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March 12, 1937 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-12

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Ten Mat Meet Will Start


Gophers, Illini
And Michigan
Are Favorites


Tankers Seek

Lash Seeks Record


Varsity Is Only Unbeaten
Conference Team; Meet
To Open At 7:30 P.M.
(Continued from Page 1)
able sophomores to fill in the four
vacant weights.
Chief surprise among the first year
men has been Harland Danner, the
aggressive, fair-haired 165 pounder.
Unheralded at the onset of the
year, Danner has swept through
seven bouts undefeated, winning five
of them by falls.
Harold Nichols, a first-semester
sophomore, has helped no end dur-
ing the tail end of the season. The
husky 145 pounder may break into
the scoring column this week-end,
although his competition is extreme-
ly tough. Butch Jordan, the third
sophomore, will not wrestle in the
heavyweight division due to a knee
injury, and the competition looks
a little too tough for Dick Tasch, the
fourh sophomore, at 175 pounds.
Here are the men to watch:
118-Pound Class-Bob "Two-Bits"
Myers, (Indiana), Dan Blum, (Illi-
nois), Johnny Speicher, (Michigan),
Captain Richard Millen, (Iowa).
126-.Pound Class-Al Sapora, (Illi-
nois), Don Maland, (Iowa), Paul
Cameron, (Michigan).
135-Pound Class-Earl Thomas,
(Michigan) Archie Deutschman, (Il
linois), Tom Bryce, (Indiana).
145-Pound Class-Bob Finwall,
(Chicago), Jack Mclvoy, (Illinois).
155-Pound Class-Capt. Frank Bis-
sell, (Michigan), Jesse Chamberlin,
(Illinois), Frank Cramer, (Ohio
State). .
165-Pound Class-Harland Danner,
(Michigan), John Ginay, (Illinois),
Stan Hanson, (Minnesota).
175-Pound Class - Capt. John
Whittaker, (Minnesota), Tris Trai-
coff, (Indiana), Charles Mutter, (I1-
linois), Capt. Robert Lightburn, (Ohio
State), Ed Valorz, (Chicago).
Heavyweight Class-Bob Haak,
(Indiana), Clifton Gustafson, (Min-
nesota), Frank Battaglia, (Illinois),
DeWitt Gibson, (Northwestern), Sam
Whiteside, (Chicago).
Clark To Show
His Versatility
Here March 17
Coleman Clark, former national
singles table tennis champion along
with a host of other titles, who is.
coming here from Chicago for an ex-
hibition the night of the Intramural
Open House, March 17, is also one of
the most versatile all-around ath-
letes of this generation.
Ping-pong, or table tennis, is one
of his recent achievements. Before
that he majored in football, tennis,
horseshoes, water polo, basketball,
bowling, track and perhaps a few
other events that have slipped his
His exhibition, which will take
place during the interval between
the fraternity and independent bas-
ketball games, will b e a real demon-
stration of what can be done with
the little white ball and a paddle.
His partner will be Abbott Nelson,
Illinois State doubles champion and
number 27 in national ranking.
Clark got interested in table tennis
in 1930 and followed it up by win-
ning the Western championship
in 1931. In 1932 he took the national
championship in New York. That
was a starter and he continued win-
ning titles in about every other sec-
tion of the country.
Clark soon got tired of winning
cups and took to trick shots on the
table. His fancy and unusual re-
pertoire of taple-tennis shots soon
gave him a name in that phase of
the game. Wednesday night he will
demonstrate all his tricks for the

benefit of the large crowd expected
to watch him.
Clark won his first triumph of any
sort at the age of 13 by winning the
men's horseshoe pitching champion-
ship at Chautauqua, N.Y. His slight
build handicapped him through high
school but as a sophomore at the
University of Chicago he took his
share of the Big Ten tennis doubles
championship. After that he played
on the water polo team and gained a
major award in basketball and in
After he left college he joined the
Chicago Athletic Association bowling
team and rolled a high game of 266.
One day with nothing else to do he
tossed the shot on his first attempt
43 feet. Taking this up seriously he
won the Central A.A.U. shot putting
title for two years in a row.
Coleman, when a junior, left college
to join the French ambulance service
in which he served 21 months. His
courage in the second battle of the

(Daly Sport "ditor
A Good Plan . ..
Sophomore Ben Moorstein, who has
been doing yeoman work on the In-
tramural beat, today puts into words
something that has been in the air
around the I-M locker rooms ever
since the huge plant was built. It is
a good plan, I think and I would
rather like to hear any objections
one might raise.
If ever anything were a "natural,"
this is it, and still, in all the years
of intramural competition it has
never come off.
The thing referred to is a meeting,
in any sport in which both frater-
nities and independents participate,
between the two divisional cham-
pions. No more "natural" a game
could be held in all intramural com-
petition. It would draw the crowds,
bring out the best in each team, be a
real seasonal climax and, most im-
portant of all, it would decide the real
title holder in that sport instead of
leaving it in a sort of partnership as
now exists:
Next Wednesday the Intra-
mural Department holds its
Ninth Annual Open House and
as present things go, the time-
honored custom will not be va-
ned and two champs will again
be crowned in each league. Bas-
ketball is of course the main
sport at stake now, but it isn't
the only one. Before it came vol-
ley ball, the full sports, and the
other events.
Just why arrangements have not,
in the past, and, are not now, being
made to match the winners is a ques-
tion. The I-M directors offer various
reasons but do not mention perhaps
the obvious. They say that there
has not been any agitation for a
bringing together of the leaders of
the two groups. It seems that a na-
tural wouldn't need any agitation.
They also say that enough enthusi-
asm is shown in each separate divi-
sion, especially the fraternity. Twice
as much could easily be brought out
by the pairing.
There has been much discus-
sion, especially of late, since the
finalists are beginning to appear,
of the comparative strength of
the leading teams in both divi-
sions. As it stands the leaders in
each division appear to be about
evenly matched with the frater-
nities a mite stronger.
This fact eliminates the other less
open but more obvious reason, if it
may be mentioned as such. That
reason was that perhaps one of the
winners would take a lacing in a
match of the sort spoken of and in
this way lose a great deal of the pres-
tige a winner gains. But if a team
is to be a real champion why doesn't
it want to be the sole title holder
and not a side-kick or a half-brother
to it?
In a meeting of this sort it can be
argued that the fraternities have
everything to lose and nothing to gain
or at least not very much. It can be
said that by not playing they are still
the champion but by playing and
losing they are nothing. But as has
been already been pointed out, is a
real champ one that wishes to share
his honors?
One method that has been
tried but was not much of a
success was a more or less im-
promptu game between all-stars
of each group. The Independents
won but that is no criterion for
the present. An all-star game is
an attraction but it does not de-J
termine the championship team.I

Ninth Big Ten
Ohio State, Iowa, To Give
Opposition To Natators,
Preliminaries 'Tonight
(Daily Sports Editor)
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 11.
-(Special to The Daily)--Right in
the heart of a district where the out-
come of the state high school bas-
keiball tournament is holding far
more interest than the forthcoming!
Big Ten swimming meet, Michigan's
natators are resting tonight before
taking to the University of Indiana
pool in quest of their ninth Confer-
ence championship in 11 years.
Preliminaries in the meet which
the Wolverines are favored to win
with ease this year will be held to-
morrow night, with the five finalists
in each event battling it out Satur-
day night. Ohio State and Iowa, last
year's champion, are looked upon to
provide most of the opposition for
Matt Mann's proteges.
Squad Arrives
The Varsity arrived here from In-
dianapolis this morning and imme-
diately went through a long workout
'in he Hoosiers' renovated pool.
The 88 foot tank, made ino a reg-
ulation 25-yard pool by means of a
buttress, proved very fast in practice
today, and several new records are
in the offing should not the crowded
conditions in the narrow five lanes
prove too much of a handicap.
Ed Kirar and Bill Farnsworth, star
varsity sprint men, are slightly in-
disposed with colds, and may not
enter the meet in the best of shape.
Co-Capt. Frank Barnard has a bad
blister on his foot, but the injured
member did not seem to bother him
as he went up and down the pool
Trio Like Board
Ben Grady, Phil Haughey and
Hanley Staley, Michigan's diving trio,
found the new board to their liking
and may bring in a few extra points.
The drive to Indianapolis Wednes-
day afternoondproved a tedious one
and was made difficult by driving
winds and slippery pavement, but a
snappy workout in the Indianapolis
A.C. pool relieved the tension. The
team spent last night in the I.A.C.,
where Dick Papenguth, former Mich-
present is quartered here for the
Participants To Vote
For Big Ten Mat King
For the first time in the history
of Big Ten wrestling meets, all
participants, instead of the
coacbes as in the past, will vote
for the best grappler competing
for a Conference crown. The bal-
loting will take place immediately
following the weigh-in on Friday
at the Field House.
A gold watch is being donated
to the winner by John Drummond,
wrestling enthusiast, who has
missed only one National Inter-
collegiate meet in the. last ten
years. Twice Mr. Drummond trav-
eled from London and once from
Paris to be on hand for a glimpse
of his favorite sport.
The watch is on display at
Clarke's Jewelry while the trophies
to be presented to the winning
team may be seen in Slater's win-
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., March 1L-()
-Louis Boudreau of Harvey, Ill.,
star sophomore forwxard on the
University of Illinois basketball team
which shared the Big Ten champion-
ship with Minnesota, was elected

captain of the 1937-38 Illini squad
today at the annual basketball lun-

Indiana will pin most of its Big
Ten track title hopes on the great'
Don Lash who recently ran the
two-mile in 8:58 indcors for a new
'world's record. Lash is out to break
both the mile and two-mile Con-
ference records Saturday night and
has an excellent chance of doing it.
Hey~tliger Closes
ockev Career
Saturday Night
Michigan's Damon & Pythias of
the ice will come to the parting of
the ways Saturday night when Capt.
Vic (Beaver) Heyliger skates out of
the Michigan hockey pictuie against
Chatham A.C.
Gib James is the junior member of
the duo that has proven a bane to
Wolverine opposition this season.
The Otawa speedster and Capt. Vic
are bosom pals off ' the ice, and
the friendship reflects in the perfect
teamplay that has characterized their
their performance all year.
Duo Honored
An uncanny puck passer, Gib has
laid the rubber disk against the hard-
skating Heyliger's stick in the execu-
tion of more than one important
score. Similarly, the Beaver has
been on the assist end of many of
Gib's shots.
It was the effectiveness of the com-
bination that led the Wolverines to
a state title, then to a share of the
Conference championship. Official
recognition came last week when both
boys were honored on an all-star sex-
tet handpicked from the rosters of
Michigan, Minnesota and Michigan
The Beaver's adieu Saturday night
will also mark the final display of
one of the best poke checks in col-
legiate history.
Vie Vexes Foe
The score book bears convincing
testimony of his skillful stick han-
dling on offense. But unrecorded,
except in the memories of foe and
fan, are the enemy goals he has
thwarted with his adroit poke check.
Vic has been a familiar sight, weav-
ing backward slowly as the opponents
rode up the ice with di'e intent. Just
as familiar has been his sudden
squat, the wide sweep of the stick and
-presto!-a stolen puck.
More than one Chatham A.C. husky
will be vexed by Heyliger's poke
check Saturday night, and the black-
thatched Beaver boy is likely to turn
in one of his top notch performances
to mark his collegiate hockey exit.
Jack Merrill, wing on the second
line, will also bow out of the Wolver-
ine scene Saturday, although it is
uncertain whether an injury he sus-
tained in the Minnesota series will
permi his playing.
The Canadian six has cut success-
ful capers this season in the amateur
league across the border, one of the
toughest amateur circuits known.
"Where can I get good type-

writer service?"
"Rider's is the best place I
know of. They guarantee their

Varsity Track
Team Defends
Big Ten Crown
Wolvernes Are Favored;
Preliminaries Are Run
Tonight In 440, 880
Michigan's track team, 21-men
strong, will leave this morning for
Chicago where tonight the Wolver-
ines will begin the defense of- their
Big Ten indoor track crown.
Only the preliminaries in the 440
and 880 are scheduled for tonight and
all finals will be staged tomorrow.
Stan Birleson is the favorite in the
former event while Chuck Beetham
of Ohio State is expected to again
finish first in the half.
Team Rates High
The Michigan team is not at the
peak of condition but even so ranks
as the probable champion teamfor
the fourth consecutive year. Sam
Stoller spent last week-end in the
Health Service, Dave Hunn is both-
ered by a sore leg, and Ross Faulkner
has not fully recovered from an ill-
ness that kept him confined all last
In tonight's events it will be Birle-
son and Steve Mason running for
Michigan in the quarter while in the
880 Howard and Harold Davidson,
Ed DeVine and Harry O'Connell will
try to win their way into the finals.
Lash Provides Feature
Don Lash of Indiana is undoubted-
ly the key attraction of the meet for
the Hoosier distance star is out to
break the Conference records in both
the mile and two-mile. In the shorter
of these events he will be facing
Chuck Fenske of Wisconsin, defend-
ing champion, and Clayt Brelsford,
Michigan senior who placed fourth in
the national intercollegiate mile last
summer. This race should be the
greatest of the entire program.
As Lash has already established a
new world record for the two-mile
this winter at 8:58 the old Big Ten
mark seems sure to fall. His team-
mate, Tommy Deckard, has also
turned in a 9:07 performance and In-
diana pins most of its title hopes on
these two distance events. Jimmy
Smith, the thirdsoutstanding Hoosier
runner, will also be fighting. for
places in both events.
Big Bill Watson, the sensational
Negro sophomore from Saginaw, has
his eyes set on establishing a new
Conference mark in the shot put and
is hoping to push that record up to
50 feet or better.



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