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May 09, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-09

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The Weather
Cloudy and much cooler, pos-
sibly showers today; tomorrow,
fair and warmer.





The Task Of
Spanish Democracy ,,.



Radicals, Liberals

In Uit
450 Crowd SubSection Pa
Conferences In Fired, ,I
Fast MovingDebate
Labor In Politics rn
Seen As Essential tem
at th
'Patent Cure-Alls' Center he*
On Present Problems Of purc

rachute Jumper
ro Risk Life Today
ndismayedmby the recent death in
.ice of Clem Sohn, one of his con-
poraries, Irvin Davis, bat wing
chute jumper, will risk his life
ae Ann Arbor Airport today, when
will make a 10,000 foot delayed
, testing a new parachute just
hased by the Ann Arbor Airport.
he new parachute is designed to
inate the oscillation which oc-
during the descent and makes
landing very hazardous.
ucke yes Bow
ro Trackmen
In 76-50 Win

Powerful progressive sentiment
swept the seventh annual Spring
Parley, yesterday, to outline "A Pro-
gram for Our Times"' as radicals
joined liberals in a "popular front"
and conservatives remained conspic-
uously absent.
Frank discussion characterized
both the afternoon and evening ses-
sions where about 450 students and
faculty members crowded first one,
then another of the seven sections,
debating politics, economics, inter-
national relations, religion, art, ecl-
ucation, and social life.
Continuing the general tenor of
the Friday sessions little time was
devoted to "sure fire" cures for all so-
ciety's ills and much of the discussion
centered about immediate problems
and "what to do about them."
Direct participation of labor in
politics and the strengthening of the
federal system were set by the sec-
tion on government as prerequisites
for the preservation of American de-
'System' Must Move
In the economics section most of
the students and panel members
agreed that the "system" must move
in the direction of collectivism and
went on to discuss just what society
can do now to proceed in that direc-
Anti-Fascist and anti-mperialist
sentiment characterized the section
on international relations; propa-
gandaas last year, took most of the
art panel's time; and the question of
whether the student utilizes fully the
benefits offered him by the University
split the education section into a
professor-student clash.
The church has taken too small a
part in social and economic problems
in the past and must take a more
active stand if it is to continue to live
was the general conclusion of the
group on relgioni.
Pros and dons of promiscuous and
pre-marital sexual relations, profes-
sional prostitution, polygamy and the
double standard for the sexes proved
to be the all important subjects be-
fore the panel on "Our Social Life"
as faculty members and students alike
engaged in a wide-open, unblushing
discussion of modern sex problems.
Sex Discussed
With such questions fired at them
as "Do you believe in promiscuous sex
relations in college and if you do not
what remedy do you suggest for sex
represssion on campus," the faculty
members in the social life section
quickly found themselves in themidst
of a heated discussion in which they
often seemed to contradict each
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, head of
the Health Service, refuted the argu-
ment that pre-marital relations are
necessary to insure subsequent happi-
ness by citing the value of education
in sexual relations as well as the
thorough medical, examinations ad-
ministered which lessen the possibil-
ities of biological uifitness.
To this Prof. John Shepard of the
psychology department added that
sexual incompatibility is apt to be
(Continued on Page 8)
Alumni Attack
Back Program
of Government
Policies of the Roosevelt Adminis-
tration were criticized and upheld in
speeches at the Alumni conference
of the School of Business Adminis-
tration yesterday at the Union.
Lawrence H. Steltzer, research ex-
pert of the Treasury Department, de-
clared that the federal tax on undis-
tributed profits is not a hinderance
to the use of corporate earnings in
financing industrial growth.
Edward S. Codwrick. New York In-


Eight Firsts Aid Hoytmen
To Cop Eighth Victory;
Two Records Broken
Coach Charlie Hoyt's revamped
Michigan track machine showed no
loss of power as they trounced an
Owensless Ohio State 76-50 yesterday
afternoon at Ferry Field to run their
string of victories for the 1937 cam-
paign to eight.
The Wolverines walked off with
eight first places and scored slams in
the discus and broad jump as they
romped over the Buckeyes for the
second time this year. Despite their
loss, the Bucks monopolized the rec-
ord cracking for the afternoon as
they topped two Ferry Field stand-
ards on the track and one in the
field events.
Squire Fools Experts
Dick Squire made many an expert
eat crow in the afternoon's outstand-
ing race as he put on a mighty stretch
drive to beat out his touted teammate
Harley Howells and Michigan's
mighty Stan Birleson in the 440. Both
Birleson and Howells ran themselves
out in the early stages of the race as
they turned the first 220 in 22.6 sec-
onds. Chuck Miller took advantage
of the situation as he finished a
strong second, passing both of the
fading favorites. Squire's time of
48.2 trimmed .2 seconds off Captain
Chuck DeBaker's Ferry Field record
48.8 set by the Michigan flyer in
Harold Davidson proved himself
again as he galloped under the wire
30 yards in front of Ohio's Bob
Blickle in the one-mile run. David-
son took over the lead about half
way through the route and never
relinquished it to finish in 4:19.7. Jim
Whittaker took the other distance
grind for the Snyder forces, repass-
ing Michigan's Harry O'Connell and
Alix in the last 50 yards to finish
going away. Whittaker led up to the
(Continued on Page 5)
Bilbao Remains
In Loyal Hands;
Rebels Close In
(By Associated Press)
The closing of Insurgent General
Francisco Franco's grim ring of steel
around Bilbao, besieged capital o
the Basquet state, continued last
night to hold the spotlight in the
Spanish war.
There were sideshows at Barcelona,
where anarchist rebellion still smoul-
dered, and at Toledo, where an insur-
gent counter offensive blazed on a
long quiet front.
The Madrid government said its
troops had turned back a desperate
insurgent attempt to break out to the
east and south of Toledo, 40 miles
southwest of Madrid.
The drive toward Bilbao made
vital progress, Insurgents said, with
the capture of strategic heights in
the Solluve Hills about 11 miles east
of Bilbao. The besiegers guns moved
closer to the tottering Basquet cap-
ital, from which 2,400 more non-
combantants were being taken in
French ships, with French and Brit-
ish men-o-war watching to keep
their patch across the Bay of Biscay
The Basques maintained their lines
before Bilbao were holding fast; that

China Coming
Of Age, Model
League Is Told
New Spirit Of Cooperation
Heralds National Unity,
Students Tell Assembly
Chiang Kidnaping
Was Nation's Test
China is "coming of age" it is rap-
idly maturing culturally, economical-
ly and politically under a new spirit
of cooperation and national unity. In
this optimistic vein five Chinese, four
of them students, addressed the lun-
cheon entitled "China by the Chi-
nese," sponsored jointly by the Michi-
gan Model League of Nations and the
Spring Parley yesterday in the
' League.
C. K. Yang, Grad., speaking on
the development of China stressed
the reintegration of the Chinese
which is leading to national indepen-
dence and a place of importance for
her in the family of nations. Mrs.
L. H. Yui, Dean of Women of the
Chi Li UniversityinCVhina,spoke
Chi Li University in China, spoke on
the growth of education, bringing
out their ideal of educating from the
bottom up in order to bring the
masses in China into a national con-
sciousness. After a description of the
economic progress in China by Lee
Kay, Grad., Miss V. Y. Ting, Grad.,
spoke on the victory of the Chinese
women in winning the first step in
their emancipation and the part the
women are playing in the nationali-
zation of China. C. H. Shen, Grad.,
concluded the speeches clearing up
the mystery of the Sianfu incident
which involved the kidnaping of
Chiang Kai Shek showing it to be a
test of national unity which proved
the new political-mindedness of the
Chinese people. The .speakers then
answered questions addressed to them
from the audience.
This symposium closed the two day
session of the Michigan Model As-
sembly representing 18 colleges in
Michigan which met here to discuss
international relations.
The two committees of the Assem-
bly met at 9 a.m. yesterday to draw
up resolutions on American neutral-
ity and reform of the League, having
discussed them at great length the
The first committee on reform of
previous afternoon.
the League adopted a resolution em-
(Continued on Page 7)
Inquiry Board
Pursues Probe
Of Zep Crash
Secretary Roper Orders
Third Investigation Of
Hindenburg Disaster
LAKEHURST, N. J., May 8.-GP)-
Members of a naval board of inquiry
prowled today through the junk heap
that was once the dirigible Hinden-
The H indenburg death ttal
mounted to 35 when two men, Cap-
tain William Speck of the crew and
Erich Knocher, an importer, suc-
cumb to injuries early today. Thirty-
one persons remained in hospitals,
ltwo of them in serious condition.
Capt. Gordon W. Haines, presiding
officer, said the inquiry would parallel

one ordered by Secretary of Com-
merce Roper. Public hearings in both
Iwill start at the air station Monday.
EA third inquesthto look into the death
of Allen Hagaman, a civilian ground
crew member, was ordered by the sta-
tion's commanding officer, Comman-
der Charles E. Rosendahl.
Officers announced the reservation
would be closed indefinitely. Regular
army troops and marines from other
posts doubled the usual personnel of
400 to handle 24-hour-a-day-patrol
Graf Arrives Home
May 8.-(P)-The Graf Zeppelin re-
turned to her home port from a South
tAmerican trip at 4:55 p.m. (11:55
a.m., E.S.T.) today, with passengers
unaware until a few hours before she
landed that the Hindenburg had
Change In Air Mail
Time Is Announced
A change in the closing time of
t east and west bound air mail was

Exam Files Are
Desirable, Say
Men On Faculty
Independents ought to have access
Ito an examination file just as the
students living in fraternities, soror-
ities, and dormitories In the opinion
of Prof. Arthur Van Duren of the
,Germandepartment and Academic
Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, head of the
Romance Languages department also
expressed approval of the plan when
he said it was worthy of being tried
out and would shortly prove its merit.
The acquiring of knowledge is much
less important than the learning of
it, he said, and since this file would
provide such a fine review of the en-
tire course, it would be of indefinite
Both men believe that the inequal-
ity of the present system of certain
students having access to private files
is unbecoming to a democratic insti-
tution such as ours. A file of former
examinations in library would serve
three purposes: that of showing the
student the general type of exam and
the style of reasoning that will be ex-
pected of him; a study of exams for
the last 20 years would present an
organized review of the course; and
it would require more care in the
making of the exams, Professor Van
Duren believes.
This would be similar to the system
used at Harvard where all of the gen-
eral exams, those covering two and
three-year periods, as well as all mid-
semesters and finals are filed in the
library. Many other universities use
this same plan and a movement is
under way at Ohio State to introduce
this system, according to the Ohio
State Lantern.
'War Admiral
Easy Winner;
Pompoon 2nd
Man O' War's Great Son
Leads Field From Start;
Reaping Reward 3rd
(Special to The Daily)-War Admiral
took his place among the great of the
turf here this afternoon when the
trim little son of Man O' War, called
too small to be a router, led from
start to finish to capture the 63rd
running of the famed Kentucky
Pompoon, winter book favorite, ran
second, Reaping Reward was third,
Melodist fourth, and Sceneshifter
fifth in the field of 20.
It was a great day for the form
players here on the Downs this after-
noon and when the big field par-
aded to the post just as the sun
dipped down behind the crammed
grandstands, favorites had romped
home in each of the five preceding
War Admiral was the name whis-
pered through the crowd by the boys
in the know, but when the Glen
Riddle entry appeared fractious at
the post there was a rush of money
to hedge win bets.
The start was delayed more than
10 minutes while Billy Hamilton
struggled to get first The Admiral and
then the well-liked Heelfly into the
stall gate.
TheuAdmiral broke beautifullyand
was out in front on the rail within
the first 100 yards. Charlie Kurt-
singer rated the gallant brown colt
beautifully throughout. He was never
in danger of being headed as they

swept up the long backstretch and
the early leaders began to drop back.
But not War Admiral-when Pom-
r (Continued on Page 2)

Junior Levies
Third Charge
Accuses Them Of Refusing
To Issue Warrant For
Assailant's Arrest
Says He -Suffered
Brain Concussion
Edward J. Slezak, '38Ed, yesterday
accused police and the prosecutor's
office of refusing to issue a warrant
for the arrest of a truck driver who,
he said, had assaulted him Feb. 27.
It was the third charge aimed at
police in as many days.
Slezak said that police overrode
his insistence to swear out a war-
rant with orders to "Go on home."
The truck driver, whose name Slezak
said was Crow, was greeted by his
first name by police the night of the
arrest, Slezak stated.
Slezak charged he suffered a slight
concussion of the brain as a result
of the beating.
Accuses Truck Driver
He said he had called police when
the truck driver began roughing him.
Police made Slezak go with them,
he charged, and allowed his attacker
to proceed to the station by himself
in his own car.
When the truck driver arrived at
the station, Slezak said, he was
greeted by his first name. After
private counsel with police he was
allowed to go free, Slezak asserted.
"I was walking by the Whitney
Theatre about 1 a.m. Feb. 27, with
two friends, Slezak related. "People
were coming out of the Armory about
that time and the street was crowded.
I was on the side of the wa'lk next to
the curb.
"A car drew up and a girl got out.
One of the fellows with me said,
'What a cute green hat,' and then
we started across the street. Half
way across someone yelled at us and
I turned, thinking it was probably a
Charges Beating
"A 200-pound truck driver whose
name I later found to be Crow grab-
bed me and started shaking me, yell-
ing all the while that I had insulted
his girl violently," Slezak said.
"I finally was able to say I hadn't
made the remark so he grabbed the
fellow next to me and started rough-
ing him," he continued. "Then he
came back to me. He grabbed me by
the neck and knocked my head
against the lamp post several times.
He was so big I couldn't stop him,"
Slezak said.
"Finally the police got there and
forced me to go with them, letting
Crow go there in his own car. When
I got to the station I told them I
wanted to prefer charges of assault
against Crow.
"They held a conference in the of-
fice and were just coming out when
Crow came in. A policeman greeted
him by his first name. He went inside
and stayed there about five minutes.
When he came out he was allowed to
leave freely. They told me to go
Told 'To Go Home'
"I stated I wanted to swear out a
warrant and they again told me to
go home. One policeman said, "You
students should stay on the cam-
pus." They continued, to refuse
either to swear out a warrant or take
me back to the place I was arrested.
I had to walk home," Slezak con-
"I felt very badly during the night,"
Slezak said, "so I went to the Health

Service the next day. They gave me
a preliminary examination and thenj
had Dr. Himler make a thorough one.
(Continued on Page 2) __

New Heads Of Union

Will Serve As
And Recording
For 1937-38


Thorn ,Geib Named
New Union Heads
SFor Coming Year


llinois Ou'thits
e * *e
Michigan' Nine
To Win By 9-3
Poat Wins Fourth Big Teni
Game Shattering Varsityt
Championship Hopes f
Michigan saw its hopes for an-
other Big Ten baseball champion-
ship shattered yesterday on the
strong right arm of Ray Poat, tall'
Illinois hurler, who regained his con-
trol after a shaky start and went on
to pitch the Illini to a decisive 9-3
victory on the Varsity diamond. '
The loss, coupled with yesterday's;
defeat at the hands of the league-
leading Indiana nine, gives the Wol-
verines a record of three games won
and three lost for a .500 percentage.
Everybody on the Illinois squad
from Coach Wallie Roettger down
to the bat boy was nervous before
the game yesterday, and their ner-
vousness was very apparent during
the first three innings. The Illini In-
'field, famed for its fielding ability,
made three errors in these three stan-
zas-two' of them being made on one
play by the usually steady third base-
man, Lou Boudreau.
Ray Poat, Coach Roettger's sen-
sational pitcher, seemed to have for-
gotten how to throw anything but a
curve ball, and the Varsity touched
him for three runs and five hits to
take a 3-0 lead at the end of the
third inning. At this point, the Illini
got a grip on themselves and turned
what had started as a tight ball game
into a rout as they slammed out 12
hits two three-baggers, and a home-
run, for nine runs.
Poat, after a bad three innings,
(Continued on Page 3)
Van Oosten To Give
Talks In Madison
John Van Oosten, in charge of the
Great Lakes Fisheries investigations
of the United States Bureau of Fish-
eries, with headquarters in Ann Ar-


Lynch To Speak At
Induction Dinner
Strong Independent Group
Thom's Aim; Continue
Coffee Hours, Forums
John C. Thom, '38, and Frederick
V. Geib, '38F&C, were named presi-
dent and recording secretary of the
Union, respectively, Prof. William A.
McLaughlin of the Romance Lan-
guages department and member of
the electoral board announced yester-
Both men will be formally in-
ducted at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, when
a dinner, at which John D. Lynch, re-
cently elected Regent of the Univer-
sity will speak, is to be given in their
honor. Members of the president's
staff, announced then, will receive
watch charms.
Is A Sphinx
Thom has been president of the Phi
Gamma Delta fraiternitly for two
years, and with Geib, was chairman
of the Union House Committee, A
member of Sphinx, junior honorary
society, he was second assistant chair-
man of the Michigras and leader of
the cheering card section at the foot-
ball games. During his freshman
year Thom was elected to Phi Eta
Sigma and' was a member of the ten-
nis team. He is from Annapolis, Md.
Popularly called Fritz, Geib, an in-
dependent from Grand Rapids, was
director of the Union Coffee Houir
and University Day Program for state
high school students, both innova-
tions last year under his supervision.
Librarian for the Pendleton Li-
brary, he reclassified books there
under a new system. Geib was also in
charge of distributing absentee vot-
er's ballots during election time, and
was chairman of the Union Dance
To Organize Independents
"Our main program for next year
will be the organization of indepen-
dent men into a strong group, and
we shall cooperate with the Dorm
Committee in the attempt to unite
them," Thom declared.
"The Union Coffee Hours and Sun-
day Forums, which have proved so
popular this year, will be continued,"
he said.
Herbert Wolfe, '37, president of the
Union, announced that vice-presi-
dents and members of the Board of
Directors would be elected this week.
Wolfe and William S. Struve, '37, re-
cording secretary, will relinquish
their posts Wednesday.
Members of the electoral board who
chose the two men were Professor Mc-
Laughlin and Dean of Students Jo-
seph A. Bursley representing the fac-
dlty, Robert Dailey, '37E, and Ray-
mond E. Somers, '37D, representing
the students and Don C. May, the
Churches Offer
Mother's Day
Services Today
Mother's Day will be observed in
several Ann Arbor churches today,
and the first of a series of three panel
discussions will be given at the Uni-
tarian Church.
The Rev. Dr. C. B. Allen of the
Metropolitan M. E. Church of Detroit
will be guest preacher at the First
Methodist Church, giving a sermon
entitled "Mother" at 10:30 p.m.
"God's Proxy" will be the topic
upon which the Rev. Dr. W. P.:Lemon
will speak at 10:45 a.m. at the Fitst
Presbyterian Church. At 6:30 p.m.
Gilbert Anderson of the Dodge Com-
munity House in Detroit will speak

at the regular meeting of the West-
minster Guild on "The Church and
Social Work."
At the Bethlehem Evangelical
Church, the Rev. Theodore Schmale,
pastor, will deliver a Mother's Day
sermon entitled "Our Faith and Our
William W. Voisine, mayor of
Ecorse, Dean S. T. Dana of the For-



Deflation Not Likely To Follow
Budget Balancing, Hoover Says

Balancing the budget, long a catch-
phrase of the political have-nots on
the outside looking in, should be car-
ried out and carried out soon if the
damper is to be applied to a period
of recovery that is stretching into a
boom, according to Prof. Edgar M.
Hoover of the economics department.
If the government stops borrowing
to make up budget deficits, it does
not necessarily follow, Professor
Hoover said, that a harmful defla-
tion, with renewed depression, would
"A balanced budget at this time
would probably bolster businessmen's
confidence," he explained, "so that

Recovery measures, he pointed out,
should increase the rate at which
money is spent, and this is essentially
what has been done by the govern-
ment' in borrowing money for relief
and public works expenditures. These
expenditures increased purchasing
power and thus evoked an expansion
of business to satisfy the new de-
mand, Professor Hoover pointed out.
Taxation to raise money for these
expenditures as many had advocated
would, he indicated, have failed to
bring about recovery. It would have
meant the transfer of purchasing
power from one group of consumers
to another-essentially a redistribu-
tion of incomes.
But nprchasing nower as a whole,

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