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March 09, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-09

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The Weather

Cloudy to paly cloudy, con-
tinued coi today; tonwrowe
fair, rising temperature.


4 41F 4kv
.AAtr4 g an


American Atavism
Work, How To Like it .. .




New Sit-Downs Paralyze
Chrysler, Hudson Plants;,

More Than 50,000


Strike Follows Rejection
Of Demands For Sole
Half Of Hudson's
Employes Strike
Chrysler Charges Union
Has Sought To Force
Men IntoMembership
DETROIT, March 8.--(P)-A sud-
den wave of sit-down strikes paralyz-
ed Detroit automotive plants of the
huge Chrysler corporation-one of
the industry's "big three"-and of
the Hudson Motor Car Company, an
indpendent producer, tonight.
The United Automobile Workers
of America, an affiliate of the Com-
mittee for Industrial Organization,
acted swiftly in spreading its cam-
paign for control of the automotive
Chrysler executives rejected the
union's demand for recognition as
sole bargaining agency for the cor-
poration's 67,000 employes.
Within two hours UAWA members
"sat down" and halted production
in most of the Chrysler, Dodge, Ply-
mouth and DeSoto plants in the De-
troit area, throwing an estimated
50,000 workers into idleness.
Charge Officials 'Stalling'
Before this occurred, union repre-
sentatives charging that officials of
the Hudson Company were "stalling"
in negotiations on working condi-
tions, called a sit-down strike of
about 5,000 of the company's 10,000
employes. Union leaders claimed 1,-
000 or more held the plant tonight.
General Motors Corporation, its
executives still trying to compose is-
sues unsettled in the Feb. 11 agree-
ment which ended widespread strikes
in its plants, was confronted with
new sit-downs in two of its Flint
divisions where previous strikes oc-
No sooner had trouble in the Chev-
rolet No. 4 motor assembly depart-
ment been settled, than workers in
the press room department of the
Fisher Body No. 1 staged a sit-down.
They evacuated the department to-
night after the management agreed

Student Group
Seen Achieving
labor Rights
The Student Workers Federation,
born almost exactly a year ago this+
week, has pushed gradually but sure-
ly toward its objective: the ameliora-
tion of student working conditions."
It was about this time last year-
just before spring vacation-that
several students conceived the idea
of organizing other students who
were putting themselves through the
University, wholly or in part through
their own efforts. Necessity for or-
ganization was seen by Eugene
Kuhne, '36, Michael Evanoff, '36L,
and several others, in the fact that
the large number of working stu-
dents-totalling 3,000-enabled pro-
prietors of eating establishments and
other places to take an unfair ad-
vantage of their employes.
The first semester of this year has
seen rapid advancement of the fed-
eration. The Michigan League em-
ployes organized a unit which was
later changed to a more comprehen-
sive internal employe group. They
petitioned the administration for a
raise in wages and saw it granted.
The federation's president this
year is Tom Downs, '39, who acted in
the capacity of secretary last year.
The Men's Council, recognizing the
need for a labor board, instituted on
Dec. 15, 1936, the Men's Council
Committee on Student Labor, which
now meets weekly, hears complaints
of .employes, and endeavors to effect
an agreeinent between employer and
worker. Downs, as president of the
federation, is a member of this com-
mittee. along with Richard Clark, '37,
(Continued on Page 2)
Plan Relioous
Meetin Today
At ane Hall

Failor To Give
f First Address
On Vocations
Bank Comptroller To Open
Five Day Conference On
Business Opportunities
Earle J. Failor, comptroller of the
National Bank of Detroit, will open
the five-day conference on occupa-
tional information at 4 p.m. today in
the Union with a discussion of gen-
eral office positions, in banking.
Mr. Failor, who began banking as
a messenger boy 21 years ago, will
emphasize accounting and secretarial
work and their part in the individ-
ual's success in banking.
J. H Hunt and T. A. Boyd, both
of General Motors, will speak on re-
search fields at the, evening session,
beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Hunt To Speak
Mr. Hunt, director of new devices
for General Motors, will emphasize
the avenues of new mechanical and
electrical developments. Mr. Boyd,
the author of the recent book "Re-
search," will speak on the oppor-
tunitiesof the chemist for research
in industries.
Two changes have been made in
the program, which.will last through
Saturday. J. E. Bloomstrom, division
manager in charge of sales of Proc-
tor & Gamble Co., Cleveland, .,
will replace H. A. Coffin of the So-
cony Vacuum Co., Detroit, in dis-
cussg salesmanship in the 4 p.m.
session Thursday.
Roberts To Assist
E. B. Roberts, supervisor of col-
lege employment for the Westing-
house Electric Manufacturing Co.,
East Pittsburgh, Penn., will assist in
directing the applicant interview
demonstration at 7:30 p.m. Thurs-
Thenconference is designed to give
students "a realistic picture of the
various fields of business and in-
dustry discussed," according to Dr.
T. Luther Purdom, director of the
bureau of appointments and occupa-
tional information, which is spon-
soring the program. Each speech will
be followed by a period for ques-
Japanese Demand
Population Outlets
GENEVA, March 8.- (P)--Japan
demanded tonight the right to send
her excess population to all unde-
veloped territories of the earth.
Addressing the League of Nations
conference which is studying the
problem of more equitable distribu-
tion of raw materials to all nations,
delegate Yuko Shudo complained
foreign nations were closed to emi-
grants from crowded Japan.
An essential question for Japan,
he said, is that of industrial raw ma-
terials because his nation possesses
only raw silk in that category. Fur-
ther, he asserted, export restrictions
have hampered a continued supply of
materials for industry.
"Countries like Japan, being ap-
prehensive, seek to save themselves
by self sufficiency, although we real-
ize such attempts disturb world ec-
onomy," he said.

cour tstruggle
Brings Senate
Wrath Again
Robinson Says Movements
To Overwhelm Senators
Against Plan Afoot
Hurl 'Propaganda'
WASHINGTON, March -8.-(-
The tremendous struggle over the
Roosevelt court reorganization pro-
posal led to another angry outburst
of "propaganda" charges in the Sen-
ate today.
Senator Robinson of Arkansas, ad-
ministration leader, declared that
movements were afoot to "over-
whelm" legislators with a flood of
inspired communications opposing
the revamping of the Supreme Court,
A few moments later Senator Clark
(Dem.-Mo.) figuratively waved a
criminal statute at officials of the
executive branch of the government
who are fighting for the reorganiza-
Mr. Roosevelt will fire the next
big gun in the campaign, making
a "fireside" radio address to the
nation at 10:30 p.m. tonight be-
fore leaving for a vaction at
Warm Springs, Ga.
tion. He accused some of them of
"propaganda" and had a Senate clerk
read a law prohibiting the use of any
government money to influence Con-
The pro-Roosevelt labor's non-
partisan league put on a demonstra-
tion of support for the President's
program, as did a group of like-mind-
ed farm leaders, who included sev-
eral state farmers union officials.
They visited the White House and
assured the President of their sup-
The Senate Judiciary colMnittee
completed plans to open hearings on
the court proposal Wednesday and
invited a half dozen witnesses on
each side.
Ford Declires
State Land Tax'
Bill A Failure

Pittman BillIs Called Unsound;
Embargo May Not Prevent War

Earthquake Strikes City
With Two Slight Tremors

United States Policy Is Not'
Determined By Bankers,
The Pittman Bill, as well as most
of the proposed neutrality measures,
is based on a false idea of the United
States' entry into the World War, in
the opinion ofnProf. How'ard B. Cal-
derwood of the political science de-
"Although private interests were
undoubtedly concerned in our partic-
ipation in 1917, I do not think that
the policy of the United States gov-
ernment was determined by the de-
sires of the munitions makers and
the bankers," he said yesterday. "It
is impossible," Professor Calderwood
continued, "for anyone who is fa-
miliar with the correspondence of our
Burke Opposes
Court Bill; Asks
An Amendment
Requests Greater Support
Of Recent Clarifying
Conference Program
George Burke, counsel for the Un-
versity and prominent Democrat, in-
dicated his disapproval last night of
President Roosevelt's Supreme Court
proposal and rapped at those who
damned with faint praise the recent
Constitution - clarifying amendment
conference, of which he was chair-
"After spending a day and a night
in discussing the possibility., and de-
sirability of a clarifying amendment
to the Constitution, the conference,
attended by delegates from all parts
of the nation in Detroit in February
received, according to Mr. Burke,
"from outside the interested group
about as much attention as a dairy-
men's picnic on Belle Isle. .
"Some of the newspapers patted
the representatives on the back and
said they were nice people but that
the movement would soon 'fizzle' out
(editorial from the Detroit News).
"A few days after this momentous
and historic gathering which attract-
ed so little attention, the President
of the United States conceived the
notion of another method of conserv-
ing what he apparently believed to be
a social program. It was somewhat
different than the rather conserva-
(Continued on Page 2)
Repeal Of Allegiance
Oath Act Is Proposed
LANSING, March 8.-(P)-A bill
to repeal the act requiring teachers
to take an oath of allegiance was in-
troduced in the Legislature today by
Sen. James D. Dotsch, Dem., Garden.
The measure sponsored by the up-
per peninsula senator would repeal
acts providing that teachers in pub-
lic schools and all State supported
educational institutions must swear
to uphold the State and national

government with Germany and with
the Allied Powers prior to American
intervention to come to the conclu-
sion that the United States' entry
was prompted in behalf of the bank-
ers and munitions makers.
"Our insistence, as a neutral, upon
the freedom of the seas is undesirable
in a war of such dimensions that it
it would concern the United States in
any way," he said, "because it would
be likely to draw the United States
into the war."
Cites Aim Of Bill
The aim of the Pittman Bill, Pro-
fessor Calderwood feels, is the pre-
vention of an American entry into a
general war by the prevention of
trade. "We should consider, however,
the effect that stoppage of American
trade would have on a war in which
states were acting collectively against
another state which had violated its
international agreements, and also
the effect this would have on the
trade of the United States during
time of peace," he said. "Countries]
which are preparing definitely for a
war may seek their trade with coun-
tries during peace time who will not
stop trading with them upon the ad-
vent of war," he pointed out.
Professor Calderwood regards the
"cash and carry" principle of trading
with belligerents objectionable be-
cause he believes it would give an
unfair advantage to those powers
with strong naval forces and conse-
quently result in strained relations
with the weaker naval powers.
To Prevent War Is Best
"Past experience of the United
States in placing an embargo on
trade during war time indicates that
this method did not serve to keep
us out of war," Professor Calderwood
said, "and there is little reason to
few confident thatssimilar measures,
if now adopted, would keep us out of
war in the future.
"I think the best way to keep the
United States out of war is to prevent
war from occurring," he said, "and
this would require United States' par-
(Continued on Page 6)
Gilmore To Address
Journalism Groups
W. S. Gilmore, editor in chief of
the Detroit News, will address a joint'
dinner of Sigma Delta Chi and Theta
Sigma Phi, men's and women's pro-
fessional journalism fraternities, to
be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the
Although the banquet is confined
to members of the organizations and
persons especially invited, others
may come in after dinner to hear
Mr. Gilmore's speech, according to
Miss Marion Holden,''37, president
of Theta Sigma Phi. Mr. Gilmore
will discuss some aspect of newspa-
per work.
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education will deliver the
third in the series of vocational
guidance lectures sponsored by the
dean's office of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts at 4:15
p.m. today in Room 1025 Angell Hall.

Qumake Center Reported
At 200-Mile Distance;
Detroit Area Shaken
Tremors Like Those
Felt Here March 2
No Harm Caused By 3rd
Shock Reported Here
Within A Year
An earthquake, of about the same
intensity as the shock March 2,
jarred Ann Arbor at 12:44:50 a m.
A second quake, of slightly less
intensity, followed immediately on
its heels.
The epicenter of the earthquake, or
where it struck the hardest, was some
200 or 300 miles to the South, ac-
cording to Miss Mary E. Lindsey, Uni-
versity Observatory seismologist. The
Daily, flooded with telephone calls for
information, after the editorial offices
rocked visibly, routed Miss Lindsey
from bed and took her to the seismo-
graph at the Observatory.
No damage was reported in Ann
Arbor nor anywhere in the southeast-
ern Michigan-Ohio sector, where the
tremblors appeared to center. The
quake was reported felt as far west
in Michigan as Battle Creek, and, the
Associated Press reported, St. Tho-
mas, Ont., was also jarred.
Jagged lines at the edge of black-
gray paper-the seismograph record
-was the only aftermath of the
earthquake here. Unintelligible to the
layman, the marks were interpreted
by Miss Lindsey to mean that an
earth shock of what she calls "mod-
erate" intensity was felt here at ap-
proximately 12:44:50 a.m. It was al-
most immediately followed, she be-
lieves, by another of about, but not
quite the same intensity. These fol-
lowed so closely together, she said,
that two, disturbances on the seismo-
graph's needle were not recorded.
The quakes' total duration was less
than five minutes,aMiss Lindsey said.
Its exact center she put somewhere
around southern Ohio, southern Il-
linois and northern Kentucky. It was
about the same place and distance,
she estimated, as the earthquake
March 2.
The earthquake early this morn-
ing was the second within a week and
the third noticeable tremor in about
a year and a half. It was about the
same intensity as the quake March 2,
Miss Lindsey said, but distinctly less
severe than the one in November,
1935, the epicenter of which was
later found 'in Canada.
Miss Lindsey does not remember a
quake prior to the, one in November,
1935, before 1925. She had no ex-
planation to offer for the reoccur-
rence of the tremors. "We may not
have another one again for 10 years,
she said.
Professor - emeritus William H.
Hobbs of the geology department,
earthquake authority, pointed out' a
year ago that the quakes usually
come in pairs, but his prediction of
another at that time was wrong.
Campus Chime,
After 50-Year
After faithfully chiming out the
hours to Michigan students and
townfolk for more than 50 years, the
bells in the Engineering Annex were
definitely silenced yesterday by ac-
tion of the Buildings and Ground of
ficials, and the duties detailed exclu-
sively to the new system recently in-

stalled in the Burton Memorial
Ith had previously been suggested
that the Engineering bells be allowed
to run down, since it was deemed
superfluous to have both systems
working simultaneously. On Satur-
day a definite decision was made,
and the chimes, after a few last toll-
ings, were forever silenced.
George J. Lutz, paint shop super-
intendent who has been connected
with the University for 49 years, stat-
ed yesterday that the belshad only

Claims Installment
Of Payments Not
Put Into Practice


to legislate differences. A religious symposium on the sub-
Charge Threats, Intimidation j ject "Why I Am What I Am," will
B. E. Hutchinson, Chrysler vice- be held at 8 p.m. today in Lane Hall.
president, charging that non-union A number of speakers will tell why
employes had tbeen subjected to ys
"threats, intimidation and coercion they follow their religious beliefs.
from union representatives" both in Arrangements have been made
the Chrysler plants and "at home," with religious leaders in Ann Arbor
asserted the UAWA in seeking sole and the University to have all de-
bargaining privileges wanted to nominations represented. Several
"force all our employes to go with have already named their represen-
the union or go out of our employ." tatives. These include Edward
No disorder attended the Chrysler Hutchinson, '38L, president of the
strikes. Strikers claiming union Christian Scientist group; C. K.
stmeries. i kths lant f 85 to 90 Yang, Grad., who will speak on Con-
embershipushered non-union em- fucianism; and Ibraham Khatib, who
per entusheed on-uionem-will explain Tyohammedanism.Tn
ployes to the street, and set up guards HoekemaGran.,willam e . Tony
t the tesHoekema, Grad., will give the point
at the gates. of view of the reformed Christian;
The strikes failed to interrupt the Sol Gross, '38, will speak on the
bargaining conferences in which Jlwssre8gi willndpakioHate
UAWA officials were engaged with LJewish religion; and Philip Hart,
Chrysler executives. Homer Martin, Th explain Catholicism.
who participated in General Motors The purpose of the symposium, it
ngotiatinstinoGein efretheswas explained, is to further religious
negotiations this morning before they tolerance on the campus by giving
were recessed until Wednesday, at- students a chance to hear the mean-
tended the Chrysler conferences this ings and interests of other students'
afternoon accompanied by John beliefs.
Brophy, CIO director. All students and others interested
Martin said afterward: "This strike are invited with no admission charge.
and the one at the Hudson Motor Car
Co. are the results of management's
stubborn resistance and unreason- C o s r .
a b le p o s itio n c o n c e r n in g th e w ill o fcl a ms sto wy s.
a clear majority of workers. D e T I e d


The 10-year payment plan of the1
Moore-Holbeck Act, intended to ease
the burden on harrassed taxpayers
and prevent delinquent tax lands
from coming to the State, is a failure
so far as practical results are con-
cerned, Prof. Robert S. Ford of the
economics department and the,
University Bureau of Government,
disclosed last night.
"More than three-fourths of the;
properties on which taxes are delin-
quent for 1932 and prior years," a,
WPA investigation by the bureau,1
directed by Professor Ford reveals,
"were not brought under the 10-
year payment plan." The survey,
covering 77 of Michigan's 83 coun-
ties, indicated that on 77 per cent
of the total parcels of land on which
taxes were delinquent no installment1
payment has been started.
The Moore-Holbeck Act was
passed in June, 1933, in the worst of
the depression, to permit payment of1
all general and special real estate
taxes unpaid for 1931 and prior years
in 10 annual installments, starting on+
or before Sept. 1, 1935. Such pay-
ments were to be made without col-
lection fees or penalties, but with
interest at four per cent per year on
each installment from Sept. 1, 1935,
until the date of the payments.
In the special session of 1934, this
Act was amended to include taxes
delinquent on the levy for the year
1932 under the 10-year payment plan.
The Act provided also that if any
(Continued on1 Page 2)
New NYA Checks
Now Being Issued
NYA paychecks for the month end-
ing Feb. 24 are being issued now, ac-
cording to Harold S. Anderson, cost
accountant of the Building and
Grounds Committee.
Checks for February amounting to

sh Armament
For Self Defense

Austrian People Desire Union
With Germany, Gaiss Declares

Flint Strikers
Return To Work
FLINT, March 8.-(P)-Several
hundred sit down strikers in the press
and metal department of the Fisher
Body Plant No. 1 evacuated it tonight
and agreed to return to work to-
morrow after a conference between
the management and a ,union leader.
George Paterson, Fisher resident
manager, said 650 men in the de-
partment struck today. He said they
had complained last week that the
wage differential for their depart-
ment was unfair. The manager said

In the next five years Britain will
spend $7,500,000,000 or $4,000,000 a
day, for arms, but it will be spent
with pacific intent, according to Prof.
Arthur L. Cross of the history depart-]
England's need for self-defense is
as intense today as it was when Na-
poleon threatened her shores, Pro-
fessor Cross' said, but today Britain
must guard against Germany and
possibly Italy, depending upon the
success of the Anglo-Italian Mediter-
va-,nav~nrnanpfhenoirntedonut T'he

London talked in billions, primarily
because of Hitler who annually
spends at least $2,000,000,000; for
this reason the British arms program
is understandable, Professor Cross
Much of Hitler's belligerent atti-
tude is bluff, Professor Cross declared.
Although for nine months Hitler has
been dodging Eden's repeated re-
quests that he sign a new mutual-
security pact to replace the Locarno
treaty that he destroyed by re-mili-
tarizing the Rhineland last year, Pro-
fessor Cross believes that this armed

Five-sixths of the people of Austria
want "Anschluss" or annexation with
Germany, Prof. Aloysius G. Gaiss of
the German department said in an
interview yesterday.
Professor Gaiss spent last summer
and fall in Europe and in Germany,
especially, where he was Michigan's
representative to the 550th anniver-
sary of the founding of the Univer-
sity of Heidelberg.
"It is the government of Austria
that is strenuously opposed to an-
nexation," Professor Gaiss said, "and

000 were for purely political reasons.
The significance of this report was
brought home to me by an individual
case which came to my attention.
While driving through Carinthia, a
Sutrian province, I had picked up a,
young bare-footed lad who had just
been released from prison where he
had been incarcerated for simply ask-
ing "Why didn't Dolfuss fly to Hun-
gary when the Putsch was on.''
Professor Gaiss believes that the
reasons for the voracious desire of the
people of Austria for annexation are
intimately connected with their eco-

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