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February 27, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-27

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The Weather
Partly cloudy and continued
cold today and tomorrow.

C, 4r

t t ctl


The Pittman
Peace Bill, I.



Varsity Sextet
Ties For Title
With 3-2 Win
over Gophers
Goal By Captain Heyliger
In Last Eleven Seconds
Wins Contest
James And Copke
Also Supply Goals
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 26.-
(I')-With only 11 seconds of the
game remaining, a goal by Capt. Vic
Heyliger gave Michigan a 3 to 2 vic-
tory over Minnesota to place the
Wolverines in a tie with the Gophers
for the Big Ten hockey title.
A crowd of 4,500 fans, one of the
largest of the season witnessed the
thrilling game in the Minneapolis
A surprise score in the opening
minutes of the game gave the Wol-
verines a lead which they kept
throughout the period. A minute and
a half after the opening faceoff, Hey-
liger, Michigan center, outsktated the
Gopher forwards and set up a perfect
play for his teammate, Gib James,
who tallied the first score.
13 Minute Stall
For the remaining 13 minutes of
the period Coach Ed Lowrey's men
held the puck and played a stalling
game to protect their lead. The
Gophers put on a powerful- offensive
drive, but hard hitting . Minnesota
men suffered two penalties for trip-
Jimmy Carlson, blond second-
string center, started an offensive
charge with the opening of the sec-
ond period. Three minutes later,
Ridgeway Baker, playing his first
game in four weeks, scored with a
powerful long shot from the blue
line to tie the score. George Cooke
then. counted for Michigan.
''Thrirn °dif lh rs Fight
Hard fighting third-string Gophers
with Randall at center and Kenny
Anderson and Ray Wallace at wings
bombarded the Michigan defense in
third period with Randall scoring.
Although handicapped by a short-
age of men on the ice Coach Larry
Armstrong's players kept Michigan
out of its defensive zone. In the
closing seconds four Minnesota skat-
ers made a final charge toward the
Michigan goal. A beautiful poke
check gave Captain Hayliger a clean
break, and he flipped the puck
through Wilkinson's pads.
Puppets Offer
Dramatic Poem
Peer Gynt, Greig's Music,
To ,Be presented Twice;
Mildred Olsen To Sing
"Peer Gynt," Ibsen's famous dra-
matic poem, with music by Grieg,
will be presented by the Tatterman
Marionettes and the University Sym-
phony Orchestra in two performances
today at 3:30 and at 8:30 p.m. in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The student symphony orchestra
will be under the direction of Prof.
Earl V. Moore, of the School of Mu-

sic. The solo in the last act of the
play will be sung by Mildred A. 01-,
son, '37.f
The use of marionettes in "Peer
Gynt," according to Edward Mabley,
co-producer, under whose direct su-
pervision the company has come to
Ann Arbor, facilitates its production,
for, he said, characters more resem-
bling Ibsen's original imaginative con-
ception of trolls can be used, and
the entire scale can be decreased
yet giving the suggestion of the great
magnitude of the original set. The
Tatterman production of "Peer Gynt"
is the largest marionettte show ever
staged, he said, with 44 puppets in use.
Concerning the use of puppets in
adult productions, Mabley explained
that the use of marionettes in this
country "got off to a wrong start,
being used principally for children's
entertainment." But, he added, "it1
is our purpose to prove that marion-
ettes can be utilized most effectively
in adult presentations and it is partly
fnrth *t. r** lfl O*Vth nXt w eh nCP to-r

Dr. Sturgis Declares Disability
At Age Of 70 Not GeneralRule

Senility Attacks Sonme Men
As Early As Age 45, Says
Director Of Institute
No general deterioration of intel-
lectu l abilities occurs universally
among men who have passed their
seventieth birthday, Prof. Cyrus C.
Sturgis, director of the Simpson
Memorial Institute, pointed out yes-
terday in commenting on the pro-
posal to retire Supreme Court Jus-
tices at that age.
Senility overtakes some men as
early as 45 or 50, Dr. Sturgis declared,
while others may possess remarkable
intellectual powers far beyond 70.
Originality and initiative, however,
appear to decrease in most people as
the latter age is approached, although
in this generalization, too, many ex-
Eight Records
Fall As Varsity
Swimmers Win
Iowa Is Swamped 55-29;
Tom Haynie Breaks Two
Intercollegiate Marks
IOWA CITY, Feb. 26.-(M~-Seven
National Intercollegiate records and
one American mark for 20-yard pools
fell here tonight as Michigan's cham-
pionship swimmers easily downed
Iowa in a Big Ten dal meet by a 55-
29 score.
Five of the six Intercollegiate rec-
ords and the lone American mark
were set by Wolverines in the great-
est exhibition of swimming ever seen
in the University of Iowa pool. Each
new mark by Coach Matt Mann's
team was well applauded by a large
crowd of 3,0.00 persons.
Tom Haynie of the visitors ac-
counted for two of the Intercollegiate
records in the 220 and 440-yard free-
style races with times of 2:09.7 and
The American record was set when
the Wolverine 400-yard relay quar-
tet of Walt Tomski, Baker Bryant,
Bob Mowerson and Ed Kirar swam'
the distance in 3:30.7.
Other standards fell to the Mich-
igan medley trio of Fred Cody, Jack
Kasley and Mowerson who did 2:55,
to Kirar in the 100-yard free-style
in :51.4, to Kasley in the breast-
stroke with 2:20.5 and to Ray Walters
of Iowa in the 60-yard sprint with
Dick Westerfield gave the Hawk-
eyes their second victory in nine
events when he nosed out Cody in
the 150-yard back-stroke and set
a new university mark at 1:36.
Ben Grady, Michigan's outstanding
diver, had little trouble in his favorite
event, totalling 118.6 pints.
Frank Barnard, co-captain of the
Wolverines along with Kasley, 'fin-
ished behind Haynie in both the 220
and 440-yard events.
The Michigan swimmers, who arc
National Collegiate champions, meet
Minnesota in Ann Arbor Saturday
Complete summaries of the Mich- 1
igan-Iowa meet will be found on
page 3.
tonshire, England, Feb. 26.-(/P)-
Three hundred girl laundry workers
walked out on strike today beause
their handsome foreman, whom they
called "Clark Gable," was to be trans-
ferred to another plant.

ceptions can be found, Dr. Sturgis
said. As an example of a fertile or-
iginality persisting to advanced years
he cited Henry Ford. On the other
hand, he said, in medical research
work comparatively little new work
is begun by men past 50, and the age
of 62 has been set by Harvard Univer-
sity as the time for retirement of the
medical faculty members.
Most business concerns, as well as
the University have likewise estab-
lished definite retirement ages, he
pointed out, and have apparently
considered this policy of merit.
No Defiite Tests
Definite tests to determine the ex-
tent of deterioration of the mental
faculties are not available, Dr. Stur-
gis stated, because very intangible
qualities are under appraisal. The
onset of senility does seem to be
connected with hardening of the ar-
teries, however, he added.
Judgment, in particular; cannot be
evaluated by means of any present
test; and it is this characteristic
which is of primary importance in
Supreme Court justices.
Men at the age of 70, he empha-
sized, may differ as widely in abilities
as men of any other number of years.
Individuality enters so strongly into
any question of capability that no
certain age can be set as delimiting
a man's period of usefulness, he as-
Fixing some age such as 70 as a re-
tirement point was, nevertheless, fa-
vored by Dr. Sturgis as a desirable
policy from standpoints other than
the appearance of senility.
Judges Quit At 70
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department said yesterday he
believes Supreme Court justices, like
university professors, should be
forced to retire at 70.
"Certainly if professors are held to
be unfit to teach when they reach'
the age of 70, it would seem that
justices of the nation's highest Court
should be - also," Professor Shepard
Although there are always excep-
tions to any age limit, Professor
Shepard said, "speaking as a psychol-
ogist I would say that 70 is a fair
age at. which to make men etire
from public service."
End Of Conference
Seen By Union, GM
DETROIT, Feb. 26.1IP) - New strike
negotiations broadened the labor
front for the United Automobile
Workers of America today as Union
conferees approached agreement with
General Motors Corporation officials
on issues remaining from recent dis-
Representatives of Corporation and
Union conferring for the ninth day
discussed hourly and annual wage
minimums and predicted that two
more days might conclude their work.
U.A.W.A. leaders wish the present
sessions to end before Wednesday
when they are scheduled to start ne-
gotiations with the Chrysler Corpor-
ation. Homer Martin, Union president,
pointed his organizingdrive tonight
iat the Edgewater, N.J., assembly plant
pf the Ford Motor Company, third of
the "big three" automobile producing
Two newsit-down strikes were
called in automotive parts plants
here by U.A.W. workers. About 1,000
employes of the Michgian Malleable
Iron Company platn, producing parts
for the Ford and Chrysler companies,
refused to work until wage adjust-
pients are agreed upon between the
management and Union officials.

Regent Board
Accepts Gifts
Of $166,536
Endowment Of $150,000
To Library Department
Is LargestSingle Item
Majority Of Funds
Will HelpResearch
Gifts totalling $166,536, including
an endowment of $150,000 to the li-
brary science department, were ac-
cepted by the Board of Regents in its'
February meeting yesterday. The en-
dowment was made by the Carnegie
Corporation of New York.
The income accruing from the en-
dowment will probably be used to
add another full-time professor to
the library science department fac-
ulty, Dr. William W. Bishop, head of
the department, said in a statement
issued by the President's office fol-
lowing the meeting. Dr. Bishop left
Thursday for Dallas, Tex., where he
is to make an address.
Recognize High Standing
"This recognition of the high
standing of the present work of this
department is most gratifying," Dr.
Bishop's statement read. "This gift
will make possible a decided enlarge-
ment of the work of training librar-
ians at Michigan.
"The Carnegie Corporation has al-
ready shown its confidence in the
quality of the work in librarianship at
Michigan by sending here a number
of younger librarians from New Zea-
land, Australia and the Vatican to
study in the library science depart-
ment," he said.
The Board of Directors of the Un-
ion received $5,000 from the estate of
Luella Jenkins Brandon, Cincinnatti,
O., given in memory of her husband,
George R. Brandon, '91E, and her
brother-in-law, Samuel C. Brandon,
The Regents accepted $6,000 from
the Aaron Mendelson Memorial Trust
for research in hypertension under
the m ' dTre e of
the surgery department
Higbies Give $1,000
Prof. Henry H. Higbie of the elec-
trical engineering department and
Mrs. Higbie established an endow-
ment of $1,000, to be known as the
Jane H. Higbie award, for "original-
ity in conception and excellence in
workmanship, but not merely for high
scholarship," in? the decorative and
design department. A committee of
five, the majority of which must be
from the decorative and design de-
partment faculty, was specified to
award the fund yearly. Professor
and Mrs. Higbie will provide $50 for
an award this year and each year
until the income from the fund is
sufficient. '
Miss Higbie, 19-year-old University
student accidentally shot herself June
7, 1936.
The International Business Ma-
(Continued on Page 6)
Cagers To Meet
Title Is At Stake
Buckeyes Are Only Ones
To Take Varsity Without
Being Beaten In Turn
COLUMBUS, 0., Feb. 26.-(Special

to The Daily)-With their first Con-
ference title since 1929 hanging in1
the balance, the University of Mich-
igan cagers will take the floor to-
night at the Coliseum against their
bugaboo, the Ohio State five.
Despitetthe fact thatethe Wolver-
ines have been looking bad during the
past week in the daily drills follow-
ing their victory over Purdue's Fire-
house five, they will take the floor,
favorites over the Buckeyes, the only
team to down the Varsity and remain
'unbeaten in turn by the Michigan
team this season.
It is the Ann Arbor team's su-
perior height, which failed to make
any difference in the Ohio State
team's 37 to 32 win, and its improve-
ment in the last three weeks that
is the basis for the feeling that the
advantage is all on its side.
Actually, however, it is an even
game. The Wolverines are expected
to be suffering from a let-down after

UAWA Points
Drive At Ford
Auto Workers
Stay-In Strikes All Over
Nation Meet With Varies
Success;_Affect 30,000
Tear Gas Breaks
Fansteel Sit-Down
(By The Associated Press)
The Committee for Industrial Or-
ganization, supporter of strikes in
many sections of the nation, pointed
its unionization drive toward Ford
Motor Company employes yesterday
The U.A.W.A. sponsored the recent
widespread strikes in General Motors
plants and has arranged a collective
bargaining conference with the sec-
ond of the automotive industry's
"big three," the Chrysler Motor Cor-
These significant moves shared at-
tention with a wide range of disputes
keeping an estimated 30,000 in idle-
New and forceful blows were dealt
"sit down" strategists. A militant
corps of officers drove 61 squatters
from two Fansteel Metallurgical Cor-
poration factories at North Chicago,
in a spectacular tear gas attack.
Start Drive In N.J.
NEWARK, N.J., Feb. 26.--P)-
With unionization of the 3,700 work-
ers in the Ford Motor Company as-
sembly plant at Edgewater his im-
mediate objective, President Homer
Martin of the United Automobile
Workers of America tonight formally
launched a C.I.O. membership drive
in the highly industrialized area of
northern New Jersey.
Martin addressed a mass meeting
sponsored by the Committee for In-
dustrial Organization after announc-
ing in New York that the Ford plant
was number one on the list, with the
oil refineries and textile plants next
in line.
SQ enment brought no im-
mediate comment from Gov. Harold
G. Hoffman; critic of the sit-down
strategy employed by Martin's union
in the recent automobile strikes.
Hoffman has threatened to use "the
entire resources of the state" to com-
bat sit-down strikes here.
Martin said he invited Governor
Hoffman to attend tonight's meeting.
Farnsworth Is
Sent To Prison
For Treason
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.-(P)-
Years in prison stretched tonight be-
fore John S. Farnsworth, former
American naval officer charged with
delivering fleet secrets to the Jap-
As a warning to others who might
be tempted "to sell out their coun-
try," Justice James M. Proctor fixed
his sentence today at from four to a
dozen years.
Farnsworth, grey-haired and brok-
en at 43, listened listlessly as the
court denounced him for communi-
cating naval secrets to two Japanese
naval attaches formerly stationed in
"Through deception, stealth, thiev-
ery and imposition on your friends
in the naval service," he heard the
justice declare, "you succeeded in ob-
taining confidential information and
delivering it to these emissaries for

"This was such a plot as is abhor-
rent to every good citizen."

Bill Passes Senate;
Goes To Roosevelt



Portugal, USSR
Dodge Spanish
Naval Control.
LONDON, Feb. 26.-(IP)-European
nations trying to set up an interna-
tional barricade around Spain faced
unexpected difficulties tonight.
Decision of Russia and Portugal
not to join a naval blockade of Spain
with four other powers at first prom-
ised a clear-cut way for the others
to launch the program.
Then it was recalled that it would'
be necessary for each of the 27 na-
tions in the neutrality combine to1
take separate measures to require
shipping to comply with the control
Some Can Meet Situation {
Some nations, it was pointed out,
presumably can meet the situation
with existing government regulations,
but Great Britain rushed preparation
of a bill ordering ships bound for
Spain to calldat "control ports or
"anchorages" to take on committee
agents. They will see that no for-
eign arms or men are aboard.
Informed sources said tonight it
might be impossible to have the full
details of the neutrality program in
effect by the March 6 deadline, but
expressed hope it could be made sub-
stantially effective then.
Land control phases of the block-
ade were reported virtually settled
today. The plan now calls for only
130 committee agents on the Franco-
Spanish frontier-the same number
Britain plans to put on the Portu-
guese frontier-instead of 170. This
satisfied French representatives, who
had complained of the inequality of
distribution in observers.
Powers Assume Duties
France and Britain, following with-
drawal of Russia and Portugal from
the sea patrol, will take back patrol
zones they had originally relinquished
to those nations. Russia had object-
ed to patrolling the rough waters of'
the Bay of Biscav
BAYONNE, France, Feb. 26.-P)-
The insurgent defenders of Oviedo
fought on doggedly tonight from the
very sewers of the ancient city,
pushed underground by six days of
Basque attack.
Their machine guns spat back at
the government attackers from the
entrances to the dank, arched stone
passages, high enough for a man to
walk through in upright position.
They were laid centuries ago, and
today they forced a barricade and a
place of refuge from government
ground and air attacks.
Eighty Geisha Girls
Stage New Walkout
OSAKA, Japan, Feb. 27.-(Satur-
day) -(P) --Eighty geisha, famous
dancing and singing girls of Japan,
today staged a walkout unique in
this strike-ridden world.
The issues were similar to those
vexing American industry-the girls
complained they were not permitted
to organize for collective bargaining
-butthe methods were such as could
be used only in Japan.
The 80 marched to the top of a
mountain near Osaka and there oc-
cupied a well-known Buddhist temple.

Plan Permits Justices Over
70, Serving 10 Years,
To Retire Voluntarily
F.D.R. Announces
Air Talk March 9
Senator McCarran States
If Act Becomes Law, It
Will Ease Tension
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 - (P) -
Congress enabled six members of the
Supreme Court to retire on full pay
for life today, with leaders hopeful
that thereby the unremitting strain
and tension aroused by the Roosevelt
court reorganization program may
be materially lessened.
Although Senator Johnson (Rep.,
Calif.) asserted that any justice who
withdraws from the court "t this
particular time" will forfeit his res-
pect, the Senate passed, 76 to 4, and
sent to the White House a bill per-
Fnitting such voluntary retirement
hor judges who are 70 years old
and have served ten years.
F.D.R. Gives Support
At the same time, President Roose-
velt, who has endorsed the measure
although it was not specifically in-
rluded in his Court recommendations,
announced a "fireside" radio talk for
March 9. White House officials said
they expected the address would in-
clude a discussion of his Court pro-
posals, which include a recommenda-
tion that one new justice be placed
on the Supreme bench for each judge
over 70 who declines to step down.
During the Senate's 45-minute de-
bate, Senator McCarran (Dem., Nev.)
.n charge of the voluntary retirement
bill, said "It may be within the scope
of possibility that this bill;11 eate4 "
would relieve the tension that does
prevail." Senator Robinson, the Dem-
ocratic leader, and others prominent
on both sides of the great dispute
have expressed the same vie'vpoint,
some even more forcibly.
Celler Compromises
When the bill passed the House
recently, Representative Celler (Dem.,
N.Y.), an opponent of the general
White House program who has shown
a disposition to compromise, asserted
that "if the justices do not avail them-
selves of this retirement privilege, the
issue will be cast back at us." He
"Of course their dignity may be
deemed 'considerably ruined. Self
respect may also prompt them to
refuse to retire. Perhaps a six month
lapse of the time might bring calmer
judgment - and resignations."
As the bill would operate, Chief
Justice Hughes, now 74, and Associate
Justices Brandeis, 80, Van Devanter,
77, McReynolds, 75, Sutherland, 74,
and Butler, 70, would have the privi-
lee of retiring at once.
This privilege has been extended
to judges of the lower federal courts
since 1919. They "retire" instead of
"resigning." Thus they retain a tech-
nical connection with the courts and
have suffered no reduction of retire-
ment salary, because the Constitution
forbids any reductions in the re-
muneration of a Federal judge.
Court Not In Act Of 1919
ThewSupreme Court on the other
hand was not included in the act of
1919. Its members could resign and
trust to Congressional action for their
p)ensions. The late Oliver Wendel
'Holmes had his annual 'stipend of
$20,000 a year clipped to $10,000 by
the Economy Act of 1933, and subse-
quently the remaining $10,000 was
,jzut 15 per cent through a ruling of
Comptroller General McCarl. In addi-
tion, his pension was subject to in-
come taxes.
Although the bill passed today was
not included in the President's spe-
cific recommendations, it inevitably
caused pointed references to the
.greater program.

Sit-Down Prevented
By 300_Staying-In
GRAND HAVEN, Mich., Feb. 26.-
()-A "stay-in" to prevent a "sit-
down''-something new in labor dis-
putes-was under way here tonight
with about 300 employes of the Eagle

Democracy Will Follow Army's
Ousting Of Hitler, Says Prince

The Nazi government of Germany,
if overthrown from within, will fall
at the hands of the army and result
in the return of constitutional de-
mocracy, Prince Hubertus Loewen-
stein, leader in the suppressed Ger-
man Catholic Center Party, said yes-
Characterizing the Hitler regime
as "brutal, irresponsible, and im-
moral," the exiled 30-year-old Prince
maintained that the choice was not
necessarily one between communism
and fascism and that the "next" gov-
ernment of Germany. will undoubt-
edly be a democratic one.
He emphasized that the main hope
for the overthrow of the National
Socialists, outside of an international
war lay in a military coup, indicat-
ing that the underground movements

ly want political influence, not actual
control of the government," he said.
In an interview before his talk, thej
Prince refused to predict the date of'I
der Fuehrer's downfall for fear that
"the Nazi secret police would find
out and warn Hitler."
He cried out against the spoliation
of German culture and bitterly de-
nounced the conditions that havej
made it necessary for 2,000 scholars
and professors, and 500 writers and
artists to flee the Fatherland.
He denied that a majority of the
German people were favorable to Na-
tional Socialism, and asserted that
they were dominated by 300,600 se-,
cret police and the Nazi party mem-
bers. He pointed out that each city
is divided into many small districts of
a few blocks, each with a Nazi party

Edmonson Agrees With Ruthven
On Federal Education Control

Pleased that President Ruthven has
taken a stand against placing the
state-supported educational institu-
tions under more supervision of
Washington "bureaucrats," - D e a n
James B. Edmonson of the School of
Education said yesterday that it was
"unthinkable to allow Washington to
control education in the various
"I am perfectly in accordance with
Dr. Ruthven's views on the federal
control of education," Dean Edmon-
son stated. "He has taken a stand
the University should be proud of.
Many college presidents are more

leaving them a maximum of freedom
in spending the money for educa-
tional purposes," Dean Edmonson de-
clared. y
He then went on to tell of a com-
mission that President Roosevelt has
appointed to prepare a report on the
policies that should be followed by
the federal government in relation
to state education. "It is impossible
to predict the recommendations that
will be made by this commission, but
I hope that the commission will pro-
test against some of the present pol-
icies and advocate federal financial
aids for schools with a minimum of
control of state programs. Education.

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