V, MAY 12, 1937
hen King Rehearsed For Today
VOL. XLVII No. 159
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at nome to students today, 4 to 61
p.m. for the last student tea of the
I desire to express the thanks of thel
Buseiness Office to tie 1740 nrospec-1
Blue prints to replace those lost dur-
ing the summer will cost one dollar
RObtrt L. Williamns. Assistant
The University Bureau of Appoint-
rncuts and Occupational Information
has been notified of Detroit Civil
Service examinations for Playleader
(male and female), salary, $5 per
day; swimming instructor (male and
female), salary, $5 per day; public
service attendant (male and female),
salary, 60 cents per hour; laundry
helper (male and female), salaries,
60 cents per hour and $1,140 per year;
Elm Scourge
Termed Grave
Forest Danoer
The rapidly spreading Dutch Elm
discase is becoming one of the grav-
est problems that conservationists
have to face according to Prof. Dow
V. Baxter of the forestry school.
Although the disease has thus far
been reported in only five states, it is
of deep concern to the other states
inasmuch as elms are among the
most valuable shade-tree species in
this country, Professor Baxter said.
Tn the eradicatin nnr ra1m which
r i
tive graduates out of a total list of first operating engineer (building op-
2082 who have already, in response eratien), salary, $2,850 per year. All
to reauests, filled out their diploma ,casonal employment with the excep-
application cards. Their action is tion of female laundry helper, which
very real help to this office in the
preparation of diplomas. We shall
i likewise be grateful if the remairing
"142 prospective graduates, who have
not already filled out diploma appli-
(ation cards, will attend to the matter
with a minimum of additional delay.
Shirley W. Smith
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following ules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
Feb. 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts due
the University not later than the last
day of classes of each semester or
Summer Session. Student loans
which fall due during any semester
or Summer Session which are not
paid or renewed are subject to this
regulation; however, student loans
not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid
accounts at the close of business on
I_,7rfad6td by prior anuncmc ent, hig George VI vI.:ited 'cst- the last day of classes will be reported
ad crowned in ireparation for s to the Cashier of the University, and
mhsu Abbey last week and was rwnd reaai frtoday's "() All aeudeini credits xvii be
col onation-not once but four times. This radiophotO shows the Kin" AeI.
leaving the scene with Queen Elizabeth. The Duke of Norfolk is at wit meld, thr gades for the semester
-~ riht. -or Summer Session jiustd completed
the right. will not be released, and no tran-
script of credits will be issued.
i*1"(b) All students owing such ac-
Fresh Axir Camp For PoorIOys counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or Sum-
Ar mer Session until payment has been
S. W Smith, Vice-President and
is permanent. Applications must '" , u ,a'U
have been residents of the City of De- has been started in the tri-state area
,around New York City nearly 2,000,-
roit for at least one year immedtiate-
y prior to date of filing application.
For further information concerning
hese examinations, please call at
once at 201 Mason Hall, office hours,
9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
Rooming Accommodations: All
nembers of the faculty having rooms
which they would be willing to rent
to delegates to the Michigan Inter-
scholastic Press Association for the
nights of Thursday and Friday, May
13 and 14, at a rental of $1.00 per
person for two nights, are requested;
to send such information to the De-
;arment of Journalism, Room 213,
,7; lxt i tall, University Phone 467-
b,1ore Wednesday, May 12.
All y anior Engineers: The collec-
tion of class dues is still proceeding
very much too slowly. There is real
need tom' 41his money to pay th e cur-
'ent expcises of the class, as was ex-
plained in this column last week, so
please make your payment as soon as
possible. , A member of the Treasur-
er's Committee will be available at
at table by tihe Main Bulletin Board
in the W. Eng. Building on 'Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday mornings
of this week.
Academic Notices
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in
the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the current
(Continued on Page 4)
1, .1
000 trees have been destroyed and
another million have been marked for
oblivion in the campaign to check the
pest, Professor Baxter said, citing the
report of the American Forest Asso-
ciation. Michigan, according to the
same census, leads the nation in elms
worth with trees valued at $62,082,-
738. It is second in quantity with
130,491 elms. The state is also one
of the most important in production
of elm lumber.
The Dutch Elm disease, according
to Professor Baxter, who spent some
time observing the effects of the fun-
gus in Holland in 1934, is one of the
most serious of tree ailments now be-
ing studied in Western Europe.
By VINCENT DUNN lacking in equipment, provided these
D r , el ' The Fresh Air Camp, the purpose socially handicapped boys with a F
behind the annual Tag Day drive to change from the meager, dirty, empty UFirst Mortgage L o a n s: The
- be held May 14, received its beginning existence of city life to a ten-day University has a limited amount of
when Lewis C. Reimann encountered period of breathing clean country air,f
East Ann. 127x Thomas S. Evans on the University eating wholesome food and taking i Ann Arbor property. Interest at
of Michigan campus in 1919 accord- part in body building recreation, Al-- current rates. Apply Investmeht Of-
d d fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-
COMPLETE living-room furnishings ing to George Alder, camp direcor. der said.-s sdney .
in excellent condition. Will sell It was fortunate for the under- A camp-site was secured north of sity Hall.
items separately. Phone 6379. 630 privileged boys of Ann Arbor, Detroit, Port Huron.dining and kitchen tents
Pacard At. . 06 lit ad ackonwhe bth enwere rented, and sleeping tents and1 June Graduates: The University
kd.realized theywere interested in a blankets were purchased along with k sends interesting and instructive bul-
LAUNDR summer camp as a means of streng- other bits of equipment. letins periodically to all graduates
thening boys' character, Alder said. Students Were Counsellors and former students. In order that'
LAUNDRY 2-144. Sox darned.y. The leaders or counsellors of the you may receive these, please keep
Careful work at a low price. Ox Evans, for years the secretary of boys were University men who were the Alumni Catalog Office informed
the Y.M.C.A. of the University of chosen for their faith in the char- at all times regarding your correct
APennsylvania, held a supervisory po- acter building possibilities of the address.
sition -in connection with the Penn-capacociebyistofudLnteHdlDrcor
SPANISH TUTOR, graduate student vaniacamp,tensiyeaol Lunette Hadley, Director
E prfered. ontct Lonad Boiners, he said. These students gave
928Frest Avnue. Poner 2-17. experience here proved a valuable their time and energy to make the Seniors: Burr, Patterson & Auld
502 aid to Reimann in obtaining much camp a success, barely receiving their Company will continue to accept or-
needed support for organizing the expenses in return. ders for Senior Commencement book-
LARGE NATIONAL CONCERN can Michigan camp project, Adler de- Each year the success of the camp lets and announcements until 5 p.m.
place several students for special clared. became more apparent, Alder stated, on Friday, May 14. Following that
summer employment in Michigan Reimann Made Supervisor and the proceeds for its continuance date seniors will have no further op-
and Ohio. Also permanent con- Reimann, A.B. '16, a member of the enlarged until in the winter of 1923, portunity of placing orders.
nection for three seniors. Write staff of the SCA, because of his direct H. B. Earhart and M. A. Ives donated __opan r s
Mr. Blowers, c/o Michigan Daily contact with summer camps for five the present camp site on Patterson Freshmen, Sophomores and Jun-
for interview in Ann Arbor. years and his intrinsic interest in Lake, estimated to be worth $12,000. Fors in L.S. &A., Architecture, Educa-
468 the problems of the adolescent youth, ir nLS AAcietrEua
Alder stated, was chosen supervisor From the total of 130 boys served tion, Forestry and Music: Save your-
CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any of the fresh air camp for its first the first year of 1921, the camp fa- self one dollar by leaving at Regis-
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, summer. cilities have grown until now an aver- trar's Office your address for July 1
$5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS, Tuhe financial problem was solved ag fmore tha 400 boysaare taken to July 15, if this has changed since
TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, when Reimann, through personal cgrand total of more than 6,000 boys February registration. Your blue
DIAMONDS and musical instru- visits and solicited letters raised a gadtalomrehn6,0bysprint, giving your full record, will be
ments. Phone Sam. 6304. 78x sun of $2,567, which enabled the first served since the camp was founded. mailed shortly after commencement.
Y - camp to remain open for six weeks in r..-This print must be shown your ad-
39 WOUTerve t SOW . fA'qd4N
Place your order right away. No
deposit is required when your
order is given.
We furnish all new outfits of
the better quality and made ac-
cording to intercollegiate stan-
dards. ORDER NOW.
711 N. Univ. 902 S. State
4 New way of burning tobacco
-better, cooler, cleaner. Car-
xf$ buretor-Action cools smoke. Keeps
-5 bC* om of*olao ut el d y
'' I
the months of June, July and August.
During the four ten-day periods, 1301
boys, selected by the welfare agencies
and juvenile detention homes, were
The first camp, although somewhat
(Continued from Page 1)
to Mr. List and the Young People's
Festival Chorus under Juva Higbee,
music supervisor of the Ann Arbor
public schools. Mr. Ormandy will
conduct the orchestra.
Friday night Miss Rethberg and
Mr. Pinza will sing with the Phila-
delphia Symphony under Mr. Or-
Mr. Joseph Knitzer will play Sat-
urday afternoon while Mr. Iturbi will
conduct the orchestra.
The climaxing concert of the Fes-
tival will be given Saturday night
when Miss Rethbera, Miss Telva, Mr.,
Carron, Mr. Morelli, who is a Univer-
sity alumnus Mr. Pinza and Mr.
Christian will join with the Choral
Union and the Philadelphia Sym-
piony under Professor Moore to I
present "Aida:"
Several of the artists have already E
arrived in Ann Arbor, the orchestra
is expected to arrive at 9:30 a.m. to-
Progressive Group
Hears Socialist Aim
(Continued from Page 1)
improvement of local conditions
through establishment of dormitories,
cooperative rooming houses, restaur-
ants and bookstores and betterment
of student working conditions, were
described as specific aims in the con-
The Progressive Club declares edu-
cation for all races must be safe-
guarded, and discrimination against
Negroes and other minority groups
must be opposed. Opposition to re-
striction of academic freedom and
civil liberties, civic improvement in
Ann Arbor and extension of student-
faculty relations were outlined in the
The peace committee of the Pro-
gressive Club will circulate this peti-
tion which has been mimeographed,
"We, the undersigned students and
citizens of Ann Arbor, protest the
Morley bill, which would establish
compulsory R.O.T.C. at the Univer-
sity of Michigan."
viser before you register next fall.
Public Telephones-
t r your convenience
1937 Dramnatic Season
Mon day at
8:15 p.m.
in the first group of
1 4
. ~
"To* night At,
Olk 0% 9f
The telephone has a public importance
all its own, for nothing else can take its
place. That fact puts a special obliga-
tion on this Company to see that, so far as
nossible, telephone service in Michionn
public. It serves those who want to place
calls when a-w ay from home or office.
It serves those who have no telephone
of their own.
Thronugont Michiga..n .in city town
. I