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March 26, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-26

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Betsy Barbour House
Holds Faculty Dinner
The residents of Betsy Barbour
entertained members' of the faculty
and their wives at a dinner held at
6 p.m. yesterday. The guests for the
occasion were Prof. and Mrs. Roy W.
Cowden, Prof. and Mrs. Harold M.
Dorr, Prof. and Mrs. Aloysius J. Gaiss,
Prof. and Mrs. Anthony. J. Jobin,
Prof. and Mrs. Willett F. Ramsdell.
Other guests were Prof. and Mrs.
Edgar H. Gault, Prof. and Mrs. Au-
brey L. Hawkins, Prof. and Mrs.
Henry E. Riggs, Prof. and Mrs. Wil-
liam C. Steere, Prof. S. Morley Scott,
Prof. and Mrs. Albert K. Stevens,
Prof. and Mrs. Harlow O. Whitte-
more, Mr. and Mrs. T. Luther Pur-
dom and Mr. Harry J. Skornia. Mrs.
H. W. Ford of Baltimore, Md. also at-
Beta Kappa Rho, an organization
for women living in private homes,
announces the initiation of the fol-
owing women, which took place this
week in the League chapel. They
are Vera Foote, '40, Cathryn Jans-
sen, '39, Lucy Kantz, Grad., Clare
elterhoruse, '39, Dorothy Knight, '40,
Melba Marks,'39, Eleanor Jane Mas-
sie, '38, Dorothy Shepherd, '39, Mary
Tilk, '39, Pauline Vihtelic, '40, and
Daisy Bihary, '40.
1. . j

Council Names Appointment BureauSuccessful
New Members In Placing GraduateApplicants


Of olmittees
Publicity, Merit System,
Theatre-Arts And Social
Groups Announced'
New members of four League com-
mittees were announced yesterday by
Angelene Maliszewski, '38, head of
Judiciary Council. The posts were
given to those who petitioned at the
beginning of this semester, Miss Ma-
liszewski said.
The deadline for petitioning for
the committees, including the or-
ientation group and committees for
Freshman Project is tomorrow. Appli-
cation blanks are available in the
Undergraduate Office.
Theatre-Arts Committee
New membeicr of the the tre - t

By RUTH FRANK ;Drake, who is doing personnel work
The General Placement Division of i with a large manufacturing firm in
the Bureau of Appointments, which Detroit. Ruth Garlough is secretary
received over 1,000 applications last to the director of the Michigan Chil-
year from both seniors and alumni, dren's Institute in Ann Arbor.
has placed nearly all of them in busi- Among those placed in technical
ness and technical positions. positions we find Thelma Gardner as
Most of the applicants were situat- a laboratory technician in a private
ed in positions in the respective fields I clinic in Detroit, while Elizabeth C.
of work that they desired by the fall Collins holds a similar position in a
of the year. This year, as a result state hospital. Dale Button is an
of the remarkable increase in the analytical chemist with a large rub-
number of employers looking for ber company in Akron.
graduates to fill vacancies in their Engineering Posts Filled
firms, an even larger number of po- R. G. Easton is a mechanical en-
sitions are available. gineer in a plant in Saginaw, while
Representative among last year's John B. Koch is working as a archi-
graduates, who have obtained posi- tectural engineer in a Detroit com-
tions in the field of work they de- pany.
sired, are George Atherton and Gor- I Several of the graduates were
don Webber. They are working in the | placed with motor companies on spe-
sales and advertising departments of cial jobs for the fall auto shows. Some

r..; i

For a glorious Easter

I :
> I 4
)q :>

s2 one Of th leading pharmaceutical
committee, under the direction of o in ew Yor
Joanne Kimmell, '38, chairman, arecompanies in New York.
Jane Anderson, '40, Jane Bamberger, Bothwell Has Survey Job
'40, Jean Bourg, '39, Josephine Boyce, Robert George is doing accounting
'38, Margaret Bryant, '39, Ruth Chat- work for a firm in Detroit while
ard, '40, Martha Clise, '40, Martha Earnest Bateson is accountant for a
Cook, '40, Zelda Davis, '40, Mabel private automobile company, also in
Douglas, '40, Phyllis Elder, '38, Detroit. Joseph Whitmer's position
Gladys Engel, '40. is with an investment house in Chi-,
Violetta Engel, '39, Jane Elspass, cago.
'40, Shirley Fishman, '40, Marion One of the most interesting jobs is
Fleming, '40, Judith Frank, '40, June the one held by Lyman Bothwell. He
Frederick, '40, Carmelita Hatch, '40, is an economist on survey, employed
Jean Holland, '39, Nancy Hulwick, by the federal government. During
'39, Ruth Jacobson, '40, Una Kelley, the summer he traveled all over the
'40, Noreen LaBarge, '38, Mary Jane country and this winter has been
LeGros, '40, Nina McLellan, '40, Mary stationed in several large cities.
Meloche, '40, Audrey Nisson, '40. Also in the business field is John
Beatrice Ostrech, '38, Anna Platt,
'40, Ellen Redner, '40, Ruth Sevens- stance Bryant, '40, Ruth Calkins, '40,
ma, '38, Betty Slee, '40, Sybil Swart- Ruth Coler, '40, Annabel Dredge, '40.
out, '39, Jean Tibbits, '40, Marjorie Martha Dynes, '39, Marian Fergu-
Tillinghast, '39, Anna Thomson, '38. son, '40, Enora Ferriss, '40, Mary Jane
Margaret Udell, '40 Evelyn Weir, '40, Field, '38, Grace Foote, '40, Mary
Joanne Westerman, '40, Grace Wil- Gage, '40, Anita Goldstein, '38, Pattiej
son, '39, and Marie Wolf, '40. Haislip, '40, Jean Hanson, '38, Agnesj
Merit System Committee Hippen, '39, Mary Huntington, '38,
Barbara Bradfield, '38, chairman of Gertrude Hyde, '40, Jane Jewett, '40,I
the merit system committee, will be Lucille Kauer, '40, Anne Kingston,
assisted by Phyllis Cannon, '40, Mi- '40, Mary Jayne Kronner, '40, Nancy
riam Finkeldey, '40, Mary Jean San- Kover, '38, Janet Ladd, '40.
ford, '40, Harriet Sharkey, '40, Kath- Madeline Meyers, '39, Phyllis Mc-
Brine Sprick, ' 0, Helen Neberle, '88, Geachy, '40, Mary Minor, '40, Sylvia
Genevieve Thom, '40. Moore, '40, Dorothy Nichols, '40, Jane
Those on the publicity committee Nussbaum, '40, Sally Orr, '40, Maxine
are Anne Hawley, '40, Janice Fried- Peterson, '39, Hope Petrouleas '38,
man, '40, Katherine Maclvor, 't0, Mary Alice Quick, '40, Thelma Ram-
Bettie Schuele, '40, and Zenovia Sko- berg, '40, Jayne Roberts, '38, Mary
ratka, '40. Robersta Mb.n, '38, is Schweickhard, '40, Rowena Sheffer,
chairman of the group. '38, Elizabeth Schneider, '38, Dorothy
New members of the social com- Shipman, '40.
mittee of which Betty Gatward, '38, Jestine Silverblatt, '40, Eleanor
is chairman, are: Glade Allen, '40, Smith, '39, Betty Stadelman, '40, Elia
Elizabeth Allington, '40, Rosalie Stowe, '40, Annette Stroup, '39, Mir-
Ames, '40, Barbara Jane Backus, '40, iam Szold, '40, Martha Thompson,
Elizabeth Baldwin, '40, Maxine Bari- '38, Ellen Alberta Wood, '40, Barbara
beau, '40, Barbara Bassett, '40, Helen Zapp, '40.
Brady, '40, Betty Brooks, '40, Con-

I are still employed with these com-
panies. The Bureau has also placed
people in department stores, broker-
age houses and investment concerns.
Houses Feature
Easter Dancesg
This Wek-End
This week-end steps into the social
stride with five informal dances
scheduled for Friday and Saturday
Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity will
hold its closed informal initiation


in the ew .
Sialler SIZe
Lucien Lelong's famous
fragrance in this carved
tassel" flacon is truly
a glorious gift.
G00 S

dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today,
Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
McCloud of Dearborn and Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Jackson.
An informal radio party will be
held at the Theta Xi house today
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. according to
Carlton Nelson, '37E, social chairman.
The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Oakes and Mr. and Mrs. James
The Zeta Psi fraternity will give a
closed informal dance this evening,
according to Arnold E. Ernst, '37,
social chairman. Chaperons will be
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Anketell
and Dr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold.
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity will hold
an informal radio dance tomorrow
from 9 p.m. to midnight. The chap-
erons will be Prof. and Mrs. Anthony
J. Jobin and Dr. and Mrs. S. Milton
Goldhamer. Phi Chi fraternity will
hold a closed informal radio -party
tomorrow from 9 p.m. to midnight.
Chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs. Loren
Kerr and Dr. and Mrs. Conway Ma-

? i



Detroit alumni of Phi Gamma Delta
will entertain members of the active
chapter at a banquet in Detroit
___ Ii

Alpha Epsilon Phi announces the
initiation of the following: Zelda Da-
vis, '40, Shirley Fishman, '40, Dorothy
Glass, '40, Helene Rumizen, '40, Ruth
Frank, '38, Leona Siff, Dorothy Good-
nhan, '40, Florence Chikovsky, '40,
Ruth Warren, '40, Jane Sanger, '40,
Miriam Szold, '40, Helen Weissmhan,
'40, Betty Hamburger, '40, and Ruth
Jacobson, '40.

Trains, sleek skirts, and low-heeled
sandals are a few of the things men
on the Northwestern campus dislike
in their partners' formal attire, ac-
cording to the Daily Northwestern.
Most of them greatly object to
carrying girls' purses in their pockets,
and they dislike birds, feathers, and
"sparkling stuff" worn in the hair, as
well as all other costume ,jewelry.



Easter Gifts
Suggestions for Her!
20% Discount
Here in all the lovely and lasting odeurs that she'd select
herself for this happy occasion. Perfumes sure to please.
Liquidation Sale Items
priced for Fast Selling



Get into the spirit of wearing colors,
in Connie's new "multi-color" Doe-


60c Size
Not an oil, not a
soap. Leaves the
hair vital, soft and

50c Value
Tooth Brushes
The modern tooth-
brush for all ages.

40c Size
Pepsodent, Squibb,
or Ipana products.

Look Here-Aciual 40c
Rubber GlovesI
Genuine Latex Rubber Gloves for home
use, Soft, pliable, silk-like, form fit-
ting, full length and super strong. It's
a baragin indeed.
25c Bottle 5 lb. WRISLEY'S
Rubbing Alcohol Bath Crystals
12c 47c
Excellent i'or .sponge, rub, bath Perfumed water softener so



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