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April 23, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-23

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. Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the autho ity of the Board in Control of
Sttident Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatchescrdited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
.Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
,;second lass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Iiershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIQHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Ture Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
8PORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman;
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
Gerstacker. "
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department'
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, RobertuLodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Lyne, uss Cole, Henry Homes,
Womens Business'Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
Steiner, .Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
aBaxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
'J. Cameron Hal, Accunts Manager; Richard Croushore,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
.Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
::Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Rock-a-Bye Baby
In A Tree Top. ...
T A TIME when we are presented
with such dramatic proof of the
need for Federal anti-lynching legislation as the
Duck Hill, Miss., atrocity of last week, it is diffi-
cult to consider the Gavagan Bill calmly.
It was unfortunate that this event should
have coincided with the consideration of the
Bill in the House, since the roused feelings in
Washington prevented a more deliberate action
on the measure.,
Having been passed by a two-to-one majority
in the House, the Bill is now up for considera-
tion by the Senate.
Two issues arose out of the House debate
on the bill. These issues deal first with the
form ,anti-lynching legislation should take, and
second with the question of whether such legis-
lation should be enacted by the individual states
or by the federal government.
We will not here discuss the advantages or dis-
advantages of federal .action for the form of the
bill is such that it must be defeated regardless.
Section 3 of the bill provides that any officer
of a state failing to act to prevent a lynching
can be held liable and is guilty of a felony, sub-
ject to a fine and/or imprisonment. It has been
pointed out that under this clause it would be
entirely possible for the Governor of a state
to be declared guilty for failure to call out the
National Guard in time.
Section 5 holds the county in which the lynch-
ing takes place liable for damages, with the cases
to be tried in Federal district court. Disregard-
ing the constitutionality of this provision, the
clause is poor in that a situation might very well
arise where the federal government would tie up
state law with contempt of court proceedings.
That is, the Federal government would assess
a fine against a county for its failure to pre-
vent a lynching; the county treasurer not
having the legal authority under state law to
make the payment would have to refuse; then
the Council Treasurer and Board of Supervisors
would be held in contempt of the Federal Court.
Apart from the hasty drafting of which the
proponents of the bill are guilty, they have

missed or avoided two important points that
must be considered in any attempt to legislate
lynching out of existence.
The bill makes no attempt to tackle the case
where the victim of a lynching is captured in
spite of attempts to the contrary by the officials
involved. It thus assumes that every lynching
takes place with their aid.
There is further no provision to prevent lynch-
ings where the victim has not been arrested, or
has been freed by police for lack of evidence.
Evidently no responsibility can be placed upon
officials for freeing a man they feel is innocent
(this also provides an easy way out for an
officer who is aligned with the mob).
For these cases the only legislative remedy is
.to punish all members of the mob with a jail
sentence and its ringleaders with at least life im-
prisonment. Upon the question of whether or
not such a law can be enforced depends the value
of anti-lynching legislation, state or federal.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as exressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance anki interest to the campus.
Michigan Sobriety
To the Editor:
The average Michigan student is not a rah-
rah drunk. He is not a cowboy and he is not an
Indian. This popular misconception of the aver-
age college man was buried in the avalanche of
1929, in which many other things were also
buried. A substantial majority of us are from
middle-class families and a significant propor-
tion from the laboring class. The past seven
years have not been particularly comforting and
quieting for most of us. Chronic economic de-
pression, with its attendant antagonisms, repres-
sions, and suppressions, the questionable status
of the student thrown upon his own resources
and forced to work for a living and an education,
the maddening threat of a new war which would
involve us most directly; all these things and
others have forced us to look about, to question
the divinity of the status quo, and to actually
seek a satisfactory solution.
We do not all agree upon the ultimate and
final solution for these evils. But more and more
of us have come to see that in the face of these
immediate threats, significant gains can be won
only by the immediate cooperation of all in the
broadest program possible. This program should
be organized for education and for independent
day-to-day social action for peace, economic se-
curity, racial and social equality, and broader
social understanding.
On the Michigan campus a good many inde-
pendent, separated groups have taken a part
in this day-to-day struggle for peace and prog-
ress. But each group has remained somewhat
restricted and narrow in its outlook. It has failed
to clearly understand that its program is ra-
tionally but a part of a larger program which
includes all the individual planks in a har-
monious whole.
With this background in mind, the initial
steps which have been taken toward the forma-
tion of a broad, united progressive organization
on the Michigan campus are most gratifying. Re-
cently representatives of The Michigan Daily,
the Student Christian Association, the Peace
Council, the Student Workers Federation, the
Presbyterian and Baptist Churches, the Liberal
Students Union, the Student Alliance, and the
Friends of Spanish Democracy met in caucus
and adopted a broad five-point program for
peace, economic security, racial and social equal-
ity, academic freedom, and a broader stude it
life. This is the first time that such a broad
representative group has met on a similar pro-
gram of progressive social action.
But only the first step has been taken. There
are hundreds of Michigan students with progres-
sive and liberal social views. There are hundreds
more who are potentially in this category. It is
for these hundreds that this new organization is
intended. With such a broad program envi-
sioned many will ask, "Must a student accept
all of the five points to become a member of
the organization? Is he responsible for all the
work which the organization undertakes?" The
answer is no. A student need b'ut accept one of
the five major points and accept membership
on a committee working on this point. The col-
lective policy of the organization shall be deter-
mined by a majority vote of the entire member-
ship. The program is elastic and broad in the
fullest sense of the word.
This organization, with a broader and more
advanced position than any of its subordinate
parts, does not attempt to compete with pro-
gressize organizations already existing. Its pur-
pose is cooperation and independent action. A
gradual assimilation and fusion with some of
these distinct independent groups will probably
take place as their outlook broadens.
The first regular membership meeting of this

united progressive group, temporarily named the
Student Union, will be held after spring vaca-
tion, Tuesday, April 27. All progressive and lib-
eral students and faculty members should thor-
oughly investigate this opportunity to find them-
As Others See It
Thomas Mann
(From the New York Herald Tribune)
IN PAYING TRIBUTE to Mr. Thomas Mann's
intellectual integrity and spiritual courage the
American Guild for German Cultural Freedom
honored qualities that in Germany have been
suppressed. The real tragedy lies in the fact, so
clearly implicit in all that Mr. Mann has said
since he has been here, that these are the very
qualities which made the German people great.
Mr. Mann happens to embody them in high de-
gree. He represents the best of the older Ger-
many. But at the same time that the world wel-
comes his escape from German tyranny it de-
plores the disastrous results of wholesale sup-
pression of intellectual freedom such as have
occurred in Germany in the last four years.
The only note of optimism comes from Mr.
Mann himself. He contends-and surely rightly
-that it is not alone among the German exile
that the need for spiritual freedom is recognized.
Inside Germany itself many persons are be-_
ginning to realize the importance of the reasser-
tion of this freedom. When the opportunity
comes to regain it they will grasp it. And, hav-

BENEATH * ** *
« -By Bonth Williams
TONIGHT and tomorrow night takes place the
Michigras at which everybody will romp be-
cause the romping grounds of the Union and
League will not be available to rompers. Also
people will come because they are plenty sick
and tired of the usual panty-waist coke sipping
dances which feature Ann Arbor week-ends.
Furthermore, it is a good thing. It will serve
to give the gals a swimming pool to keep them
healthy and the boys a dormitory so they can
be happy as the girls. As the boys already have
two swimming pools, everything will then be

** *


THIS BUSINESS of the missing Gargoyles has,
been most unsatisfactorily solved. Too many
discrepancies in the alibis of those concerned
have caused grave doubts to arise in my mind
as to the correctness of the solution as explained
A phone call late in the afternoon promised
to reveal all in a letter which, according to the
mysterious voice, will be delivered to me some-
time before midnight Friday.
* * * *
Trusdell would write for this column his re-
actions to Chicago's recent triple "mercy" ex-
ecution. Dick was as good as his word, and here
it is:
Dear Bonth:
There were a hundred and forty of us crowded
into the little, stuffy execution room; a hundred
and forty out of more than five thousand who
had applied for permission to see the perform-
ance of the state's most unpleasant function.
Three men were about to die in the electric
chair, and we were privileged to see their last
convulsive movement. They were paying with
their lives for that mad instant in their exist-
ence which had prompted them to kill an officer
of that same state, paying for it in what some
nervously casual person in the room tersely called
Cook County's "triple feature attraction."
I found myself wondering at the morbid cur-
iousity which had prompted us to come to that
stinking, close-packed room to watch these mur-
derers quiver, but then I remembered the tense
thrill with which we had watched the "human
cannon ball" at the circus the night before, and
the funny, pleasant-unpleasant feeling we had
felt in the pit of the stomach as he climbed in,
and as the huge gun was meticulously aimed to
spew him out at the proper angle.

* * *


Lord, it was hot! Hot with a nervous, close
dampness of crowded bodies-or was it mental?
I noticed my hands were damp on my knees,
and while I was trying to talk casually to Bill,
a moment later I couldn't recall what I had said.
It was as if each of us in that room felt person-
ally responsible for the oppressive silence over
the voices of us all, a silence that exploded into
quiet at the scraping beat of feet suddenly on
the other side of the glass partition.
Joseph Schuster, 30, murderer, was being
pushed toward the stiff, straight-backed
chair. New pants cut off at the khee, a clean
shirt-and a mask. Ten eternal seconds
from door to chair, strapped arm and leg,
metal cap, and black shield.
Somewhere four guards threw four
switches, and Joseph Schuster gave a con-
vulsive heave into eternity, and I suddenly
thought of the man hurtling out of the gun
in a puff of smoke,- and the thousands of
people applauding in a void. And only then
did I become conscious of the tremendous
commotion behind me as frantic men plead-
ed to see the dead man die, their view shut
off by the crowd in front.
But it was all over: seven doctors filed by,
listened with stethoscopes: "The man is
dead." The guards carried him off some-
Stanley Murawski, 37, next. Shirtless, white,
white skin, a black mask, trembling, Murawski
was hustled into the room, across it, into the
empty throne. The cry "I can't:see" became a
clamor, men shoved and scrambled. Murawski,
unheeding, jerked convulsively, and left them.
The seven doctors listened again, a little fool-
ishly, for heartbeats, and the guards carried him
Frank Whyte, 47, next. Someone called him
"Doc" once, and it stuck. But he killed a po-
liceman, Michael Toth, once, too, and that stuck
harder, so they dragged him in, and strapped
him down. This time the clamor became bed-
lam; spectators stood on benches, begged, plead-
ed "down in front," jostled.
They hung from the water pipes on the ceiling
and swore in a last, desperate effort to see what
legal killing was like, and four guards somewhere
pushed four switches, each hoping his was not
the connected one, and "Doc" Whyte followed
Joseph Schuster and Stanley Murawski off some-
And those of us who had seen wished we
had not, and those of us who had not wished
we had, and we all scrambled out into the cold,
and somehow deliciously clean air, carrying with
us a profound disgust and the awful realization
that under different circumstances, it might
have been us the mob had fought to see die.
-Dick Trusdell.
and bold spirits-not of terrorized souls. Free-
dom of thought and freedom of expression are
essential if civilization is to advance. When au-
thority is used to stifle truth, culture wanes.
It is because Hitler's Germany has done so
much to suppress Thomas Mann's Germany that

(Extracts from an article by Frank
S. Nugent in the New York Times).
It was not so long ago, either by1
memory or chronology, that the mu-
sical accompaniment to our filmed
dramas was blandly entrusted to an
agile "professor" who thumped a
tinny piano beneath the screen, giv-s
ing freely of his muscles and stingily
of his repertoire in the service of the
public. The professor was a forth-
right soul. Being a network of con-
ditioned reflexes, he could not see a
sentimental scene without breaking
into "Hearts and Flowers" or "Smilin'
Through." His storm and chase epi-
sodes usually brought out the worst
features of the "William Tell Over-
ture," "Orpheus in the Underworld,"
or "Poet and Peasant"
Nobody paid much attention to the
professor. We took him for granted,
like the slide asking the ladies to re-
move their hats, the gentlemen to
refrain from whistling, and the one
-signed by the Fire Commissioner-
urging us to look around and, in case
of fire, walk, NOT RUN, to the near-
est exit. It was only when he de-
serted his post for a glass of water,
or some other urgent human need,
that we realized his value. The screen
was strangely listless when his pi-
ano was still; and audiences, ill-tem-
pered as small children, would stamp
impatiently until the poor wretch
-hurried back to his bench to impro-
vise for an uncertain moment, then
plunge unerringly into "Take Me Out
to the Ball Game" and be forgotten
That was music's first role in the
cinema, hackneyed, abused, and un-
inspired. Today each studio has its
quota of distinguished musicians-
composers, conductors, singers, and
instrumentalists. The list of names
suggests that not merely the Metro-
politan Opera but Carnegie Hall has
gone Hollywood. It seems to be the
classical counterpart of the process'
that swept Broadway's Tin Pan Alley
to the Gold Coast, and it makes us
realize that Mr. Will Hays is not just
boasting when he says: "Many fac-
tors in recent years, including im-
proved technique, have combined to
hasten the day when, by reason of
the screen, the crossroads will be the
golden horseshoe of the opera."
The latest operatic recruit, joining
Lily Pons, Lawrence: Tibbett, Grace
Moore, and Gladys Swarthout, is Kir-
sten Flagstad, who has been signed
by Paramount for its "Big Broadcast
of 1938." Leopold Stokowski, mean-
while, goes ahead with his exper-
iments .on sound production for
Universal's "120 Men and a Girl."
His hope is to make screen music an
integral part of the picture, not
something added afterward.
There is no need to enumerate, or
even call attention to, the number of
operatic arias which have been fitted
into our musical films. A newer de-
velopment has been the use of class-
ical scores as background. Elizabeth
$ergner's new film, "Dreaming Lips,"
opens with Beethoven's D-major vio-
lin concerto. The same composer
provided part of the music fabric for
the Russian "Beethoven Concerto."
The Warner edition of "A Midsum-
mer Night's Dream" had many faults,
but Erich Wolfgang Korngold's treat-
ment of Mendelssohn's dream music
was not among them. Among other
noteworthy adaptations of older
themes, frequently amounting to or-
iginal composition, might be men-
tioned Herbert Stothart's employ-
ment of medieval music and instru-
mentation in "Romeo and Juliet,"
his operatic revision of Tschaikow-
sky's Fifth Symphony in the current

"Maytime," Mr. Korngold's use of
Negro spirituals in "Green Pastures,"
and Dr.,Ernest Toch's and Leo Forb-
stein's interweaving of several themes
in the climactic scenes of "The
Charges of the Light Brigade."
Original scores, written by many
of the world's finest composers, are
increasingly in use. They pass un-
recognized and unheralded for the
most part, and to a degree quite'
properly so, for one of the essentials
of a fine score is that it be unobtru-
sive. Among the illustrations which
come readily to mind are George
Antheil's score for "The Plainsman,"
Dimitri Tiomkin's "Lost Horizon,"
Werner Janssen's "The General Died
at Dawn," Anton Porfe's "The Eter-
nal Mask," Max Steiner's "The In-
former," and Dr. Toch's "The Pri-
vate Life of Don Juan."
But what of full-length opera?
"The focus of film music to come is!
original film opera," Dr. Toch says,
"This cannot be done by adapting
old operas for the screen, for the
conception of stage-opera music is
bound to be different from what film-
opera must be. To adapt existing
operas-with their arias, duets, en-
s'mbles, finales, dances, marches, and
the like-means to mitilate either
screen action or the music itself. Mu-
sic of film-opera has to create and
develop its own forms out of typical
screen action, combining its different
laws of space, time, and motion with
constant music Laws.
"Although the stage-opera and the
libretto can be written separately
and freauently are." he adds. "the

FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1937
VOL. XLVII No. 143
No' tices
Notice: Attention of all concerned,
and particularly of those having of-
fices in Haven Hall, or the Western
portion of the Natural Science Build-
ing, to the fact that parking of cars
in the driveway between these two
buildings is at all times inconvenient
to other users of the drive and some
times results in positive danger to
other drivers and to pedestrians on
the diagonal and other walks. You
are respectfully asked not to park
there, and if members of your famnily
call for you, especially at noon when
traffic both on wheels and on foot is
heavy, it is especially urged that the

Publication in the Bulietin Is constructive notice tO all Lnenbuers itoe
Oniversity. Copy received at the office t the A aitan to the. Preidles
untal 3:30; 11:00 am. on iaturday.

car wait for you in the parking spaceI
adjacent to the north door of Uni-
versity Hall, Waiting in the drive-1
way blocks traffic and involves con-
fusion, inconvenience and danger
just as much when a person is sitting
in a car as when the car is parked
University Senate Committee on
Attention Seniors: Orders for Com-1
mencement Invitations will be taken
by the committees in all the depart-
ments beginning this afternoon and
extending through Friday. Unless.
otherwise specified in notices on bul-'
letin boards in the various schools,
the sale will extend from 2 to 5 p.m.
on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day. All seniors are urged to place
their orders promptly and to watch
their departmental bulletin boards
for notices.r
Sophomore, Junior and Senior En-
gineers: Mid-semesterreports for
gradesbelow C are now on file and
open to inspection in the office of.
the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West
Engineering Building.
A. H. Lovell,
Assistant Dean.
Senior and Graduate Students:
Those senior and graduate students
who have been invited to be guests
of honor at the Fourteenth Annual
Honors Convocation of the Univer-
sity of Michigan should order caps
and gowns immediately at the Moe
Sport Shop or Van Boven Inc. It is
necessary to place these orders at
once in order that the caps and
gowns may be delivered in time for
the Convocation, April 30.
Joseph A. Bursley, Chairman
Committee on Honors
Oriental Women: Mrs. Elizabeth
Cotton, Foreign Division, Y.W.C.A.,
will be in Ann Arbor this afternoon
and tomorrow morning to interview
Oriental women concerning summer
vacations, opportunities for learning
summer camp methods in Y.W.C.A.
camps, and opportunities for visiting
local Y.W.C.A.'s while they are liv,
ing in this country. Oriental stu-
dents who are returning home via
Europe are usually interested in re-
ceiving introductions to the World's
Y.W.C.A. in Geneva and the national
Yuen movements in other countries.
All Oriental women 'students are in-
vited to talk with Mrs. Cotton. Her
headquarters will be in the Office of
the Dean of Women.
Summer "Session Students: Any
woman student desiring residence in
the University dormitories for the
SummerSession should make appli-
cation as soon as possible at the
Office of the Dean of Women.
Househeads: Having rooms for
light housekeeping, furnished and
unfurnished apartments suitable for
graduate women students for the
Summer Session are requested to call
the Office of the Dean of Women as
soon as possible.
Academic Notices
Playwriting (English 150) will meet
Tuesday night, April 27, instead of
Monday, in Room 3212 A.H. instead
'of 3217 A.H.
Kenneth Rowe.
History 92: This class will meet in
Natural Science Auditorium at 2 p.m.
Friday, April 30, instead of West
Physics Lecture. This change is for
April 30 only.
Preston W. Slosson.
Metal Processing 5 (Welding): A
trip to the Great Lakes Engineering
Works at Ecorse has been arranged
for Saturday, April 24. Cars 'for
transportation will be provided for
the class and will leave the East En-
gineering Building promptly at 8 a.m.-
returning during the afternoon.

Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer
ChristianaUniversity organist, will
give an all Bach program of organ
nusic Sunday afternoon at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The gen-
eral public, with the exception of
small children, is invited without ad-
mission charge.
May Festival Tickets: The sale of
individual tickets for May Festival
concerts will begin at 8:30 o'clock
Monday morning, April 26. The sale
of season tickets will also continue.

Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A collection of Modern Dress and
Drapery Textiles created by the Bu-
reau of Style and Design of Marshall
Field & Co., Manufacturing Division,
is being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room of the Architectural
Building. Open daily 9 to 5 through
April 27. The public is cordially in-
Engineering Lecture: Monday and
Tuesdayanights, April 26 and 27,rat
47 p.m. at the Michigan Union, Prof.
Richard S. Kirby will deliver two
illustrated lectures on Early En-
gineers and Early Engineering. The
members of the faculty of the
University, and .students, as well as
all other interested parties are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Professor Kirby is a professor at
Yale University. He is an outstand-
ing authority on a number of en-
gineering subjects and has been
deeply interested in engineering his-
tory. These facts are a guarantee
of the high quality of the address.
The lectures will be for only one
hour so as not to interfere with prep-
aration for the classes of the follow-
ing day.
John S. Worley.
Events Today
Senior Engineers' Meeting: There
will be an important meeting for all
Engineers this morning at 10 a.m.,
Room 348. Prof. H. C. Anderson and
T. Hawley Tapping will speak. The
meeting concerns senior and alumni
activities. Seniors are excused from
Esperanto: The Esperanto Class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today.
Alpha Kappa Delta: Short business
meeting for members at 4 p.m. this
afternoon, Room D, Haven Hall.
Sigma Delta Chi: There will be
an important meeting of all mem-
bersand guests at 12:15 p.m. today
in the Union. Everyone must be
The Athletic group of the Michi-
gan Dames will hold a general meet-
ing today at 8 p.m. at the Michigan
League. All members are urged to
attend. The room number will be
posted on the League bulletin board.
The 1937 Ann Arbor Dramatic
Season: The Season Ticket Sale for
the coming Dramatic Season, to be
presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre from May 17 through June
12, opens today at the Garden Room
of the Michigan League building;
and continues daily thereafter, ex-
cluding Sundays, from 9 a.m. to 9
Coming Events
Chemistry Motion Pictures: Mr.
Shuster of the 'DuPont Company will
show several sound films covering the
manufacture of important chemical
'products. The pictures will be
shown Monday, April 26, at 4:30 p.m.
in the Chemistry Amphitheatre.
Red Cross Life Savers and Exam-
iners: The Red Cross field represen-
tative will be in Ann Arbor on May
10, 11 and 12 to give the course oi
instruction for Red Cross Swimming
and Life Saving Examiners.
Until May 10, on each Monday and
Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 9
p.m., there will be a supervisor at
the pool in the Michigan Union to
help any men interested in review-
ing the Senior Red Cross Life Saving
examination or preparing - for the
Eaminers' examination.
Faculty Women's Club: The An-
nual meeting and luncheon will be
held at 1 p.m., Wednesday, April 28,
in the Michigan League ballroom.

Reservations may be madeby calling
the League not later than noon of
April 27.
Catholic Students Hiking Club:
There will be a group of students
leaving at 2 p.m. Saturday from St.

t 4


sity, will lecture on "Land and Sea
in the Ice Age" on Tuesday, April 27,
at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium. The lecture will be illustrat-
ed. The public is cordially invited.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. James B.
Sumner, of the department of bio-
chemistry, Cornell University, will
lecture on the topic "The Chemical
Nature of Enzymes' 'in the Chemistry
Amphitheater at 4:15 p.m., Tues-
day April 27. The lecture is under
the auspices of the University and
the American Chemical Society. The
public is cordially invited.
Junior and Senior Medical Stu-
dents and Medical Faculty: Dr.
Claude F. Dixon of the Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minn.., will give the an-
nual Mayo lecture this afternoon at
1:30 p.m. in the Hospital Amphithe-
aiter. His subject will be "A Grad-
uate of Fifteen Years Ago-Looks

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