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April 30, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-30

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The 'Weather
Clcidy and prcbabI rain to-
day with moderate winds.


Sir igmi


Let 'FmI Eat Streetcars ...
From The Outside Looking




Neaf us Found
Guilt y Jury
For 'Loiterin'
Must Pay $45.30 And
Costs Or Spend 15 Days
In Jail As Alternate
Will Appeal Case
To CirCUit Court
Ralph Nea'fus, '36F&C, was yester-
day sentenced to pay $45.30 fine and
costs or spend 15 days in jail for
"loitering" at the scene of a strike
here three weeks ago.
The six-man jury returned the ver-
dict of "guilty" in the first of six
Portions of City Attorney Wil-
liam M. Laird's plea to the jury
may be found in an editorial
"Let 'Em Eat Streetcars," Page 4.
Student Workers' Federation "test
cases" shortly after 3 p.m. yesterday.
It deliberated only 12 minutes.
Neafus will appeal his case to Cir-
cuit Court, Ralph Segalman, '37, pub-
licity director of the SWF, announced
last night. Neafus spent last night
in jail pending his decision to appeal
his case rather than pay the fine..
Segalman said Michael Evanoff,
'36L, had told the SWF last night
that the United Automobile Workers
of Flint, for which he is an attorney,
would probably finance the appeal.
Dawns' Trial Set
At the conclusion of Neafus' trial,
Justice Jay H. Payne set the trial of
Tom -Downs, '39, president of the
SWF and another of the six defen-
dants, for 2' p.m. today. Downs,
who is held on the charge of "loit-
ering," said last night that he would'
not ask for a jury trial.
Testimony in Neafus' trial was con-
cluded before the morning session
ended shortly before noon.
Sgt. Norman Cook was recalled to
the witness stand to testify that Nea-
fus. had been arrested specifically for
speaking publicly without a permit
from the mayor.
Officers Harold King and Casper
Enkemann testified that Neafus had
been responsible for "congestion" in
front of the Ann Arbor Recreation,
Center, 605 . Huron St., the scene
of the strike.
Claim No Congestion
All witnesses for the defense testi-
fied that at all times during the strike1
pedestrians had been able to pass in
front of the building. Some said that
the only congestion was caused by1
police who "rudely" jostled them.
Neafus was the defense's first wit-
ness. He was followed by T. Dean
Crist, a graduate of Michigan State
College and vice-president of the
SWF; Philip Cummins, '39; Bertha
Miller, '39; Shirley Sanford, '37;,
Elizabeth McIntyre, '37; Emil Becker,
a former ernploye of the Recreation,
Center; Arthur Janowski, a local,
butcher; and Gordon Gary, '37.
Spring Parley
Panel Includes
F aculty,Clergy"'

Chamberlain Plans Quick Dash
To Paris . TroughStratosphere

Flight Will Be Forerunner
Of Regular Passenger
Service, He Says
New York to Paris in 10 hours will
be the mark Clarence Chamberlain
will be shooting at as alone he races
across the Atlantic at an altitude of
35,000 feet early this summer he said
in an interview last night.
Chamberlain, who flew the Atlantic
in 1930 in 33 hours, announced his
plans in an interview following the
institute of areonautical sciences
banquet last night at the union. ."All
that is holding the flight up now he
declared, is permission from the army
to use a supercharger engine de-
veloped for such altitudes.
He will use a low wing Lockheed
Altair ship powered by a nine cy-
linder Cyclone engine on athe flight.
Weight of the extra oxygen he said,
will probably mean that he will fly
The flight will be the forerunner
of a regular passenger service which,
Chamberlain declared, can only be
flown in ,the stratosphere. "Present
attempts to fly at the 10,000 foot
level used in transport flying are
impossible because weather condi-
tions over the northern route will
make flying on schedule impossible
When we flew in 1930 we waited for
Require Permit
For Apartment
Use Next Year
Claim 'Excellent Reason'
Will Be Needed Before
Permission Is Granted
A warning to men students living
in apartments without permission,
that next year they will be forced
to observe the regulation permission
and that they will have to show "ex-
cellent reason" before they will get
it, was made yesterday by Assistant
Dean Charles T. Olmstead.
"Our policy is going to be to keep
the number of students living in
apartments down to the number who
have excellent reasons," Dean Olm-
stead said. "The regulation requir-
ing permission from this office will
be much more rigidly enforced next
year "
All students who are at present
living in apartments without per-
mission, have been asked to report to
his office and show cause why they
should be allowed to remain.
Regulations of the Board of Re-
gents require that all students,
whether graduates or undergrad-
uates, must live in houses approved
by the University. The number who
are wilfully violating this regulation
was estimated by Dean Olmstead to
be small because many of them are
not aware that it exists.
Married students are not required
to obtain permission, Dean Olmstead
The best reason for obtaining per-
mission, he said, is that the student

the weather and every flight since
has had to delay for favorable con-
ditions. We know, however, that
good flying weather always prevails
in the stratosphere."
Flights via the Azores kill avoid
the weather difficulty to some ex-
tent but, Chamberlain said, because
of the round about course they would
have to fly from New York to London
there would be plenty of times when
the Queen Mary would cross more
Chamberlain, who will be in De-
'troit and Cleveland for the next few
weeks raising money for the flight
by barpstorming in a giant Condor
transport, will probably address the
institute of areonautical sciences at
the University during this time.
Schoolm asters
Open Sessions
Of Conference,

Scholars Are
To Be Feted
At 1 To aday
More Than 800 Students
To Receive Recognition
In Hill Auditorium
Classes Are Then
To Be Dismissed

Miller Attacks
Compu 1 sory
Military Training Here Is'
Sought For In Measure
Introduced In Lansing
Trends In College
Cted By Colonel

Meeting Of Board Set
For 8 A.Jt., May 15
The Board in Control of Student
Publications will hold its meeting for
the appointment of managing editor
and business manager of The Michi-
gan Daily, The Summer Michigan
Daily, the Michiganensian, and the
Gargoyle, and business manager of
the Summer Directory, at 8 a.m., May
15, 1937.
Each applicant for a position is re-
quested to file eight copies of his
letter of application with the Audi-
tor of Student Publications not later
than May 8, 1937, for the use of the
members of the Board. Carbon copies,
if legible, will be satisfactory. Each_

Packard Vote;
Workers' Bil
Is Introduce d
Union Wins A 4-1 Victory
In First Of Automobile
Indus try Elections
Murphy Requests
Expansive Powers

Demonstrations In
Work Will Mark
Point OfMeetings


More than 800 students in all Compulsory military' training for letter should state facts as to
schools and colleges of the Univer- men at the University, sought in applicant's experience upon the p
sity will receive public recognition bill introduced in the State g a n or elsewhere, so far as t
for outstanding scholastic achieve- inrmay have any bearing upon his qu
ment at the 14th annual Honors Con- ture by Rep. F. Dean Morley, Dem- ifications for the position sought,a
vocation at 11 a.m. today in Hill Au- ocrat, New Troy, was deemed "un- other facts which the applicant r
ditorium. necessary," by Col. Henry W. Miller, d
All classes, with the exception of head of the department of mechan- E. R. SUNDERLAND,
clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m inn nBusiness Manager, Board I
Students in clinical classes who are mnControl of Student Publica
receiving honors at the Convocation engineering colleges yesterday. tions.
will be excused in order to attend. Col. Miller indicated that if mili- _ _
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the po- tary training is optional, all who en-
litical science department will de- roll for the preliminary course us- ,T-
liver the Convocation address. Pres- ually go on to the advance course, arI er - A or1
ident Ruthven will preside at the which trains them for second lieuten-
meeting and the honor students will ant commissions, while it has been Part Fa ore
be presented to him by Dean Joseph shown, he said, that when military P rya o
A. Bursley, chairman of the honors training is forced, further service in,
committee. the army in pursuit of a commission Q anl e
Honors .will go to 202 seniors, 90 is distasteful.
juniors, 75 sophomores, 94 freshmen, Morley Introduced Bill }
121 recipients of graduate fellow- Morley's bill would make one year's By ROBERT PERLMAN
ships and scholarships, and 171 hold training in military tactics a man- j Declaring her support of a farm
ers of special scholarship awards and datory condition to enrollment in the labor party as the means of polit
154 recipients of other awards in the University. Military training is now, action for workers' and profession
Graduate School. optional here, but is obligatory for interests, Mary Van Kleeck, direc
The faculty and the senior and two years at Michigan State College.j .R
graduate studyen reenhnors nThe history of military training in of idustrial research of the Rus
graduatenstudents receivingthonrs state universities began, Col. Miller Sage Foundation, yesterday in
tional cap and gown at the Convo- said when, in 1862, Congressman nterview hailed student groups I
ctionalthaphandgo ate onvo-l Morril introduced a bill to furnish the local SWF and the Ameri
cation, although no procession will be those state universities which would Student Union, as excellent prelu
held. A section of the auditorium establish courses in military science to post-graduate action and orga
will be reserved for the honors group of land. At resenthsaid atin.

Educators from all parts of the
state yesterday gathered here for a
three day conference of the 51st an-
.nual meeting of the Schoolmasters]
Yesterday's sessions were devoted
to three general conferences all held
in the Union. Among the speakers
at these meetings were Paul Rankin,
chairman of the state committee on
curriculum revision, Eugene B. El-
liott, state superintendent of public
instruction and Prof. Clarence D.
Thorpe of the English department
Class demonstrations and confer-
ences on many subjects which start
at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Univer-
sity high school will be the high point
of the meeting of the club, Prof.
Raleigh Schorling of the education
school said yesterday.
There will be a general meeting at
9 a.m. tomorrow and at 10 a.m. the
meeting will resolve into individual
demonstration lessons on many sub-
jects, among which are fine arts, Eng-
lish, Latin, mathematics and French.
Today, conferences will begin at
8:30 a m. and continue through the
late afternoon.
'The report of yesterday's confer-
ences follows:
Mr. Rankin introduced the theme
of the morning's discussion, "New
(Contnued on Page 2)
Engineers To Hold
Open House Today
Michigan's first engineering "Open
House" since 1935 will start at noon
today when the first of the complete
tours of all the exhibits will begin.
Registration will take place in the
lobby of the East Engineering build-
ing where the official trips begin and
end. Guides have been provided by
the "Open House" in sufficient num-
bers to enable tours to begin at few
minute intervals. A special feature
will be that there is no retracing ofE
steps from the start to the end. j




'Tovarich' Cast
Is Picked For
Drama season
The-cast for the climaxing produc-
tion of the Dramatic Season "To-
varich," has been chosen, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Robert Hen-
derson, director of the Season, by
Gilbert Miller, New York and Lon-
don theatrical manager with whose
permission the play is being given1
here. The production will be pre-
sented from June 7?through June 12
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Supporting Mlle. Elene Miramova,
who was the star in Mr. Miller's
"Grand Hotel" London production,
will be Evelyn Varden who scored a
success last season in New "York in
"Russet Mantle," as Fernande Du-
pont, together with Stanio Bragiot-
ti as Count Feodor Brekenski. Mr.
Bragiotti has several times played
with Katherine Cornell.
Dennis Hoey, who was brought
from England this season by the New
York Theatre 'Guild has been en-
gaged for the role of the Russian
communist, Commissar Gorotchenko.
Other leading roles will be played by
Robert Graham as the Parisian
banker; Robert Regent, juvenille ac-
tor as the young Georges Dupont;
and Jessie Graham as Louise, the
cook. All of these artists are being
especially brought here from New
York to appeai only in "Tovarich."

biW iVl V ~1 " l V j/ f}1 , 1L 1 ,
the University does have some land
gained in this way.
Some schools, he pointed out, in-.
fluenced by the events of the Civil
War, did make the training compul-
sory. Students of some such schools
have recently challenged this system.
The Supreme Court of Maryland de-
creed in the case of the University3
of Maryland that if the fact were
advertised to prospective students
that training was compulsory, then
the school had the right to make it
so. "Some schools feel that students
are benefited by the training," Col
Miller said.
Gives Former Reasons
The reason for schools having mil-
itary departments at all, he con-
tinued, is that accordingto the Na-
tional Defense Act we have set up a
mechanism to raise six field armies
of approximately three million men.
For this army, he said, 120,000 of-
ficers are needed. Formerly these
officers were drafted from those who
had served in the World War, but
now they must be obtained from the
225 state schools and government;
schools which have military depart-
T. P. Wright, director of the. Wright
Aircraft Co., made. a brief survey of
the future of the aviation industry in
an address before the first annual
banquet 'of the Institute of Aeronau-
tical Sciences last night at the Union.
A .group of more than 125 students
and graduates were present at the
banquet and installation of officers
which proceeded the talk.

Miss Van Kleeck, a former trusteet
of Smith College, urged "all students
to oppose any curtailment of their
civil rights and academic freedom."
Asked her opinion of the apparentt
split between the CIO and the AFs
of L, Miss Van Kleeck stated "the
break precedes unity; the rank and
file of the AF of L will probably rallyY
around the CIO as a center for unifi-
Discusses Wagner Act
The recent validation of the Wag-
ner Labor Relations Act "gives gov-
ernmental sanction to the right of
collective bargaining," Miss Vanr
Kleeck said, "but the possibilities of
interference through the arbitrationv
and mediation clauses must be re-I
sisted by workers." Miss Van Kleeckt
declared, "corporations' use of pri-t
vate police must be abolished."k
In answer to the question whethers
an ultimate shift of control to the
workers" can be accomplished whole-I
ly by legislation, Miss Van Kleeck
replied, "the stronger the workersr
are at that time, the less dangerc
there will be of violence, but the im-
mediate task is to organize on thez
economic and political fronts. Af
farmer-labor government's legislation
will obviate many of the necessities
for violent revolution."
Cites Pressure Groups
Commenting on pressure groups
that act on universities for the in-
fringement of academic freedom, an
influence she claimed would be elim-
inated by a counter-pressure from
workers and professionals, Miss Van
Kleeck told of a professor who "had
been allowed to leave a university.
But the administration shook when
a protest came from the Am'erican
Newspaper Guild whose reporters
write university news."
" .f
Bill Is P laced
Out For Debate
The House Ways and Means Com-
mittee yesterday reported out the
University appropriation bill calling
for $4,673,253. -
With organized opposition having
seemingly collapsed during the past
week, the bill is expected to pass
speedily. Debate on the measure may
begin today, although there is some
possibility that the House will not
catch up on its calendar until next
week, the Associated Press said.
The committee inserted a clause
in the original bill to the effect that
the University receive the specific
amount of $4,673,253, rather than an
appropriation equal to .83 mill tax
as was provided for in the bill intro-
duced a month ago by Rep. Joseph
E. Warner, Ypsilanti Republican, and
Rep. Martin A. Kronk, Detroit Dem-
The bill provides for an amount
identical to that which President

DETROIT, April 29.--({P)--The
United Automobile Workers of Amer-
ica gained recognition as bargaining
agency for more than 14,000 Packard
Motor Car Company employes to-
night with a four-to-one margin in
the first government-controlled elec-
tion in the automobile industry under
the Wagner Act.
Hailing the result as a "cross-sec-
tion of the sentiment of automobile
workers throughout the nation," the
union prepared to resume negotia-
tions with the Packard management
tomorrow on 21 other demands it pre-
sented several weeks ago.
The UAWA received 11,588 votes
in Wednesday's election conducted by
the National Labor Relations Board
in the Packartd plant, final returns
showed, and 2,655 employes opposed
union recognition.
Alvan Macauley, Packard president
and also president of the American
Automobile Manufacturers Associa-
tion, complimenting the NLRB for
"the efficient and completely impar-
tial manner in which the election was
held," said:
Employes Expressed Desire
"Our employes have expressed their
desires by their vote. We are pleased
that the matter has been determined
peacefully and with apparent good
will all around."
Frank H. Bowen, regional direc-
tor for the Labor Relations Board,
said that before the election both
company and union agreed in writ-
ing to abide by the results for one
In a formal -statement the UAWA
executive board termed the result an
"overwhelming victory" and added:
Industrial Un;on Wanted
"It proves conclusively that the
workers of this nation want to be
represented by the bona fide demo-
cratic industrial union. It is an over-
whelming vindication of the Wagner
Labor Relations Law for it shows
that with company coercion removed,
the matter of union recognition can
be settled without resorting to a
A working agreement between the
UAWA and the Motor Wheel Cor-
poration of Lansing, Mich., was an-
nounced today, naming the union as
collective agent for its members and
providing hourly, wage minimums,
after 90 days' employment, of 75 cents
for men and 70 cents for women.
Labor Bill Introduced
LANSING, Apri 29 -(IP)-Gover
nor Murphy submitted to the Lelis-
lature today his program for abating
industrial strife in Michigan.
In an exhaustive bill prohibiting
strikes or lockouts without prelimin-
ary mediation efforts the Governor
proposed to set up machinery to force
negotiations and to meet emergen-
cies. In an accompanying special
message to. the Legislature he urged
enactment of measures already intro-
duced providing minimum wages,
maximum hours and compensation
for occupational diseases.
After Wagner Act
The administration Labor Bill was
patterned to some extent after the
Wagner Labor Relations Act. It made
no provision to outlaw sit-down
strikes until after negotiations have
been exhausted. The bill would legal-
ize peaceful picketing, and even sit-
down and other form of strikes if
other means of settlement failed, but
would give the state government
broad authority to deal with emer-
gencies that might arise in cases of
violence or labor disputes interfer-
ing with essential work, such as hos-
pitals, police and fire protection, and
those affecting major industries.
Can Declare Emergency
In case of controversies interfer-
ing with so-called essential activities,
with major industries or in cases of
violence, or with disputes threatening
to inconvenience or work hardships
upon the public, the Governor could
declare a public emergency. The
State Administrative Board, under
the proposed law, then would be-
come a "Council of State" to sit with
the Governor and deermine what

steps to take. It would be a viola-
tion of the Act to encourage or partic-
ipate in a strike or lockout in such
emergency cases "until the Gvernor

I mnct Nn hic nwn

cooking in order to

Large List Made Essential
By Round Table Groups,
Says Chairman
Thirty-seven faculty members and
two ministers will serve.on the panel
of the Spring Parley this year, it wasI
announced last night by Ralph Dan-
hof of the sociology department,
chairman of the Parley's executive
Parley will convene Friday, Sat-
urday, and .Sunday, May 7, 8, and 9
at the Union to plan "A Program For
Our Times."
The decision, this year, to split the
Parley into round table groups of
about 15 students and a faculty mem-
ber if too great a diversity of inter-
ests is shown at the Saturday meet-
ings has made this large panel neces-
sary, Mr. Danhof said.
"China by the Chinese" is the title
of a special luncheon that will be
given jointly Saturday, May 8 by
the Parley and the Model League As-
sembly in the League B allroom.
Short talks at the luncheon by five
Chiiese students will start a panel
discussion at which four faculty
members will sit. They are: Prof. J.
R. Hayden, chairman of the political
science department and former vice- I
governor of the Philippines; Prof.
Charles Remer, acting chairlan of
the economics department; Y. Z.


(Continued on Page 2)

Final Examinations Will Be Held June 31To 12

For College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; =School of Educa-
tin; School of Music; School of Forestry and Conservation; School of
Business Administration; and Graduate School, as compiled by Prof.
harry C. Carver of the mathematics department.


Time of Exercise
(To be used only
in case no group
letter is listed)
Monday at 8
Monday at 9
Monday at 10
Monday at 11
Monday at 1
Monday at 2
Monday at 3
Tuesday at 8
Tuesday at 9
Tuesday at 10
Tuesday at 11
Tuesday at 1
Tuesday at 2
Tuesday at 3

having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz
Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the
examinations period in amount equal to that normally devoted to
such work during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below
the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exami-
nation periods should be reported for adjustment to Professor J. C.
Brier, Room 3223 East Engineering Building, before June 1. To avoid
misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notifica-
tion from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in
each course during the period June 3 to June 12.
No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination.

Time of Exam
Monday, June
Friday, June
Saturday, June
Friday, June
Friday, June
Thursday, June
Tuesday, June
Friday, June
Saturday, June
Tuesday, June
Wednesday, June
Saturday, June
Wednesday, June
Thursday, June
Monday, June
Thursday, June
Saturday, June
Thursday, June


2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5

No date of examination may
Classification Committee.
Time of Exercise

be changed without the consent of the
Time of Examinatioai





June 7, 8-12
June, 4, 8-12
June 5, 8-12
June 4, 8-12
June 11, 8-12
June 3, 8-12
June 8, 8-12
June 11, 2- 6
June 5, 2- 6
June 8, 2- 6
June 9, 2- 6
June 12, 8-12
_inn 9 Rl

*Correction-+-In the University Folder this group was wrongly sched-


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