SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1937
Says Police Refused To Give Most Fresh Air CampTo Have Boys
To Arrest Assailanrt
Complete Study Enjoy Good Old Summer Time
(Continued from Page 1
Of Orient here
He said I had been given a slight Four Weeks Outdoor Life w'as underweight. in need of tonsil
concussion. They gave me pills there and dental care, and was repressed
so that I could sleep. I felt badly Summer Session Coure Will Give Ciy Ch drei in his interests and ambitions by his
for several days. rFI or situation. His friends were all of
"Later I went to see University au- To Be Most Extensive Country relatively low ideals.
thorities and they referred me to the Ever Offered Benefits of the University Fresh During the camp season hie gained
University's lawyer, (George) Burke, Air Camp for less-privileged boys of in weight, improved his leadership,
who, as had the University people, The most complete and compre- Ann Arbor and Detroit are directed was inspired with the idea of going to
treated me very well. He took me to hensivestudy program of the Far toward permanent year-round endsj efo his contacts with the
see Prosecutor Rapp who told me East ever offered by an American ed counselors. In town during the year,
there would be an investigation and university will be given here during over and above the four-wees of his counselor organized a club of the
to bring my witnesses down when he the Summer Session. * good time which the camp gives the boy's friends. They made model ga e11O tl
called me. Three days later no call The program will be officially boys during the summer, George G. s ltates, went to geaies, organized
had come so I went down to his of- known as the Institute of Far Eastern day boyd- s scoo wo ed up and h i
fice. He seemed angry at me for do- Studies and will be sponsored jointly famiiyshrolsorkdifked upand fiom
ing it," Slezak stated. by the University, the Linguistic In- I is the hope of the camp, Mr. family became very grateful to the
"Later I inconvenienced my wit- stitute, the American Council of the Alder said, to give the boys wholdte powerful rays of the sun.
nesses by getting them to go down. Institute of Pacific Relations and come there the best time possible Aements were made for a tonsil
But I was again told an investigation the American Council of Learned So- and to help them discover and follow rang , were meo a tonsil
cieties.interests which are not available at operation, violin lessons and the f a-
was going on nd was referred We want them to swim and ther himself took medical treatment
Frank Forsythe, assistant prosecutor, In addition to extensive studies in home. "W a gmt and to improve his earning capacity for Usi
Fa atr itrclue ieathike, to play games and learn na-/s r !si tc
who was interested and cooperative. Far Eastern history, culture, fine arts, ture lore and to get experience in the family.
It looked as if he had orders from languages and geography, the Insti- farming and living away from the
above, however, because once again tute will offer a variety of courses city. But we feel that there is much
I was told it was being investigated, dealing with modern economic and more opportunity for service by a W ar Adm iral
Before spring vacation I tried to get poliica oblemsof pan, camp which is for less-privileged boys F sx&C
some action and got the same answer, and neighboring countries,.ha mreyoferngfurwekso
To this day no warrant has been is- Seventeen special lectures and for good times with no permanent objec- "' 624 South Main Phone 2-2931
An investigation by the police com- tute, Pro et nt,Ha of the geoa Accordinglythe camp, Mr. Alder
mission into the allegedly brutal jounced stated, has as its objectives to give the
treatment given Fred Chase, 53-year- T boys contact with new ideals and (continued from Page I)_--- __ _---------- ---___------____
old University custodian, was started held only twice before in this coun standards of living during the sum-
Friday.onytiebfrinticu- mer and more important, to try and
__dy _try, will be offered under the auspices carry over this work throughout the poon moved up on the far turn Kurt
of the American Council of the Insti- zinger, who rode Twenty Grand to
School of Social tute of Pacific Relations in conjunc- year, in cooperation with other agen- victory in the 1931 Derby, touched
tion with the Linguistic Institute. The Admiral with the whip and the
Dancing The Japanese Lanuae Seminar The counselors have been chosen little fellow lengthened his stride and
Taught daily, 10 to 10. also offers full concentration. It will from University men, both to give lay out flat as he outclassed theson
alsort offers fulne tatsion. Ithwi them chances for leadership among of Pompey by a good two lengths.
ater BldgPhone. American Council of Learned So- boys, and to give the boys contacts Pompoon, forced wide throughout,
~g6 cieties in conjunction with the Uni- with higher ideals and interests, Mr. was always well forward but didn't
-ietisinTh countion h teUn- Alder declared. The counselor is the have the stuff. Reaping Reward was
traton is an innovation in American leader among the boys of his group, crowded back early, came again at the
education.n Courses in the Russian But as a member of the camp he top of the stretch but weakened in
language will also be offered ui also serves in noting and trying to the final furlong. Melodist had his
lAmong the courses pertaining to help in any. individual problems and chance but couldn't get up. Scene-
E oy A this way to treat the direct needs shifter suffered by far the worst of the
the Far East today will be one in eco- of each boy. Interests and attain- racing luck. Jostled badly in the run
-rLu nomic problems, one in international ments during the summer can be to the first turn, the Sande-trained
Th ,ew economic relations, one in the lands passed on to parents, teachers and entry was constantly in close quar-
and peoples of the Japanese Empire, social leaders for follow up work ters and finished with a strong drive.
one on further India and the East during the regular year. War Admiral returned his backers
EskPmoe Ind landon ng ems As a result of the camp work in $5.20 straight, $4.20 to place and $3.40
and politics in the Far East, three inthis respect, there has developed a to show. Pompoon paid off $9.40 to
fine arts, and one in populations and' t hw oponpn f 94
onaticsial roe in t ars East year-round project of work with the place and $6 to show while Reaping
.on aSticksocial problems in the Far East boys in Ann Arbor. This carries on Reward's third was worth $3.80.
Courses in anthropology, sociology the new contacts and interests for It was a great race before a great
and history also will be offered. the whole year. crowd on a great day and it was won
The case of one of the boys who by a great horse. Charlie Kurtsinger
WORK DUE MAY17 is entered in the expanding program richly deserves the honor which is TTC
-a Chocolate-Coated All NYA work for May must be is typical, Alder stated. This boy, his after his fine ride and the name U nless
completed by May 17, Harold C. An- coming from an overcrowded family of War Admiral may now be set down
Ice Cream Bar derson, cost accountant announces. which had limited financial means, in the record books along with his fa-
mous sire. The Admiral was clocked
For Sale at in 2:03.2, the second fastest time in
eo DerbyThistory.This
All Good Dealers. Classiied Directory
____Deflation Won't Follow
WANTED U.S. Budget Balancing CALL GBEENE'S
Place advertisements with Clssiied -C AConinueRfrmNPae'1
te agAdvertising Department. Phone 2-3241. (Coninuedfrom _age_1
Save the Dag The classified columns close at five ROOMING ACCOMMODATIONS are --- ---- --
o'clockprevious to day of insertion, needed for 400 high school students There is therefore much less likeli-
Bxnumbers may be secured at no attending convention in Ann Arborhodfcutndwnpiaexpd-
f or ~~~~extra charge.hodocutndonpiaexed-
or Cash in advance Ile per reading line Thursday ard Friday, May 13 and ur she expe d
for one or two insertions. 10c per read- tures she explained, than there would
ing line for three or more insertions. 14.Anyone having such accommo
(on basis of five average words to line) dations and willing to accept rental A balanced budget implies a shift- IF, YOUR REFRIGERATOR is large enough .
minimum three lines per insertion, of $1 per person for the two nights, Abancdugeimle'asft
Teephone re inserrtions eaMinim send post card stating address an ing from governmental to private ex- IF yOur furs are clean . .. IF there is a constant
three lines per insertionnmeofac mdtito.L. penditures, with a tapering' off of dy 0dge od...adI o aeisr
10% discount if paid within ten days number of accommodations to J. L. the artificial stimulus applied to fos- dry, 30-degree cold .. . and IF youhave insur-
from the date of last insertion. Brumm, Department of Journalism,
f 213 Haven Hall. 498 ter recovery. ance, then, fine! Keep your furs at home this
Fro n ProdctsInc.Without this step, a really infla-
Fs FOR SALE CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any tionary boom might set in, which, fed summer ... Otherwise, call GREENES Ow...
1039 So. Main NEW and old books. Antiques. 202 old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, by excess government spending in the Fact is ... why not store all your heavy winter
East Ann. 127x $5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS, subsequent period of unstable and
TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, highly strained credit, would have garments with us over summer!
LAUNDRY DIAMONDS and musical instru- heavy repercussions.
__LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. ments. Phone Sam. 6304. 78x _--
Careful work at a low price. 6X LOST: $5. in downtown district Fri-
TIONAL SCENES LOST AND FOUND day by working student: Reward.
-_E---S Phone 2-1010 for Laura. 500
era at track meet Saturday. Finder BROWN key case, near State and N.
please call 7498. Ask for Swarth- University. Finder call 2-3430. Re-
out. Reward. 486 ward. 501
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