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April 01, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-04-01

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s!17RE, Dt nar i i; 1927






Edited and nanaged by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press; 1936-37

National Advertising Service, InC.
College Publishers Representative


Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman:
Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S, DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel. chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth 8inglian, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newnan, Leonard Seigelna, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes,
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries. Jane
St'einer, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen P'urdy, Martha Hankey', Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
J. Camer6n Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore,
,N.tiohal Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Widher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert aender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

as there are men there will be wars, peace
Council or no.
low tariffs stifle production and
ruin American industry to the advantage of
Chinese coolies. As long as America is American,
the Congress of the United States should bend
every effort to build an impassable economic
barrier to keep foreign laborers fromh reducing
our standard of living.
Who Wins
Tonight. ..
WO PICTURES come to our mind
when we think of the Boxing
Show tonight in the Yost Field House for the
benefit of the Boys Fresh Air Camp.
The first: five or six grimy faced little boys
sitting on the curb of a dirty, crowded slum
street in the hot summer sun. They play ball,
an auto comes speeding down the street, jams
on its brakes, squealing. The frightened little
fellow has escaped. Life in the street goes on-
the noise, the filth, the closeness of the atmo-
The second: the same youngsters diving off a
board into the cool water of Patterson Lake.
Overhead is a clear blue sky, The air is keen
and the green that spreads out over the land
stands in sharp contrast to the cramped streets
of the city. Taking part in the leadership and
activity are college men, bringing health, good
citizenship, and an even chance for happiness.
Tonight you can assure the realization of the
second scene by attending the Boxing Show in
Yost Field House. The money is needed, the
cause is admirable, the benefit program is worth
while. Give it your support.
'Jim Crow',: By A Negro
To the Editor:
I agree with the author of "Negroes: By a
Southerner" when he says: "There are always
people who are trying to start trouble. The
Negro question is usually a very good opening."
Like him, I brand anyone who stirs up the
hornet's nest of racial prejudice as a contemp-
tible little "trouble maker." I fake sharp issue
with him, however, when he identifies the
trouble maker as one who is merely taking legal
action to protect the rights which the law has
already conferred upon him. Instead, it appears
to me, that the individual, group, or corporation
that would unlawfully deny any citizen such
rights is the maker of trouble.
I need not rehearse the immediate cause for
the discussion, of which this letter and its prede-
cessor are but a part. The action which the
Negro student, William Bell, has taken is but
indicative of the courage and intelligence which
he is displaying in securing the rights of which
Northwestern University would deprive him-a
courage and intelligence which some of his op-
ponents would do well to emulate. Incidentally,
it is a courage and intelligence that men like
W.B.O. dislike to see in a Negro; it makes them
doubt their own vaunted claims of inherent su-
It is not my present purpose, however, to
launch into an emotional appeal for the rights
of the Negro. Being a Negro myself, I naturally
have some very positive opinions on the subject
-opinions which I am quite zealous to defend
as this sarhe W.B.O. is his. Instead, I shall ex-
amine in the light of reason each of the asser-
tions which he makes in his brief to prove that
the Daily Northwestern was "out of order" for
declaring "that the fight for Negro rights is
the fight of every person who believes in democ-
racy and freedom." As I see them, such issues
as he has been able to produce resolve themselves
into the following statements:
1. That William Bell is a trouble maker,
for he is legally seeking that which is law-
fully his;

2.- That the Negro population of Chicago
has become more and more a problem;
3. That the Negro in the South knows his
place and is satisfied to stay in it;
4. That with "two or three exceptions
the Negroes are more than satisfied to live
by themselves and have their own places
of musemnent."
Any one who read W.B.O.'s article in the Sat-
urday issue of The Daily will, I believe, admit
that almost no evidence was offered in support
of these four contentions. In as much, then,
as the previous writer forgot to insert his evi-
dence, I shall look briefly into his unsupported
assertions to see to what extent they are true.
In the first place, I take it that Mr. Bell
is a citizen of the United States, and at least a
temporary resident of Illinois. As such, he is en-
titled to all the protection that the state and
nation can afford, including "life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness." In the second place,
there is no law on the Illinois statute books
which denies to a Negro the right to swim off a
beach operated by an institution of which he is
a part, if he so chooses. When Northwestern
University, or any other corporation, undertakes
to abridge the rights of an individual as pre-
scribed by the laws of the state, it, not the
Negro, is the trouble maker.
The second question, whether or not the Negro
population of Chicago is become more and more
a problem, is debatable. The answer hinges
around what W.B.O. means by "a problem." If
he means that the Chicago Negroes are becoming
more numerous, more resentful .of encroach-
ments upon their legal rights, and more con-
scious of their political power to preserve these
rights T m inclined tn aree with him most

"~By Bonth Wiliams==;
THE B.M.O.C. BLUE BOOK is a reality, as
rumored in this column earlier in the week
and as a whole lot of people will find out when
I it is put on sale Friday. I received a preview
of the edition last night. It's .different folks, it's
This 1937 effort brings to memory the work
which that august scholar and campus politician,
Peko Bursley, produced with the help of other
notables in the class of '34, when the authors
decided to take a little trip east for a few days
while the Campus got over their bitterness.
The new volume is an improvement over the
old in that it is graced by the names of more
than 150 juniors and seniors, male and female
-which means that there will be 30 more pairs
of willing hands than four years ago available
to maul the perpetrators of the deed, when and
if they are caught.
The blurbs are short and expressive with little
effort made to be anything but frankly critical.
Most of the results are fair enough, though some
are obviously overdone. 30-40 odd cuts, smack-
ing strongly of the 'Ensian, have been used in
an effort to liven up the layout, and the ad-
vertising, although not comparable with the
amount sold in 1934, is still enough to give
IBusiness Manager John Park a severe attack of
The fiends behind the deed confided to me
that they have printed 1,000 copies. I think
they're crazy. If Gil Tilles can sell 3,000 copies
of his rag in a single day, a third of that
number of these super sophisticated silly sheets
should be snapped up by the gossip crazy campus
in half an hour.
DID YOU KNOW THAT: Sam, the old clothes
man was finally swindled at his own game
when Bill Gunderson sold him an eight-dollar
radio for 20 shellalos . . . Fred Warner Neal will
be the next preposterous person in the Gargoyle's
centennial issue out April 22 ... Ten girls re-
cently graduated from Minsky University with
the degree of Master of the Strip Tease . . .
Bob Weeks was thinking seriously of accepting
Standard Oil's offer to send him to the Fiji
Islands as representative for four years until
Jenny Peterson put her foot down . . . Ned Em-
ley led the "Scotty Stomp" at Western State
Normal in Kazoo a week ago, thus setting a
new high for Michigan engineers . . . the police
were called to Burns Park last night to stop
the singing and sudsing of an Ann Arbor cor-
respondent on complaint of neighbors who said
it was the tone of the thing that bothered them
..Immaculate Johnny Park is looking for a
travelling companion to see Europe via the youth
hostel'system. Can't you just see Parky in a
BENEATH IT ALL: Russ Anderson, former
fair-haired boy of the S.C.A. was appointed
to the New York staff of INS yesterday, Russ
Anderson reported by pressgram to The Daily
today . . . If you are double-jointed, have a dual
personality, can imitate a duck or just have
plain talent, Mimes, honorary dramatic society
can use you in their freak Michigras bootl0)
Lou Goldberg reports . . . Don Siegel who is a
featured attraction of tonight'sering card is one
of the outstanding simon pure heavies in the
state and with a few more bouts under his
belt should get into the Tourney of Champions
next year . . . nobody in the University will fight
him ... King Henry VIII gets the plenty O.K.
tag from this column ...
often have I heard this statement from the
throats of Southern solons and from the pages
of the less enlightened newspapers! What is pa-
thetic is that those who say it are trying hard
to convince themselves that they believe it.
Yes, it is true that the South' has erected bar-
riers against its darker zone. It makes them
pay first class passage to ride in railway
"coaches" that are the size of pill boxes; it
wrings taxes from their pockets to operate

schools, libraries, and parks that they dare not
enter; it lynches Negro degenerates who are
accused of the "greatest crime" without even
punishing white degenerates who are similarly
guilty against darker women; its senators and
governors, in some states, run for office or
platforms, which, when boiled down, amount to
little more than "Down with the Negro!" Yes,
the Negro knows "his place" in the South, but he
is not satisfied with it. He accepts it, as the 'Jew
does in Nazi Germany, because it is immediately
expedient for him to do so. He fights against
the status quo when he is able to do so, but,
usually, in the same way in which William Bell
is proceeding-by due process of law.
The last "point" which W.B.O. submits-
that with "two or three exceptions" the Negroes
are more than satisfied to live by, themselves
and have their own places of amusement-is
not very clear. Just what, I ask, are these "two
or three exceptions"? Conceivably, the whole
argument rests upon his interpretation of these
"two or three exceptions." For instance, it is true
that Negroes, like all racial groups, have a ten-
dency to herd together. They enjoy the com-
pany of their own kind. They most emphatically
prefer to marry their own kind. On the other
hand, however, they will fight to the bitter end
any attempt to establish a public policy which
would deny them the exercise of all functions
which are guaranteed them by law.
I trust that my position is clear. The Negro in
the South is not satisfied; but, unlike W.B.O.
and his kind, he is not planning to break the
law to obtain his satisfaction. In the South,
wharP. + hOP.n rP. nw xxiii brhP-r him a '

11(11 riul s Rex
(Or the English Department)
N UNDERTAKING the production
of King Henry the Eighth, a chron-
icle history long attributed to Shake-
speare, but probably by Fletcher and
Massinger, Professor Windt and -his
associates could anticipate the benev-
olent good wishes and grave mis-
givings of all loving students of our
earlier drama. It is no secret that
the play makes singularly unimpres-
sive reading; and in spite of its long,
if interrupted, stage-history, per-
formances have not always gained
either critical or popular approval.
After the famous production of 1664,
by a cast that included such notabil-
ities as Betterton, Harris, Smith, and
Mrs. Betterton, Pepys was con-
strained to describe the play as "so
simple a thing made up of a great
many patches, that besides the shows
and procession in it, there is nothing
in the world good or well done." At
the other end of the years, Beerbohm
Tree's costly Tercentenary produc-
tion of 1916 called forth as much
criticism and frank boredom as
praise. It is' pleasant to record last
evening's performance, representing
Play Production's most ambitious ef-
fort of this season, as a most welcome
and stimulating success.

VOL. XLVII No. 132
June Graduates in L.S. & A.:
Architecture, Education, Forestry,
and Music should fill out grade re-
These grade report cards will insure
port cards in 4 U.H. April 5-6-7.
an early report from your instructors
in June. June seniors failing. to fill
in these cards will run the risk of
having their grades reported too late
for graduation. Combined curriculum
students do not fill in these cards.I
The University Bureau of Appoint-
rnents and Occupational Information
has received announcements of Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations
for junior engineer (naval architec-
ture). Navy Department, salary, $2,-
000; for associate and assistant tech-
nical analyst, (optional branches-
labor legislation and administration
and industrial employment prob-
lems), Bureau of Unemployment
Compensation, Social Security Board,
salaries, $2,600 to $3,200, and for
curriculum specialist and textbook
writer (mathematics), also textbook

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
iniversity. Copy received at the offie of the Assistant to the President
untl 330; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

To a very large extent, this suc- writer and curriculum research work-
cess seems due to emphasis on the er, office of Indian Affairs, Depart-
more spectacular features of the play. ment of Interior, salaries, $2,600 to
In this play of all plays the elements $3,800. For further information con-
of colbr, form, light and shadow, cerning these examinations call at
perspective of height rather than 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12
depth, movement, and grouping, must a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.
achieve, with the words themselves,
a complete synthesis of effect if the Rights and Privileges of Policy-
audience is to enter fully into the holders of T.I.A.A. Of special interest
stage illusion. If any one of these upon withdrawal from service.
elements becomes unduly empha- 1. No change of employment status
sized the illusion is likely to be com- affects the amount of premium for
pletely lost. The present production a policy. Policies issued prior to
seems to have been directed in such 1936 provided for a higher premium
a manner that the basic condition if a policyholder entered a commer-
is fully satisfied. Mr. Oren Parker's cial occupation, but the Association
set is so completely in the spirit and has voted not to enforce this provi-'
movement, so functional in relation sion so that, regardless of shift in
to the whole, that its presence is eihployment a policyholder always
more sensed than seen; the costume
designs of Mr. Doll, luxuriously opu- receives the advantage of the low
lent in the best traditions governing remium charged when the policy
the various earlier productions of was issued.
Henry VIII, fit so accurately into the Retirement Annuity Policyholders.
varying moods and crescendos of the II. If a policyholder is transferring
action that they take on a kind of to another institution, he should con-
mimetic life of their own. So too sult the officials of the new employ-
the music, the plastic groupings in er as to whether or not .it will share
the more crowded scenes, the move- in continuing premium payments.
ment, and the lighting. The total ef- III. Upon withdrawal from a con-
fect somewhat resembles that ofia tributing institution, the policyhold-
slowly unfolded tapestry in which er has the following choices with
neither figures nor background have reference to his contract with this
depth, but rather a flat, brilliant Association:
clarity. A glittering technical effl- a) He may continue premiums in]
ciency in both acting and decornis full either annually, semi-annually,
what we have come to expect from quarterly or monthly.
Play Production; in last evening's
performance there was present-so (b) He may ask that the premium
at least it seemed to this reviewer- be reduced. This privilege is avail-
an unusual stirring of creative imag- able by vote of the Board of Trustees
ination, called forth, perhaps, by the and is not a provision of the policy
great technical difficulties that the contracts. A reduction cannot be
planning of the undertaking must made retroactively so arrangements
have presented. should be made immediately. (The
In an ensemble piece such as this minimum premium acceptable is a
it is difficult to isolate for praise regular payment of $5 monthly, or an
either individuals or their 'parts. The equivalent sum paid quarterly, semi-
lines-oftenpabstractly unShake- annually, or annually.)
spearean, platitudinous, and flat; (c) He may make no further pay-
sometimes rhetorically effective- ment of premiums, in which case the
were presented with both spirit and contract automatically b e c o me s
understanding. This was particular- "paid-up." (Under a paid-up con-
ly true in the case of Mr. Crandal's tract, the annuity will become pay-
Wolsey and Miss Pierce's Katherine, able as the original annuity was pay-
where the almost proverbial purple able for -such reduced amount as the
passages gave excellenthsupport to accumulated premiums will purchase.
the actor, but even in other and lessi To resume payments later, on a paid-
grateful parts there was little to cavil up contract, it is necessary to rein-
over, state it by the payment of all pre-
The performance was very well- miums in default with interest at 5
attended for opening night by an au- per cent per annum.)
dience which, unfortunately, con- IV Leave of Absence. The provi-
tained far too few students. The
play presents the student body with sions described above are, of course,
so unusual an opportunity to see one available in case of absence on leave,
of the least acted plays of the Shake- ;either with or without pay, but no
speare canon that it would be a pity special privileges are granted to such
to miss it. absentees.


Who's Looney
Now? . .

mitted in the new institution, pre-
miums may be paid personally by
monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or
annual payments. (If premiums are
paid monthly, no regular premium
notices are sent and a receipt is sent
only at the end of the policy year).
HIerbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary.
Academic Notices
History 48: Midsemester, April 6,
10 a.m., Sections 1, 2 in Room D, Ha-
ven; sections 3, 4. 5, 6 in Room C,
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will play an
all request program on the Charles
Baird Carillon in the Burton Mem-
orial Tower, today at 4:15 p.m.
Organ Recital: Helen Zbinden, or-
ganist, a pupil of Palmer Christian,
University organist, will give a re-
cital on the Frieze Memorial Organ
in Hill Auditorium, today at 4:45
p.m., to which the geneial public is
Events Today
Zoology Seminar: Miss Theodora
Nelson will report on "The Biology
of the Spotted Sandpiper, Actitis
macularia L.," and Mr. Katsuzo Ku-
ronuma on "A Study of the Hetero-
somate Fishes of Japan" todayat
7:30 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S.
Weekly Reading Hour: The pro-
gram for this week will consist of a
reading from Shaw's "Androcles and
the Lion," by Professor Hollister. The
meeting will be held in' Room 205
Mason Hall today at 4 p.m. All per-
sons interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Iota Sigma Pi: There will be an
open meeting this evening at 8 p.m.
at the Michigan League. Dr. Jerome
W. Conn will be the guest speaker.
Varsity Glee Club Regular rehear-
sal for all members tonight at 7:30
,p.m. in the Glee Club Rooms of the
Michigan Union. All men who are
planning to make the spring trip
must be present. Bring your words.
Plans for the spring trip will be dis-
Girl's Swimming Club: There will
be a regular meeting at the Union
pool tonight at 9 p.m. Will all mem-
bers please attend.
Sigma Delta Clii There will be an
important meetingĀ° at 12:15 p.m. to-
day in the Union. New members will
be discussed so it is imperative that
everyone be present.
Men's Intramural Riding Class will
meet at the Engineering Arch at 7:50
p.m. today. Those unable to come,
but who are interested in riding out-
doors after Spring Vacation, will
please leave their names with the In-
tramural Department secretary or
call Walter Schaefer, at 7858.
Peace Council: There will be a
meeting today at 7:30 .m. at 'the
Micligan Union. The action of the
Deans on the petition will be reported.
King Henry The Eighth tonight
and the rest of the week, presented
by Play Production at the Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. Reduced prices to-
night and Saturday matinee. Box
office now open. Phone 6300.
Swing Low, Kick High: This is not
an April fool's joke, but a last call
for a number of Chorus parts for
dancing men; also a few specialty
acts, such as freaks and imperson-
ators, are still open for men trying-
out for Mimes, Men's Honorary Dra-
matic Society, for their side-shw at

the Michigras. Please come to the
Union at 5 p.m. today, Room 318.
Coming Events
Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual
Chapter in Michigan, will be held on
Tuesday, April 6, at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 2203 Angell Hall. At this meet-
ing the business of the year will be
transacted. It is. hoped that as many
mrnebers as possible will be irn atten-
Esperanto: The Esperanto Class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, April 2.
The National Negro Health Week
Committee of Ann Arbor will hold a
meeting Tuesday, April 6, at tfie Ben-
jamin House, 1102 E. Ann St., in
preparation for the Negro Health
Week program of April 4-11. Dr. Clare
Gates, field secretary of the Joint
Committee on Health Education of
the state of Michigan, will speak on
the duties of Negro college graduates
to their community, in health prob-
lemns. This discussion is especially
intended for college students; all

point with pride and view with
We view with alarm because we have just in
time uncovered a plot in the composing room to
exchange the front page ears (those boxes at
the top of the page), which would make them
What Roosevelt
and on the other side:
Mostly cloudy today and
tomorrow; not much change
in temperature.
Now this subversive commentary on' our edi-
torial policy suggested that there must be many
on campus who disagree with us in most every-
thing we say, and who grind their teeth each
morning as they helplessly read that The Daily
has thought it all over very carefully and has
come to the conclusion that while peace is a
good thing, still, as Walter Lippmann says, there
are always two sides to every question. And so,
in honor of those patient people, some of Whom
we've.met, rather formally, in our Forumt col-
umn, we are going to suggest a few first"para-
graphs of editorials written fOr people with
whom we disagree. Is this not the very essence
of democratic liberalism?
WE KNOW WHERE the blame rests'
for this tidal wave of sit-clown
strikes that has brought anarchy to Michigan!
It belongs squarely on the shoulders of Governor
Murphy. If he had thrown the agitators out in
the first place, when they brought their jungle
rule to Flint, Mrs. Osa Johnson wouldn't have
had to be carried up sixteen floors because of a
strike in a Detroit hotel. John L. Lewis, under
the secret protection of the international bank-
ers, as Henry Ford astutely perceived, is willing
to destroy law and order in his desperate effort
to become the next President of the United
States, and unless we have more men like Sheriff
Andres to preserve law and order, we will be
engulfed in a chaos which will make feudalism
look like Utopia!
A T LAST Germany is beginning to
realize that it has been the victim
of a vindictive peace settlement. Humiliated
and economically devastated, Germany has been
unable to raise its head in the congress of na-
tions-unable, that is, until Adolf Hitler returned
the land; of the Rhine to a position of respect.
United at last against foes outside and in,
Germany stands 'ready to march forward in
the parade of civilization toward a new and
more glorious goal!


The Man Who Could"
Work Miracles
This picture is an excursion into
the realm of fantasy done with the
aid of colossal camera tricks. Butl
the trick photography is an instru-
ment for building up a very serious
commentary on this whole wide world
of ours. The story gives a remark-
able portrayal of how little men
act when faced with really big af-
Mr. George Farthingway, just a
very ordinary sort of a man, is
suddenly endowed with the power
to do anything he wants except to
change human nature. This Milque-
toast of man is overwhelmed at first
with his miraculous faculties and
goes about seeking advice from a
variety of persons. His employer
would have him use his powers
for building a gigantic business mo-
nopoly. An idealistic. clergyman
would have him give to everyone
complete prosperity. Others argue
that society cannot exist without
needs-what would happen to our
credit system, our businesses? The
men in power desire to kill the mir-


institution, this procedure has been
based on instructions from the pol-
icyholder. If such a policyholder
withdraws from the institution, he, of
course, becomes responsible for the
payment of future premiums. If he
goes to another educational institu-
tion, it is suggested that he make in-
quiry as to whether or not the new
employer will, on his authority, de-
duct premiums and transmit them to
the Association. Most institutions,
particularly those remitting annuity
premiums, are willing to make de-
ductions from salary payments
monthly for life insurance premiums.
If the employer will do this, instruc-
tions should be given by the policy-
holder to the institution in writing.
The Association will furnish blanks
devised for this purpose.
If salary deductions are not per-
in our system come. Finally Farth-
ingway asserts his individuality and
tries to use his power to bring hap-
piness for himself and all down-
trodden men. The result comes as
a surprise but is really a very na-
tural ending.

T h e Association recommends,
wherever possible, that both the in-
stitution and the staff member con-
tinue payments in full on annuity
contracts during leave of absence.
Life Insurance Policyholders.
V. If premiums have been deduct-
ed from salary and remitted by the

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