FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1937
. . . . ... . . .. . . . ................. . ........... . .. . . ........ . ........... ....... . ............. .......... . .... .... . . . ............... . . ............
Three Winners
Are Announced
In Club. Contest
Chest Of Linens Is Won
By Mrs. F. McOinber;
Proceeds Exceed $1,100
Mrs. Fred T. McOmber, Mr. H. C.
Sechoser and Mr. Frank Crandall won
the first, seond and third prizes re-
spectively in the Michigan Alumnae
Club contest held at 4 p.m yesterday
in the League Cafeteria.nI
Mrs. Carl Huber, a member of the
club, presided, and awarded the
prizes. The first prize, a chest of
linens that has been on display in
the League and in various shops, was
the first award made, going to Mrs.
McOmber. The second prize was a
drawnwork luncheon set, and the
third, a woolen blaket.
Miss Linda Eberbach, general
chairman of the contest, announced
to the audience that the proceeds
from the contest, which has been in
progress since April 20, exceed $1100.
The purpose of the drive was the aug-
mentation of the club scholarship
fund, and the members of the com-
mittee and club are pleased with the
results, Miss Eberbach said.
The heads of committees for the af-
fair were Mrs. Edward L. Adams and
Mrs. Griffiths Hayes, who were in
charge of getting the chest, Mrs.
Wilfred Shaw, who was in charge of
getting the linens for the chest, Mrs.
Walter G. Maddock, chairman of
the publicity d committee and Mrs.
Clarence S. Skinner who had charge
of the ticket committee.
More than 100 were present in the
cafeteria when the winners were an-
nounced. Mrs. Skinner assisted Mrs.
Huber with the awards.
The main purpose ofLthe Michigan
Alumnae Club is the building up of
the scholarship fund. Several proj-
ects have been sponsored throughout
the year by the club. Of these, the
linen chest contest is the most ambi-
tious attempted, Miss Eberbach said.
Starting Place
F or Swingout
To BeLirary
Band, Glee Club Will Take
Part; March To Begin
At 4:30'P.M.
(Continued from Page 1)
cap and gown. A short ceremony is
to be held at Hill Auditorium after the
march. The 80-piece Varsity Concert
Band will participate under the direc-
tion of Prof. Wiliam D. Revelli ofn
the School of Music. They will play,
""Varsity, Through The Ages," as ar-
ranged by Professor Revelli; a mili-
tary march; and "The Yellow and
Following the band, the Men's Glee
Club, under the guidance of Ed Sin-
clair, '7,. will sing: "Laudes Atque
Carmina," "Friar's Song" and "I'll
Ne'er Forget My College Days." 7
Next will come a short, symbolical
ceremony depicting the Swingout as
it originated on'campus. The com-
mittee has arranged to have presi-
dents of the four classes of boht lit-
crary and engineering colleges pres-
ent. They will seat themselves in rows
as did the classes of old in the Univer-
sity chapel. The senior class officers
will then symbolically "swing" over
into the position occupied previously
by the freshmen, and the other classes
will move up a notch.
Al Dewey and Gustav Collatz, pres-
dents of the four classes of both lit-I
erary and engineering colleges, re-
spectively, will speak briefly.
The center sections of Hill Audi-c
torium are for the seniors. The sides
are for underclassmen and towns-l
people, who, according to the commit-f
tee, are cordially invited to attend.
The various stores on campus which1
are handling the caps and gowns re-
ported last night that 530 gowns had
already been ordered for all schools."
The engineering college has ordered
100, so far, through the Swingout
committee. Stores will be able to
supply the robes necessary for the
ceremony until tomorrow at an extra
charge of 25 cents.
William Bates, '37, who is in charge
the places where the classes of the
Lansing's Morlok Quadruplets Celebrate Their Birthday
Adult Education Collegiate Sorosis Stranded In Rain?
Gives Honor Award Untie A Tiny Pack
j e a rs:Arit? A
Many Lectures,
4 onferenices Will Close
loday In League; Has
Been Going Four Days
(Continued from Page 2)j
Marion Donaldson, '37, received
the Maud Merritt Drake award which
is presented annually to that senior
of Collegiate Sorosis who promises to
develop into the most admirable type
of woman.
This award, established in 1928, is
taken from a fund left by Prof. Jo-
seph H. Drake of the Law School in
memory of his wife. Dean Joseph A.
Bursley made the presentation Wed-
lations, Dr. Udo J. Wile, head of the nesday night in a meeting of the so-
i dparmen of dermatology and syph- rrity members and some of the Ann
iology, said yesterday at the confer- Arbor alumnae.
ence. Miss Donaldson has been active in
There are 600,000 new cases each campus and soority activities and
s..year, and most of these are contract- was recently initiated into Phi Beta
- or' ¢f ed either through marriage or child Kappa.
birth, he explained, adding that ones t n ne r- -
peso>i every ten has syphilis. Dr.
Wile alsQ stated that he does not gvrmn n miti tefas a
Si self-sufficient national institution,
h think l O r 'tel'ts taot yht the iseatste son h iyn-vosl nwldean h
rease, and that it does not have any Mr. Hendeson stated.
Pointing out that the theatre can
more importance today, as a public never be replaced by the motion pl-
health problem than 50 years ago. ture, Mr. Henderson said, "Only the
hApproximatelyndotyeasa epp thoatxiemantiverwtohyaecaorsraare
,N rquired to cure a patient with syph- there ganmgiethe ancto a e
ilis, he asserted, but it takes constant than expriene
treas hkant acn las amght of n efdtive democracy presupposes
<< ., tarcontiuousaprocessrfgadultueduca
money. Many patients are poor anda tontanuspte s of ria ietersts co-
On their seventh birthday, the Morlok quadruplets of Lansing, Mich., received this cake. Wilma B. (left) indigent, and for this reason in somef tpate nth ai pross, DeaertJao
has just found her name in the icing. The others (left to kight) are Edna A., SaWah C. and Helen D. Their states, money isavailableyto doctors - ruce vinceproesenta haen-
The sy bolicfarewel of he sen or Th next ear, owever the ageant moontofriudchashe fdmurgBrand fortion "eRob rteHen.rsBnudcrecvrica-theesbidente ofn they benie
middle initials indicate the order in which they were born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morlok.dyt p rasor ytedo ersity, yesterday told the Institute.
_b__mur in 2 h c n s__-h h n _heDuk'sre_ tors fee, he stated. "If the continuance of our civiliza-
t sOne of the extraordinary things tion is to be predicted upon democ-
Sniwor i tho LmneNgh rtyeeredetn Tof thee lbue3 tMns se al te syhilison r ihatero t ld pron who a esl n h ouint
SressiorTOnsandpa rsssdurng hs rth isly at y aboutspidusiis hthehaesn dheo racy, obviously knowledge and the
' 7 is afflicted does not get a fever or capacity for judgment must permeate
Adgeven feel sick, Dr. Wile said. Every the whole community," he said.
To Activities Ot, ILanherlii N ight' I 'U Welcome prsnshould have anbannual phys- ta h nvriyhscoeae
u , srFTyexamination anlod tests,to It is toward this end of mutual good
h h that he can find out if he has come tiithevinvrseta agncies trothe
F ou e r i sr wul in contact with the disease duringwthgo ernment thearecuesure and
Symbols Are To Be GiV hIfrom each class and campus activitieswg the year, he declared. end that intriue and technical facts
as well as scholarship arc taken into E dr , "Ann Arbor in the last eight years may be distinguished from either the
To Junior lClassme it cnsdeaton MON TS. France, May 20.-VP-1 has made itself the most theatrically plausibilities of special interests or
Annual Processionsb In 1923 a pageant in which women Members of the British royal family sophisticated community in the coun-temooDr. B rtytrgeD rre
from all four classes participated re- iimeet the Duke of Windsor and try with the possible exception of stated. This program of cooperation
By MARY ALICE MA3CKENZIE placed the Maypole and folk dancing. Mrs. Wallis Warfield on their honey- New York-and not always that ex- includes not only governmental agen-
The symbolic farewell of the senior The next year, however, the pageant moon, a friend of the former BritishI ception," Robert Henderson, director cies but also all organizations having
was ake ovr b thefrehme an monrchsai toay.of the Dramatic Season, yesterday' as ther obective community better-
women to campus activities has been !wamenetvely hefesme nadded.sad ody
celebrated for almost a quarter of a in 1926 athletic contests were abol-! Although none of the Duke's rela-todheIsiu.
century by the passing of lanterns to ishaed. During these years each so- ives will be at the wedding, set for Outlnir.ngersont of the raaticbHisoyvshowsnu thatoutpoblems
junior women in the Lantern Night rority entertained certain of the pa- June 3 at Monts, several of them will Saspour.Heerons toldhav ofvedthesn epoledsanbethe ltdt
procession. trons and patronesses during t he see the couple duiring a three-day patpoutoswihhv evdtheseuprbltemstanedblacelerte
Alhuh ogfet er ed r-evnn.stay at Biarritz, French resort on to educate Ann Arbor into an appre-thog beerrandplisrv
Alusthog o ng0, fewsitehayeldare-a eveng. o FrtTm teByoBsatisifratciation of the theatre. ants, D. Bruce stated. Institutions
vious o 1910 it wa in tht yearthat Dnce hed For irst Tme theBay ofBissayathisbnformat "Filsthavebroughftheiteatrelfehighi nlearing mut beatainin
a. ceremony resembling the one nowl In 1932 the mairch proceeded the s aid. bc-t lmuper n oac etr o ulcsrie o hog
held was first celebrated.. A new pagleant for the first time. The fresh- He did niot disclose that members beakeeytoemseilvpe radsiomhanck-ti'rinforulservioe, nt through
field had just been' presented by men then began to think that t;heirj of the House of Windsor would be neyed and full of diit in the sense the whole sweep of theii culture and
George H. Palmer in honor of his project should be self-supporting and there, but it was thought probable 'of odnrpol, r edro icpie eadd
wife,, and it was decided to dedicate so in 1933 they put on a Lantern that Edward's favorite brother, the continued. eol,"Mr Urgrodscpinghe Insiuedteefn t
it t afied dy. occr, .uotsbas- Nght dace.Foi seen ear va Duke of Kent, would be one of them. "The Federal Theatre is responsible aims, Dr. Bruce urged a closer rela-
ball and tennis were played during lr ious othei' activities such as a Mar- Kent, the youngest of the four !foi' the coming renaissance of the liv- tionship between the 'University and
the afternoon. The upperclassmen digras were tried and last year they
performed a Maypole dance while the again turned to tradition and gave a
underclassmen executed folk dances. pageant.
Picnic Eaten On Hill This year the procession will form
Then a picnic supper was eaten on at the Library and all participants
the hill where Mosher and Jordan will march to Palmer Field where the
halls now stand and the women block M will be formed and where
formed a procession and marched the seniors will pass on their lanterns
around the field After dark, by the to the juniors. Picnic suppers will
light of a bonfire, the League officers then be eaten and all will witness
were installed and the field dedicated. the presentation of the freshmen pa-
geant. Dancing on the tennis courts
In 1914 was introduced the cere- will follow. Men are this year invited
money of the seniors passing lighted for the first time, but in all other
lanterns to juniors, who in turn gave respects tradition is again being up-
flowered hoops to the sophomores. held.
In 1913 the festivities were discon--eld.
tinued and it was not until 1918, at
the instigation of Dean Myra B. Jor- CAercle Francais Elect;
dan, that they were revived. Officers For New Year
New Features Introduced
New features were then introduced. Officers for the new year were
Women's athletic awards were given elected at a dinner meeting of the
at the Lantern Night, and the wom- Cercle Francais held recently at the{
en also formed an illuminated block Union.
M. At that time eight women were Misha Chimaoff, '38 was elect-
chosen from each class, on the basis ed president. Others who were elect-
of scholarship, to lead the marching ed include Martha Doines, '39, vice-
Today 12 representatives are picked president; Barbara McIntyre, '38. sec-
--------retary; Robert Mitchell, '39, treasur-
of the march. last night announced Or-
the places where the classes of the Marjorie Ostdyk, '37, acted as toast-
various schools are to line up. Using mistress and introduced the following
the diagonal and the library front speakers: Prof. Rene Talamon, Prof.
Charles E. KoelaadM.JC.0
steps as a center, the literary school a an r -
seniors will line up on the State Street Neill.
side of the diagonal. The engineers
will come together directly in front
of the steps. Facing the library, to
the engineers' left, the dental school,
the pharmacists, the music school
and the foresters will line up in that
The Medical School graduates will
line up to the left of this group. On
the right side of the literary seniors,
those in library science, business ad-
ministration and architecture will be
lined up in that order. To the right
of these will be the lawyers and the
School of Education.j
brothers, won't attend the wedding ing theatre and it is hoped that after
ceremony, as he had once contemp- four years it can be taken from the
lated-the British government saw - --
to that, in its effort to let Britainj
forget the abdicated king,
- - -- _
society groups so that the usefulness
of both could be increased.
/4 1
Changing the
0/ the Nation
_.1 r r-cd treri h, iv I u civ sh.impoii miracle?
" 'it -j,1~ the, sox:.41. i It, ustrc to).Our hair.
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