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May 01, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-01

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The Weather
Unsettled today with show-
crs and probably local rains; to-
morrow, showers.




A Greeting
To High School Visitors...
Public Vigilance-
The Highest Court .. .



Butler Chosen
New President
Of Educators
Many Meetings Are Held
As Schoolmasters' Club
Convenes Yesterday
To Hold Classroom
Exhibitions Today
Leslie A. Butler of the Michigan
State Normal College was elected pre-
sent of the Michigan Schoolmasters
Club yesterday as the 51st annual ses-
sion of the club held its second day's
meeting. He succeeds Byron J.
Rivett of Detroit.
Other officers chosen were John
E. Wellwood, pincipal of Flint Cen-
tral high school, vice-president; and
Hook, registrar of the Kalamazoo
Western State Teachers' College, a
member of the executive council.
The adoption of House Bill 200 call-
ing for partial final aid to the retire-
nent fund was recommended to the
The conference will end today with
classroom demonstrations in the ed-
ucation school, a special conference
and meetings of the business and
music groups.
Slosson Speaks
Trends of our times are the grow-
ing power of executive over legisla-
tive government, socialistic, collec-
tive and government control of in-
dustry, intensification of nationalism,
feminism, and scientific medicine,
Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department told the opening session
of the Club yesterday at the League.
Commenting on the growing pow-
er of the executive branch of gov-
ernment, he stated, "As long as the
press is free, opposition parties can
"riticize, elections are held, and con-
stitutional and legal precedent is fol-
lowed, no dictatorship will take place
even if all power goes to the executive.
More Than 350 Attend
More than 350 Schoolmasters, at-
tending the annual reception and
banquet at the Union last night,
heard Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of De-
troit ask that the Americans be op-
nmirided in dealing with Commun-
ism, Fascism and all the other phil-
osophies of -Europe
"The present idea in America is
that we defend ourselves from for-
eign influence-we feel that we
should save ourselves," he complained.
"We should not have a defense
against the philosophies of others.
We must remember that we originally
sprang from the stock of Europe."
Nearly 700 high-school students
from all over this section of the State
will convene at 10 a.m. today at
University High School to cooperate
in 31 class demonstrations which are
being sponsored by the Club "to
show how the more outstanding
teachers of the State conduct their
classes," according to Prof. Raleigh
Schorling; member of the School of
Education and director of the demon-
"To my 1knowledge, no similar dem-
onstrations have ever before been
undertaken by any group," Profes-
sor Schorling said.
There will be no special prepara-
(Continued on Page 2)
2 50 Delegates
To Attend 10th

Moel Lea ne
More than 250 delegates repre-
senting 20 colleges and universities
in Michigan will attend the 10th an-
nual Model Assembly of the League
of Nations here May 7 and 8, it was
announced yesterday by Gardner
Ackley, Grad., Secretary-General 01
the Model Assembly.
The Assembly will convene on Fri-
day and Saturday, with the plenar3
sessions in the First Congregational
Church and the committee meetings
in the League. The First Congrega-
tional Church has been selected for
the Assembly, Ackley said, because its
auditorium more closely resembles the
one in which the League Assembly
meets than any other in Ann Arbor,
Due to the current interest in the
labor situation, an innovation has
been inaugurated in this year's Mode
Assembly with the inclusion ofa
Model Session of the Internationa
Labor Conference, Ackley said. This
will be the first of the series of gen-
eral sessions and committee meet-
ings which will begin at 11 a.m., May

. S-_

Curtailment Of Neutral Rights
Increases Duties, Says Preuss

Enforcement O bligation
Added To By Legislation,
He Says In Washington
WASHINGTON, April 30.-(Spe-
:ial to The Daily)-Increased govern-
nental responsibilities have been
placed upon the United States by the
'urtailment of neutral rights, Prof.I
awrence Preuss of the pclitical sci-!
once department said here today.
Professor Preuss, speaking before
the 31st annual convention of the
American Society of International
Law, pointed out that the United
States, by limiting its rights as neu-
)ral to private trade with belligerents,
also forced upon the government the
necessity of taking greater precau-
tions to see that the neutrality legis-
lation is properly and impartially
carried out.
"This government is now com-
mitted to a policy of self-limitation of
neutral rights through a system of
governmental control, over private
trade and financial relations with
belligerents," Professor Preuss said.
"It is apparent that such govern-
mental intervention has far-reaching
effects u pon neutraltobligations," he
continued, "and that the duties of
impartiality and prevention are
thereby extended to the fields of ac-
tivity which the government now for
the first time undertakes to control."
Turkish Student
Missing Si nc e
pring VacatDio
Landlady Says Sazi Left
For Chicago, But Efforts
To Find Him Are Futile
Police authorities were asked yes-
terday by University officials to aid
in the search for Serdar Sazi, 33-
year-old graduate student from Sivas,
Turkey, who hasbeen missing from
his rooming house at 311 Thompson
St., since the beginning of Spring
Vacation, April 9.
Sazi told his landlady that he was
going to Chhiago to spend the vaca-
tion. He has not peen heard from
since. Effori'ts"y Dean Joseph A. Bur-
sley, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, coun-
selor to foreign students, and the
Turkish consulate in New York to
locate him have proved unsuccessful.
Sazi did not tell his landlady whom
he planned to visit in'Chicago. He
has not communicated .with anyone
since his disappearance. It was be-
lieved at first that he was delayed
in his return. The offices of the
Dean and the Counselor to Foreign
Students have investigated numerous
clues without success.
Sazi, a student in the School of
Education, came here last fall on a
one-year scholarship of the Turkish
government. He was a graduate of
the training school for teachers at
Ankora, Turkey, and was to return to
Turkey at the end of the present se-
mester to resume teaching duties.

Despite the many arguments re-
garding the neutrality policy of the
United States, Professor Preuss said,
the necessity for domestic legislation
curtailing the right of American cit-
izens to extend material aid to bel-
ligerents is pretty well agreed upon.
"This policy is basic in the legisla-
tion of 1935, 1936 and 1937," he said.
"The requirements of our neutrality
laws are now well in advance of those
of the international laws of neutral-
ity," he added.
Althoughdthere existed no inter-
national obligation to enact such leg-
islation, Professor Preuss said, once
enacted, however, "it greatly en-
larges the sphere of neutral duties.
The prohibition of the export of arms,
ammunition, and implements of war
from the United States to belligerent
(Continued on Page 2)
University Day
To Attract High
School Students
1,000 Will Attend First In
Program To Acquaint
Pupils WithUniversity
More than 1,000 high school stu
dents will get their first glimpse of
the campus today when they assemble
at the University's invitation in the
first of what is expected to be an an-
nual University Day.
Special events have been planned
for them during the entire day. There
will be sports demonstrations, schol-
arship conferences, science demon-
strations and addresses by University
The _ event is not an attempt to
publicizing the University to attract
freshmen on campus, Ira M. Smith,
registrar, explained yesterday. "It
was planned by the Union Executive
Council, and is being conducted by
FErederick V. Geib, '33F&C, in con-
junction with University officials,"
he said.
Pupils, arriving in groups, are ex-
pected from as far west as Grand
Rapids, as far north as Port Huron
'and from Detroit. The women will
assemble outside the League and the
men at the Union at 9 a.m. There
they will be assigned to student
guides from the men's Independent
society, the Woman's Assembly, the
SCA, the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion and the League.
"We are attempting to create a
more intimate relationship between
the residents of the state and their
state University. From telegrams
which have been coming in during
the last few days, I'm sure we will do
this," the Registrar stated,!
Among those who have consented
to cooperate are Mr. Smith, Dean Al-
fred H. Lovell of the Engineering Col-
lege, Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School, Prof. Clare E. Griffin, di-
rector of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, Dean James B. Edmon-
son of the School of Education, Dean
Albert C. Furstenberg of the School
of Medicine.
Others are Dr. Russel W. Bunting,
chairman of the dental school, Prof.
(Continued on Page 4)
City Will Ring
With Fraterniy
S wingless S ing
More than 700 fraternity men are
expected to gather on the steps of
the General Library Sunday night,
May 16, to compete for three cups in
the second annual Interfraternity
Sing, according to George Cosper,
'37, president of the Council.

Bleachers will be erected in a semi-
circle in front of the steps for the
audience, Cosper said, and a public
amplifying system will be installed.
Each fraternity will be judged in the
contest for one fraternity song and
all of the houses will sing together
four Michigan songs, he said.
"It will be necessary," Cosper said,
"for all houses intending to enter the
Sing to know all the words to the
four songs, "'Tis of Michigan We
Sing," "Friar's Song," "Varsity" and
the "Yellow and Blue." Thethree
cups will be awarded. on the basis of
excellence of singing and we expect
to have three judges: one from De-
troit, perhaps George Lawton, authoz
of Varsity, one from the Schoiolf0
Music and Fred Alexander, leader of
the Ypsilanti choir.
All of the singing will be accom-
panied by a piano, he said, and the
singing by the whole group will bc

State Debating,
Won By Toila
Squad Holds Government
Ownership Of Electric
Utilities Impractical
4,500 Spectators
See Flint Defeated;
Ionia high school defeated Flint
Northern in a heated debate last
night to win the 20th annual state
debate championship before an au-
dience of 4,500 in Hill Auditorium.
The question was: Resolved, That
All Electrical Utilities Should Be
Governmentally Owned and Operat-
ed, .and Ionia upheld the negative.
Basing their main argument on the
impracticability of government own-,
ership, the Ionia team of Laurence
Read, Charles Wilder, and Paul Stew-
art, Jr., emphasized again and again
that government ownership would re-
sult in an annual loss of 940 million
Two To One Decision
Keith Norwalk, Jane Read, and
Charles Knutson of Flint Northern
made little attempt to refute this
negative charge placing their empha-
sis upon the' argument that Federal
ownership of the electric utilitiesI
would eliminate an undesirable con-r
centration of wealth and help to con-
serve the nation's natti l resources.
A two to one decision was returned
by the judges in choosing Ionia as
the victor. The judges were: Profs.
G. E. Densmore and Carl G. Brandt
of the University speech department
and Prof. V. A, Ketcham, chairman
of the speech department at Ohio
State University.
The debate marked the closing of

True Learning
Avoids Vanity,
Reeves Asserts
Convocation Speaker Says
Sicholarship Like Virtue
Is Own Reward
3,000 Hear Talk
In Hill Auditorium
Freedom from vanity is necessary
for the attainment of true learning,
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political
science department told more than
3,000 persons including 800 honor stu-
dents, at the 14th annual Honors
Convocation yesterday in Hill Audi-
"The scholar is the thinking man
who by truth is set free, free from
unworthy ambition and popular prej-
udice," Professor Reeves said. "And
when free from vanity, he is truly
free, because he is no longer an ob-
stacle to himself."
Professor Reeves, who spoke on
"Scholarship - An Accomplishment
and a Profession," said that the "con-
cealment of our own, ignorance ac-
companied by an ostentatious display
of our own knowledge" has been vast-
ly multiplied as an obstacle to learn-
ing by means of our "modern ways."
"Millions now derive their political
convictions from a 'fireside chat'
which is neither a chat nor by the
fireside, but a new form of the thes-
pian art," he stated. "Overnight
there is such a demand for a period-
ical with no reading and all pictures
that great presses cannot supply it.
The standard of enjoyment is this
year's model.
"When Bacon cautions us as to
the concealment of our own ignor-
ance accompanied by an ostentatious,
display of our own knowledge, he hits
(us in our tenderest part. We lovef

Wake U pStudents!
HIigh School 'Kids'
Think You're Lazy'
"I thought college was all work, but
Michigan students don't seem to do
anything except sit and smoke on
the steps of Angell Hall and the Li-
That was the frank comment of a
nigh school girl who visited the
University for the first time yester-
day with thousands of others for the
annual High School Day.
One high school boy described
Michigan students as being "peppy"
and another called them "congenial."
One girl, commenting on women's
clothes here said, "I'm wild about
the color schemes." Another ex-
pressed her admiration of the ankle
socks and the comfortable white sport
shoes worn by the majority of Mich-
igan women.
Some of the High School Day
guests were fascinated by the stu-
dent "atmosphere" at the Parrot. And
others, of a more intellectual nature,
were enthusiastic over the "Evolution
of Man" in the Anthropology Mu-.
seum. They applied the word "swell"
to everything.
C. W. Edrnds
Chosen To Give

History Made
When Loyalist
Airplane Sink
Espana Taken Four Miles
Off Coast; 700 Of Crew
Are StillMIssing
Fascists Attempted
To Keep Out Food

the Annual Forensic Day program at;
f.hn TTh-4 . . ,i.A i a i-.h 1Q-. _ lO c a_

ne unzverstcy and the 936-37t sea- " ~u
L J L U ~ I~ I ~ , y 4 1 1 U U I1 1 ~ U O ~p r a i s e ; "v a n i t y i s b
son of the Michigan High School.pas;vntisb
Forensic Association. The subject of of autobiography.
the debate last night was used in is modest, for he
over 1,000 high school debates in the -and vanity mal
state this year. cult."
Smtth a Is CharmanProfessor Reeves
Aided by a double screen lined with pose of the origin
statistics, which they wheeled around as one of "windin
the platform to the evident amuse- (Contnued
ment of the audience, the Ionia team
maintained that the annual cost to Rege ts
the government if it should operate
the electric utilities would exceed the ('1
annual income of 700 million dollars. j.
They argued that a further loss of 420
million dollars in taxes would result. Gift C
Flint Northern proposed the build- _
ing of a coast to coast "super-power
structure" which would end waste. Sabbditica1L
They also argued that government'
ownership would eliminate excessive To Facult
capital charges.
I ra M. Smith, registrar of the Will Succ
University, who acted as chairman of More than $2,5
the debate presented both teams with 11an gtan 25
first place loving cups and the in- and gifts and 250
(continue' on Page cherry trees wer
- -unP 4Board of Regents
Michioan Nimie University when t
terday afternoon.
The trees are a
Tri phs ve versity of Michiga
1 - and officials said

ut the mainspring
The true scholar
must always learn'
kes learning diffi-"
describes the pur-
nal honorary keysE
g the watch of in-
on Pagefi#
T rees,
~f $2,500
eaves Granted
y Men; Ford
eed Smith
00 in scholarships,
flowering Japanese
e accepted by the
in behalf of the
they met here yes-
gift from the Uni-
,n alumni of Japan
that they may be

R.ussel Lecture~u
F'herapeuitics Head Will c
Tell Of Diphtheria Toxin w
Experinental Studies f
Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, chair- 9
nan of the department of materia
nedica and therapeutics of the med- e
cal school, will deliver the Henry w
tussel Lecture Thursday, May 13, in B
Jatural Science Auditorium, .it was a
nnounced yesterday. a
The recipient of the Henry Russel b
ward, annually given to a member t
f the faculty with no higher rankk s
han an assistant professor, will beis
nnounced at the lecture, it was also
xplained. Dr. Edmunds will speak t
n "Experimental Studies on Diph- t
heria Toxin." l
The two awards are based upon the z
rant of Henry Russell, Detroit, who
eft $10,000 to the University upon his
death in 1920. His only stipulation
Nas that the money be used to raise
;he salaries of faculty members.
The Regents decided that one half
f the award be given in the form of
z lectureship for outstanding achieve-
nent for that year to a senior mem-
>er of the faculty and the other half
to a younger member, inthe form
>f an. award, for the most promising
work of that year. The recipients
are picked by the Jniversity Council
of Research Clubs.
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the polit-
ical science department was lastj
year's winner of the Russel Award. 1
SWF Pickets
Resume Places
At BowlingHall
Postp one Trial Of Downs1
Indefinitely As Neafus
is Granted Appeal
Picketing was resumed last night at
the Ann Arbor Recreation Center, 605
E. Huron St., by the Student Workers
Federation for the remainder of the:
bowling season, while the trial of
Tom Downs, '39, SWF president, one
of the seven men charged with "loi-
tering" on the scene df a strike there
April 8, was indefinitely postponed.
Downs will be the second of ,those
to go on trial, Ralph Neafus, '36F&C,
having been convicted on a charge of
"loitering" in a trial that ended
Picketing was conducted from 7:30
to 9:30 p.m. yesterday by three mem-
bers of the SWF, all of whom carried
Neafus was granted appeal late yes-
terday morning and Prof. John F.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment furnished bond of $200 for him.
Postponement of Downs' trial was
announced by Justice Jay H. Payne
at about 3:30 p.m. yesterday after
neither City Attorney William Laird
or Arthur C. Lehman, attorney for
the defense, had appeared. The trial I
was to have begun at 2 p.m. it will
probably begin in about a week it
was believed.
Picketing will be resumed at the
Recreation Center Monday, it was
understood last night. No police were
present at last night's picketing.

BILBAO, Spain, April 30.-(P)--
overnment warplanes today sank
he Spanish Insurgent battleship Es-
Cana with a possible loss of 700 lives,
n history's first aerial destruction of
,major war vessel.
The ship went down at 9:45 a.m.,
he Santander government an-
iounced, four miles off Cape Mayor
n the Bay of Biscay in 32 fathoms
f water.
Government trawlers and the In-
urgent destroyer Velasco were be-
ieved to have rescued most of the
rew, normally 854 officers and men.
One hundred and ten were picked
tp by government fishing boats, and
he Velasco was said to have picked
p officers and some men who jumped
nto the sea. There remained, how-
ver, between 700 and 744 was spe-
ifically accounted for if the Espana
ere fully manned.
Santander dispatches related that
ive government bombers put out to
id the British freighter Brora carry-
ng food to Santander shortly before
The 16,140 ton Espana with her
ight 12-inch guns ready for action
as set to aid the Velasco to keep the
rora from entering port.
The government bombers circled
nd at 9 a.m. scored a direct hit
midships. With a hole through her
ottom, the Santander reports said,
he Espana settled quickly by the
tern, took a list to starboard and
lipped under the sea 45 minutes
One Santander report related that
he fatal aerial bomb burst through
he Espana smoke stack, dropped be-
ow deck and exploded her munitions
Phi Beta Kappa
Lists Members
At Convocation
Honor Society Chooses 57
Students; Phi Kappa Phi
Selects 114
Fifty-seven graduates, seniors and
juniors have been elected to mem-
bership in Phi Beta Kappa, it was
announced yesterday at the Honors
Convocation, and 114 seniors and
graduate students have been chosen
as members of Phi Kappa Phi, Prof.
R. S. Swinton of the engineering col-
lege said yester.day.
Dr. Florence E. Allen, Columbus,.,
judge of the United States circuit
court of appeals, will be the principal
speaker at the annual Phi Beta Kap-
pa banquet on May 8 at the League.
Prof. Clark Hopkis of the class-
ical languages department will be the
speaker at initiation banquet of Phi
Kappa Phi, to be held May 17 at the
Union. He will speak on the Uni-
versity excavations in Seleucia, Pro-
essor Swinton said.
The juniors elected to Phi Beta
Kappa are:
Charles S. Lurie and Donald Cur-
tis May, Jr., Ann Arbor; Elliot B.
Alpern, Detroit; John H. Pickering,
Harrisburg, Ill.; Gardner Patterson,
Burt, Iowa; Clifford E. Gressman,
Fremont, 0.; and Frederick R. Jones,
Washington, D.C.
Graduate students elected are:
Bernard W. Rottschaefer, Ann Ar-
bor; Kenneth G. Hance, Albion; Wal-
lace A. Bacon, Detroit; A. Alfred
Erickson, Marquette; Clyde F. Kohn,
Palmer; Gerald F. Tape, Ypsilanti;
Margaret E. P. Baxter, Pasadena,
Calif.; Hsi-yin Sheng, Shanghai,
China; Marion C. Miller, Huntington,
Ind.; and Robert M. Sherwood,
Springfield, O.
The seniors are:
Margaret C. Behringer, Frances E.
Carney, Geil H. Duffendack, Mar-
(Continued on Faee- -
'G-Man' Will Speak
On Crime Detection

A special agent of the Federal Bu-
reau of Investigation Jay C. Newman,
will speak on "Crime Investigation"

Meeting Of Board Set
For 8 A.M, May 1,}


The Board in Control of Student
Publications will hold its meeting for
the appointment of managing editor
and business nmanager of The Mich-
igan Daily, The Summer Michigan
Daily, the Michiganensian, and the
Gargoyle, and business manager of
the Summer Directory, at 8 a.m. May
t, 1937.
Each applicant for a position is
requested to file eight copies of his
letter of application with the Audi-
tor of Student Publications not later
than May 8, 1937, for the use of the
members of tle Board. Carbon copies,'
if legible, will be satisfactory. Each
letter should state facts as to the
applicant's experience upon the pub-
lication or elsewhere, so far as they
may have any bearing upon his
qualifications for the position sought,
and other facts which the applicant
may deem relevant.
Business Manager, Board
In Control of Student Publi-
C onpany To Pipe
Natural Gas Here
The Washtenaw Gas Co. has signed
contracts for natural gas for Ann Ar-
bor, Charles R. Henderson, president
and general manager of the company,
announced late Thursday following
non-committal action by the City

Telw Michigan baseball team
showed evidence yesterday of having
snapped out of the lethargy ghat has
marked its play for the last week
when it took a rather weak Michi-
gan State Normal nine into camp, 12
to 3, at Ferry Field.
With Johnny Gee scattering four
hits in six innings and Chuck Mc-'
Hugh, making his debut on home
grounds, allowing three hits in the
same number of innings, the Wol-
verines were never threatened by the
punchless Hurons.
On the other hand the two Ypsi
pitchers issued eight hits, bunchedI
in four innings, and eight walks,
which along with five errors made it
easy sailing for the Varsity. Michi-
gan committed but one error.
Thrkr Xtl 70,i d .nn cr4the cnrnin

planted near the University Hospital
From a botanical standpoint it is
highly questionable whether they will M
reach maturity in this climate if the
meagre experience in the past with
these trees is indicative of their abil-
ity to live, according to Harley H.
Bartlett, chairman of the depart-
ment of botany.
The trees will either be brought
from Japan by Hanji Suma, who will
I attend the centennial here in June,
or else they will be bought in this
country, according to Dr. Robert B.
Hall of the geography department.
Sabbatical leaves were granted to
seven faculty members by the Re-
gents. Dean Herbert C. Sadler of
i the College of Engineering was grant-
ed a six-months sabbatical leave be-
cause of illness. Prof. Henry C. An-
derson of the mechanical engineering
department was appointed to replace
Dean Sadler during his absence, on
the executive council of the engineer-

te wolverines openle ie s g t;
in their half of the first'inning when ing college.
a hit by Danny Smick chased Leo I Prof. Walter L. Badger of the
Beebe, who reached first on a fumbled p'artment of chemical engine
ball by the Huron second baseman, had liis resignation, effective a
and Steve Uricek, who had walked (Continued on Page 2)
home for two runs.
In the second Fred Bailey, Normal TO Ch.1oose Parley

e de-
t the


nurie, allowed Gee a safety, nhitDon
Brewer, and walked Walt Peckin-
paugh, whereupon Beebe singled ac-
cording for two mnor e runs. Bailey;
was relieved by Burt Zacher who fin-
ished the game,. Before he could end
the inning, however, Zacher saw three
more runs come across the plate as
Uricek made first on an error and
Merle Kremer pounded out a double.
Kremer led the Varsity at bat with

Section Chairmen I
Student chairmen for ,the general
sessions and section meetings of the
Spring Parley will be chosen at a
meeting of heads of campus organ-
izations at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the
'The Parley will be held Friday,
Qa.,>,"r1v ,nd u5Tnday. May 7. 8 and

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