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May 23, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-23

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MAY 23, 1937


To Explain Plan
At Lecture Here
A precise explanation of social
science phenomena in terms of math-
ematics will be the subject of a
University lecture by Prof. Karl
Menger, Austrian mathematician, at
7:45 p.m. tomorrow in Room 304 of
the Union.
Research worker in mathematics,
Professor Menger, has been working
on an exact theory of sociological re.
lations. Under the title of "A Math-
ematical Theory of Human Rela-
tions," he will sketch his plans.
"I'm sure this lecture will be of in-
terest not only to economists and
other social science workers, but to
mathematicians and physical scien-
tists as well," Prof. Howard S. Ellis
of the economics departMent said.
Professor Menger was the son of
the famous economist'of the same
name, who, with Jevons and Walras,
is considered to be the founder of the j
Austrian school of theoretical econ-
Schlesinger To Discuss
Boron Hydride Work
Dr. H. I. Schlesinger, University of
Chicago chemist, will describe recent
developments in the chemistry of the
hydrides of boron at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in Room 303 of the chemistry
The lecture, sponsored by the
AmericanbChemical Society, is open
to the public.

Returns Cent, Wins
Honesty Title From
Traditional Champ
If Diogenes had come to Michigan,
he could have packed his lantern
away and saved himself a lot of foot
trouble in his search for an honest
than, according to Ransom Miller,
'40, member of the Health Service
Visitation project of the Student
Christian Association. Miller claims
to have found a Michigan man who
can outdo both Washington and Lin-
coln at the game of honesty.
As usual the case is very chimer-
ical; Miller doesn't know the man's
name. But it happened last week
when he was asked by a number of
the infirmary for a penny postcard
to send home. Miller bought the card.
Friday night in Lane Hall the debt;
was paid off. A stranger asked if heI
could leave some money he owed1
Miller. The request. was granted, and
yesterday morning Miller was noti-t
fled a penny was waiting for him
whenever he wished to collect it.
On recovering the debt Miller said,t
"In the semester I have worked on
the Health Service Visitation proj-
ect I have learned much about hu-
man nature but I never expected
to see such scrupulous honesty. My
faith in human nature has beenx
SOUTH BEND, May 22.-(P)-Of-
ficials of the Studebaker Automobile
Corp. here announced a general wage
increase totalling $700,000 annuallyf
today f
a a a p p aI

Sigma Rho Tau's 'Cooley Cane'
Is Pirated Post, Brackett Asserts

- - - . w w w w w - W~ W w - -.


The "Cooley Cane," that symbol
of meritorious service to Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering speakers' club, is a
pirated post, according to Prof. Rob-
ert D. Brackett of the engineering
Professor Brackett explained that
many, many years ago a fence en-
closed the campus, in order to refuse
admission to the multifarious domes-
tic and wild life that infested Ann
Arbor in those days. The entrances
were masterpieces of engineering in-
genuity, consisting of two gate-posts
with cedar stakes placed in staggered
formation so that no cattle, other
than students, could enter, he said.
"Civilization Came"
But soon, according to the Sigma
Rho Tau director, "civilization came
to our city," and the University au-
thorities decided tohsell the fence to
a neighboring farmer, reasoning that
any spasmodic invasion by an oc-
casional runaway horse or stray bull
would not deeply disturb the serenity
of the campus.
The students, according to Profes-
sor Brackett, felt the loss of the fence
keenly, for it had been the line of
battle for many a class struggle, and
few if any of the ringleaders had
escaped the embarrasing accident of
being hung up by the tousers on a
paling. So they held a secret con-
clave. The errant fence was tracked,
and, as a natural result, the farmer
found himself minus one fence the
following morning.
Students Get Canes
About a month later, Professor
Brackett continued, students ap-
peared in Dean Cooley's class in the
engineering school with cedar canes,
beautifully turned, finished and pol-
ished, filling the room with all the
perfume of the cedars of Lebanon. A
deputation presented one of the canes
to Dean Cooley as a token of their
For many years Dean Cooley car-
ried this cane with him on his walks,
although, Professor Brackett reports,
there is no evidence to support the
belief that he ever used it as a dis-
ciplinary tool. So far as is known,
Hinks Named Head
Of 'Toastimasters
Richard E. Hinks, '39L, was elect-
ed to the presidency of Toastmasters,
all- campus honorary society, Friday,
it was announced yesterday.
Devoted to the development of im-
promptu speaking, the club had Lewis
Kearns, '37L, for president this year.
New members this year include Keith
Bondurant, '38L, secretary, William
B. Stephenn, '38L, Robert Henoch,
'38L, Robert B. Knight,,'39L, Dan K.
Cook, '38L, Gilbert A. Runkel, '39,
George C. Fink, '40.
Kellum Editing Book
On Mexican Geology
A new book, "The Geology and Bi-
>logy of the San Carlos Mountains,
'amaulipas, Mexico" edited by Lewis
3. Kellum, will be published about
uly 1 by the University of Michigan
?ress, it was announced yesterday.
The reports in the book deals with
nany subjects including "Geology of
he Sedimentary Rocks of the San
arlos Mountains," "Igneous Rocks of
he San Carlos Mountains" and "Ore
deposits of the San Carlos Moun-

Dean Cooley's Cane is the only relic
of the old campus fence.
Now, the cane so hallowed by tra-
dition is awarded to the student who
has rendered the greatest service to
Sigma Rho Tau during his four years
on the campus. Universally known as
the "Cooley Cane," it is passed on
from year to year, being awarded to
the student chosen by the "Attic Ten,"
the supreme governing body of Sigma
Rho Tau, by the student who won
the award in the previous year.
Wednesday night, at the annual
banquet, Robert A. Lowe, '36E, of
Buffalo, last year's winner, will pre-
sent the Cooley Cane to a member of
the society who has earned recogni-
tion as this year's outstanding mem-
ber of sigma Rho Tau.
Bhusiness Students
Win Wayne D'ebate
L. R. Beals, '37, J. A. Doelle, '37BAd,!
and W. M. Morgenroth, '37BAd., with
Jack Lichtenstein, '38BAd., as alter-
nate, representing the cost account-
ing classes of the University, were
winners in a debate with classes of
Wayne University, Thursday.
The topic of the debate was:: Re-
solved, That Current Standard Costs
Provide a Better Tool for Managerial
Control than Basic Standard Costs."
By winning the debate, the Univer-
sity team, coached by Raymond Scho-
berg of the speech department and
advised by Prof. Herbert Taggert of
the School of Business Administra-
tion, won the Robert Pierce trophy
which is awarded annually in Inter-
collegiate debate. The case was ar-
gued before the Detroit National As-
sociation of Cost Accountants.
U A W A To Curtail

SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1937
VOL. XLVII No. 169
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information: T h e..
Occupational Information: The man-
ager of the Group Division of the
Washington National Insurance Com-
pany of Chicago will be at the Bu-
reau on Monday, May 24, to interview
men for sales in group insurance. The
work is on a salary basis, and in-
cludes a definite training period.
Kindly call the Bureau, 4121, Ext.
371, for appointments, Monday only.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of a position for a
man or woman to fill a teaching va-
The candidate musthhave a major
in social science with a minor in
Englsh. A Bachelor of Art's degree
and two years of teaching exprience
in the above mentioned subjects are
required although candidates with
their Master of Art's degrees are pre-
ferrd. The bginning salary is $1500
with six raises in consecutive years to
a maxinum of $1900.
The position is in Wyoming and is
to be filled by June 3. For further
information, please call at 201 Mason
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Iiformation
has received notice of the examna-
tion for eligiblity listng for the po-
siton as Special Assstant in the Divi-
sion of Educatioal Research and Re-
sults in the School District of Phil-
adelphia, Pa.
Application must be made in per-
son or by mail to the Division of Ex-
aminations, Administration Building,
Philadelphia, Pa., not later than 4
1 p.m., D.S.T., June 21, 1937, on the
j special form issued by the Division of

.95 Inches UOf ain
FellFiday Nigh A re Not Habura,s,
Proving that even the spring brings Letters mailed from Ann Arbor Fri-
no respite from Ann Arbor weather, day may look suspiciously likc ham-
.95 inches of rain fell Friday night burgers but they are not--Ro ert L.
during the storm which lashed the David, '39, just felt like pouring cat-
city. Lightning put lights out tem- sup over them.
porarily in 150 homes. Arrested earIv vfLv wnnii

0 s

For Information -Call MISS JONES at 2-3241

Examinations. Teachers Certificate
Unatlhl riked ttocexfor state of Pennsylvania must be pre-
sented along with documentary proof

GET OUT and do things! Yes,
that's the motto of spring and in
Ann Arbor it's no trouble at all to
find those things to do - just
think, we have bicycling, canoeing,
roller-skating - if you're so in-
clined - and no end of amuse-
ments for the more serious ath-
letes. And it's in Ann Arbor that
you'll find the spirit too!
'BEEN THINKING about all
this lately and have been scouting
for the athletic costume for the
Michigan out-door girl - and
with a great deal of success. Yes,
I found the coolest kind of dresses
for the moderate exercise, in fact,
tennis or golf dresses, walking
dresses and cool non-wrinklable
class dresses (do we call that exer-
cise!). Spun linen is just about
t.he coolest this year and IS
wrinkle-proof - a feature that I
for one have been loking for for
years (centenarian??). Then there
are loads of seersuckers and linens
in the dark and light print com-
binations. You can easily see that
it's up to you to be just as sporty
in the classroom as on the tennis
court - don't you think so? -
and be cool both places! Inci-
dentally, but not incidental, Miss
Dillon is showing some lovely vita-
cool summer suits-- just the thing
for all-time wear, and the loveli-
est pastel gabardines that you've
seen. I've given you the lead -
now it's up to you to look (take a
big look while you're at it) into the

AND THEN there is the scent
for every summer costume - an-
other little matter you might look
into! For the sports lady it's
Tweed, floral perfumes ' for the
summer afternoons in a fresh
frock, and gardenia, carnation, or
spicy for the mid-summer evening
and a flowing filmy gown. And it's
provide you with your summer
scent. Yes, perfumes, toilet waters,
colognes cannot be dispensed with
for your coming vacation to make
you fresh and charming at all
times of the day. And another
thing these perfumes come in your
favorite "make" - and in suiting
yourself in your OWN particular
iproduct, you can suit yourself
with the various odors. It's all
yours for the asking - so take
your pick and ask!
DON'T be at loose ends with
your hair! Why not try a long
bob for a change and curl the ends
under - something new and dif-
ferent, no less - and very smart.
Or we might try old-fashioned
fluffy bangs, in fact, there's any
number of cutely peculiar ways to
wear your hair - and right now I
suggest that you trot down to the
either describe your heart's desire
or ask for suggestions, both of
which you will get and then some!
Take advantage of this, and let
.your crowning glory really glow
with smartness and femininity,
because the smart lady of 1937 is

GRAND RAPIDS, May 22.-(,P)-
Harry Spencer, organizer for the
United Automobile Workers of
America who is directing strikes inI
three furniture factories here, threat-
ened today to expel from the union
persons responsible for an "unauthor-
ized" strike in a fourth plant.
He told the workmen in the Berkey
and Gay Furniture Cornpany's Plant
No. 5 who struck shortly before noon
today to return to work Monday. He
ordered an investigation to fix re-
sponsibility for the strike and said
the leaders would be expelled if they
could be identified.
"We are either going to have an
organization or we are going to have
mob rule," he declared.
ST. LOUIS, May 22.-(1')-Onl
versatility, if not on ability, Roger 1
Don Rae of Lansing. 1936 American
champion racing pilot, should win
top honors at the St. Louis air show
and international aerobatic contest,
May 29-31. The entry list showed
today he is the only flier in every
event-speed, stunt and parachute.

of an approved graduate degree or 40
semester hours of approved graduate
courses with :0 hours of graduate or
under-graduate work taken in at
least 4 of the following:


Educational Research
Statistical Methods
Educational Psychology
Curriculum Construction
Educational Guidance
School organization and




Documentary proof of
approved experience in
work including two years
teaching experience 'must
Salary $3400-$4000.
For complete details,
Bureau of Appontments

5 years of
of approved
also be pre-
call at the
and Occu-

pational Information, 201 Mason
First Mortgage L o a. n s: The
University has a limited amount of
funds to loan on modern well-located
Ann Arbor property. Interest at
current rates. Apply Investment Of-
fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-
sity Hall.
(dontinued on Page 4)



1 .1

Srntime -is
ff "-
1 i . '

Let Goldman Keep Your

1 1




and Time


Beautiful and Safe

Have them beautifully cleaned .
have them carefully and scientifically
stored . . . by the cleaner that Ann
Arbor has depended on for over 25
years. Gold'nan's Fur Cleaning and
Fur Storage are as recommended by
the U.S. Bureau of Standards. Yohr
choice of either the Furrier's method
or the approved Dry Cleaner's method
of cleaning. Call tomorrow for prices
and further information!

knee lenqtk

79 c

* These milder days are a warm invitation
to give your knees the air . . . to step out
in Moiud irreeengths. If you haven't tried
these grand comfort stockings, we'd like to
introduce you . . . we know you'll enjoy
their beauty and consistently good vrearing



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