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February 25, 1937 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-25

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... s _ ., . Fl

'wo Meets In Two Days Is Order For Swimmers



Notice To Tryouts'.. .
"NOW IS THE TIME for all good men to come to the aid of their party."
. Join the sports staff and see the world. In fact every known detail
of that section of the globe which describes a straight line between the
Publications Building, Yost Field House and points south. See the world
via shank's ponies, otherwise known as the dogs. The sport staff needs
men,.or so the women's staff has been telling us for years. Qualifications?
Two more brains than a professional wrestler, some ability to murder his
majesty's English, and a pair of feet that will not wear, crack, warp or
blister. Tryouts should also have fairly good vision. If the vision is
defective, apply at Yost Field House for a referee's position.
FOR THE REGULAR EDITORIAL STAFF subtract one brain from the
head and several blisters from the feet. Tryouts should report this
afternoon at four in the Publications Building. For some time the editorial
and sport staff tryouts will be together during a short course of training
cinder the editorial staff. After this period the sports staff will redeem
its own men and try to kick out of them most of the things they have
learned during the training grind. If you come out for the sports staff,
don't let these characters on the editorial staff swerve you from your
Marks ..Feet Okay? ? ?
YOUR GRAMMAR FOUNDATION should be fairly good, and you should
have sufficient appreciation of sport to pronounce the game with North-
western as fairly good football and to enjoy the exhibition of basketball
put on last Monday night. Beyond this in the realm of sports you do not
haye to go, All else will come to you. You must be willing to work hard
and reliability should be your keynote. Yqur marks should be as good as
your feet are tough. Working on the sports staff is almost equally hard,
on marks and feet. Don't come out for the sports staff with either border-
line marks or borderline feet.
THERE IS SATISFACTION in sport staff work, especially for those
inclined to creative writing. We offer 'you the thrill of your first signed
story (all in the due course of time), than which thrill there is none greater,
so help me. We offer you the opportunity of meeting Michigan's coaches
who really are a group of fine fellows even though they are sorely tried
and show dispositions remotely similar to a chow dog's at times. We offer
you also the opportunity of assisting in recording the continuity of Mich-
igan's great athletic tradition, second to none in the country-the thrill
of writing up another Michigan victory, the opportunity of really learning
what "The Victors" means. "Go west," young man, go west," and stop at
the; Publications Building. But don't forget for an instant that you are
letting yourself in for some work!
(With profound apologies to fraternity brother Al Newman, who wrote
the. above appeal when I was a verdant freshman).
18 n Row Is Michigan's Record

Varsity Squad
w r"m -M

Kim Williams Refutes Phrase,

Spartans Choose
r : s~~n Ftiha s

Leaves Todytoner sma1
Leaes'tday omes Back' To Captaiin Nine 1WIIU
Fo TI w Tilt'~ _EAST LANSING, Feb. 24. -
By IRVIN LISAGOR mously elected Kimy captain of the The Michigan State college basketball
The stock sports' phrase, "they 1937 nine. That honor buoyed him squad today selected an "all-oppon-
Team To Return Saturday never come back," has been notably appreciably, but the dread virus re- ents" team, with the University of
To Clash With Gophers; refuted of late, but it had not been fused to relent. D yMichigan supplying two names and
quad Is Confident entirely discredited until last week ork Ote Dai the captain.
Squad Is Confident ~~~~After reaching the nadiir of 115ThplyrwtCocBe .
fwhen Kim Williams walked out of the pounds, he suddenly rallied, and the players,
Michigan's Varsity swimming team limbo of invalidism to announce that 3 long climb back to normalcy began. Van Alstyne concurring, chose this
faces the toughest week-end of the he was ready to resume his backstop- He simply refused to be licked. lineup:
season when it takes on both the ping duties for the Wolverine nine. Now Kimy engages in brief work- Carlyne, Kentucky, forward; Town-
Iowa and Minnesota natators in the outs in the Field House, catching an send, Michigan, forward (captain);
short period of two days. The Wol- This couldn't be, the amazed Field hour or so each day. He plans to Yost, DePaul, center; Fishman, Mich-
verines journey to Iowa City to meet House boys told themselves, because take it easy until his sparse frame igan, guard; McMichael, Northwest-
the Hawkeye squad on Friday night Kimy was reported to be all washed has recovered some of that lost ern, guard.
then dash back to Ann Arbor to put up as far as athletics was concerned, poundage. "By April," he confidently -
up a scrap with the Minnesota team Hadn't doctors here sent him home says, "I ought to weigh well over 150
on Saturday night. last February, "hoping for the best," pounds." He tips the beams at 137
It was the Hawkeye aggregation with a gravity that suggested any- now and is so anxious to be ship
that slipped in ahead of Michigan to thing but optimism? Hadn't the re- shape by the spring baseball trip that
win the Big Ten title last year. The port gone the rounds that he was he has calculated just how much READY
Varsity, however, defeated Iowa in the I down to 115 pounds and losing weight weight he has to gain. "A pound
dual meet last year and is set to turn steadily? every four days," is his quota. FOR SPRING..
the trick again this season. Suffered 10 Months Illness May Play In Outfield
Westerfield, Walters Are Tough Incredibly, the boys looked at smil- Whether he will really be available
In Capt. Dick Westerfield and Ray ing Kim, whose eyes revealed a luster this season is extremely conjectuial.
Walters Iowa has two men who will that invalids don't have. Yet, there Since catching is strenuous work, he U its
stack up against any competition in I he was, a bit pale, perhaps, visibly may find a haven in the Michigan
the country. Westerfield is a back- underweight, but nevertheless smil-'cutfield, for his hiting prowess can
stroker of no mean ability and Wal- ing as though he'd merely recover certainly be utilized. In 1935 he waso Cis
ters is a dash man who at present is from a slight cold. the only regular Ttopoit over .300.
the national 60-yard champion. Bob But he had just returned from a 10- At all events, Kim's presence, even
Christians will provide plenty of com- month siege of ulcerated colitis, the as spectator, should be an inspira- H ats
petition in the 440, but will not be ravages of which left him an alarm- tional tonic for the champion Wol-
fast enough to edge Michigan's Co- ingly sick boy. The condition struck verines. The indomitable blond has
captain Frank Barnard out of first h suddenly, bafflin dctosafo the pluck and grit of a champion. I a'
place, some time as to the exact diagnosis !-_ ______S a cC
The short dash, which will be run of the ailment. Meanwhile, his
for 60 yards instead of the usual 50 strength ebbed, and transfuions-- PUCKMEN PITCH AND CATCH
h 16 of them!-were required to sus- Coach Eddie Lowrey's hockey team Furnishings
because of the size of the Iowa pool fetrsaptnilbsbl atr
which is 50 by 20 yards, will pro- tain him.
vide the greatest thrill in fast swim- Retains Sense of Hiumior in Burt Smith, defenseman and a
ming of any event of the evening. Kimy evidently failed to grasp the potsider hur er and reserve catHer
When Walters, Walt Tomski and gravity of his condition as he re- Vie plays regularly in the outfield. ,rh Vrt
Bll1 thi .~ i LUt 1I1 thtie i es fhmradk

HAVANA, Feb. 24.-G«+--The New
York Giants, champions c the Na-
tilonal League, dr~opped thne opening
gamne of the spring trailing seasoun
today when they fell before the Cu-
ban Armed Forces, 7 to 4 at Tropical
Score by innings:
Cuban Armed Forces 012 001 030-7
Giants .............100 000 210-4

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Minnesota's football, Lou Gehrig's
consecutive games, Schoolboy Rowe's
victories-phooie! Michigan's start-C
ed on a winning streak that may
make them all look sick.
Up to yesterday Wolverine athletes
had won 18 straight contests without
a defeat in five sports fields since
Jan. 23.
At 8:45 p.m. that night 8,000 dis-
appointed spectators edged out of
Yost Field House leaving the Wolver-
ine cagers on the short end of a 37-32
score against Ohio State. About mid-
night The Daily's press wires brought
in the news of a 3-2 victory over
Michigan Tech at the hockey rink in'
Houghton, evening the series at one
game each and starting the victory

game at Minnesota last night, the
hockey team won five straight; beat-
ing Michigan Tech three times, On-
tario Agricultural College and
University of Western Ontario; the
basketball team snapped up five from
Chicago, Michigan State, Indiana,
Northwestern, and Purdue; the swim-
ming team added four more, defeat-
ing Michigan State, New York A.C.,
Colgate, and Ohio State; the wrest-
ling team beat Northwestern, Ohio
State, and Ohio University; and the
track team opened its campaign by
swamping Michigan State. Eight of
the 18 victories were scored on the
The 1937 record as a whole shows
that from New Year's Day theI
Purdue basketball game last Monday,I

nnrarnswort swim oge ner, a
great race can be expected. The
Michigan tankers are not accus-
tomed to the short dash which re-
quires two turns or the five-urn 100-
yard distance, but both of the Wol-
verine hopes for the dashes, Tomski
and Ed Kirar, are fast on the turns
so should experience little difficulty.
Gophers Arrive Saturday
The Minnesota squad will arrive in
Ann Arbor Saturday to clash with the
Wolverines that night in the next to
the last home meet of the present
season. The meet is slated to start at
8:30 p.m. in order that fans who are
so inclined may attend both the track
meet with Ohio State and the swim
battle with the Gophers.
The Varsity is rated a strong fa-
vorite over the Minnesota tankers but
the long train trip to and from Iowa
City may tell on Matt Mann's squad.
The Gopher squad has few outstand-
ing stars but has a well-rounded
group of swimmers and should pro-
vide a good battle for the Varsity.
Mann has announced that the en-
tire bleacher section will be erected
for the meet as a large crowd is ex-
Watch Repairing:
I taJewelry
IState and Liberty

his dauber up at all times. Back
among his folks in Katonah, N.Y., he
watched the progress of his title-
bound teammates and sent frequent
pep messages, despite his slow phy-
sical descent.
In recognition of his valiant bat-'
tle, the champion Wolverines unani-

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J. J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 350n

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in a new three-button
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Again VAN BOVEN has something new,



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In the 18 contests up to the hockey Michigan has won 27 of 32 contests.


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T H E SUIT . $45 and $50
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w '. ~Drop in today and see this fine new styl

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