Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year: and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
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Cllege. Publishers RepresenCative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewell Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Riehard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred'
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Bickwalter, Marshal Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newman. Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe,
Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes.
Women'sBusiness Assistants:M argaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple. Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional" Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local-
Advertising, Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Mass Production
Of Babies .. w
bounties which were offered have recently been
reduced-many Russians are still unaware of
this fact-and the decline in the cost of living
promised to the Russian population has be-
come a fiction, with the cost of living actually
rising. The Russian government, at least, now
recognizes the folly of proceeding in too great
haste and not adequately preparing for the
increase in population.
But not so Italy.
Even the decrease in the number of marriages
in face of governmental encouragement of mar-
riages has not had any evident effect upon Mus-
solini's program. In May 1929, the legal age for
marriage for boys was reduced from 18 to 16
years, and for girls from ,15 to 14. Yet the
number of marriages fell from 312,662 in 1930
to 283,603'in 1935.
Modified race suicide is one result and the
decadence of the institution of marriage through
the legalization of adolescent prostitution is an-
other result of Mussolini's policies.
Another consideration which seems valid con-
cerns the fact that through encouraging propa-
gation without adequately preparing for the in-
crease in population, and allowing boys 16 and
girls 14 to assume the responsibilities of father-
and motherhood, the general tone of the popu-
lation in the long run may tend to be inferior.
Haphazardly reared, if particularly fortunate, in
a totalitarian regimented state, by mentally im-
mature parents and a lustful paternalistic gov-
ernment, it seems plausible that the youths
of the next and successive generations may be of
inferior quality to that of the present and
past generations.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however; be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
'Lynch' The Peace Council
To the Editor:
With a thrill of pleasure I realized that there
are such straight-thinking, clean American-
minded individuals as D. Stevenson and W.B.O.
on the campus of our great university. It is just
such people as these on whom we must rely to
combat the pernicious activities as such panty-
waists as the Peace Council. But letters to the
editor are not enough. Persons of the caliber of
D. Stevenson and W.B.O. must organize before it
is too late. The Peace Council must be faced
with a hundred per cent American organization,
strong enough to tell it to shut up or leave town.
And, if it should refuse to leave town, there would
be plenty of Americans who would help ride the
members out on a rail.
Or country is in danger as never before. The
largest armament expenditure in our history is
all too small. We must have a line of steel
and concrete between us and Canada. We
must raise two lines of steel and concrete be-
tween us and Mexico lest those foreigners invade
us again as in 1848. We must fortify Alaska,
Honolulu, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Guam,
Midway Island, American Samoa, the Virgin
Islands, the Aleutian Islands, and the states
around Maine and Vermont. We must prepare
for invasion from Germany, France, Italy, Rus-
sia, Great Britain, and all the states of the
world including the Principality of Monaco,
which I understand, has a standing army of
over a hundred men.
Our citizens must realize that when an air-
plane is loaded to the gills with gasoline, it
can cross the Atlantic in good weather. What is
to prevent an airplane loaded to the gills with
bombs tanks, and troops from making the cross-
ing in bad weather? Nothing. We must have
barracks in every city, gas masks in every cradle,
machine guns in every kitchen, and compulsory
military training from the ages of eighteen to
thirty. We must remember that war is a pro-
ductive process, and that since the dawn of
time it has been the army which has most
advanced civilization. Let us constitute the army
as the sovereign power in these United States.
Menaced from abroad by Ireland and from with-
in by the Peace Council, army control is the
only way by means of which true Americans
can find security.
Take heed to the lesson offered us by China.
D. Stevenson is right. A highly industrialized
state like China was helpless before the aggres-
sions of backward states like Britain, France,
and Germany, simply because these latter had
armies. Yes, my fellow countrymen, 'we must
crush the Peace Council-and it will not be diffi-
cult, for the Peace Council is obviously composed
of shirkers and cowards and other things. Do
you want their wives, mothers, and sweethearts
(I almost left out daughters) in 'the arms of
the yellow peril?
-Wiemus Phite.
Damned With Faint Praise
To the Editor:
First let me state that I believe the President's
proposal for court reform is perfectly logical and
justifiable, in order that 'you may be able to
judge if I am writing this letter from a biased
My criticism of The Daily concerns an article
appearing in Thursday's issue in which you state
that Mr. George Burke "Opposes Court Bill," and
"Asks An Amendment." Your lead for the story
then goes on to point out that Mr. Burke is a
prominent Democrat who indicated his disap-
proval of Mr. Roosevelt's Supreme Court plan
and "rapped at those who damned with faint
praise the recent Constitution-clarifying amend-
ment conference; of which he was chairman."
The surprise and disappointment I felt on
finding such editorializing in your news columns
f l;--° By Bonth Willias~.
T THE HALF-WAY MARK in the colossal
masculine beauty contest to determine the
fairest males on the Michigan Campus, Dick
Goldcamp and Bert Reedy, separated by only
two votes, have spurted into a commanding lead.
The rest of the field is well strung out with th
stretch runners still well back as the entries
thunder down the back stretch.
Here are the first ten choices in order of votes
polled with a list of dangerous contenders who
are still very much in the running:
1-Dick Goldcamp.
2-Bert Reedy.
3-Dick McKelvey.
4-Bob Campbell.
5--Jack Porter.
6-Donn Chown.
7-Morlye Baer.
8-Fletcher Platt.
9-Bob Mellencamp.
10-Johnny Getz.
.. .Fred James, Ralph Bell, Russ Cole,
Fred Shaffmaster, Art Renner, Russ Run-
quist, Judd Spray, Lee Shinar, Bob Weeks,
Bill Griffiths, Frank Dan~nemiller, Freddie
Compilation of votes will continue over the
week-end and complete results will be made
public next Tuesday morning. No ballots will
be counted if post-marked later than midnight
THIS IS ONE of those unique week-ends in
the world of sport, when there is no event
which stands head and shoulders above the
Fred DeLano and giyself leave early this
morning to cover the Western Conference Track
front along Chicago's midway-a front where
the stars and hopefuls of ten great schools
will be competing for fame and honors in the
classic indoor meet of the winter season.
And down in Bloomington, Indiana the ace
swimmers and divers of tie same League are bat-
tling it out over the week-end for natatorial su-
premacy and the crown which is emblematic of
the Big Ten championship.
Right here in Ann Arbor a third Western Con-
ference finale on Friday and Saturday will find
nine collegiate grunt and groan squads scrapping
for leg scissors and hammer locks to bring a
team title to their respective alma maters.
Outside the college picture the sportlight is
focused on big league traininghcamps where
16 ball clubs are getting in shape to excite the
nation when the pennant chases get under way
come the middle of April. And each one of
those sixteen ball clubs is staging a series of
publicity stunts and haggling over salary figuresj
with recalcitrant stars for the benefit of the
sports correspondent of a hundred newspapers-
correspondents who must fill column afer col-
umn of copy for the avid delight of ten million
northern baseball enthusiasts.
The final guns are being fired along the hockey
front before the opening of the play-off series
March 28 when the League-leading Detroit Red
Wings will clash with the inspired Montreal
Canadians in a five-game series to determine the
the League Champion.
And by the same token Normie Smith of the
Wings and Dave Kerr of the New York Rangers
are staging a real battle for the George Vezina
trophy awarded annually to the goalie who has
the least number of pucks pushed past him
throughout the regular season. Smith leads at
present with 92, but he's already over the mark
immortal Chuck Gardner set when he practically
single-handed placed the Stanley Cup in the
laps of the Chicago Black Hawks with his great
work in the nets-and died a short time later
with a brain tumor.
With interests encompassing five realms of
sport this week a poll of the experts and their
selections gives us:
1. The New York Yankees, bolstered over
last year with a reinforced pitching staff and
a host of rookie talent to repeat in the
American League.
2. The St. Louis Cardinals, now supposed
to have the ace corps of hurlers in organized
baseball to edge out the Giants for the Na-
tional League flag.
3. The Detroit Red Wings, as the most
perfectly balanced powerhouse in hockey to
out-last Les Caiadiens and go on to sweep
the play-off series and the Stanley Cup.
4. Michigan's Maize and Blue to score
a triple triumph in swimming, wrestling and
track over the week-end and the Wolver-
ines to come marching back into Ann Arbor
with three Confereh a titles to the tune of
"Michigan-Champioro, of The West."
BENEATH IT ALL: Professor Reeves stopped
suddenly in'the middle of a political science
class yesterday and roared, "You there, in the
back row, Mattes, wake up." . . . Wallie Weber,
Professor Arthur Cross, Henry Hatch, and Dean
Rea have all received votes in Michigan's mas-
culine beauty contest . . .
was obviously his condemnation of those who had
smiled so condescendingly at "clarifying amend-
ment" proposals before the President made his
stand and who now, to the amazement of Mr.
Burke and his associates (not to mention others),
are suggesting "that the proper way to avoid
five-four decisions of the Supreme Court upon
Constitutional questions is to proceed by amend-
ment authorized by Congress and ratified by
three-fourths of the states."
Might I suggest that your copy-reader glance
at the story once more and your "head" writer
find out what the news of the story actually
is before such editorials are duplicated in your
-THE LUST FOR POWER, the desire.
to "revive the ancient glories of
Rome in a new and greater Italian empire," the
economic urge for more land and more natural
resources with the underlying militaristic and
imperialistic motives seem to have completely
blinded Premier Mussolini to the detrimental re-
sults which his encouragement of mass produc-
tion of children, beyond the point of diminish-
ing returns, has wrought.
Once again he is endeavoring to make his
ultimata regarding births more stringent. At
present the Fascist Grand Council is examining
the feasibility of imposing new penalties upon
bachelors and childless couples. This seems
again urgent to Mussolini for his system of*
rewards for couples having the largest families
has evidently not brought about the desired
results. His wrath over this failure is evident
in his fortnightly severe attacks upon married
persons unwilling to have children, with cartoons
everywhere displayed ridiculing those who would
rather have pets.
But the appalling ramifications which Mus-
solini's program entails were clearly set forth
recently in an unusual article in an Italian paper
by the director of pediatric clinics in Rome, Dr.
Luigi Spolverini. In his article, Dr. Spolverini
reveals in figures how utterly futile Mussolini's
plan has-been and how the program has resulted
in a modified race suicide, implying that ade-
quate care is not provided !for the increase in
The mortality rate at birth since 1926 has
risen from nine-tenths to 1.72 per cent, Dr.
Spolverini points out, while 1.3 infants of every
100 are dying before the end of the second
year. Enteritis alone killed 55,000 Italian babies
in 1935, Dr. Spolverini explained, adding that
ailments of this kind are avoidable, implying a
bitter condemnation of the government's pro-
Italy, however, is not alone in this race to
increase the population so as to commandeer
large military forces in the future and justify
an imperialistic policy. Russia, along with the
other Fascist nations, is entered in this struggle
for population supremacy among the various
It is significant, however, to note that Russia,
within one year of its inauguration, is acknowl-)
edging her lack of foresightedness in issuing the
"big family" decree. Kaminsky, people's com-
missar of health in Russia, this week issued the
statement that "we are poorly prepared for the
great increase in births," that the increase in
the Russian birthrate has outrun the plans
to provide for it.
Last sinmer Russia adopted policies equally as
stringent as those inaugurated by Italy or Ger-
many. For instance, the "big'° family decree"
strengthened family ties, severely penalized
divorce, forbade abortion and established heavy
Publication in the Buletin is constructive notice to all m Sf tha
figure to stand out above the con-
glomeration of the rest of the picture
is Lewis Stone who plays the steady-
ing hand of a wise old lawyer and
does it well.
The show hurriedly carries a sur-
geon of renowned skill from Balti-
more, where his career was nipped
inadvertently by a murder charge, to
'a small country town in Wisconsin.
Instead of being left to brood there
over the fate of events, the doctor,
upon the encouragement of a retired
lawyer in the town, enjoys a favor-
able practice as a country physician.
Meanwhile the sister-in-law of the
patient, whom the doctor was ac-
cused of murdering, tracks him down
and prepares to wreak her revenge.
Her intentions are stalled when she
finds that the doctor is not such a
bad sort of a fellow. But the show
does not end here; it goes on to build
up mass hysteria among the towns-
people who then are all ready to
lynch both the doctor and the enemy-
turned-friend girl.
One cannot criticize every pidture
because it is not a classic, as this
one certainly is not nor pretends
to be. However, an ordinary-run
picture which tries to handle a story
far beyond the means of the casting
or the direction deserves censuring.
'Britain Unfolds
Gi antie NewT
Naval Prooram
Sir Samuel Hoare Hints
At Proposed English
Opposition To Italy
LONDON. March 11.-(AP)-Great
Britain unfolded today the outline of
one of the mightiest naval building
programs in history and dropped a
warning hint of the power she will
hold.-particularly in the Mediterran-
While Premier Mussolini, of Italy,
cruised proudly to Libya at the head
of his fleet, Sir Samuel Hoare, first
lord of the Admirality, told the Houset
of Commons that secret plans already
had been laid to repel any ttack in ;
narrow seas.
Many observers believed that his
remarks were pointed primarily at
Italy, as an answer to British fears,
that Italy might sometday seek to cuts
the Empire life-line through the
Sir Samuel told Commons that, by
the end of the year, Great Britain
would have under construction 148
new warships.
Introducing the 1937 naval esti-
mates, Sir Samuel said they called
for 80 more new ships-above those
already authorized-at a cost of
$525,325,000. Among them, he said,
will be five capital ships, four air-
craft carriers and 17 cruisers.
He warned that if Britain allowed
more time to pass before launching
fully into the naval phase of her
five-year $7,400,000,000 defense pro-
gram, she would find herself in a po-
sition of serious weakness in the face3
of naval powers that have been build-
ing new battleships for some years.
Sir Samuel made a gesture of
friendship to the United States and
to Germany in presenting the vast
"Now and henceforth," he pro-
claimed, "there can be no rivalry be-
tween the American and British
navies. Nor can there be any race!
between Germany. and British naval
"Our program is aimed at no coun-
try. "
Kruger And S.W.F.
Reach Agreement'
(Continued from Page 1)
modify or amend this agreement, ten
days written notice must be given
to the other party.
"10 Any and all disputes arising
during the period of this agreement
must be negotiated jointly between
representatives of the employees and
"Since we have carried on business
in Ann Arbor, we have always prac-
ticed thepolicy of fair play with our
employees. We find that the theory
of the Student Workers Federation
AT THE MICHIGAN Vniversty. Copy received at the off
OUTCAST unt 3:30; 11:00 na.m. on Saturday.
The story of "Outcast" should be
one of those that make your emotions FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1937
run riot. But actually you will not VOL. XLVII No. 115
be very much stirred, because you: 'N oties
know all the time that it is just a
movie. The picture tries to express The Subcommittee on Discipline of
an array of psychological forces, from the University Committee on Stu-
personal revenge to mass hysteria, dent Conduct, at a meeting held on
that work against the central figure, March 5, 1937, took the following
the part of being one of the forces actions:
Karen Morley walks dully through Ralph R. Shelton. '39, was found
but they fail to hit any depth at all. guilty of conduct unbecoming to a
at work to ruin a young doctor's ca- i University student, and was placed on
reer. You will know that she has a probation for the remainder of the
reversal of feelings when you see her present semester.
kissing the doctor. Warren Williams Norman Zitreen, '39, was found
plays the character of the doctor but guilty of conduct unbecoming to a
he is quite submerged by the factors University student and suspended
of the plot on top of him. The only from the University for the remaind-
er of the current semester and until
such further time as he gives assur-
ance to the Dean of. the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts and
the Dean of Students that in the fu-
ture his conduct will conform with,
University standards.
Solwyn Schwartz, '39, was found:
guilty of conduct unbecoming to a
University student and was placed on
probation for the remainder of the
present semester.
Earl V. Moore, Secretary, Sub-
committee on Discipline.
W. R. Humphreys, Assistant
Dean, College of Literature
Science and the Arts.
Seniors in the School of Education
are hereby informed of the collection
of the class dues and notified that
only those who pay the dues will be
permitted to have their names in the'
class announcement of the School of
Education. Robert Murray, class
treasurer, and Albert Ammerman and
the finance committee will receive
payment of dues at a table just out-
side of the School of Education of-
fices between 2 and 4 p.m. for the rest
of this week.
Occupational Information Series
will be held this week, March 9-13,
for all students. Faculty and others
interested are invited to attend the
meetings. The programs for Friday
and Saturday will be as follows:
Friday, March 12, 4 p.m., Adver-
tising, G. W. Kingsbury, Educ. Di-
rector of Adcraft Club, Detroit.
5 p.m., Personnel, Miss L. E. Ebel-
ing, Personnel Director, Sherwin
Williams Co., Cleveland.
6:15 p.m., Dinner, Michigan Union.
7:30 p.m., Principles and Practice
in Guidance, E. G. Williamson, Di-
rector U. of Minn. Testing Bureau.
H. S. Placement, Miss M. Hick-f
man, Supervisor of Guidance and
Placement, Cleveland Public Schools.
Miss Doris Cline, Counselor on
Guidance and Placement, Detroit
Public Schools.
College Placement, T. L. Purdom,
Dir. BureauUApp'ts and Occup. In-
formation, U. of M.
Saturday, March 13:
9:30 a.m., State Guidance Com-
mittee Program. Panel Discussion.
Topic: Guidance and the Program
of Instruction.
12:30 p.m., luncheon, Michigan
2 p.m., Practical Aspects of a
Guidance Program. T. L. Purdom,
Dir. Bur. App'ts and Occup. Inform.,
U. of M.
Mrs. Bertha Ashby, Ass't to Di-
rector, U. of M.
Miss Gertrude Muxen, Counselor,
on Occup. Inform., U. of M.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Academic Notices
UWUS~ ~~ m U 11CtoaM=erso DIu
Woe of the Assistant to the President
with the exception of small chil ren,
is invited to attend without admis-
sion charge.
University Lecture: Prof. Max
Wertheimer, of the University in
Exile, will lecture on the subject,
"On the Psychology of Thinking," to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science
Auditorium. The public is cordially
Forestry Lecture: Dr. H. N. Wheel-
er, of the Washington office of the.
United States Forest Service, will de-
liver an illustrated lecture on "For-
estry in the United States" at 4:15
p.m. today in the amphitheatre of
the Chemistry Bldg. The public is
cordially invited.
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Mrs. Martin Johnson, fa-
mous jungle explorer, will conclude
the current lecture series when she
will speak in Hill Auditorium, Tues-
day, March 16, at 8:15 p.m. Her
lecture is entitled "Jungle Depths of
Borneo" and will be illustrated with
her outstanding motion pictures.
Tickets are now available at Wahr's
State Street book store.
An Exhibiiion of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural Bldg. Open daily from 9 a.m.
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: First basses,
part rehearsal at 4:30 p.m.
Sigma Rho Ta: The tri-college
conference that was scheduled for
Friday, March 12, has been post-
Esperanto: The Esperanto Class
will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall
from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today.
The University of Michigan Pub-
lic Health Club will hold a party this
evening at Lane Hall, corner of
State and Washington Sts. There
will be games and refreshments in
addition to dancing.
Music will be provided by
an orchestra. All members of the
club will be admitted by presenting
their membership cards while others
will be assessed. All members are
cordially invited to comee and bring
their friends.
Roger Williams Guild, today, 8
p.m. Guild party with novel features.
Partly indoors, partly a hike. At the
Guild House, 503 E. Huron St.
Stalker Hall: Tonight at 6:30 p.m.
at the Michigan Union, the Wesleyan
Guild will have its annual banquet
for all Methodist students and their
friends. Reservations may be made
by calling 6881. Owen Geer, na-
tionally known leader. of Methodist
youth, will be the speaker. Follow-
ing the banquet, there will be a party
at Stalker Hall. This will include
dancing and other forms of enter-
The Disciple Students Guild will
sponsor a recreation program this
evening, 8 to 11 p.m. in the recrea-
tion hall at the Church of Christ,
Hill and Tappan Sts. Table tennis,
darts, shuffleboard, other games, and
group singing will provide entertain-
ment. All students regardless of re-
ligious affiliations are cordially in-
Coming Eveits
The Outdoor Cub will go hiking
this Saturday afternoon. The group
will leave Lane Hall at 2 p.m. and
will return about 5 p.m. All students
interested are invittd to come along.
Caps and Gowns will be worn at
Senior Supper, Wednesday, March
17, at the League. Seniors may ob-
tain these in the League ballroom
from 12:15 until 6 p.m. Monday,
March 15.
A.A.U.W. International Relations
Supper: Dr. Wm. H. Worrell, pro-
fessor of semetics, will talk on "Pol-
itics in Palestine, Egypt and Syria,"
at a supper sponsored by the Inter-
national Relations Committee of
A.A.U.W. at the Michigan Union at
6:30 p.m. on Sunday evening. Reser-
vations should be made at the Union
before 10 a.m. Saturday. Open to the
Lutheran Student Choir: Regular
rehearsal will be held Sunday af-
ternoon, 4:15 p.m. at Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. The male quartet will
practice at 3 p.m., and the small choir
group at 3:30 p.m.
Congregational Student Fellow-
ship: The Student Fellowship is hav-
Make-Up Final Examination
German 1, 2 and 31 will be given
Saturday, March 13, at 9 a.m.
Room 201 University Hall.
Psychology 33, 35, 37: A make-up
for the final examination will be
given Saturday, March 13, from 2 to
5 p.m. in Room 3126 N.S.
Makeup examinations in Sociologyl
141 and Sociology 121 on Monday
afternoon at 2 p.m. in Room 313,
Haven Hall.
History Make-Up Examination:
The make-up examination in all his-
tory courses will be given this af-
ternoon from 3 to 6 p.m., in Room
C, Haven Hall.
Co ceras
School of Music Concert: The
University Symphony Orchestra,
Earl V. Moore, Conductor, with the
following contest winning music stu-
dents, will appear in recital in Hill
Auditorium Sunday afternoon, March
14, at 4:15 p.m.: Ellen Nelson, pi-
anist; Marguerite Creighton, mezzo-i
soprano; Gratia Harrington, violon-
cellist; Emilie Paris, pianist; Jane'
Rogers, contralto; and Kathleen
Rinck, pianist. The general public,
Favorable Attitude
Needed By Aviation
(Continued from Page I)