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March 09, 1937 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-09

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Steeple 'Stopped' On Way Down

CKLW--1030 Kilocycles
6:00-"Magic Island."
6:15-News and Sports.
6:30-Lane Prescott's Ensemble.
6:45-Enoch Light's Music.
7:00-Shadows on the Clock.
7:15-Michael Zarin's Orch.
7:30--Trans-Radio 'ews Bulletins.
7:35-Freddy Berrens' Orch.
8:00-Romance in Rhythms.
8:30-Rick Roberts' Revellers.
9:00-Hugo Mariani's Orch.
9:15-Console and Keyboard.
9:30-Echoes of the Stage.
10:00-Wallenstein's Sinfonietta.
10:30-President Roosevelt.
11 :00-Canadian Club Reporter.
11:15-Lennie Hayton's Orch.
11:30-Freddy Martin's Orch. ,
Midnight-Horace Heidt's Orch.
12:30--Red Norvo's Orch.
1:00-Hugo Marian s Orch.
1:30-Weather Forecast.
WJR-750 Kilocycles
6:00-Stevenson News.
6:15-Envoys of Melody.
6 :45-Pxetty Kitty Kelly.
7:00-Poetic Melodies.
7:15-Diamond City News.
7:30-Alexander Woollcott.
7 :45-Boake Carter.
8:00-Hammerstein's Music Hall.
8:30-Al Jolson-Sid Silvers-Martha Raye
with Victor Young's Orch.
9:00-Al Pearce and His Gang.
9:30-Jack Oakie's College-with Benny
Goodman's Band-George Stoll's
10:30-President Roosevelt.
U1:15-Wismer Sports.
11:20-Ozzie Nelson's Orch.
11:30-George Olsen's Orch.
Midnighta-Marvin Frederic's Orch.
12:30-Leon Belasco's Orch.
WWJ 920 Kilocycles
6:00-Ty Tyson's Sport Talk.
G:10-Dinner Hour.
6 :30-Bradcast.
6:40-Odd Facts
6:45-C. Herbert Peterson.
7:00--Amos 'n' Andy.
7:15-Dramatic Moments.
7:20-Evening Melodies.
7:30--Dudley Brothers.
7:45-Studio Features.
8:00-Leo Reisman's Orch,.
8:30-Wayne King.
9:00-Vox Pop.
9:30-Fred Astaire.
10:30-President Roosevelt.
10 :45--Soloist.
11:00-Tonight's Hockey.
11 :05-Northwood Inn Club.
11:30-Dreams of Long Ago.
Midnight-Webster Hall rcl .
WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles
6:00-March of Melody,
6 -15--The Fact Finder.
6:30-Day in Review.
6:45-Lowell Thomas.
7:00-Easy Aces.
7:15-The Original Jesters.
7:30-The Green Hornet.
8:00-Log Cabin Dude Ranch.
8:30--Edgar Guest.
9:00-Ben Bernie.
9:30-Husbandsiandt Wives.
10:00-To Be Annoidnced.
10:30-Ray Shields' Revue.
1 :00-Johnny Hanjp's Orch.
11:30-Fran kie Ma~ters Orch
Midnight-Morrey' Brennan's Orch.

Workers' Group Seen Austria
Achieving Ameliorations
(Continued from Page 1) To Hav
and William Yost, '36, both of the
Men's Council.
The federation has issued several
mimeographed bulletins showing dif- (continue
ferences in wages paid by campus l
eating establishments and has gra- pared with Aus
dually worked toward the bringing country of mil
to a "satisfactory" level the prevail- Gaiss added.
ing hourly wages. Besides Austria
The federation his participated in sections of Euro
e . nexation to Geri
an advisory capacity in several res- Tyrol of Italy an
taurant disputes, where wages have vakian provinces
been raised. The Michig-Inn em- ravia, Professor
ployes were given council by the the Tyrol, he sa
SWF in their campaign last week belonged to Aust
for improved conditions' forced to learn I
The federation is not satisfied yet. but refuse to
There are still a few places where German at home
employe organization ma? result in The people of
improved wages and hours, according between France
to Downs. vided in their a
"The Student Workers Federation Gaiss pointed c
will continue to act as adviser to any raine the inhab
student group desiring better work- with the govern
ing conditions," he said yesterday. Germany. BecE
want Alsace-Lor
natural resource
British Arming Called not for its peopl
Ian~eIn Slf-Deenseinhabitants have
little. For exam
(Continued from Page 1) mits the people
man instruction,
range guns, and aircraft today makes there is no dour
it impossible for a wide awake Eng- Alsatians appea
lishman to be as indifferent to for- question of who
eign invasion as he was 20 years ago," they would real
Professor Cross said. The Fjnglish penent and th.
people were not frightened 20 years Luxemburg is
ago until Germany threatened Eng- with France t
land's.shores, but today, because of Professor Gaiss
the changed circumstances, they are general antipath
experiencing apprehension without the Kaiser's m
any clear cut threats, he said. 1914.
In further explaining the British Whereas all
desire to increase armaments, Pro- rounding Germa
fessor Cross told of a statement made ers well garrisor
recently by th Bishop of London, in observed, "Germ
which he said," 'We need policemen keeping her tr
to protect us, but without their trun- well back into
cleons they are not able to assure too, he said, "C
us of much protection." The Bishop country which
declared that the same was true of to be taken on.
the British army and navy, Professor sor Gaiss regar
Cross said. tions of Germa
-- -- ularly toward F
. O '2 TYPE
Accurate lecture notes assure higher exauin - MIME
"io" grades . . 25,ooo stulrents vo0W use ABC Promptly and n
SHORT'HAND) for tarking complete ijtes-e sily enced operators
learned in 12 lessoiis-pr 'cc $1. .D
Examiine a copy of ABC 510HOIIA NI) byO*D
4 W A. Brooksat your bhookstore 1.D.
National Librarv Press, 110 W. 42 St., N. Y. C. 314 Soul

re Union
d from Page 1)
tria, Germany is a
lionaires," Professor
a there are two other
pe which want an-
many-the Southern
d the two Czechoslo-
s, Bohemia and Mo-
Gaiss continued. In
aid, which previously
tria, the children are
talian in the schools,
speak anything but
the border sections
and Germany are di-
allegiances, Professor
out. In Alsace-Lor-
itants seem satisfied
aments of France or"
ause both countries'
raine simply for the
s," he asserted, "and
e, the customs of the
e been molested very
nple France now per-
four hours of Ger-
per week. However
bt that although the
r indifferent to the
shall govern them,
ly prefer to be inde-
us be able to do bus-
on far better terms
han with Germany,
said, because of the,
by still manifest over
arching through in
the countries sur-
any have their bord-
ned," Professor Gaiss
nany herself has been
'ops and maneuvers
the interior." Then
Germany .is the only
permits photographs
its borders." Profes-
ded these as indica-
ny's amnesty partic-

Ford Claims State
Land Bill Is Failure

(Continued from Page 1)

installment was not paid in the cur-
rent year, on or before Sept. 1, the
same should be immediately returned
by the county treasurer as a delin-
quent tax to the auditor-general, who
should offer the lands for sale at the
next tax sale.
In the 77 counties investigated,
Professor Ford said, there were 1,-
264,561 parcels on which taxes were
delinquent for 1932 and prior years.
Of this number, he explained, no
payment was made on 974,511 par-
cels, or 77 per cent of the total. A
partial payment, he found, was made
on the delinquency for 161,328 par-
cels, or 13 per cent of the total, and
delinquency was entirely paid up on
128,722 parcels, or 10 per cent of the
"It is very significant," Professor
Ford pointed out, "that only 13 per
cent of the delinquent parcels have
been placed under the installment
payment plan of the Moore-Holbeck
Act. There are many of these par-
cels that have been delinquent for
years, and on which taxes will, in
all probability, never be paid and the
property will, therefore, revert to the
Well, we have complete, deli-
cious, well-served dinners for

-Associated Press Photo
An alert cameraman, "stopped" the 100-foot steeple of the First Bap-
tist Church in Ypsilanti as it was being pulled down with a thundering
roar following a fire which destroyed the 62-year old landmark. The
steeple was pulled down intact by a tractor to which were attached
steel cables connected with supporting columns and braces at the base
of the structure.
Presentation Of'Hry VII
Revives AutosControversy

tinued. It is one of the less import-
ant of the great dramatist's works
from a literary and dramatic stand-
point, although it has "purple pas-
sages," he said, containing unusually
beautiful poetry and high dramatic
The play is.a series of incidents as-!
sociated with the reign of Henry,
and has no unified plot continuing
throughout, said Professor Price. He
explained that the action revolves
around the fates of the Duke of
Buckingham, Anne Boleyn and Wol-
sey and around the divorce of Kath-
erine of Aragon. "It ends in a burst
of enthusiastic celebration over the
birth of the Princess Elizabeth."
The play, however, he continued,
was not written in Elizabeth's reign
when it might have been dangerous
to say too much about her father,
Henry VIII, but was produced in the
reign of James I when the subject
was a safer one to handle.
Henry, himself, merely adds a uni-
fying element to the drama, he said,
and is subordinated to the charac-
ters of the persons who lived and
suffered around him, and whose tra-
gic careers he brought to equally
tragic conclusions.
Ask Cut At Corner
Of Jackson, Dexter
Construction of a driveway con-
necting Jackson and Dexter avenues
where they meet to form W. Huron
St., was recommended by the auto-
mobile club at their last meeting as
a means of facilitating turns at that
particular point.
The club proposes a 20-foot road-
way to accommodate vehicles mak-
ing a right turn on to Dexter Ave.,
and those making a left turn on to
Jackson Ave.
an4 the show is as
4 grand as the songs.
d A E E

neatly done by experi- 1 1L1CATE1S E
s at moderate 'prices. 1 1 E S TAU RANT




Jepson tells why

she chooses Luckes for her voice

season of opera and concert
means my voice and throat must
be consistently in perfect condition.
Therefore, although most of my
smoking is done while I am on
vacation, it is all important to me
that I be careful in choosing uy
cigarette. I smoke Luckies because
I enjoy their taste and because
I feel t iswiser f or me to choose
a light smoke for my voice."

independent survey was made recently
among professional men and women-lawyers;
doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who
said they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated
they personally prefer a light smoke.
Miss Jepson verifies the wisdom of this pref-
erence, and so do other leading artists of the
radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are
their fortunes. That's why so aany of them
smoke Luckies. You, too, can have the throat pro-
tection of Luckies-a light smoke, free of certain
harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process
'It's Toasted". Luckies are gentle on the throat.



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