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April 01, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-01

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1, 1q37 PAGE FIVE

For Slide Rule
Mary Dayharsh To Attend
With Robert Baldwin,
General Chairman
The committeemen for the eighth
annual Slide Rule Dance given by
the ' College of Engineering, which
will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Friday in the Union ballroom, an-
nounced their guests yesterday.
Robert Baldwin, '37E, general
chairman for the ball has invited
Mary Dayharsh of Syracuse, N. Y.
Jane Giesecke, '39A, will attend the
dance with Gus Collatz, '37E, chair-
man of the floor committee.
Jeanne Gomon, '40, will be the
guest of George Allen, '37E, ticket
chairman and Patricia Haff, '39SM,
will attend with Max Schoetz, '39E,
who is co-chairman of the decora-
tion committee.
Cedric Marsh, '37E, has invited El-
len Bruckert of River Forest, Ill.,
for the dance and Vivian Lerner, '39,
will be the guest of Sidney Stein-
born, '38E, who is in charge of pub-
licity for the dance.
Harriet Beecher of Detroit will be
the guest of David Landsdale, '38E,
chairman of the program committee
and Betsey Anderson, '38, will at-
tend with Hillard Sutin, '37E, chair-
man of the orchestra committee.
Willis Hawkins, '37E, co-chairman
of the decorations committee, has in-
vited Gertrude Marie Veneklausen of
Detroit for the dance an~d Maurine
Palmer, '37, will be the guest of Miller
Sherwood, '37E, co-chairman of the
invitations committee.
Red Norvo and his orchestra will
play for the dance. Norvo comes
from an engagement at the Black-,
hawk Restaurant in Chicago and will
bring Mildred Bailey, conceded by
many to be the foremost woman vo-
calist in the country and featured
with his orchestra. She' is known as
the "Rocking Chair Lady" on the
radio program in which she is fea-
Tinstruments used by engineers will
furnish the general theme of the
dance. However, the old traditional
slide rule, a remnant of the days of
the former rivalry between the engi-
neers and lawyers, will not be used.
In its place, a huge slide rule will
encase the orchestra platform.
Collegiate Sorosis announces the
pledging of Jean Bell, '39, of Algonac.

Neckline Trimming Accents Simple Frock

Puffed sleeves add zest to this springtime dress. Its plain skirt is
another point in its favor, for it gives a smooth hipline to any figure.
With this type of dress an off-the-face hat is flattering and -correct,
especially when it features a gay bunch of flowers.


Employment Offers No Problem,
To Chemistry .School Graduates

J.G.P. Dancers
Will Entertain
Clubs At Union
Joint Program Of Alumni
Clubs To Feature Cards,
Dancing, Indoor Sports
Several members of the cast of thek
1937 Junior Girls Play, "Feather in
His Cap;" will participate in the en-
tertainment of the program to be
given at 8 p.m. today in the Union
by the Michigan Alumnae Club and
the University of Michigan Club.
The second floor of the Union will
be used for the affair, which will be
under the chairmanships of Mrs.
Irene B. Johnson and Prof. Orlan W.
Boston. Mr. Roscoe O. Bonisteel is
to be master of ceremonies for the
entertainment, which will be given in
Pendelton Library. There will be
dancing in the small ballroom, and
bowling, bridge on the terrace and1
badminton and billiards in the game
room. A supper will be held at 11
Marie Sawyer, chairman of the
dance committee for the J.G.P. is in'
charge of that part of the entertain-
ment given by members of "Feather7
In His Cap." Mary Johnson andr
Marjory J. Coe will give the Teddyl
Bear Dance, Miss Sawyer, Harriet
Shackleton and Hope Hartwig will
present a waltz, and Shirl Crosman
and Miss Shackleton will also dance.1
Virginia Hunt, who was in charge of
the music for the play, will accom-
pany the dancers. Mary Jane Muel-
ler, Sally Kenny and Mary Redden
will do their modern dance specialty.
Frederic Shaffmaster, '37SM, and'
a quartet of University men will also!
take part in the entertainment, ac-.
cording to Mrs. Johnson. Previews of
this year's "Juniors on Parade," the
dance review which will be given
later in the year, will also be includ-
ed on the program.
Of Engagement,
Wedding, Made
Mr.iand Mrs. Carl A. Neracher of
Detroit recently announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Jane
Sheldon; to John Chetwood Morris of
Orange, Calif., at a luncheon at the
Detroit Athletic Club. News of the
betrothal was told by tiny scrolls
rolled in favor baskets at each plate.
The wedding will take place in the
The bride-elect attended the Uni-
versity where she was affiliated with
Sigma Alpha Iota, national musical
sorority, and "the Detroit Institute of
Musical Art. Mr. Morris is a grad-
uate of the University of California.
Mr. and Mrs. George Howard Wat-
son of Grand Rapids announced the
recent marriage of their daughter
Yvonne Watson, '34, and Harold
Steketee, Grad., son of Mrs. Peter
Steketee of Grand Rapids.
Both Mr.and Mrs. Steketee grad-
uated from the University where Mrs.
Steketee is affiliated with Collegiate
Sorosis, and Mr. Sieketee with Phi
Delta Theta.
formerly at
Observatory and Lit ette's
Beauty Shops - Now at
605 E. William St. Ph. 7066

By Helen Zbinden
Helen L. Zbinden, '37, will present
an organ recital at 4:45 p.m. today
at Hill Auditorium. 1Her program will
include: Fugue in E-flat (St. Anne's)1
by Bach; Choral Prelude, "Nun freut
euch" by Bach and Prelude, Fugue'
and Variation by Franck.
She will also play Pastel and Chor-
ale Op. 92, No. 3 by Karg-Elert,
"Cantilene" from Symphonie Romane
by Widor; "Scherzetto" by Vierne;
"Andante Cantabile" from First Or-
gan Sonata by James and Prelude
and Fugue in D Major by Bach. '
Faculty Attends
Annual Easter
Dance At Union
People attending the annual Easter
Ball, held last night in the Union
ballroom, numbered more than 250
couples. The profits of this dance
will be used for the charity fund of
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Theophil Klingman
were among those who attended the
subscription dinner given at the1
Union before the dance. Mrs. Kling-
man, general chairman, wore a spring
formal of starched marquisette in
navy blue with matching stripes. I
Other members of the central com-
mittee who were at the dance were
Mrs. Willett Ramsdell, president of
the League of St. Andrew's, who wore'
a spring print formal with the pre-'
dominating color of red. Mrs. Henry
Lewis, in a black net gown, presided
at the supper table with Mrs. Allen
S. Whitney, who wore royal blue and
green chiffon with yellow accessories.
Mrs. George P. McCallum, in blue
lace, also presided at the table.
Many professors and their wives
were among those present. Prof. and
Mrs. Burke Shartel, who wore flow-
ered silk, and Prof. and Mrs. Allen
F. Sherzer were among those dancing.
Prof. and Mrs. Lewis M. Gram and
Prof. and Mrs. Lee R. Schoenmann
were included in the group. Mrs.
Sherzer was gowned in a white fig-
ured satin in plain fitted lines, while
Mrs. Gram chose smoke satin with
rhinestone clips.
Mu Phi Epsilon Selects
Officers For New Year
Mu Phi Epsilon, national honorary
music sorority, recently elected thel
following officers for next year: Jane
Rogers, '37SM, president; Rachel
Lease, '37SM, vice-president; Laura
Prescott, '38SM, recording secretary.)
Ruth Miller, '38SM, was elected
corresponding secretary; Helen Zbin-
den, '37, treasurer; Virginia Hunt,
'38SM, - chorister; Mary Morrison,
'38SM, historian

Talk On Strikes
By Prof. Riegfel'
Sit-Down Strike Problem
Is Of Conflict Of Rightst
InvolvingFive Groups
The sit-down strike question is one
of a conflict of rights in which there
is no absolute right, said Prof. John1
W. Riegel of the School of Business
Administration in a talk given yes-
terday before the luncheon for grad-
uate students in the League.
Professor Riegel pointed out that
there aye five groups directly con-
cerned in any strike situation: the
strikers, those workers who do not
strike, the employers, the customers.
and the public agencies. Each group,
he said, has a different view of the
case, and each view is partly right
and partly wrong.7
The speaker stressed the point that
a sit-down strike gives tremendous
power to a minority, since when a
small group stops work, others in the
same plant and in other factories arel
thrown out of work. This is especial-
ly true in Michigan, Professor Riegel
said, since industry here is highly
There is now no way of determining
whether the majority of employes
really do favor a strike, the speaker
continued, and suggested that a state-
controlled system of private balloting
might be instituted.
The technique of the sit-down
strike is probably illegal in view of
the legal precedents, in Professor
Riegel's opinion, but it has proved to
be a very effective weapon in the
hands of the worked, since there is no
possibility of strike-breaking, and it
is to be doubted if it will be given up.
The use of militia is the only way in
which the workers could be driven
from the plant, said the speaker, and
this would not be wise because of the
resentment which the workers would
still feel after the strike was over.
The real way to deal with strikes
is, Professor Riegel believes, to deal
with labor problems before the strike
stage is reached, but the speaker ad-
mitted that there would probably al-
ways be strikes. Professor Riegel
blamed the existence of the many
strikes on employes' failure to settle
grievances, to provide for a good wage
policy and to pay }attention to the
labor factor of plant management.

R~ecital To Be Given. I f tt -T cip'

Judge E. J. Millington
To Speak At Banquet
Judge E. J. Millington, of Cadillac,
will be the speaker at the annual
banquet of the Roger Williams Guild
to be held at 6:30 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League,
it was recently announced by Cath-
erine Stitt. '37, general chairman of
the affair.
JudIge Millington, who wvill speak
on the subject, "The Religion of a
Scholar," is president of the Michi-
gf.n Baptist Convention, judge of Re-
corder's Court in Cadillac and a
prominent attorney
Opening Night
Of 'Henry VIII'
Well Attended
Play Production's "Henry VIII,"
was given an enthusiastic reception
last night by an audience which al-
most completely filled, the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Members of the faculty who con-
centrated for two hours and a half
on the moving events of the colorful
pageant included Prof. and Mrs. Jo-
seph Brinkman, Prof. and Mrs. Rich-
ard D. Hollister, Prof. and Mrs. Gail
E. Densmore, Prof. Kenneth T.
Rowe, Mr. Charles A. Sink, Prof.
Louis Bredvold, and Harlan H. Bloo-
Miss Ruth Bloomer was seen comn-
ing up for air between acts and also
Miss Jean Keller, Miss Ruth Bar-
rett and William Brynmer, Betty Mor-
gan, who returned for a visit. to the
campus last week-end, attended the
play, also Betty Hunter, Josephine
Cavanagh and Fred Neal.
Refreshing themselves after the
performance at the League were
James Doll and Mrs. Doll, who were
responsible for the costuming. Talk-
ing over future Mortarboard activ-
ities were Barbara Bradfield and
Janet Allington.

Big Corporations Contact
Prospective Einpl oyees
While College Students
Employers are demanding a great-
er supply of college graduates every
year since the depression slump, Dr.
G. S. Schoepfle, head of chemistry
department, disclosed in a recent in-
terview. Practically all those who
received a degree in Chemistry in
1936 were given the opportunity to
acquire a position, he saidnalthough
many chose to continue in various
graduate schools.
Dr. Schoepfle pointed out the


for Spring

change in the methods of contacting
the prospective job-seeking student.
Formerly the large companies con-
tacted the student and his teachers
almost entirely by letters.
"Now almost every large concern
sends a personal representative to
interview the person," he declared.
Upon being asked the more impor-
tant factors considered in these con-
sultaticns, he disclosed that person-
ality and grades were about equally
as pertinent. Every company re-
quests the grades of the student be-
fore interviewing him.
Continue Studies
Of the 16 who received the degree
of B.S. James K. Davis, Willis Fisher,
LeRoy High, Leo Luskin, Nelson See-
ger, Anton Streiff, Max Weinberg,
Alfred Wilds, Siiri Markkanen and
Asa Willis are continuing their stud-
ies in the graduate school here. Her-
man K. Rosenbusch is now working
for the Stroh Brewing Co. in De-
Chapin A. Harris is working toward
his M.A. at the Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology in Boston. The
University of Illinois has attracted
William Peppel and Milton Roedel
to its graduate chemistry depart-
Herbert Bandes, '36M.A. Chem., is
working on his Ph.D. here in Ann
Receive Positions
Harvey C. Diehl, who received the
degree of Ph.D. in chemistry in 1936
has received a position as an instruc-
tor at Cornell university in Ithaca,
N.Y. Also as an instructor, Malcolm
H. Felson is now at Mississippi Wom,
an's College in Hattiesburg, Miss.
Robert D. Thompson is a research
associate here at the University. The
latter two also received their Ph.D.
here last year.

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