The Weatlies
Mostly cloudy today and
morrow; continued cold.
t t iYY
A Farmer-
Labor Party
He Favors Plan
Of Mediation
In Court Fight
Michigan Senator Asserts
He Can Take No Definite
Stand On Proposals
Says Judiciary Too
Far From People
DETROIT, March 25.-(P)-Sen.
Prentiss M. Brown (Dem.-Mich.) as-
serted today the United States Su-
preme Court is "a little too far re-
moved from the people" and advocat-
ed a "compromise plan" for reorgan-
ization of the Federal Judiciary.
Reporting that he disagrees "with
many of the Court's decisions,"
Brown said he had not made up his
mind on a definite stand as between
President Roosevelt's Court proposals
and opponents of the plan to appoint
new justices to the Court.
'Tried To Legislate
"I feel, as two-thirds of the Senate
feel and as three-fourths of the
House feel, that too often the Court
has tried to legislate, that too often
the justices have made of themselves
a policy-making body," Brown told
a luncheon club here.
The Senatr's plan, which he said'
has the support of nine Senate mem-
bers "who have so far remained non-
commital in the dispute," included:
Establishment by statute of the
two-thirds rule for declaring Con-
gresional acts unconstitutional, a
constitutional amendment making
the two-thirds rule permanent, a pro-
vision setting the judicial retirement
age at 72 and the appointment of
two new justices.
"I wish," he said, "that the court
would follow the rule that no act of
Congress could be declared invalid
unlessit is unconstitutional beyond
any reasonable doubt.
Gommnents On Strikes
"If three or four justices form a
minority group who belive a law is
constitutional, then certainly no one
could say that there is no reasonable
doubt'sof thetcorrectness of the ma-
jority opinion."!
Without mentioning the Chrysler1
strike situation, he commented re-
garding sit-down strikers who dis-
regard court eviction orders:
"I want the courts to be respected.
Property rights 'should be respected
and trespassers on property should
first be reasoned with and then evict-
ed if they remain stubborn in their
refusal to move."
Brown's address was one of sev-
eral he will- make on a state tour in
support of Democratic candidates in
the biennial spring election.
Local Churches;
Plan Services
On Good Friday
Morning Watch Sponsored
By Guilds Are To Be Held
At LeagueChapel
Activities of Good Friday reverence
have been planned for today by the
local churches and student Christian
guilds of the campus.
For all students there is to be the
fifth in a series of Morning Watch
devotion services from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
in the League Chapel. This is being
sponsored by the members of the
church guilds.
Devotional music appropriate to
Good Friday will form a program to
be played at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium by Palmer Christian. The
program includes Frescobaldi, "Toc-
cata per l'Elevazione"; Bach, "0 Sa-
cred Head Now Wounded," "When On
the Cross the Savior Hung"; Karg-
Elert, "Prologue Tragicus"; Wagner,
"Good Friday Music," (Parsifal);
Malling, "Golgotha"; Bossi, "Hour
of Consecration"; Dupre, "Crucifix-
ion" (Passion Symphony).
A "Tre Ore" service will be held
from 12 to 3 p.m. in St. Mary's Stu-
dent Roman Catholic Chapel. The
Sermon. is "The Seven Last Words
of Christ;' to be given by the Rev.
Father Marshall L. Lochbiler, Grad.,
S. J.,
A three-hour devotion service from
12 to 3 p.m. is being planned at the
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Ad-
dresses will be given by the Rev.
Plan To Curb Hitching
Students is Introduced
LANSING, March 25.-()-It will
be thumbs down on thumbs up in
Michigan if the Legislature passes a
measure introduced today by Rep.
Ernest G. Nagel, Democrat, Detroit.
Designed to curb hitch-hikers and
the mute appeal of the uplifted
thumb, the bill would make it a mis-
demeanor punishable by a fine of
not more than $10 to "stand on any
part of the traveled portion of a
public highway and solicit a ride in
a motor vehicle other than a bus o'
taxicab except in case of an emer-
Fraternit Men
Will Have OwnS
Monthly P aperi
Fraternity men will be presented
with a monthly newspaper shortly
after Spring Vacation, according to
Roy E. Frazier, '38, Interfraternity
Council committeeman who will serve
as editor~in-chief of the newspaper.
It will be named the Interfraternity
News, Frazier said, and will consist
of four mimeographed pages of read-
ing material that is of particular in-
terest to fraternity members. It will+
be three columns wide, he said.
The first issue of the Interfrater-
nity News will be financially sup-
ported by the Council, Frazier said,
but it is hoped that the fraternities
will support subsequent issues. The
purpose of the new paper will be to
bring to the fraternity men on cam-
pus news that because of its special
interest to them they might not hear
of through any other news columns,
he said.
Staff members of the Interfrater-
nity News announced by Frazier are,
James Barco, '38, alumni; Lowell
Kreig, '38, editorial; Arthur Lun-
dahl, '38, sports; and Goff Smith,
'38, house activities.
The price of the Interfraternity
News, as well as additional features
will be announced later, Frazier said.
Peace Conrcil .
To Seek Rally
To Ask President Ruthven
For Permission To Use
Library Steps As Site
The campus will have advanced a
step toward attaining the goal of a
mass peace demonstration on April 22'
when the Peace Council, supported by
officers of the Union and League, pe-
titions President Ruthven today for
permission to hold the meeting.
Culminating months of discussion
by the Peace Council, the final form
of the petition will ask permission
for the use of the library steps, as a'
site, dismissal of classes for one hour,
at 11 a.m., and an invited speaker,
who, Julian Orr, '37, president, an-
nounced last night may be Salvador
de Mariaga, Spanish journalist and
diplomat, special writer for the New
York Times.
Among those expressing their ap-
proval of the petition are the res- i
idents of the Student Christian Asso-
ciation, the League, the Union and
the managing editor of The Daily, Orr
The meeting will be one of hun-
dreds on campuses throughout the
country, which in turn will partici-
pate in an international peace dem-
onstration together with English,
French and Scandinavian student
meetings and one-hour strikes.
The local peace organization plans
to introduce resolutions supporting
the appointment of a civilian and
military committee to determine what
constitutes national defense and the
passage of the Nye-Kvale bill for the
abolition of compulsory military
training in colleges.I
Other resolutions will express op-
position to the Hill-Sheppard bill and
protest against participation in wars
outside the nation.
Earhart To Resume
Flight Next Month
SAN PEDRO, Calif., March 25.-(IP)
-Amelia Earhart plans to resume
her around-the-world flight late next
America's first lady of the skyways,
who crashed last Friday in taking off
from Honolulu to Howland Island on
--hn nn ..s..Tarr . 1... irl ~~yr r
13 Are Killed Elight Chr sler Plants Evacuated
In Pittsburgh
Airliner Crashl By Strikers According To Truc
Crack-Up Of Giant White;
SRemainsUnexplained '
Pilot Was Former
Michigan Student
PITTSBURGH, March 25.-()-A
giant white Transcontinental Airwayij
skyliner crashed nose first tonight
about 10 miles south of Pittsburgh
killing its crew of three and ten pas-
Lansing Parley Continues Today
Negotiations Immediately
Begun After Clearing Of
Detroit Factories
Sole Bargaining
Is Foremost Issue
Sartin Cheered By Sympathizers
Robert McWilliams, a Washington, I Murphy Calls Conference
Pa., taxicab operator, said he saw the 'Very Satisfactory'; To
liner about 6:45 p.m., cruising slowly,
headed toward the Pittsburgh airport, I Resume At 9 A.M.
its engines laboring.
"Suddenly the front of the ship LANSING, March 25.-(R)-Chrys-
just dropped straight down 100 yards ler strike negotiations which Gov.
from me. There was a loud noise, Frank Murphy said "will proceed un-
then silence." til an agreement on collective bar-
Passengers Named gaining has been reached" were re-
The passengers, announced by sumed here tonight.
TWA officials at Kansas City: E. J. Within a few minutes after state
Fleming, Standard Oil Company, police notified him that more than
Kansas City; C. R. Lewers, Standard 6,000 sit-down strikers had ended
Oil Company, Kansas City; H. Haxli, their 18-day occupation of Chrysler
Chicago, Ill.; Miss M. Black, New factories in Detroit, leaving the
York, N. Y.; Miss F. Reed, New York, plants "in good condition," the red-
N. Y.; E. G. Neill, Minneapolis, Minn.; haired executive communicated with
Frederick D. Lehman, Harrisburg, Walter P. Chrysler, corporation
Pa.; Miss Pauline Trask, German- chairman, and John L. Lewis, head!
town, Pa.; H. Herman, Elmhurst, of the Committee for Industrial Or-
Ill.; E. Brazelton, Elmhurst; ganization.
List Crew Members Both hurried to Murphy's execu-
Crew Members: F. L. Bohnet, New- tive suite in the State capital for a!
ark, N. J., chief pilot; H. E. Warwick, two-hour session which the Governor
Newark, co-pilot; Miss Doris C. Ham- said might be "preliminary." There
mons, Elk City, Okla. they were joined by Homer Martin,
The tragedy occurred in a small president of the United Automobile
valley in upper St. Clair township, Workers of America, whose members
on the fringe of Mt. Lebanon and are demanding recognition of their
eight miles from downtown Pitts- union as sole bargaining agency for
burgh. the 67,000 Chrysler workers.
Less than a year ago 1.1 persons Conference Recesses
died in a mountain top crash 40 miles When the conference recessed un-
to the southeast and last September til 9 a.m. tomorrow Governor
5, 10 were killed in a sightseeing plane Murphy said it had been "very sat-
about ten miles awray. isfactory. The spirit of the eve of
Visibility was good at the time of Good Fridayhprevailed." None of
the crash, although a few hours ear- the otherconferees commented.
Tier a heavy smog (smoke and fog) Governor Murphy did not say
had enveloped most of the Pittsburgh whether progress had been made. He
area, announced that the conferees will
meet until noon tomorrow and then
KLaMBotMarc o-tkile nprobably adjourn until Tuesday,
crash of a transcontinental and Wes-L when Chrysler and Lewis will return
tern air plane near Pittsburgh to- Th Goveng.
night, was graduated from Western The Governor, talkg with news-
State Teachers College here in 1925 men, said "there isnothing further
and the University of Michigan en- scheduled tonight. Get my emphasis
gineering college in 1929. on the word scheduled, please." Asked
- if there was a possibility of develop-
nents in the Chrysler or other labor
M 1SA i er~ disputes, he answered, "If there is'
anything, it will be on this strike"
Sill Give Final Belief that settlements of other
automotive disputes may come soon
after a Chrysler agreement is reached
Choral Concert was expressed by Murphy before the
conference. He said: .
Present Strike Serious
''When the Chrysler strike is set-
; Prolonged Throat Ailment tied the most serious of the indus-
Forces Eddy To Cancel trial conflicts will be over. I believe
EHthe leaders in other disputes will
Engagemnent Here follow rapidly with similar agree-
ments. Some parties to other con-
Because of the cancellation of Nel- troversies have been in communica-
son Eddy's concert here last night tion with me today. They include
following the recurrence of his throat the Hudson Motor Car Co. and the
ailment, the Negro contralto, Marian Reo Motor Car Co."
Anderson, was secured yesterday to A sit-down strike still in progress
close the currentuseries of Choral at Hudson's Detroit factory has left
Union concerts on Monday, March 29 10,000 idle, while Reo's Lansing truck
in Hill Auditorium. ;plant employing 2,200 is closed by a
Tickets for the Eddy concert will similar strike.
be honored at Miss Anderson's con- Martin, arriving for tonight's con-!
cert, Charles A. Sink, president of the ference, said, "the strike is still on
School of Music, announced yester- despite the fact that the workers
day. have evacuated. The only difference
Miss Anderson, who recently re- is that a way has been paved to an
ceived wide acclaim for her perform- amicable settlement."
ance on a national radio network _micablesettement.
broadcast, was secured for the con-~
cert in answer to numerous requests n
for her appearance following the a
news of Eddy's cancellation, Mr. Sink "
explained. Eddy has been forced to Strlkes Urged
cancel all his March engagements jkU
and possibly his April concert en-'
gagements prior to his return to 1
Hollywood to prepare for a forth-
coming motion picture.
Recently returned from an exten-! WASHINGTON, -March 25.-(AP)-
sientEureancne frtouranduring Congress heard suggestions today
1 sehEuropeanaconcert touasduring that President Roosevelt speak out'
Iwhich she was highly praised by }o h i-onsrks htSce
critics, Miss Anderson is now con- on the sit-down strikes, that Secre-
cert-touring the United States. tary Perkins be "more careful" not
Mss AourndterniteStatrnesn.Phi-to "incite" them and that sit-down
Miss Anderson was born in Phila- strikers be subjected to fines and im-
delphia, Pa., made her debut with priksonetd
the Philadelphia Symphony Orches- prisonment
tra, and later sang in Town Hall in Se oeVanden r eblictnd
New York in her concert debut In whose home is in strike-buffeted
1925 she appeared as guest soloist Michigan, expressed hope that a pres-
with the New York Philharmonic Or idential statement would come from
Lth__ ..he.N_._Y .kPhi _.___m_,__a conference Saturday between Mr.
chestra, earning this privilege Roosevelt and congressional leaders.
through a nation-wide competition "Toee as ongon eaers.
a~nn 3 n rn r nn, a y h "There is nothing of greater im-s
- Associated Press Photo
Carried triumphantly on the shoulders of UAWA sympathizers,
Homer Martin, youthful president of the Union, is shown being escorted
from the scene of the Chrysler plants which the sit-down strikers
evacuated yesterday, principally through the efforts of Martin. Martin
found occasion during the day to renounce communist support of the
strike. He said there were "about 20 communists" among the sit-down-
ers, but that they are "well organized and make a lot of noise. We will
not tolerate them sticking their noses into the business 0o the UA4,''
he declared in a speech at the Highland Park plant. Evacuation of that
plant, where the corporation's adrninistrative oriices are located, will
enable the company to issue $2,000,000 in pay checks to employes for
work done before the strike began on March 8.
'Citizens Of Michigan' Formed
T'o ffirn Rcspect F'or .Lawn'
End Self-Imposed 18-Day
Seige, Filing Unions
Part OfBargain
Martin Persuades
His Men To Leave
Difficulty Met In Vacating
Factories, Resulting In
Four-Hour Delay
DETROIT, March 25.-()-With
banners whipping in a snow-laden
ind, sit-down strikers marched from
eight Chrysler Corporation plants
here this afternoon and delivered the
keys to State Police troopers.
By ending their self-imposed siege
in its 18th day, they fulfilled their
;art of a truce arranged at Lansing
Between Walter P. Chrysler and John
L Lewis for evacuation of the captive
plants as a prerequisite to further
negotiation of sti'ike differences.
Not until high officials of the Unit-
ed Automobile Workers of America
literally had talked themselves hoarse
did the strikers agree to leave the
plants without a company concession
on the issue of sole recognition.
Work 12 Hours
For 12 hours, Homer Martin, pres-
ident, Richard T. Frankensteen, or-
ganizational director, and other UAW
officials traveled from plant to plant
in a big, blue bus. They explained the
truce to the rank and file and urged
them to accept it.
Three hours of explanation, argu-
ment 'and even exhortation were re-
quired at the Dodge and Chrysler Jef-
ferson plants. The evacuation had
been scheduled tentatively fr 9 a.m.
It was nearly four hours later before'
it actually began.
The first plebiscite, at the DeSoto
plant, came at 2:15 a.m. The final
vote, at the Chrysler Kercheval plant,
was not taken until 12:40 p.m.
By that time, Martin and Frank-
ensteen barely could speak above a
Delay Causes Confusion
The -delay caused cnfusin 'in
scheduled plans for evacuation dem-
onstrations. Hundreds of strikers,
impatient to get home, left during
the morning. At the De Soto plant,
the strikers marched out in parade
formation, only to do an about face
and march back in because state po-
licemen had not arrived to accept
the keys.
Capt. Donald S. Leonard, head. of
the state troopers detailed, said a
preliminary inspection indicated that
the vast factory, was in "excellent"
condition. Union officials declared
that all of the plants had been kept
meticulously clean.
Southern Part
Of California
Hit By Quakes
LOS ANGELES, March 25.-(P)-
Ten thousand square miles of south-
ern California quivered this morn-
It came at 8:49 a.m. From San
Diego to Santa Monica and from the
Vlojave desert to the sea a series of
light earth shocks was felt.
Down in the Imperial Valley, at
Brawley,. clocks were stopped. In
many communities people ran out
into the streets.
Seismologists said it was caused by
the earth's "growing pains" down in
the mountains of northern San Diego
County; not very far from where a
new $6,000,000 telescope and obser-
vatory-the world's largest-is under
construction at Palomar,
These quake experts said their in-
struments indicated it was of suffi-
dent intensity to do a bit of damage'
at its epicenter, but since the epi-
center was where there were no build-
ings to damage it would be up to
geologists to find out about the effect
on faults or earth cracks.
end Petition To Murphy ing signatures to petitions to Gov.
Frank Murphy and "law-enforcing
Urging Court Respect, officials of the state, counties and
Law Enforcement municipalities" saying "the laws must!
be enforced and 'espect for courts
DETRO3IT, March 25.-t'}-Philip must be maintained or government
reitmeyer, former Detroit mayor, will fail and anarchy rise in its place."
nnounced tonight the formation of 'Not Vigilantes'
voluntary organization known as The petitions also state that "we
Citizens of Michigan," saying the firmly believe all workers are entitled
ole object is to affirm respect for to fair wages and reasonable hours
w and to- encourage impartial law of labor" and "the seizure of private
iforcement for the benefit of work- property and its forcible retention to-
,gmen and all alike." gether with defiance of lawful orders
e said the organization was seek- of courts, threatens the very soul of
-_- -- -- --_--_- government itself."'
. Newspaper advertisements an-
Bloc' Forces nalrma:Tn";
iIU FO CeS nouncing formation of "Citizens of
Michigan" declare "this is not a vig-
1 iance committee," but it is "a non-
elaf New political organization of serious-
minded people of Michigan it
sO l commends any official taking a stand
pp pra iforlaw-enforcement; it seeks to re-
'turn Michigan to a position of pro-
LANSING, March 25.-P)-A self- minenceand respect in the eyes of
-_l . LT ..-.. T . . -... . «...Afthe nation.."
sye "Progressive Bloc" composed ;
of legislators pledged to vote against "We commend Gov. Murphy for his
any measure carrying an appropria- declaration that law must be estab-
tion until after bills providing money lished and mtaintained," said Breit-
for old age assistance widows' pen- meyer, who is .chairman of the or-
sions and direct relief have been re- ganization "Mayor Frank Couzens
leased made its appearance in the has acted with unflinching valor.
"When leaders of labor advocate
House today. rebellion against law and publicly
Both the appropriations of the
University of Michigan and Michigan
State College will be delayed by the
Rep. Philip J. Rahoi, Democrat,
Iron Mountain, identified himself as
leader of the group when he engaged
in an argument with Rep. M. Clyde
Stout, Democrat, Ionia, over a mea-
sure which would appropriate $5,000
a year to finance a proposed Michi-
gan commission which would affiliate
with the Council of State Govern-
ments for intergovernmental cooper-
Stout mentioned the "Progressive
Bloc" after amendments to eliminate
defy courts to carry out their de-
crees or orders, then the rights of
every law-abiding workingman are
seriously damaged. The cause of
labor is discredited; honest men are
McKenzie And Erickson
To Speak At Luncheon
Walter I. McKenzie of Detroit
Democratic candidate for State su-
preme court justice, and Arthur E.
Erickson, Ironwood, Democratic can-
didate for State superintendent of
public instruction, will address a
Crucifixion Is Theme
Of Morning Worship
ThP fifi'ih i a. . ri f 7ifof ,,,rnia