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May 09, 1937 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-09

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SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1937

Students And Faculty iap Program For Our Times' At Spring


4) ____ ___ -___ __

(Continued from Page 1)
much overrated, that it is usually the
real problems of marriage congeneal-
ity that are the determining factors
in a happy union.
One member of the panel however,
diverged from Dr. Forsythe's opinion
and condoned pre-marital relations
provided they are undertaken with
certain restrictions.
Mr. Richard Fuller of the sociology
department in answering a question
on the existence of the double stand-
ard of sexes today believed that "un-
doubtedly such a standard does exist,
but for cultural not rational reasons."
A discussion of monogamy was led
by Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the so-
ciology department who said that the
single spouse was the most natural
and the most fundamental marriage
state. Professor Wood referred to
the native tribes of Africa who, he
said, without any social dictates have
naturally reverted to monogamy.
Professor Shepard continued this
topic and remarked that if women
were accorded a full parity with men
they would not permit polygamy. To
this a female member of the audience
rose and objected saying "I should
certainly not mind having a woman
come into my house and keep house
for both myself and my husband."
Our Economic System
Hurdling the traditional contro-
versy between campus radicals and
conservatives about the need for
change, the economics sessions con-
sidered such problems as equalizing
incomes and opportunities for the
mass of American people.
Four members of the economics de-
partment and one from the business
administration school constituted the
faculty panel.
Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the
business administration school cast
the only dissenting vote on correcti-
vism with the declaration that Amer-
ican business men can and should be
more sympathetic to labor and con-
sumers, but that socialism will ob-
viate none of the difficulties of cal-
loused management.
Corporations are disposed, Prof.
Shorey Peterson countered, to seek
profits in ways prejudicial to the
interests of labor, consumers and
small investors, and business men
must be forced to be more sympathe-
tic by organizations of those groups
and by governmental interference.
Calling for further labor organiza-
tion to equalize the balance between
capital and labor, Prof. William Ha-
ber declared minimum wage laws
would not kill unions, "as is proved
by the fact that the recent strikes
took place in industries with high
"Two alternatives, a rather impos-
sible return to pure competition or
movement toward socialism, face us,"
Prof. Howard S. Ellis stated. "Actual-
lY modification of our present system
or a conscious effort to attain social-
ism would in 50 years reach the same
point," he said.
Our International Affairs
Besides anti-fascist and anti-im-
perialist opinion, the desire for col-
lective security dominated the ex-
change in the international rela-
tions section. z
Before the early afternoon gather-
ing was 10 minutes old Prof. Lawrence
Preuss of the political suence depart-
ment, Prof. Charles Remer of the eco-
nomics department and Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department
were engaged with eager students in
discussions of Spain and its civil
strife and the problem of American
isolation or cooperation.
Professor Preuss stated that there
is a great danger in a fascist victory
in Spain and that the only method of
convincing war-like nations such as
Germany and Italy lies in force.
"Force is the only argument these na-
tions understand," he said.
Professor Slosson declared that he

believed fascist aggression must be
checked and that to block the pred-
atory behavior of these nations there
would have to be a League of Nations
"with a double set of teeth."
A Japanese co-ed, speaking with
dramatic sincerity and cautious slow-
ness, thrilled the section with her
declaration of support for the efforts
of the Chinese people to unify their
nation in positive opposition to the
military rulers of her native land who,
she said, constituted the main force
repressing national self-determina-
tion in China.
""When I get back to Japan I shall
do mybest to promote cooperation
with theChnese movement," she de-
clared. A
She then followed with a plea for
understanding of her people by Amer-
icans rather than maintaining a su-
perficial hostility.
Professor Remer, an expert in Ori-
ental affairs, confirmed her plea by
saying that Americans find their dif-
ficulty in understanding foreign re-
lations because they lack a funda-
.mental comprehension of their own
Our Religion
The church cannot avoid questions
of social problems, Prof. John F.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment said during the discussion at
the religion section. "When religion

ed out that he could not believe in powerful things in his religion.
immortality. The Reverend H. P. Heated discussion took place on
Marley of the Unitarian Church as- the question of immortality. One
sereyf that UniwarsnoChucessas-student, who said he was a biologist,
serted that God was not necessary stated that the purpose of his life
in religion. was to do something to further the!
When asked by Professor Shepard human race.
if the Catholic church took any defi -____
nite stand against socialism, Prof.
William McLaughlin of the romance Our College Education
language department, said that he
knew of no doctrine in his church Placing the blame for student lack
which took such a viewpoint. Profes- of responsibility and resourcefull-
sor McLaughlin also outlined the be- ness squarely on the faculty, the
liefs of the Catholic church, and students in the education section
stated that he believed the ecclesiasti- charged that professors had failed
cism and ethics are elements in the to guide and encourage them.
Catholic's idea of religion. The panel, consisting of Prof. Stu-
A different attitude toward religion art A. Courtis of the education school,I
was presented by the Reverend Henry Prof. Wesley Maurer of the journal-
Lewis, rector of St. Andrew's Epis- ism department, Dean of Studentss
copal church. He stated that the Joseph A. Bursley and Dean Wilber
two things 'people consider funda- R. Humphreys of the literary college,
mental to their religion is a belief maintained that students had re-
in God, and a friendly attitude to- fused to make use of present institu-
ward their fellow man. Mr. Lewis tions for their benefit.t
also said that the feeling of beauty Modern education's inadequacy wasj
in nature and the ritual of his generally recognized by the body.
church was, to him, one of the most "Every phase of contemporary

civilization," Professor Courtis ex- ment expressed the belief that judi- tions of fascism in America, Prof.
plained, "is passing through the same cial review and the federal character Lewis VanderVelde of the history de-
3risis. It is up to education to re- of our nation were its two strongest partment declared "Hearstism par-
vamp its methods and make them bulwarks against what he termed allels fascism, as does the Black Le-
conform to new standards. Students "the bogey of fascism." gion." Professor Dorr disagreed, ex-
can do marvelous work in changing Admitting the court is the guar- plaining that fifteen years ago any
conditions of the world." dian of democracy, Prof. George Ben- piece of lawlessness was referred to
Professor Courtis told the section son of the Bureau of Government ascommum sm, while now it is called
son o theBureu of overmentf ascism.
chat a teacher's ideals should be up- further contended that the Presi-
held only to the extent that they dent's proposal for reform would ex-
agree with tradition sufficiently to pand that principle since it is trying Our Art
enable him to keep his position. Peace to work out a middle route which will From surrealism-fact or fraud-tc
demonstrations, cooperative b'o o k follow a reasonable course of inter- propaganda-debasement or inspira-
stores and other student projects pretation. tion-the section on art debated back

pression of skepticism about denounc-
ing people as frauds because their
work seemed incomprehensible, while
Prof. Jean Slusser of the architec-
tural college admitted he did not care
for the surrealistic, but called it in-
teresting as a demonstration of the
breadth of art.
The propaganda question entered
the debate shortly after the opening
of the session and remained the chief
center of interest throughout the
greater "art of the afternoon and eve-
ninge Professor Parker observed that
the murals.f Rivera, noted Mexican
painter, can be appreciated quite
apart from their propaganda value,
for the enlargement of'view they af-
ford. This enriching influence was
agreed to form the basis of artistic


were, in general, approved
panel as proper fields for

by the

Solutions to the problem of the
student who comes to a university
without a definite purpose in mind in-
cluded suggestions of a period of con-
tact with others through work, and
discussion with professors on the
question "Why am I here?"

Organization of "popular" move-
ments of labor and peace organiza-
tions into effective pressure groups
under competent leaders will enable
them to exert as powerful an influ-
ence upon legislation as do the vested
interests, was the opinion of Prof. Ar-
thur Bromage.
Continuing on the same topic, Pro-
fessor Dorr remarked that the radical
and liberal elements are an essential
part of a democracy since they goad
the conservatives to action that would
otherwise never be taken.
Commenting upon the manifesta-

and forth from panel to floor and
back again.
Wordsworth, W. E. Auden. the
modern dance, contemporary sculp-
ture, Shakespeare, Diego Rivera and
SEdgarGuest entered the debate at

various times throughout the after- worth.

noon and evening as students plied
faculty members representing litera-
ture, philosophy, music and painting
with interrogations and comments.
The opening question, involving an
evaluation of surrealism as an art
form, drew from Prof. DeWitt Parker
of the philosophy department an ex-



Our Government
In the political section Prof..
Dorr of the political science

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enced operators at moderate prices.
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_____ ____




Individual Concert Tickets Are Still Available


MAY 12,


EUGENE ORMANDY, Brilliant Orchestra Conductor
KIRSTEN FLAGSTAD, Sensational Wagnerian Soprano
and the great Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra
Prelude and Fugue in F minor............. . ............. ..............Bach
Chorale Prelude, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"................................ Bach
"La Mer" ........................................................Debussy
Aria, "Leise, Leise" from "Der Freischutz"......... . ... . ...................Weber
"Pictures at an Exposition" .... . ..... .............. . .......Moussorgsky-Caillet
Brunnhilde's Immolation and Closing Scene from "Gotterdammerung".... Wagner



LAY 13, 8:33Qp~m.

A Striking New Thursday Program
The Philadelphia Orchestra and The Choral Union'
LAURITZ MELCHIOR, Outstanding Metropolitan Tenor

8:30 P.M.


Overture, Leonore, No. 3..........................................Beethoven
Arias: Prize Song from "Die Meistersinger" ..............................Wagner
First Forging Song from "Siegfried"....................................Wagner
"The Seasons" ............................................................ Fogg
Scenes from "Parsifal". ...............................................Wagner
(a) Procession of the Knights to the Castle of the Holy Grail, from Act L
(b) Parsifal's Temptation, from Act. II.
(n. tcin S.t+A.w rnm ArtTTT

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