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May 23, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-23

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SUNIDAY, MAY 23, 1937

Long Says FrencJ
May Lead To A
(Continued from Page 1)1
of Austria, England's concurrence
now is somewhat of a reversal of tra-
ditional British passiveness in cen-
tral European affairs, he believes.
Fear of a general war arising fromt
the middle European tinderbox and<
the desire to preserve the balancer
of power may account for Great Bri-i
tain's move, he said.
France and England oppose restor-
ation of "handsome Prince Otto" and
the Hapsburgs, because it means an-
other inroad on the Versaille treaty,
Dr. Long said. This is one infrac-
tion of the status qno which England

i-British Pact Delegates Fix Young Amazons Use Cave-Man Dr. M. Dimand
ustrian Freedom Waste County Tactics On The Campus Males To Lecture On
heritage, inclined to democracy, Dr Land Use Plan "Where are the smoothhMichigan Landrum, '37 put it Some men will A rtistic St yle
Long believes,.____ men we've heiard so much about- pass but others should be passed,
"It's a slow process building a dem-1 (Continued from Page I) ,,Over.
"Itsaslwpoces uhidningem Cbehind ro Pbushes?"tc ovenqueriedakng tBetty- idngDr.id uMhsuriurie S.tyl oDimand.,auiccuratordcuat ofo
ocratic government and making it - --A difference between fraternity and
stick there," he said. graI of action. Charles E. Kellogg Lyon, '39, expressing the general feel-i the Near Eastern department of the
Re idicated that while many of of the United States Bureau of Chem- ing of Michigan women athletes to- Metropolitan Museum of Art, will give
tepolintecteofAsratype was conceded to have its goodMerpltn usmofAwilgv
the pepple in the cities of Austria istry and Soils was emphatic in hop- ward campus men. tds a University lecture on "The Con-
are for democracy the general tone j ing that this piece of research Proving that in the spring a young bad points. Though some wom-
of the nation as a whole is such that would not "bog down like other sim- won fan doest a tun 'en liked being pinned down to fra- tinuity of Style in Near Eastern Art"
they would accept restoration of the ilar programs in a mass of inaction." woman's fancy doesnt always turn to ternity men others thought that in- at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural
monarchy.m i ms o iatin
ronarchy. I thoughts of love many young ama- dependents had may other qualities Science Auditorium.
Forthi resonSchschiggcan The consensus of the academic,
ection of the conference seemed to zons use caveman tactics when speak- that were as good. Dr. Dimand's lecture is to be il-
in addition to the threat of Anschluss, be,however t that what was needed ing of the poor creature, the campus Jack be nimble. Jack be quick. lustrated by slides, and he will devote
before the eyes of Czehoslovakia, 1 was a great deal of careful checking male. At least that is what a survey Jack please learn to dance without his subject to tracing the unity of
Francseanditain tooma'stepping on my feet," moaned one style of all periods of Near Eastern
France and Britain, to command of facts before these were transferred of W.A.A. officials by The Daily graceful athlete as she deplored the art up to modern times, acccrding to
their whole-hearted efforts to pre- into deeds. Professor Black was showed. lack of Fred Astaires on campus. Prof. Mehmet Aga-Oglu of the Re-
serving the existing set-up, Dr. Long doubtful as to whether we had facts earch Seminary in
said. that would justify much of the work He lacks personality and manners, I wish they wouldn't dress up so,"
now being done. is too conceited, and can't carry on 'aid Eleanor French, '39, "I'd much is sponsoring the lecture. The sub-
ject is to be treated from the point
Prof. Kenneth C. McKensie of the an intelligent coversation, according rather see them wandering around in .of view of understanding the spiritual
Forest Chief Calls geography department indicated that to the concensus of opinion. As Kate helksqure patteshfrs allthe tinexpression of the Near East as man-
euatthe main problem to be encountered kfhe time. d in its art.
reau in Cheboygan County is that of using Remarks of some may serve to re- Dr. Dimand is one cf the outstand-
the wild land for recreational pur- S hniderman To Be inflate the Michigan man's punc- ing United States authorities in Is-
(Coninud fomiaged StaHttesl'hautnheg.rBbbieepptein'_2an
(Continued from Page i poses. Hunting and fishing are one tured ego. Bobbie Eppstin,39 and lamic Art, and has done special re-
-- ____ __- of the most valuable resources in H ad O j tors Elizabeth White, '39, consider that saich in the decorative arts of Islam
corps two years, is that it does not the area. Need for research in the _ _on the whole he is pretty intelligent, particularly in the fields of pottery,
.o - a; extent to which they are now being . Olive Reed, '39, thinks that the dark- rs and miniur aint in x


provide tar choosing the administra-
tors of the body on a civil service
basis. The House and Senate will
have to iron out this difference in a,
conference committee," he said.
Mr. Marsh indicated that the For-
est Service has found the CCC to beC
of inestimable assistance in its cam-
paign against many of the abuses
perpetrated in the forests. Forestt
fires have been lessened 50 per cent,'
saving .nearly $300,000,000 worth ofz
timber, he said.
Some of the other work the corps
has done includes the thinning ofT
over 5,000,000 acres of cut-over for- j
ests that have come up in thickets, a I
vigorous fight against insect pests on
another 10,000,000 acres, and the
planting of 3,000,000 acres of young-
"It is suite apparent,' said Mr.1
Marsh, "that even if it is considered
purely as aforestry and conservation
project, aside from its work as a so-
cial welfare agency, the CCC has
proven to be a fruitful investment.

used and could be used are great. Harry Shniderman, 38, and Wil-
se know ouway of uttina dolar hIam Centner, '38, were elected presi-
a ndw n valu o pthetisfacton dent and vice-president respectively
and cent value on the satisfactio- of Delta Sigma Rho, national hon-
gained from such pursuits as hunt-I orary forensic society, at the annual
ing and fishing, Professor Black de- baru fesi soey at e anua
clared in pointing out the difficulties' banquet held in honor of new mi-
of find a unit in which to carry OutQ tiates last night in the Union.
such research. Grace Gray, '37, was chosen secre-
The morning session was devoted tary-treasurer at the dinner at which
to a discussion of the necessity of Samuel L. Travis, '37L, acted as
planning in the use of land. The toastmaster.
round table discussion was presided The initiates are Margaret Ayers,
over by Prof. Ernest M. Fisher of '38, Barbara Bradfield, '38, William
the business administration school Centner, '38, Harry Shniderman, '38,
now on leave to serve as director of Alvin Schottenfeld, and Lillian Tol.
the F.H.A. 1 hurst, '38.

haired campus men are pretty nice,1
though there aren't enough, she says.-
"They're great on a date." enthusedt
Jean Gourlay, '37Ed, pouring oil on
troubled waters. "And very confident
and smooth," added Mary Jane Muel-
lei, '38Ed.
All women contacted were careful
to impress the fact that "there were
certain special exceptions to the'

I ug.J, ZCLIt1. *1flJat'UtC pu gluli ,':i. ne
has written several books and articles
on these subjects and on the art of
the Mohammedan peoples.
Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio
liistriictions in all
forms. Classical, social,
danclng. Ph. 9695.
'rt2nd Floor
Wuerth Theatre Bidg.

SHOWS CONTINUOUS DAILY 1:30 to 11:30 p.m.


_ -SUN DAYS- -
Me ,ill 2 p.m.
25c after 2 p.m.

2c' to 5 p.m.
25 aflt'r 5 p.m.

Place advertisements with Classified'
Advertising Departmnnt. Phone"2-3241. P. H. DAVIS TAILORING. Gradua-
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion. tion suits, Knapp oxfords, white,
Box numbers may be secured at no suede, tan-white, Bostonian shirts.
extra charge.
Cash in advance Ilc per reading line Home fittings. White buck sports
for one or two insertions. le per read- renovated, re-whitened without
ing line for three or more insertions. t'y
(on basis of five average words to lune) taking outside residence. Twenty
Minimum three lines per nsertion.' five cents. My service pleases. Try
Telephone rate - 15c per reeding line a tm .B unrYMCA n
for two or more insertions. Minimui an item. L. B. Fulner, Y.M.C.A. Ann
three lines per insertion... ..Arbor. 561

CKLW-I0;; Kilocycles
12:00 Noen .-New Poetry Hour.
12:30-Ted Weems' Orch.
I :00--=The Keyinen -Songs.
1:15--The Keymen---Songs.
1:30--The Right Job.
1;45-Great; Mu:;ic of the Church.
2 :1 5-Martha and Hal.
2 :30--Elder Morton's Tabernacle Choir.
3 :00--Perole String Quartet.
3:30 -Old Time Spelling Bee.
4:00-Concert Gems.
4 :15---Martyne-Buckley's Mixture.
4:30-Forum Hour.
5:00-Arnold Johnson's Orch.
5:30-"Tim and Irene."
6:00--Baseball Scores.
6:15-Freddy Martin's Orch.
7:00-Jazz Nocturne
7:30--Melodies from the Skies.
8:00--Jack Denny's Orch.
8:30-Joe Sanders' Orch.
8:45-Rick Roberts' Orch.
9:00-Kay Kyser's Orch.
9:30-First. Baptist Church of Pontiac.
10:00-Mario Morelli.
10:30-Nat Brandwynne's Orch.
11:00-Canadian Club.Reporter.
11:15-Earl Hines' Orch.
11:30-Henry King's Orch.
Midnight-Dance Orch.
12:30-Joe Sanders' Orch.
1:00-Weather Forecast.

10 :05-
1 1:00 -

945 --Vocal Varieties.

-'Pi Be Annout red.
-ennie r.ayton's eli.
Amphion Male Chorus.
-In the Hermit's Cave.
-Dr. J. Frank Norris.
--Joe Reichman's Orch.

Smine Woman Laves W him
a ~The Screen Trembtlcs 'Withi
The Th under Of Immortal
Iloof-Beats And The Heart
Beats Of A Deathless Love!
"The CHARGE 0t f the itGI i B RI+GADIE
Screened /> y ane, Bros. from Iennyon's leroic Poem, with,
Donald Crisp - David Nivcn - Robert Barrat - Directed by Michael Curtiz


1 :00-Romance of Furniture.
-1I:05--Studio Feature.
1:15-Your Government.
1:30-Thatcher Colt.
2:00--Tripto Our National Parks.
2 :30-Studio Feature.
2:45-Tiger Talk.
3:00--Detroit at Wash inglon.
5:30-Mischa Kottler,
5:45--Sport Review.
6:00-Jack Benny.
6:30-Fireside Recital.
6:45-Jingle Program'.
7:00-Edgar Bergen.
8 :00-Manhtattan Merry-Go-Round.
8:30-American Album of Familiar Musld,
9 :0Q-Sunday Night Party.
9:30-Westminster Appointment.
,10:00-Commissioner Pickert.
10 :30-Press Radio News.
10:35-El Chico Spanish Revue.
11:00-Dance Music.
WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles
3:00-Children's Hour.
4:00-To Be Announced.
4:30-Roy'Shield's Orch.
5:00-Antobal's Cubans.
5:30-Harry Hellmann.
6:15-Harry Heilmann.
6:30-Robert L. Ripley.
7:00--General Motors Symphony.
8:00-Rippling Rhythm Review.
8:30-Walter Winchell.
8 45-Factfinder.
9:00-Evening Melodies.
9:30--California Concert.
10:00-Judy and the Bunch.
10:10-Press Bulletins.
10:15-Bob Chester Orch.
10:30-Jimmy Joy's Orch.
11:00-Lowry Clark Orch.
11:30-Sammy Dibert Orch.
Midnight-Tom Gentry Orch.




, I

- _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ . .N-- . .
~ . .. :

- Extra Added

FIVE room apartment with private WJR-750 Kilocycles
bath. Heat and 'water furnished. 122:300Muiocalhurch of the Air
727 Miller Ave. Call 2-2358. 558 12:45-Youth and the Nation.
1:00-St. Louis Serenade.
FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment 1:15-"Mother's Album."
1:30-"Living Dramas of the Bible."
-new electric stove and refrig- 2:00-Everybody's Music-Howard Barlow.
era tor, studio couch, 1 good bed. 2:45-Vocal Varieties.
3:00-Father Coughlin.
Phone 3403. Osborn. 209 N. Ingalls. 4:00-Musical.
559 4:15-Jeannette Pringle.
4:30-Guy Lombardo's Orch.
5:00-Joe Penner with Jimmie Grier's
5:30-Rubinoff-Walter Cassell Orch.
6:00-Stevenson Sports.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. 6:15-Musical.
Careful work at a low price. ex 9:30-Virginia Verrill and Orch.
7:00-1937 Edition of Twin Stars.
7:30-Texaco Town.
8:00-Ford Sunday Evening Hour.
READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS 9:00-Original Gillette Community Sing.
9:30-Virginia Verrill and Orch.

Daily Matinees
SNan. till 2 p.m.
N OW - 25C -

and Sunday
after 2 p.m.
- 35e -


...but what grand fun

' until 2 p.m. Today


} And Just Look At This
All-Star Fun Cast!

"Servant of
The People"


1111 1 !IIII






Yd . .a r rs r al ®!R i t r M #

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