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February 27, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-27

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SATURDAY, FEB. 27, 1937

Actor Killed in Mock Battle

Burton Memorial Clock is called Best
In Jorld By GeigerInspection Engineer

The newly completed clock in the
Burton Memorial Tower is the finest
and most complete in the world, E. F.
Geiger, sales engineer for the Inter-'
national Business Machine Corp., of
New York, who is here to make a final
inspection and adjustments, said yes-
Even Big Ben in London and the
clock in the Metropolitan tower in
New York city, though larger, having
dials 25 feet in diameter, are not as
complete, he said.
The 16-foxt dial and the hands
weighing 350 pounds, a pair are of
the newest construction, being of
tubular stainless steel which will not
rust, while the actual propelling
mechanism has been so designed that
the time it shows will always be the
correct -time even should the power
supply have been temporarily inter-
Has Accumulator Device
By means of an accumulator de-
vice, which Mr. Geiger said is the first
ever installed on a large clock, having
been specially designed for this clock,
the hands will resume the position of
the correct time moving rapidly to
position as soon as the power sup-
ply is again operating.
Connected to the University clock'
system which is centered in the East
Physics building, the clock is op-
erated by means of impulses sent
over wires every minute. For the
smaller campus clocks, this impulse
is sufficient to move the hands, but
for this larger one, special motors
are needed to act on the impulse.
Within six seconds, after having re-
ceived the impulse; the motors will
y have started and moved the hands,
- Mr. Geiger said.
" Synchronized with the clock, but

V -

a separate unit are the chimes which
strike the hour and the quarter hour.1
Through an intricate system of au-]
tomatic and hand-regulated controls,,
the chimes may be set to strike only ]
during the desired hours and may bej
changed from day to day. At present,
Mr. Geiger said, the chimes will op-]
erate from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. and
will also strike the midnight hour.
However, if it should be decided to+
change the hours, on Sunday morn-
ings, for example or during carillon
concerts, this may be done through
the automatic mechanisms, Mr. Geig-
er explained.
May Be Silenced At Will
During carillon concerts a cut-out
may be used tosilence the chimes, but
the chimes will not again resume un-
til an hour of the chimes has elapsed
so that the sequence of the chimes
is retained. This, Mr. Geiger ex-
plained, is due to the construction,
and prevents the chimes from strik-
ing in the wrong sequence or at the
wrong time. The time mechanism is
not affected by this cut-out, nor is
the hour chime affected.
Many parts of the clock were spe-
cially designed by his company, Mr.
Geiger said. The tubular steel .con-
struction of the hands, and the use
of stainless steel for the dial and the
hands was specially engineered, as
was the accumulator device for keep-
ing the time correct after the power
supply had failed.
No Expense Spared
"No expense was spared in building
this clock, and only the most expert
workmanship was used. We believe
it is the finest in the world, and we
are proud of it," he said.
Though he did not recall-the exact
cost of the clock, he estimated it to be

- Associated Press Photo
George Daley, film extra, was playing the role of a machine gunner
behind the window at the right of this battered "farm house" in a World
War scene on a Hollywood studio lot when he was fatally injured. by'
the explosion of a bomb that toppled a "prop" concrete wall on top
of him.
Students Attack uperstitions
About China In Iadio Iiterview

"somewhere near $20,000, which, as
clocks go, is very expensive." The
Metropolitan clock he said cost $70,-
000, though Big Ben cost only 4,000
pounds. It was built by a group of
jewelers and they 'lost their shirts' on
it, but they didn't care about that,
he said, because of its historical val-
ue. The Burton Tower clock he said
was built very near cost because the
tower is a donational project.
Only a few minor adjustments of
the striking mechanism remained last
night when Mr. 'deiger expressed
himself dissatisfied with the interval
between the chimes for the fourth
quarter of the hour and the actual
hour chimes. 'there will be an inter-
val of. three seconds of silence before
the hour strikes its first note exactly
on the hour and after the quarters
have finished. All this mechanism
must. have started at the fifty-nith
minute in -order to achieve this result,
he said, with the chimes starting at
159 and a half minutes of the hour.
Vitry Dinner
Speaker To Be
T.F. MaAllister
Thomas F. MacAllister of Grand
Rapids, Democratic candidate for
justice of the State Supreme Court,
will be the principal speaker at theC
Ann Arbor victory dinner to be held
March 4 in the Uniaon to celebrate
the ¢Demiocratic victory in the No-
vember election, according to George
Burke, who is in charge of prepara-
tions for the dinner.
This winner, one of the large num-
ber being held simultaneously in
every section of the country is in
the honcr of President Roosevelt and
Vice-President Garner, and proceeds
from it will go to help pay off the
deficit left by the recent campaign.
It is planned to have President
Roosevelt's address, which will be
brought to every dinner in the coun-
try by .means of a nation-wide radio
hook-up from the Mayflower Hotel
in Washington, broadcast at 10 p.m.
Extension Division To
I Give Building Course
The University Extension Service
Iwill ,again sponsor a course in .build-
ing this year which will be conducted
by Ivan Cuthvert.
This course, recommended by Dean
J. B. Edmonson of the school of edu-
cation, will consist of 16 meetings
anV will be held from 7:30 to 9:30
every Monday evening, starting
March 1 in Room 25 Angell Hall. It
is offered without credit to those
who desire practical instruction cov-
ering the various kinds of materials
and methods of construction com-
monly used in the erection of various
types of buildings.

Modern superstitions about China,
derived from novels and movies, are
based on the China of ten years ago,
Chang Hang Shen, Grad., told a
radio audience in yesterday's campus
actuality broadcast. The program
was a round table interview between
Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of the
Bicadcasting Service, Shen, Vung Y.
Ting, Grad., and Ching Kun Yang,
Women have been granted entrance
lnto the professions, have received
political privileges similar to those of
"nen and are accorded the right to
divorce their husbands, Miss Ting
"The youth movement, now strong
in China, advocates the virtues of the
old Chinese philosophers-they be-
lieve in righteousness, morality and
modesty and wish to promote the

livelihood of the Chinese masses,'
Yang added.
"The Communists, also strongly
unified, aim to establish better rela-
tionships among the impoverished,'
Yang continued. "In order to create s
bitter feeling against them, the gov-
ernment calls them bandits since they
are well organized and armed."
"The Communists yielded to th
government when they relinquishe
control over the Red Army but they
demanded that the government tak(
a positive step for the people, ordered
a strong attitude against Japan and
asked for the right to free speech
for all, including Communists."
According to Yang the Chines;
workers receive good food, and d
not live on a diet of rice and fish
Though their wage is equal to 35 cent
a day, they are able to purchase ade-
quate food and clothing, he said.
The popular belief Shen upheld way
that Shanghai is an unclean city. Ir
its international section, there ar
many apartment houses in which for-
eigners and natives live. The native
district is noted for its ancient pago-
das and homes full of tradition.
Miss Ting, born in Shanghai, hat
received undergraduate training a
Bryn Mawr and is now studying medi-
cine. Mr. Yang, and Mr. Shen ar
both graduates of the same ChinesE
university, Yang concentrating here
in sociology, and Shen in politica
Kiwanis Will Hold
Pet, Hobby Show



CKLW-1030 Kilocycles
6:00-At Close of Day.
6:15-News and Sports.
6 :30-Enoch Light's Orch.
6:45-Alfred Gus Karger.
7:00-French Lessons-Professor
Leon Troya.
7:15-Phil Marley's Orchestra.
7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins.
7:35-Melody Interlude.
7:45--Palmer House Ensemble.
8T:00-Betay Venuta's Program.
9:00-Toronto Maple Leafs vs.
Montreal Maroons.
10:30-Chicago Symphony Orch.
11:00-Canadian Club Reporter.
11:15-Kay Kyser's Orch.
11:30-Freddy Martin's Orch.
12 :00-Shep Field's Orch.
12:30--Clyde Lucas' Orch.
1:00-Sterling Young's Orch.
1:30-Ted Flo-Rito's Orch.
1 :45-Al Lyon's Orch.
2:00-Weather Forecast.
WJR-750 Kilocycles
6:00-Stevenson News.
6:15-This Week in Review.
6 :45-Listeni to This.
7:15-Diamond City News.
7:30-The Carborundum Band.
8:00-Moments You Never Forget
8:30-Johnnie Presents! with Russ
9:00-The Nash Speed Show.
9:30-Your Pet Program.
10:00-"Your Hit Parade."
10 :45-Americana.
11 :00-Headline News.
11 :15-Wismer Sports.
11:20-Benny Goodman's Orch.
11:30-George Olsen's Orch.
12:00-Ted Fiorito's Orch.
12:30-Henry ]King's Orch.

WWJ-920 Kilocycles
6:00-Ty Tyson's Sports.
6:10-Dinner -Music.
6:3-Press-Radio News.
6:45-Religion in the News.
7:00-Song Stories..
7:15-Dramatic Moments.
7:20-Hampton Institute Singers.
7:45-Sports Parade.
8:00-Saturday Night Party.
9:30--Joe Cook.
10:30-Irvin S. Cobb.
11:00-Northwood Inn Orch.
11:30-Dance Music .
12:00--Webster Hall Orch.
WXYZ--1240 Kilocycles
6:00-Norman Sherr.
6 :05-Nichelodeon.
6:30-Day in Review.
6:45-Rhythm Parade.
7:00-Town Talk.,
7 :15-Sandlotters.~
7:30-The Lutheran Hour.
745-Geo. Kavanaugh.
85:00-Ed Wynn'.
8:30-Meredith Wilson.
9:00-rational Barn Dance.
9 :30-Luigi Romanellil's Orch.
10 :00Morrie Brennan's Orch.
11:00-Frankie Masters.
11:15-Phil Levant's Orch.
11:30-400 Club Dance.

A religious symposium on fhe sub-
ject. "Why I am what I am," will be
held at 8 p.m. March 9 in Lane Hall.
An adherent of each of the Evan-
gelist, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyter-
ian, Baptist, Unitarian, Congrega-
tionalist, Lutheran, Agnostic, Chris-
tian Scientist, Episcopalian, Hindu,
Mohammedan, and Jewish beliefs
will explain why he follows his par-
ticular doctrine.
Aranpmat- ari hinr dai 1it~h

Snow Train Postponed
Due to heavy thaw in Cadillac, Michigan
Watch paper for further announcement.

£1 aragmnsaeoigmeThe third annual Pet and Hobby
the religious leaders in Ann Arbor show, sponsored by the Ann Arbor
and the University to have every Kiwanis Club, will be held April 29
group represented. The purpose of and 30 in Yost Field House, it was
the symposium is to further religious
tolerance on the campus. Students announced yesterday by Obediah E.
of various beliefs will get an oppor- Roszel, general chairman of the com-
tunity to learn the meanings of their mittee in charge.
fellow students' creeds and interests. Prizes for workmanship in the
Each speaker will be limited to ap- crafts and arts and for pets will be
proximately eight minutes. given to children from the city's el-
All students of the University and ementary schools and high schools.
others are welcomed. There will be All exhibits will be classed into
no charge for admission. The com- t h r e e departments: collections;
mitteemen in charge of the sympo- handicraft and household arts; and
sium are Puran Dhoriwal, Grad., pets. Ribbon awards will be given for
Richard Clark, '37, Walter Luszki, '37 first, second and third honors in each
and Frank Bussard, '40. section.
A Rare Theatre Privilege -
pseEn RG by the
Tatterman arionettes
with the University Symphony Orchestra
EARL V. MOORE, Conductor
Saturday, February 27 - Matinee at 3:30, Evening at 8:30
Prices: 75c and 50c - Children Matinee: 25c
BOX OFFICE open 10 - 6 Daily Telephone 6300



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