Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Holds
Second Day's Meeting In JConference
Regents Accept
Cherry Trees,
Gift Of $2,500
a student who desires to specialize in
landscape design and w"ho has grad-
uated from a junior college or has
passed 't wo years or(1'more)Y inla cob-
legs in thel Sta te.
Williamr P. Harris, Jr., of Grosse
Pointe gave $77 to the museum cf
zoology for research worln on the
To Be F "atured
Durin Sumir
art group in the library of the archi-?
tecture building. Guy H. Hill of
Michigai State College presided over
an invited panel which organized and,
led discussions.;
R. J. Hickman. of Mich.gan Stae
Normal College in his talk "Biologi-,
cal Technique with Demonstrations"
before the ziological conference yes-.
terday demonstrated and explained
a method of mounting biological spe-
cimens in glycerin, an air-pump usedI
in a series of aquaria, and a methodj
of culturing insects in a series of
compact, movable cages,
An open forum was held by the
Classical Conference on the ques- f
tion, "Latin and the Proposed Cur-
riculum Revision in Michigan Sec-
ondary Schools," at 9 a.m., yesterday,
in Room 2003 Angell Hall.
Michigan will get approximately
one million dollars for distributive
education under the George-Deen1
act, George Fern, assistant superin-
tendent of public instruction said
yesterday at the general assembly of
commercial teachers at the Univer-
sity High School.
The greatest crisis in the last 10
years has not been in economics but
in character, Dr. D, D. Lessenberry, }
director of commercial courses in the.
University Of Pittsburgh, said yes-
terday at an assembly of commercial
teachers in University High School.
Declaring that if he had a boy in
high school he would send him to a
commercial school, C. T. Winegar,
personnel director of the Chrysler
Motor Corp., said yesterday that the
training which he would receive there
would be very helpful to him in busi-
Deans' Conference
The problems confronting deans
and advisers of high school and col-
lege students were discussed by .Re-
gina Westcott Wieman at a general
session of the Schoolmaster's Club
held at 9 a.m. yesterday in the Mich-
igan League.
Mrs. Wieman said that the prin-
ciple cause of unfavorable circum-
stances arising among college stu-
dents was directly due to their being
suddenly massed together without
being educated for group associations.
The afternoon discussion section
of the Conference of Deans and Ad-
visers of Women was begun by a
talk on "Popularity from the Point
of View of Health" by Dr. Warren
E. Forsythe, director of the Health
Service. Dr. Forsythe stressed the
scientific approach' to the under-
standing of human behavior and per-
sonality, and pointed out the neces-
sity for the girl of high school age to
make a transfer from the natural to
the artificial in her manner of life.
"Popularity from the Point of View
of Character Education" was the,
mammal under the William P. iar-
Ph,,ysical Edcction Sabbatical Leaves Granted uis, Jr., Research. The Michigan An Institute of Far Eastern Studies,
Education must keep pace with the r Academy of Science, Arts and Let- presenting a survey of languages and
dynamic world in which we live and T Faculty , Men; Ford ters gift of $75 to be used by Prof. cultures of oriental countries, will
schools must accept the responsibility W'iII Succeed Smith Prank E. Eggleton of the zoology de- hold its first session this year as part
of building self-directive and self- _ _partment to study Geddes Pond in of the University summer school, it
controlled personalities which society (Continued from Page 1) the Huron River was accepted. was announced yesterday by Prof.
has put upon them, Dr, Stuart R. -._____________-; Chinese Students Get X50 Robert B. Hall of the Department of
Courtis of the School of Education end of the school year, accepted by A $50 contribution .by the Chinese Geography, director of the Institute.
told the opening meeting of the the Regents. He will be associated Student Club was acceted by the The work of the Institute will con-
Health and Physical Education Con- ihh wC c C n - Regents for the establishment of a 1st of general lecture and laboratory
ference yesterday morning. with the Dow Chemical Co. in Mid- Chinese Endowment Fund for study ourses supplemented by outside lec-
Attacking the practice of counties land. and research on Chinese Culture. A Lures and conferences, Professor Hall
to try and dodge their responsibility Sabbatical leaves for the first se- gift of $50 was accepted from R. L. stated. Advanced courses leading to
to care for indigent poor, Theodore mester of next school year were Bigelow to be given to the Business individual research and seminar work
J. Werie, executive secretary of the granted by the Regents to Prof. Ed- Administration Fund. will be among those offered and out-
Michigan Tuberculosis Association, gar N. Durfee of the Law School, Prod. The appointment of Dr. Moses Fro- standing authorities in Far Eastern
said at the luncheon meeting that if Raleigh Schorling of the School of lich as assistant physician at the Fields will be brought to Ann Arbor
properly handled, no one need die of Education, Prof. William F. Egly of State Psychopathic Hospital begin- for the lectures. Forums will be
tuberculosis, the College df Engineering and Prof. ning June 15 was accepted. Dr. Fro- held on alternate Wednesdays and
Needs of phxysical education in Olon W. Blackett of the School of lich was formerly at Eloise and prey- i exhibits will be sponsored throughout
Michigan include a state director, Business Administration. ious to that he was with the Univer- the session.
Roy J. M"Murray, supervisor of Sag Prof. F. C. Odell of the College of sity Hospital for four years. .t , Among special features if the In-
imaw schools, told the group in his Architecture was granted a sabbatical The appointment of Prof. Grover Chinese, Japanese and Russian lan -
report. Ruth A. Weaver, Kalamazoo leave for the School year of 1937-'38. C. Grismore of the Law School to Chine Japa nese ssian l,
school nurse, described the health The Regents accepted the appoint- the Board of Governors of the Law- gunge schools. The Chinese School,
program which reaches from pre- ment of Prof. Robert Spirey Ford of yers Club was accepted by the Re- po the Institutehf Pacific Re ations.
MATHEMATICS CON'ERENCE'the Department of Economics as act- gents. He was re-appointed for two o 1 be a full-ti e course foferinain-
M MC Ring director of the Bureau of Govern- Years ending June 30, 1939. i re in
The trend in high school mathe- ment to succeed Harold D. Smith,t The Regents accepted a piece of Taductary work in reading "Chinese.
matics to adjust the materials and former head, who was appointed bronze sculpture by Anna Hyatt in grammatical use of Japanese and
student, was reported yesterday af- State budget director last week by Huntington called "Peacocks Fight- one in speaking, reading and writ-
ternoon at the meeting of the math- Governor Murphy. ing." It will be put on display in g
ematical division
Schoolmasters' Club
Before a large a'
gfan high school
ficials, two freshm
lay afternoon deba
Resolved, That the
gan Should Adopt
Legislature System.
Dr. H. Harlan
speech department
the debate. The
of Jack Shuler, '40E
vidson, '40, was Opp
ative team of Jack
Robert Johnson, '
went to the negat
two to one.
of the Michigan Largest Gift $7,000
b" The largest gift accepted by the
[ON DEBATE Regents was $1,700 from the A. C.:
udience of Michi- Barnes Co. of New Brunswick, N. J.
students and of- for the investigation of argyria by the
an teams yester- pathology department. Argyria is a
ated the question: permanent discoloration of the skin
State of Michi- resulting from continual medicinal
tte Un icheraluse of silver.
the Unicameral The Federation of Paint and Var-
nish Clubs of Long Island, N. Y. gave
Bloomer of the $200 to continue their fellowship for
was chairman of 1936-'37. The Michigan Division of
affirmative team the Fafm and Garden Association,
E, and Sydney Da- Bloomfield Hills branch, had a scho-
posed by the neg- larship accepted by the Regents that
Sessions, '40, and offers $150 per year for two years to
40. The decision--------
ive by a vote of partment said yesterday before a
n;eting of the physics-chemistry-
the League soon.
Seniors .
100 Engraved Cards $1.65
Including Plate .
Maynard St. CRAFT PRESS Ph. 8805:
- -
All m akes and models,
Bough Yt, So~ll, RetCed,
1;xchnged, Repaired.
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Matinees 25c
Nights .5c .
'r i
MODERN LANGUAGE MEETING astronomy conference.
The advent into power of the Ras- SCHOOL LIBRARY CONFERENCE
semblement Populaire or Popular "Education of character is tnie only
Front, party, with Leon Blum as its) hope for this disorderly world," ac-
head was one of the most important cordn:g to Rev. Albert J. Antlhcny,
events in the political history of pastor of the First Presbyterian
France because it transformed the Carh, Alma, who addressed rihe
Communist party from a militant mi- school library conference yesterday
nortity to a recognized political pow- in the Main Library.
er, according to Prof. Russell E.
Jameson of Oberlin College, who ad- SOCIAL SCIENCES
dressed the Modern Language Con- The Social Science Conference
ference of the Michigan Schoolmas- u:eeting was held at 1:30 pm. yce-
ters' Club at 3 p.m. yesterday. terd2lay mn the Alumnae Roomr of the
In order to avoid in the United League under th chairmanship of
States, political turmoil such as the Russll W. West had as its general
French experience, the schools must theme, "The Significance of the Se-
instruct and assist students to a more cial Studies of the State Depart-
liberal view of politics free from any ment's proposal for a Michigan Study
pzrejudiced ideas, Professor Jameson of the Se'd.' :clary School Curriculum."
said,_ _--
Prof. George E. Carrothers. direc-R-
tor o~f Bureau of Cooperation with
Educational Institutions, then spoke
on "A Modern Program of Education.
- . 6Lti S0
o ,AM
Coming SunRddy'm
._..m __ ___. .. .._. __ ,.
subject of Lydia I. Jones, Dean of.
Women of Michigan State Normal
College. The traditional antagonism
felt by the average girl, anxious to1
have dates and eventually marry, to-
ward character development through
school work, was pointed out by Miss1
Jones, who showed how the idea of
ppularity through the aid of char-
acter might be used as an incentive
for this training.
The appreciation of poetry is not'
limited to "highbrows," but is also1
evident in students of technical sub-
jects, Prof. Carl Burklund of thet
English department of the College of
Engineering told the English section
of the Club yesterday.
Prof. W. G. Rice of the English
department spoke before the lun-
cheon meeting of the English section
of the Club yesterday at the League
on "The Function of Poetry and the
Function of Teachers in Poetry."
for Modern Language."
The possibility of using radioac-
tive rays, generated by the bombard-
ment of atoms, in place of radium in
the treatment of diseased human
tissues was stressed by Prof. D. L.
Rich of therphysicaldepartment in
a talk yesterday before the physics,
chemistry and astronomy confer-
ence. ,
The spectroscope and spectrograph
are science's newest tools for ascer-
tairng the relative velocity of the
stars and the chemical composition
of their atmospheres, Prof. Dean B.
McLaughlin of the as'ronomy de-
Mrs. Hampton's Famous
Served Every Sunday from 12:30-2:30
605 Forest . Phone 2-3836
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