WellesPlan Offered Men' Don't Mid' Women L aw DEANSADLER SALS d!a A r GlANATA ScHEUl
Asud- aD , Surveyrif6yO )eit Schotiled a 16,000 Forv Injury Sir John Stainer will be given at
As OltddentSecuritye Reveatis dWes in d 1uts fra NewaYarkJ p.m.tody at the Ft Methdi.%
roseWednesav. WS accompanId Mss Ruth Thompson, 19 years old, hurch by choir of 25 voices. Achil-
by Mrs. Sadler and his son Robert.of Addison, Lenawee County, was les Taliaferro will direct the choir,
Roosevelt's old age security plan By KAY SCHULTZ ; the end of the third year. We're awarded a $16,000 judgment in a per- Prof. Arthur Hackett of the School
was attacked as amateurish by Ro- "The men don't mind us-in fact, chaffing at the bit-we want to trytiaerd ProM.sc, Prof.HardintVo n euSeo
bert Wells, '38, who proposed the I think we afford them an interesting our wings in the big, wide world." ior women are now serving on the ! sona injury damage suit yesterday of Music, Prof Hardin Van Deursen
Wells plan to end all plans and settle topic of conversation at the dinner These women admit that they are staff of the Michigan Law Review, by a Circuit Court jury. The judg- I bass, are guest soloists.
everyones' difficulties in a formal ad-. table." following a very difficult course, but and three juniors are tryouts. ment is believed to be the largest ------
:ress before Hollister's Speech 31 yes- Thus one of the feminine students they enjoy it and they hope to "stick." Both men and women express the ever returned in a personal injury ~ -------~~- -
terday at Mason Hall. in the Law School describes the at- One says with fear and trembling, belief that there is more comrade-!
" s0titude of the men toward the women. "We just live from day to day in ship between the sexes in Law SchoolI damage suit in \yashtenaw County Jewelry nd
Sthsetteing $10,000 ouldverke it One of the male law students ex- hopeful anticipation." However, tak- than in the literary school. The Miss Thompson was injured in an Watch epamng
Se a ,pressesthe general opinion of the en as a group, the women now en- girls say "The men are very friendly.' automobile collision in December,
possible to retire at the age of 26 men in these words: "Most of the rolled in the Law School are making I Perhaps that is why they think "Law 1935, near Ypsilanti, while riding in HALL ER'S Jewelry
with a a or human bing girls are very capable and would be a0the best scholastic average women School is much more interesting than a car driven by Morley Alfs, of Wayne sae at Lberty
enough for a normal human beinga credit to any law office." So appar- have made in several years. Two sen- lit school." County, who was killed.
o xso..ently the men in the Law Schoal rdo -- .___ __.__ ~_ _ _--. .
He declared that his plan would not resent the presence of the faher -------- -- -
result in an immediate rise in the n resen ther sresece or__rem_.
standard of living, for since no Amer- . nthersaera.
ican would want to work, labor would Nevertheless, another adds, "Wei
have to be imported from Eui'ope. men think the girls do too much PASOER M EL
Everyone knows that European la- apple-polishing and get away with it." -PA SVE R M EA LS
bor would work for less and that And there are still a few men who -
bor oul wok fr lss nd hatthink that "womans place is in the
prices would fall and real income and thatmthe bronic la
yeresses" are definitely "out of their
though Dr. Townsend had stolen his Fifteen women are now enrolled in ILLEL FNDA
plan, which he had been working on the Law School. Four of them are LI L i ES - CORSAG .ES - PLANTSt
for ten years, he was not bitter since seniors, three are juniors, seven are
he was confident that hre would win 29(e h ~i)'~i~~20fRBIGLMN
out. The Townsend plan requires freshmen, and one is a special stu- Special Arrangements can stil be
dent. The majority of them are pre-
that its members wait until they are paring for a general practice. Three ordered for Easter Delivery RABBI HELLER Officiating
65 for benefits, he said, "this is a women were graduated from the Law
waste of time and should be elim- School last year. Since 1914, 51
inated." ' women have received JD'or LLB de- " F
grees from Michigan. 1n1versIty FloworShopK RUGER S, CATER
" * * :One senior woman lawyer says,
University ReceiVes "Well, Law School is all right but 606 East Liberty Phone 9055
A 1. --) , D *- -, you're pretty anxious to get out by
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Back in America after Four Successful Years in Europe
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One of the most beautiful con-
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Engagement Cancelled because of Illness