Dem., O.),
aligned himself with the opposition
and said "this entire controversy vi-
tally affects thi judiciary, a coordi-
nate branch of the government, and
should be referred to the people-the
source of all political power."
(The act, passed by Senate and

House, provides that Supreme Court
justices may retire with full pay
after reaching 70 years of age. Pres-
ident Roosevelt's proposal, yet to be
acted on, provides that for every
judge past 70 who fails to retire a
new judge shall be appointed.)
Tonight, Senator Pope (Dem.,
Idaho) went on the radio to urge
the enactment of the Roosevelt legis-
lation, asserting that a "major por-

In Scoring


Townsend Can't Find Net
In First Half ; Totals
15 Points In Game
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 27.-
(Special to The Daily)-Behind 18
to 11 at the half the Michigan bas-
ketball team staged a second half
drive that Ohio State was unable to
cope with to defeat the Buckeyes 38
to 24, at the Coliseum here and stay
in the fight for the Conference title.
A near capacity crowd of 8,307 saw
the Varsity use their great height
advantage over a stubborn State five
to score 27 points while the Buckeyes
could hit but two free throws.
Smick In Brawl
The game, the last on the O.S.U.
schedule, ended in typical Michigan,
Ohio State fashion when Danny
Smick and Jim MacDonald, both grid
stars, mixed it up under the Michi-
gan basket, with Jim landing the
only solid blow, a right to the chin
and getting the nod from the offi-
cials that meant ejection from the
Jake Townsend, despite the fact
that he couldn't hit the basket the
first half and that he missed four
foul shots, dropped 15 points
through the netting and played beau-
tiful ball especially around the back
Centers In Score Duel
The duel between Johnny Gee, and
Earl Thomas, the two centers, result-
ed a very close decision for the form-
er. Gee connected for 10 points,
with Thomas close behind with nine,
Both looked satisfactory on the back-
boards, although Townsend held the
(Continued on Page 6)
Kidnap Victim
Is Found Dead
In Argentina
Child Murder Resembles
Lindbergh Case; Police
Hold Several Suspects
LA PLATA, Argentina, Feb. 27.-
(A)-Baby Eugenio Peyrera Iraola,
Argentine's "Lindbergh baby," was
found today, the life choked out of
his little body, five years almost to
the day after Charles A. Lindbergh,
Jr., was kidnaped from Jersey's Sour-
land Hills.
Like Baby Lindbergh, 2-year-old
Eugenio, the seventh child of bar-
onial cattle wealth, was killed by
his kidnaper. He was stripped of
his little suit, choked and wounded,
and left, his arms crossed on his
chest, in the slime of a pigpen at the
edges of beautiful "La Sorpresa," his
parents' estate.
Five years ago next Monday, the
Lindbergh baby was kidnaped from
his famous parents' Hopewell, N. J.,
estate, precipitating perhaps the most
intense manhunt in American annals.
It led to finding of the child's broken
body two months later, not far from
his secluded home.
Bruno Richard Hauptmann paid
for the crime in Jersey's electric
Argentina's greatest murder hunt
was on tonight. Several suspects al-
ready were held. But police were re-
luctant to decide whether one of
these was the "bearded man" who
carried little Eugenio away last Wed-
nesday evening and, presumably,
strangled him before he was left in
the pigpen, a mile and a half from
his rambling, luxurious home.
Police armed with rifles averted
what might have been a lynching at-
tempt when a menacing crowd, with
ire mounting against a hobo suspect,
Jose Gancedo, gathered around the
Mar del Plata jail after news spread
that Eugenio's body had been found.

Albion College Fire
Rwjmo W-rw. Tm-e ,n

Wolverines Rally
To Beat Ohio State


Teamn, 42-38

Wilbur Sees Great Opportunities
In Public Personnel Management

Great opportunities in the field of
public administration, especially in
the personnel management division,
are open to young men with specific
training, in the opinion of Ray Ly-
man Wilbur, Jr., of the Michigan
Municipal League.
"There is not a particularly great
call for University graduates who
have not had training in public ad-
ministration," Mr. Wilbur said yes-
terday, "but those who have had ade-
quate preparation for work in public
service will find many openings at
the mr.sent tim."

ter's degree in Public Administration,
Mr. Wilbur accepted a junior posi-
tion with the government of Los An-
geles County, California.
Having completed his training
period with Los Angeles County, he
could have obtained a permanent po-
sition in that unit of government
but chose rather to go to Washing-
ton, D.C., where he worked under
the personal supervision of Dr. Leon-
ard D. ,White of the United States
Civil Service Commission.
The Michigan Municipal League
added Mr. Wilbur to its staff at the

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