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March 18, 1937 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-18

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TH1jE/ T l I R1 j "" jN j L DAITV'ytl

L iYLlS.Lb . li lO p lU.31

Strikers Don't Like Modern Nero's Pay Checks Either


h~ d1



1 11

McCar'ol1A Reveals -+C 0.0 Room1042. estngin-
Role Of CheAist "P. "acontrol of
Of f'. n.. nt"nit"a nI111 ;ns and testing
of fimshed parts were listed by Mr.
The role played by c-emists and M Carroi as thi principal divisions
metallurgists in the manufacture of of this role. The .--plexity of these
a modern motor car was described divsons was indicated by his state-
last night by R. H. McCarroll. chief ment that in steelaione 60 different
chemist of the Ford Motor Co.. be-~ kinds are specified. :36 of which are
for the regular meeting of the used' in producing an automobile.

- Associated Press Photo
Nero had nothing on Louis N. Kapp (front center), president of a model airplane company in Chicago, who
pulled out his fiddle when employes went on strike. The workers, insisting on higher wages, seemed no
more kindly disposed to his music than his pay checks.

Hebrard Says French Interest
In Fair Brought Strike Ending
Results of a recent strike attempt I ing made to carry through the sched-
by workmen on the Paris Interna- ule on time."
tional Exposition reveal the interest The Paris International Exposition
being shown by the entire nation of will have as its theme the arts and
France in making its coming fair a techniques of modern life. "Its main
highlight among international funs- purpose," Professor Hebrard stated,
tions of its kind, Prof. Jean Hebrard "is to demonstrate that art can render
of the College of Architecture stated life better and more beautiful for
yesterday. all people; that there is no clash
"France has made contracts to open between beauty and utility in art;
the new exposition in May," Professor and that art and technique must be
Hebrard said, "but in January it was united. It will give an idea of ef-
discovered that the work on the fair forts being made by all nations of the
was behind schedule. Workers were world in various fields connected
asked to stay overtime and to work with the life of a people toward new
on Sundays, which was contrary to standards of living. The French gov-
their union regulations. A strike was ernment expects it will also serve
called. If the demands for shorter as an expression of international co-
hours had been granted, or if the operation in all fields of art and in-
strike had continued, the exposition dustry. Exhibits will cover a wide
would not have opened pn its sched- variety of fields, from city-planning
uled date, and contracts that had to interior decorating of houses, and
been made with 40 countries would from furniture and metal-ware to
have been violated. jewelry and glass-ware."
Blum Speaks Will Cover 156 Acres
"Premier Leon Blum spoke to the The Exposition will cover an area
men in a mass meeting and pointedof 156 acres on both sides of the,
out the national consequences of the Seine in the district of the Eiffel
. Tower, between the Pont Alexandre
strike. His personal appeal to their III and the Pont de Grenoble, Pro-
national loyalty resulted in calling off fessor Hebrard explained. The Tro-
the strike, and now all efforts are be- cadero Museum on the right bank of
the Seine is being rebuilt with a ter-
race connecting its two wings. Be-
Ineath this terrace there will be a large
CLASSIFIED subterranean concert hal. The
American pavilion in the Exposition
is being built of concrete, steel, and
artificial stone, surmounted by a 150-
foot tower.
Special features are also being in-
LAUNDRYecluded on the less academic side of
__AUND____. _ the exhibition. An outstanding inno-
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. vation among these is the "fountain
Careful work at a low price. 6x of wine," patterned after a feature
in old French court festivals.

Summer School
Plans To Offer
Music -Course
The eighth annual summer course!
offered by the School of Music in
conjunction with the University Sum-
mer Session is being announced this
week by bulletins released through!
the office of the Summer Session.
Courses will be offered in the
School of Music summer curriculum
along several different lines. Therel
will be regular courses for students
working toward music degrees, clas-
ses for students in other colleges who
are interested in music from a cul-
tural point of view, special depart-
ment studies for professional musi-
cians, teachers, and supervisors, and
lessons for special students. The
program includes individual voice and
instrument instruction, and a pro-
gram of courses in theory, history,
and analysis of music. The field of
music education will be covered by
courses in both elementary and sec-'
ondary school instruction methods.
Work will be on both a graduate and
undergraduate level.
A feature of the session will be a
three-week High School Music Clinic,
from July 5 to July 24. The objec-
tives of the Clinic are not only to
provide high school students oppor-
tunities for daily training in instru-
ment or voice, but also to give in-
structors in music a chance to ob-
serve the demonstration of modern
methods of organizing and teaching
music, it was stated.
Guest instructors in the School of
Music this summer will include Dr.
Mealey Willan of the University of
Toronto; Harold Bachman of the
University of Chicago; Miss- Roxy
Cowin, supervisor of music, Ann Ar-
bor Public Schools; Miss Mary Fish-
burne of Mary Baldwin College, Vir-

CKLW-1030 Kilocycles
6:00--"Magic Island."
6:15-News and Sports.
6 :30-Lane Prescott's Ensemble.
6 :45-1Rhumba Rhythms.
7:00-Phil Marley's Orch.
7:15-Ted Lewis' Orch.
7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins.
7:35-Melody Interlude.
7:45-Musical Echoes.
8:00-Mario Morelli's Ensemble.
8:30-Cesare Nodero Directs.
9:00-Raymond Grarm Swing.
9:15-Horace Heidt's Orch.
10:00-Vincent York's Orch. .
10:30-Bamberger Symphony Orch.
11:00-Canadian Club Reporter.
11:15-Bernie Cummins' Orch.
11:30-Freddy Martin's Orch.
Midnight-Tommy Dorsey's Orch.
12:30--Clyde Lucas' Orch.
1:00-Count Basey's Orch.
1:30-weather Forecast.
WJR--750 Kilocycles
6:00-Stevenson News.
6:15-Envoys of Melody.
6:30-Republican State Central Com-
6:40-Ironized Yeast.
6:45-Pretty Kitty Kelly.
1 :00--"Mortimer Gooch."
7:15-Vocal Varieties.
7:30-The Allen Family.
7:45-Boake Carter.
8:00--Broadway Varieties.
8:30-Hal Kemp's Orch.
9:00-Hollywood Hotel.
10:30-Favorite Melodies.
10:45-Vocals by Verrill.
11:15-This Week in Review.
11 :45-Wismer Sports.
11:50-Jay Freeman's Orch.
Midnight-Marvin Frederic's Orch.
1230-Leon Belasco's Orch.
1:00-Sign Off.
WWJ-920 Kilocycles
6 :00-Ty Tyson's Sports.
6:10-Dinner Music.
6 :30-Bradcast.
6 :40-Odd Facts.
6:45-Musical Moments.
7:00-Amos 'n' Andy.
7:15--Voice of Carelessness.
7:20-Evening Melodies..
7:30-Dudley Brothers.
8:00-Lucille Manners.
9:00-Waltz Time.
9:30-True Story Hour.
10:00-First Nighter.
10:30-Pontiac Varsity Show.
11:00-WebsterHall Orchestra.
11:30-"Northern Lights."
12:00-Northwood Inn Orch.
Midnight-Northwood Inn Orch.
WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles
6:00-The Two Redheads.
'6:15-The Fact Finder.
6:30-Day in Review.
6:45-Lowell Thomas.
7:00-Baseball Extra.
7:15-To Be Announced.
7:30-The . Lone Ranger.
8:00-Irene Rich.
8:15-Singin' Sam.
8:30-Death Valley Days.
8:45-Michigan T B Association.
9:00-Universal Rhythm.
9:30-Twin Stars.
10,:00-Girl Scouts 25th Birthday.
10 :30-Lowry Clark.
11 :00-Don Bestor.
1:30-Phil Levant.
11 :45-Earl Hines.
Midnight-Morrey Brennan.
12:30-George Greece Orch.
ginia; Clifford Lillya of Marshall
High' School, Chicago; Ralph Rush,
Cleveland Heights, Ohio; E. Carl
Lundgren, Springfield, Ill.; Arthur
Schwuchow, Louisville, Ky.; and
Hardin Van Deursen of Albion Col-
Bulletins may be obtained through
the office of the Summer Session.
PONTIAC, March 17.-VGP-Burns
received when his home was de-
stroyed by fire today caused the
death of Walter Welk, 30. He died
en route to a hospital.
h -1



s .n gr' 4rsea .


Class & individual in-
struction in all types
of dancing. Teachers
course. Phone 9695
Terrace Garden Studio
Second Floor
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.

ROMULUS, March 17.-(A')-Alex
Dunn, 61, was killed today when the
truck he backed upon the tracks was
hit by a Wabash freight train. He
was the owner of an automobile junk
yard at Belleville.




You are cordially invited to hear
Murray D. Van Wagoner
Candidate for re-election, State Highway Commissioner
Edmund C. Shields
Candidate for Regent, University of Michigan
John D. Lynch
Candidate for Regent, University of Michigan
Mrs. Lavina Masselink
Candidate, State Board of Agriculture
These are important offices to every citizen of
Washtenaw County.
These candidates are well qualified to fill these



X V HEN Hollywood wants to film a scene re-
quiring hundreds of extras," it makes a
telephone call-and gets them.
This is made possible by a central casting
bureau, whose amazingly fast service is based
on systematic use of the telephone: This organiza-
tion has a telephone switchboard where as many
as 30,000 calls a day are handled in bringing
actors and producers together.
Another example of the value of telephone
service to business and social America. It is the
constant aim of Bell System men and women to


SI E important offices.

You should plan to hear them.



" i


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