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March 26, 1937 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-26

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FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1937


physician's brother, as their slayer 1st 11e iiiienta1 Ex r mf de rcIroruberger E i tV
and a suicide., 2 x'rrne vio ern rc itec ureI IXI11IJ1lt g
Jeremiah Mackey, on-leave of ab _ __ _ U .° '
sene as a special officer in the park Ban Will Pla Needs Adjustment, O'Dell Says Feature At Library -E
department, had .been in poor mental ,G U l~ me t
health and physical health, accord- At Boxi a Show -___ _w An exhibition entitled "Science and' EThIN
ing to his superior, Captain Joseph the New World," prepared by Prof.
Rooney, since he was severely burned Exterior Factors, Utility and other construction features to be Theodore A. Hornberger of the Eng-:
Michigan_'s First " $met today. lishz department, at present doing re- w
while rescuing a woman from a fire Michigan's First Regimental Band, Are In octant In House
three years ago. Rooney said he had consisting "of :0 members, will play -ii House Modern architecture as a theory search work at the Henry E. Hunt-
assisted in many rescues from drown- for the Michigan Boxing Show to Planning, He Declares and philosophy and in construction ington Library at San Marino, Calif.,
ing in park ponds. be ,held Thursday, April 1, in Yost work, Professor O'Dell added, is the was the feature attraction for the
Field House, it was announced yes- By ROBERT MITCHELL result of this continual development. students and faculty of Whittier Col- . .ET
' ; dse Teachesterday by Walter Luszki, ,'37, director Extreme modern architecture, if it Its present developments are along lege who were guests at the Hunting-
- eleise Teacherof the Rendezvous Club--sponsored is to become a general ipovement in the line of comfort. Its concerns are ton Library last week.
In Torch Death I event to raise funds for the Fresh America, will have to make a mutual with enabling people to live in a home Professor Hornberger, on leave U
I3EW CASTLE, Ind., Mlarch 25.-( P)j Air Camp. adjustment with older traditions, without excess energy. Such things from the University for the year E
--Groping for a solution to the torch Ernest Jones, '38, business manager probably through a series of archi- as the positions of rooms in relation 1936-37, has devoted his time at
death of blonde Mael Stton, 28, of the band,said last night that tectiral .trends toward its develop- to their use, lighting, the amount o Huntington Library to a study of
" window space and cross-ventilation,!REDT
whose body was found in a woods marches and incidental music will be xnent, Prof. Frederick C. O'Dell of nAmerican scientific literature of the READ T
near here Tuesday, authorities ques- played. The band will start its pro- the College of Architecture' stated and climate features are all taken in- colonial period
tioned and released today a village gram 15 or 20 minutes before the yesterday. to account. Many modern architects _ ___
schoolmaster, who they said, had first bout, .and will play short num- Taste Is Consideration are asking for further advance, in the
-been her sweetheart in a college ro- bers between bouts, he said. "In planning houses," Professor line of replacing obsolete constructionBCPT
"hrisman, '40M, will direct O'Dell said, "though utility and -features and in building entirely BOX FFICEO ET
ance.Lee ,Ch com-.,.t)M il i .t'
Sheriff Charles E. Zornes said he the band in the absence of Prof. Wit- fort, the main factors of the 'extrem- I around utility. SHAKESPEA RE'S
was convinced Elbert Williams, 30, liam D. Revelli, away for a two-weels ist' architecture, are very important, Record Of Times
the teacher, knew nothing about Miss vacation. The band, played at the architects must take into considera- "However, a great question today,""Kin a
Sutton's death. Williams was a Wisconsin - M ichig an basketball tIon exterior factors as well. There Professor O'Dell said, "is whether
classmate and suitor of the young game here and at a recent wrestling is the situation of the house, the in creating this material perfection. March 31, April 1, 2, 3; Matinee Saturday,
woman at Ball State Teachers Co- match. tastes of the people who are to live modern architecture is not sacrific- PLAY PRODUCTION at the Men
lege at Muncie, the sheriff said. Ten "star bouts" have been sched- in it, and the relation of its style to ing the spiritual character of archi- prices 35c - S0c - 75c -
__'__°__ _____I__-iuled for the .show. The main bout is the locality and its neighboring tecture. A house to be liveable, must Prces35c_.0,. 75- $.0
cORRECTION between Donald Siegel, '39, and Rob- buildings. Whether a house follows be more than a mechanical and__ __ __
In the interview, wth Professor ert Thalner, '40. conventional styles or not depends utilization unity; it must have char- _---
Thornzton of the .engineering college .to a large extent on whether it fits acter. It must be a pleasure as well
yesterday, the reference n .tohe gum- Others i the matches are: Sam its location. as a convenience to live in, and there .
yetrdy herfrec t.h n >-W,.Rot, '40, and Leonrard ;Spector, << I'"
der of he fEnglish taken by stu- ' Root, '40, and D on "Modernistic architecture of the must be room for spiritual expansion
dents.of th literary college should '4;Thextremie sort would in only a very few and happiness as well as physical.
not have been included. Cash, '40; Miles I Lihn, '40 and occasions fit all of these requirements, "Much .of our social philosophy of
Robert H. Snyder, '40. because a house with its features today is the same. There are efforts
_ ( V.ayFrencha e. '40, wouldort
Andrew V. French, '40, will fight would be too greatly out of immediate toward physical security, but little
TYPEWRITERS Daniel .J. Tene erg,:'4Q; and James harmony with the conventional realization at the same time of the K
Al .nksan oes ct,'0,smthe ihJms E bihe resaion atth saILuneIfthe - I E C
All makes and models, Scot, '40, is matched wth James E tablishedstyles that would be found expression of mental happiness and
Bought, Sold, Rented, Brown, '40. around it." I'Vitality."
Exchanged, Repaired. Robert Trowell, '39, will box John 1 Style .Not Rigid . A an exterior style, Professor j Week-End Speci
" tkA , rn * tE. Veneklasen, '38,. while Arthur H. Though.,odern architecture pure- O'Dell stated, modern architecture is
,,. 4 . EYIUI. : Cutler, '.37, is matched with Theodore ly as a ,style probably cannot become probably too greatly in conflict with RABBIT CENTER CH
314 SOUTH STATE STREET Scihaible, '40; and Robert Smith, '40, immediately an archiectural ove- present styles to be able to immed-
.withJam-s__.___ynn,__n. ment, Professor O'Dell continued, itsi iatelf take its place beside them har- EGG ENTER
establishment may come, if people moniously. Its philosophy, however,
illel To Celeb rate retain enough interest in .it, through can find immediate acceptance and
t a gradual development of architec- be effected through adjustment to S
YOUR Feast Of Passover tural . tyles in its generation. Archi- present styles. By a series of gradual P
tecture never remais rigid. Each changes, modern architecture as a 11
generastion has new cultural and tech- style, if it is demanded, may some Phone 2
Hillel Foundation will celebrate the nical.interests. For example, a mo- day be definitely established. Archi-_______ _____ __
Feast of Passover, commemorating e n.architect maycarry on Colonial tecture is the record and expression
the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, or other older style traditions in his of the times, not the architects, how-
at Seders or evening services to be work, but he cannot design a strictly ever, and its. development as a move-
d conducted by Dr. Bernard Heller at Colonial house, because there are dif- ment will have to be the response toK ?, Io ! W '
7 p.m. today and tomorrow at Hillel ferent heating, plumbing, lighting, public acceptance of it. W A1K . o
ICE PLANTS Foundation.
) Trimmed. h "The observance of this holiday,"
D.Heller, said yesterday, "is a sym- IL. ' ( .j ' 1 k
o.He r ldrutieroas= VENING RADIO PROGRAMSCASreain
b .of .hope :for future ,freedom and IJf :ll D 1 lA T Cok .
justice throughout the world as much-L
d as it is the commemoration of the
Jewish emancipation from Egypt." ,KLW-1O30 Ki1ocycles WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles
r ,.. P.M. P.M. U SAD


Y - 2 - 5 p.m.
April 3. Presentel by
delssohn Theatre.
Phone 6300






g o A L


__;_Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
.._ _ _The .classified columns close at five
o'clock =prevous to day of insertion.
Box aumbers may be secured at no
,tLAST TIMES TODAY pDextra charge.
.1 ( C IH L T . . cash in adgvanqce I~c r .wading, ine
Jane Wi thers HOLY TERROR" for one or two insertions. lOc per read-
."with L.EAH RAY, EL BRENDEL ing lne for three or more insertions.
' , Minimm :he.lines per ,ntion
" STelephone rate - I25a per reading. line
Sta for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
1c ,1 Ir -v { w w 10% discount if paid within ten days
Saturday .rom the date of ,at insertion.
STUDENT wants work for room.
;.:.: ?. SEPhone 2-1129. 437
. old and new suits,. overcoats, at $3,
$5, $8,$25. LADIES' FURCOATS
.: ----*'musica mstruments. Phone Sam.
. GA ET . ._AY 6304. 78x
0 . . AUND"1Y
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
. Careful work at a low price. Ox
I ~FOR..F .T
Additional ---FO
Cartoon Pete Smith MV.usical FOR RENT: Room, single or double
"LITTLE "BlAR-RAC'S "LITTLE NEWS . with board iz.private home. Excel-
CHEESER" NIGHT OUT" MAESTRO" EVENTS I lent meals reasonable. .Mrs. Black,
__520 Forest. Phone 2-3308. 436
.... .......... ....-..... ......................... .......

6:00-"Magic Island."
6:15-News and Sports..
6;:30-Lane Prescott's Ensemble.
6 :45-rhumba. Rhythms.
7:00-Phil Marley's -Orch.
7:15--Ted Lewis' Orch.
7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins.
7:35-Melody Interlude.
7:45-Musical -Echoes.
8:00-Mario Morelli's . Ensemble.
8:30-Cesare Sodero Directs.
9:00-Raymond Gram Swing.
.9:15-Horace .Heidt's Oxch.
10:00-Vincent York's Orch.
10:30-Bamnberger Symphony Orchl.
11:00-Canadian Club Reporter.
11 :15-Bernie Cummins' Orch.
11 :30-Freddy Martin's .Orch.
Midnight-.Tonmy- Dorsey's Orch.
12:30--Clyde Lucas' Oreh.
1:00-Count Basey's Orch.
1:30-Weather Forecast.
WJR-7 0 Kilocycles
6:00-Stevenson News.
6;15-Envoys of MVelody.
6 :30-Republican State Central Com-
6 ;4P-Ironized Yeast.
6 :45-Pretty Kitty Kelly.
7:00-"Mortimer Gooch."
7 :15-Vocal Varieties.
7:30-The Allen Family.
7 :45--Boake Carter.-
8:00-roadway Varieties.
S8:30-al Kemp's Orch.
9:00-Hollywood Hotel.
10:30--Favorite Melozdies.
10:45-Vocals by Verrill.
11:15-This Week in Review.
11 :45-Wismer Sports.
11:50-Jay Freeman's Orch.
I.id night- arvin Frederic's Orch.
12:30-Leon Belasco's Orch.
1:00-Sign Off.
WWJ-920 Kilocycles
6:00-Ty Tyson's Sports.
"6:10}-Dinner M~xsic.
6:40-O3dd Facts.:
6:45-Musical Moments.
7:00-Amos n' Andy.
7:15-Voice f Carelessness.
7 :201-Evenxing -Melodlies.
7:30-Dudley - Brothers.
7 :45--Caballeros.
9:00-Waltz Time.
9:30-True Story Hour.
10 :0-Fi~rst Nighter.
10:30-Pontiac Varsity Show.
11:00-Webster- Hall Orchestra.
11:30-"Northern: Lights."
12:00--Northwood Inn Orch.
Midnight-Northwood Inn Orch.

6:30-Day in Review.
6:45-Lowell Thomas.
7:Q0,-Baseball Extra.
7:15-To Be Announced.
7:30-The Lone Ranger.
8:00-Irene Rich.
8:15-Singin' Sam.
8:30-Death Valley Days.
8:45-Michigan T B Association.
9:00-Universal Rhythm.
9:30-Twin Stars.
10:00-Girl Scouts 25th Birthday.
10:30-Lowry Clark.
11 :00-Don Bestor.
11:30-Phil Levant.
11:45-Earl Hines.
Midnight-Morrey Brennan.
Syversen Made Head
Of Scandinavian

Fr tha7 00
SF~o thBEST- Cars - Drivers - Service




She staked a week of thriling
romance against a lifetime of
bitter heartbreak! She lost-
but she never regretted her
choice! Come and see why!

Harold Syversen, '37E, was elected
president of the Scandiavian Stu-
I dent Club, newly organized on the
campus, at its meeting yesterday at
the Union.
Chet R. Anderson, '37E, was elect-
I ed vice-president, and Helen Linder,
'38, secretary-treasurer.
Division and Catherine Streets
March 26
3-Hour Devotions
From Noon until 3:00 p.m.
Addresses by The Reverend
Ienry Lewis and The Reverend
Frederick W. Leech!
MusiC by St. Andrew's Choir
The Three Hours .make one
complete service, but each hour
is a unit, with a brief break in
the service, for the benefit of
those who can come for only
( part of the period.

L" / '7\
- ,

swing Tfgh, swing Low



Directed b'y Michael Curtin A First NaionaI Picture

in J.G.P.!

13c 2 for 25c
Fri.-Sat.-sun. Only

t 111I


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