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April 04, 1937 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-04

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APRYL 4: 19S7







Greatest Expansion

This Season

Sea Voyages
To Hit Peak
In June, July
Trans -Oceanic Facilities
Taxed Again In August,
And EarlySeptember
Ticket Agents Urge!
Early Reservations
The ever-growing travel industry
will reach its greatest expansion this
How travel conscious America willi
be is best indicated by the estimate
of its travel bill for this year-$3,-
Transportation officials have an-
nounced that all travel reservations
during the popular travel months
will probably be taken by the early
part of May.
Travel abroad will reach its peak
in the last days of June and the
early part of July, coinciding with
college students' trips to foreign
lands. Even now there are few res-
ervations left on boats bound for
either the Orient or Europe in the
weeks immediately following the
close of school.
To Tax Facilities
Oceanic transportation facilities
will again be taxed in the last half
of August and in the first few weeks
of September. Reservations on boats
bound for America during these
weeks will probably be unavailable
simultaneous with foreign-bound
reservations for early summer
North American coastal vessels will
have reservations open only slightly
longer than the end of this month,
travel officials say. Even rail and
inland water transportation to vaca-
tion spots will, be unavailable long
before the summer travel season
reaches its peak.
Travel agents everywhere are at-
tempting to hustle their customers
into making reservations. Middle
Western agents are especially hard
put to in making the aspirant trav-
elers realize that reservations will
be gone soon. Easterners, better ac-1
quainted with the ways of travel,
know better than to wait too long.
Tours Are Favored
The trend this year is toward group
tours. Never before have Lour con-
ductors beenso much in demand.In
the way of destination trend, Alaska
ranks high, the rehabilitation project
of the federal government having
aroused great interest.
Europe, especially with college stu-
dents, is still the favorite for travel
abroad. Its advantage over the Ori-
ent, which has in recent years at-1
tracted an increasingly large number
of tourists, lies not only in the fact
that it is the root of Western culture,
but also in that it is so much better
prepared for travelers.1
"The Far Eastern tourist finds tra-
eling more exiensive because his ac-7
customed habits of living suit him
for only the best hotels and boat pas-
sage. Third class and second-rate
hotels in Europe, on the other hand,
are agreeable to most Americans. '
South American countries are in
much the same position asiFar East-
ern countries.
Almost all European countries have
announced reductions of from 25
to 60 per cent in railroad rates, al-
though each extends special rates on
different terms. Most countries re-
quire - the traveler to declare the
number of days which he will be in
the country and the rail routes which
. he will take before he can take ad-
vantage of tourist rates.

July 2-Aug. 8. Scotland. England, Nor-
way, Sweden, Finland, Denmark. $536
Tourist Class from Montreal. 13-day ex-
tension to Holland, Belgium, France for
an additional $90. Other European tours
$480-$705-Tourist Class from Montreal.
Hotel Webster Hall Detroit, Mich.

Typical Of England's Historical Charm For The



Real Charm Of England Awaits
Motoring Or Boatig Traveler,

Southwestern Wales And
Yorkshire Vales Claimed
Colorful Scenic Spots
The coronation of King George VI
is an added incentive to spend the
summer vacationing in the scenic
beauty of "Ye Merrie Olde England,"
according to Dr. Harold C. Whitehall
of the English department and assis-
tant editor of the Middle English
It is a rare opportunity that the
vacationist cannot afford to miss, Dr.
Whitehall said, for, on a trip to
England this year, he will not only be
able to view the world's most color-
ful ceremony, which is accompanied
by. unparalleled pomp and pageantry,
and to take part in the wide range of
social activities which accompany
and follow the ceremony, but he will
also be able to enjoy the immense
diversity of matchless scenery that
is concentrated in England's rela-
tively small area.
Few See Real England
The British objections to American
travelers is the fact that so few see
the real England, Dr. Whitehall be-
lieves, for Americans going to Eng-
land confine themselves to too few
places and those sections they do
visit are not representative of the
real England. That is, he said, they
stay in London a few days, take a
trip up the Thames to Oxford, make
a hurriedvisit to Stratford-on-Avon,
and perhaps a short stay in the lake
country, and come away with a sat-
isfied air of complete knowledge
about the people and country. They
have only scratched the surface, he
Buy An Automobile
The ideal way to see England, Dr.
Whitehall believes, is to buy, immedi-
ately upon your arrival in England,
an English automobile with the un-
derstanding that - they will buy it
back on your return at a certain set
price. The automobile firms in Lon-
don are perfectly willing to do this
and one will find, he said, that it is
indeed the most practical method,
for one's transportation costs will
be cut to almost nothing.
"Completely free of conducted
tours and hindering bus lines, make a

trip in your auto through Yorkshire
Vales-you will enjoy magnificent
mountain scenery in comparative sol-
itude and it is an unusual country
from the historical standpoint. Or
dash off for a short stay to Devon-
shire and Cornwall in the southeast
for it is perhaps the most beautiful
country in England with almost a
semi-tropical climate due to the tem-
pering influence of the gulf stream.
And don't fail to visit "Little Eng-
land beyond Wales" in southwestern
Wales for it is a very picturesque
country with many strange customs.
"If you are young and hardy, the
bicycle and motorbike are excellent
means of transportation and also
very practical. However, be sure to
confine your bicycling to the rather
level areas or you will find yourself
in for a good bit of work. A very
beautiful section to cycle in is the
lake country in the northwest or in
the plains just northeast of London.
Travel On Canals
"However, if you really wish to
steep yourself in the atmosphere of
England-if you want to get inside
the skin of the really representative
people of England, there is another
means of travel which some would
find very enjoyable. Hire a small
motorboat and see England by canal.I
Few people realize how well de-
veloped are the domestic waterways
of England and consequently this
method of travel is very seldom used.
Although there is a little red-tape
at first it is well worth all the trouble
it might cause you."
One thing that will surprise vis-
itors most, Dr. Whitehall said, is the
terrific racial differences within the
racial stock.
"In the south there is "the Saxon-
blunt, good humored and rather slow
-the typical Englishman. In the
East is the East Anglican who is very
similar to the New Englanders.
North of the Humber and Mersey
Rivers you will find a totally un-
expected type which is rather im-1
petuous and more mentally agile.
While in Wales you will find the
black haired Englishman showing
the Celtic strain."
aI1TE trP

Freighter Trip
Cheap Vacation
For Vagabonds
Colorful, Interesting Trips
At Reduced Prices Lure
Traveling Students
A vagabond trip around the world
on one of the hundreds of tramp
steamers that wend their eccentric
ways to strange out-of-the-way ports
from Cape Town to Nome in search'
of cargo, is a vacation possibility for
students without a large budget.
Prices offered ranged from $2.90-
a-day for trips on Orient-bound Ja-
panese liners to regular $10-a-day all
expense cruises, but the vast majority
of the ships charge only three, four
or five dollars daily.
See South Seas
Among the more interesting voy-
ages is one that lasts five months
and takes the traveler from San
Francisco to Samoa, Australia, New
Guiena, Fiji Islands, Noumea, Tulagi,
the Tonga Islands and many other
little-visited South Sea ports. The!
ships are American, and a flat rate
of $4 a day prevails. This price in-
cludes a stateroom with connecting
A three-months cruise of Scan-
dinavia with stops at Mexico and
Cuba on the return trip costs only
$3.10 a day and has aroused much
interest.Seventy-five dollar rates to
Europe are offered by half-a-dozen
Go To Belgium
Lamport and Holt have a three-
month cruise to Brazil for $3 a day,
while the Black Diamond line offers
a flat price of $120 for a round trip
to Belgium.
A round-the-world journey that
lasts four-and-a-half months is of-
fered by the Blue Funnel line for
$580 or $4.30 a day, with the stipu-
lation that women are to be ac-
companied by male relatives, a rule
which is quite universal on the more
inexpensive tramps.
Entertainment consisting of quoits,

Many Students
Plan European
Summer Trips
Scandinavian Tours Rank
High In Student Favor;
France Is Also Popular
University of Michigan students
are following the nation in making
this year its greatest for travel. Al-
most every country in Europe will be
visited by the many students who are
planning to spend this summer
A group of 10 students is plan-
ning an eight-week tour of Scotland,
England, Germany, France, Holland,
Switzerland and Italy. Harriet Hath-
away, '37, Barbara Heath, '39, Beth
Ranney, '37A, Betty Spangler, '39,
Betty Aigler, '35, Mary Ervin, '39,
Frances Sutherland, '39, Margaret
Hamilton, '37, Mary B. Johnson, '38,
and Betty Whitney, '37, are the girls
who will make this tour.
Scandinavia Gets Share
The northern European countries,
and especially Norway and Sweden,
will receive their share of tourists, if
the number of University students
is any indication. Mildred Haas, '38,
plans to take a North Cape Cruise,
which will include Denmark, Nor-
way and Sweden. She will be gone
nine or 10 weeks. Roberta Melin, '38,
will leave June 30 for Norway and
Sweden. Robert E. Archer, '39, will
also leave in June to spend the sum-
mer in Scandinavia and northern
Olaf P. Bergelin, Grad., will leave
late in July for a tour of the Scan-
dinavian countries, England, Ger-
many, France and Russia. Jean Lee,
'38, will also visit Norway and Sweden
this summer.
Among those planning to take bi-
cycle tours is Langford Whitford,
'40E, who will be a member of a
party touring France, Germany and
Belgium. Albert Ricker, '38, who
deck tennis, shuffle board and, on
the smaller liners, trolling, is pro-
vided. All ships contain libraries and
many have phonographs, and radios
are always available.
A sample menu offered by the Vik-
ing Voyages includes all the luxuries
of a high class hotel. On this type
of ship the vagabonder eats at the
captain's table and gets the same
fare as the officers. Staterooms are
almost always larger than those on
passenger liners.
Fast Freighters
Most freighters are about as fast
as express liners and the slowest
travel from nine to 10 knots. The
silk liners from the Orient being fas-
ter than any passenger ships that
make the trip.
The originally-scheduled trip on
these freighters is often extended,
since "the only true vagabonders
left" are always in search of cargo.
On them the true vagabonder finds
an opportunity to visit far away
lands at stay-at-home prices, and
the student has a mode of travel
well within his purse.
Represented by
Frederick S. Randall
12 Nickels Arcade Ph. 6040

Scotch To Sponsor
Housing Exhibition
Scotland will celebrate next month
with the staging of the Ideal Home
Exhibition, planned by Scottish in-
dustries at Olympia.
Mainly a display of homes famous
in the history of Scotland, the ex-
position will feature replicas of rooms
from Feudal days to the present.
Among the exhibits will be the
thatched cottage of Bobby Burns, in
which two of the rooms will be re-
constructed. Glamis Castle, in An-
gus, will be the subject of another
display. The interior, which is large-
ly the celebrated Retainers' Hall, be-
lieved to date from the 15th century
is the oldest portion of the castle.
Other reproductions include the
personal relics of Mary, Queen of
the Scots, and the reconstruction of,
a residence of Alfred the Great, in'
rough hewn trees from the forests of
spent the winter abroad, will go to
England for the coronation, and in
the summer, Ricker will join a group
on a bicycle trip through continental
Europe. Marian Fitzgerald, '38, is
also planning to take a bicycle trip
on the continent.
Two of the students who are go-
ing abroad this summer to study
are Horace Pinney, '38, and George
Frank, '37. Pinney plans to attend
the eight-week summer session at the
Sorbonne, Paris, and Mr. Frank will
leave Aug. 1, for England, where he
will engage in research work at the
University of London during the next
To Travel In England
Among those planning to spend the
summer touring England are Betty
Scherk, '37, Betty Warwick, '37Ed.,
Alberta Wood, '40, and Bob Cooper,
'38. Miss Scherk and Miss Warwick,
who will sail June 19 on the Ile de
France, plan to take an apartment in
London and travel through Scotland,
Ireland and France. Miss Wood, who
will sail from Montreal, June 18, will
spend the summer in England. Mr.
Cooper will motor through England
and Scotland during July.
Several groups of students plan to
travel in Europe together. Doris
Holt, '398M, Betty Sinclair, Grad.,
Elizabeth Riddell, '39, and Jean See-
ley, '36, of the Kappa Alpha Theta
sorority will sail in June on the "Bre-


Polar Explorer .
To Direct Tour
A tour, planned by Vihjalmur Stef-
ansson, Polar explorer, will take uni-
versity students and instructors in-
terested in anthropology and geology
into the Arctic countries thit sum-
Iceland will be host to the group
for ten days, during which time the
members of the expedition will live
like natives in order to investigate
Northern life.
Arnold Haverlee, member of the
Explorer's Club will be the conduc-
tor and interpreter for the group. He
has announced that surveys will also
be made of the Northern cities of
Finland, the Scandinavian countries
and the Soviet Union.
Persons interested in making the
trip may make arrangements through
Edutravel, Inc., 55 Fifth Ave., New
York, N. Y. The group will leave
New York, June 8.
Among the sites of Iceland are the
anachronistically furnished homes of
the 1,000 year-old farmsteads, which
are equipped with modern conven-
iences of telephones and electricity.
men" to visit ten European countries.
Jeanne Johnson, '37, and Jane Mut-
schler, '37, of Alpha Chi Omega, plan
to sail on the Normandie June 30
for a summer abroad. Marion Pat-
erson, '37, Judith Trosper, '37, Vir-
ginia Jackson, '38, Priscilla Abbot, '39
and Virginia Nimmo, '37, all of Alpha
Phi, will leave together June 29 on
the steamship "Statendam" for a
six-weeks tour of Europe.
Harry Swan, '39, James Palms, '39,
(Continued on Page 10)

Represented by
Frederick S. Randall
12 Nickels Arcade Ph. 6040

On Your Own Great Ships





Apply to Your Local Agent, or
1255 Washington Boulevard, Detroit





Spring Vacation
Travel in Comfort - By Train
The Safe, Easy Way
a mile, good in coaches
aM;I.P cn n w D11man

Student hosts and guides abroad. Full sightseeing and recreation
programs. Itineraries which cover the summer or leave time
to vagabond. Small groups. Membership restricted to students.

Plan Now for
Summer Vacation Trips
Mexico -Hawaii - National Parks
Independent and All-Expense

Guests in Europe
A series of trips combining a
choice of countries. $349 to $659.
Tour of France
An intimate and comprehensive
view of French life. Travel by
motor. Six weeks of travel. $297.

Tour of Italy
Italian art, picturesqueness, and
contemporary life combined with
a Mediterranean cruise. Eight
weeks of travel. $325.
Tour of England
The great cities and the merry
countryside-the past and pres-
ent. Five and one-half weeks of
travel. $325.



1 11



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