A ,
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
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>niversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
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ing and guidance Commissions are provided to
give free advice to all young persons ( 16 to 25
years of age). The Commissions will establish
schools for vocational training and other facil-
ities for preparing youth to enter trades.
Scholarships for secondary and high school
"young persons" who would be unable to con-
tinue without financial aid. Compensation is
granted for injury while at work. For refusal
to work under unsafe or unsanitary conditions
or more than the maximum hours or for lower
wages than the standard no young person shall
be denied the benefits of the act. No project
shall be "directly or indirectly of a military
character" nor "designed directly or indirectly
to subsidize or favor any private profit-making
The whole sweeping plan if passed, is to be
administered by a national board of nine, three
of whom are to be appointed by the President
from labor groups, three from youth groups and
three from social welfare and educational groups.
The vocational guidance plans will aid young
people who are at present unaware of their abil-
ities, reassuring them and restoring confidence
in themselves. The works projects will pro-
vide occupations to keep young people out of
crime and prevent them from falling prey to
demagogic appeals. Young people in schools
and colleges will be enabled to continue their
The bill is the result of desires of American
youth as expressed by William Hinckley, chair-
man of the American Youth Congress: "We want
to realize the great American dream today, here,
now, in terms of jobs, preparation for jobs, as
well as peace and freedom in which to enjoy
Three Horse Team
youth .Ae't ..
Y OUTH, as was pointed out in a
Daily editorial yesterday, is the
group of our population most susceptible to that
perfervid patriotism which leads a nation into
futile war or into the debased kind of state such
as the Nazis' Germany or the Fascists' Italy.
More harmful to the morale and the political
health of the nation is that severe disillusionment
which comes from general economic dehabilita-
tion. Farm lands become barren, driving into
the already depression-ridden cities youths with
no futures, lacking trades, professions, regular
ways of making their livings.
In the cities themselves there exists a body of
youth, dispossessed, slouching on street corners,
wandering through the slums with no bright out-
look for the future. The easy way becomes ap-
parent for them-they steal, degrade themselves
Universities and colleges turn out into the
world their graduating classes of young men and
women trained for professions. They discover
that they are a surplus, unemployable, under
existing conditions as doctors or lawyers, enki-
neers, teachers. They become despondent, willing
to heed the honeyed words of demagogues.
"If you will crush the serpents of disloyalty,
of liberalism, of belief in international coopera-
tion, of this weak democracy," the demagogues
hysterically rant, "you will make America a
better place in which to live."
German youth crushed liberalism and democ-
racy, believing it could create a better nation in
which to live, but in'what an entirely different
position it will find itself.
America's youth need not fall behind the
appeals that stir them up so that they forget
that a sane reasonable solution may be worked
out within the existing governmental 'framework.
It is true, however, many have been reemployed
in the reopening businesses and industries, still
the problems of unemployment, of slums, lack
of vocational guidance on a mass scale, persist
and demand quick solution.
Into Congress there has been introduced the
broadest plan, the most intelligent of those yet
offered. That plan is the American Youth Act,
introduced by Representative Lundeen of Min-
nesota, drawn up and sponsored by the American
Youth Congress.
The needs of youth in colleges, in industry, in
the slums, in impoverished farm districts have
been concentrated into the American Youth Con-
gress by church groups, Y's, college student or-
ganizations, and settlement houses of the cities.
The bill eloquently sets ~up a system of admin-
istrative boards throughout the nation with pub-
lic works projects wherever necessary and bene-
ficial -to the community. Wage rates are stipu-
lated and provision is made for intelligent voca-
tional guidance. Employment is based on need
with no discrimination for race, color, sex, relig-
ious or political affiliation or opinion. Academic
works projects include research study, writing
and experimentation.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Sleeping Giant Awakens
To the Editor:
It is a pleasure to see with what enthusiasm
the Michigan students answer the call to union-
ization. With a great wave of sentiment, fa-
vorable to organized labor, rolling across the
country, that is not surprising. One ought cer-
tainly to expect it of university students, who
should be enlightened, if anyone is.
Heretofore, the student has usually tended to
side with the other white collar men, who, falla-
ciously, see it in their best interests to follow
the lead of the big business moguls. It is con
ceivable that, in the short run, the white collar
worker will fare better by obedience and humil-
ity concerning the vested interests. On the
whole, however, they lose. For when the em-
ployer sees that all cater to his whims, he begins
to squeeze-and how he can squeeze.
But now the sleeping giant is awakening. No
longer is the employer dealing with the ignorant
"bohunkies"; now he is facing the product of
the American school system, which, in spite of
all its faults, has turned out men with a knowl-
edge of government and economics, as well as a
sense of social values. And labor does not stand
alone in its fights against oppression-the gov-
ernment is behind the worker, encouraging legis-
lation to put force in labor's weapons, notably or-
ganization and collective bargaining.
The main fight is still in the hands of the
workers, however, and they must realize that no
one can help them unless they help themselves.
Nor can they be content to fall back upon the
gains of one victory and expect that to carry
them along. A constant vigil is necessary on the
workers' part. They must keep organized.
An example of failure to remain organized
can be seen in the case of the Michigan League.
Upon getting a 35 cent an hour minimum there,
the workers relaxed and forgot their union. Now,
they find their work speeded up so greatly that
they are actually doing 20 cents more work an
hour than before, with only a five cent raise.
It is to be hoped that their mistake will serve
as a lesson to those employes of the Michig-Inn
who so recently gained their demands through
collective bargaining, and to any others who
may be equally successful in the future.
-A Uion Member.
Scuttling The Tower
To the Editor:
"79 Faculty Men Attack Judicial Plan in Peti-
tion" says today's Daily. One member of the
student body is somewhat amused at our pro-
fessor's scuttling from that hallowed ivory tower
whose pale walls are decorated with chaste
mottoes such as "Objectivity above all," and,
"The scientist has no concern with social events
and above all should not meddle with social
change." But this letter is not to object to such
action, for the writer believes sincerely that the
increasing interest in social affairs shown by sci-
entists cannot be commended too heartily.
It is rather to add a slight qualification. From
the Daily one would assume that, the petition
having been circulated among the faculty, our
experts on social problems had spoken, denohc-
ing this rude attempt to pack the court. But
what did the social scientists-those studying
the social conditions the bill is designed to deal
with-have to say? Of the 79 signers one-half
of the political science department is included,
one member" of the business administration
school, not one in the department of sociology,
none in the department of economics, two in his-
tory, and one in philosophy. The experts on so-
cial problems objecting to the bill are restricted,
it would seem, to membership in the depart-
ments of 'chemistry, engineering, geology, and
zoology. How really significant is this petition?
THE LOUDEST GUN yet to boom in the bom-
bardment and counter-barrage on the Su-
preme Court battlefront was that of President
Roosevelt Thursday.
He told 1,300 Democrats celebrating the No-
vember victory at a Washington banquet, and
millions of radio listeners, that the future of
democracy and the Democratic Party depends
upon the solution of social and economic prob-
lems which cannot come unless the government's
"three-horse team" pulls together. By implica-
tion, he charged the Supreme Court with a grea
portion of the government's delinquency in its
vusponsibilities, he said, to the American farmer
and laborer. Action-"now"-and courage were
the demands he made upon his party. Roose-
velt will speak to the nation in a "fireside chat"
* * * *
As a New Deal victory the 5-4 decision of-the
Supreme Court upholding the Congressional
emergency joint resolution of June, 1933, abro-
gating gold payments, was a welcome moral
stimulus, but the importance of Justice Cardozo's
majority opinion in defining Congressional con-
trol of the national monetary system was gen-
erally regarded as more fundamental.
Justice Cardozo said: "In last analysis . . . the
effect of the (Congressional) resolution in its
application to these leases (which called spe-
cifically for payment in gold or 'the equivalent
of this commodity in United States currency')
is to make the value of the dollars fluctuate with
the variations in the weight and fineness of the
monetary standard, and thus defeat the ex-
pectation of the parties that the standard would
be constant and the value relatively stable. Such,
indeed, is the effect, and the covenant of the
parties is to that extent abortive. But the
disappointment of expectations and even the
frustration of contracts may be a lawful exercise
of power when expectation and contract are in
conflict with the public welfare."
The Senate passed the Pittman neutrality
resolution Wednesday, 63-6, but only after the
measure had run a gauntlet in which the blows
were severe despite the paucity of opponents.
Alleged defects of omission and commission
center in the "cash-and-carry" clause, oppon-
ents charged, The National Council for Preven-
tion of War excoriated the bill for failing to
outlaw trade in commodities of military im-
portance, but not specifically munitions.
Senators Borah and Johnson charged the res,
olution would make us virtual allies of Britairn
and Japan in war-time, because those nations,
through their control of the seas, would alone
be able to come to our shores for supplies. The
consequent resentment of any possible opponents
of Britain and Japan, Borah charged, would be
apt to involve the United States in war.
* * * *
CARNEGIE-ILLINOIS, greatest subsidiary of
United States Steel, signed an agreement
with the Committee for Industrial Organization
Tuesday that swept steel strike possibilities out
of the picture, and placed the Steel Workers' Or-
ganizing Committee into a favorable position un-
paralleled in the history of this traditional open-I
shop industry.
The agreement involved union recognition
(although not exclusive), wage increases, a 40-
hour week and eight-hour day, time-and-a-half
for overtime, and no discrimination. Other steel
companies, notably Jones & Laughlin, a-
nounced wage and hour concessions within 24
Carnegie-Illinois announced itself ready to
"recognize any individual, group, or organiza-
tion," but Philip Murray, John L. Lewis lieuten-
ant in steel, predicted that the agreement meant
the death of company unions, and immediately
began an intensive drive to bring all steel work-
ers under the CIO banner.
The pact was almost universally interpreted
as a severe blow to the American Federation of
Labor. William Green, speaking from his boy-
hood Ohio home, discounted the agreement as
a 'tacit recognition of company unions" and
unsound basis for union progress, and called up-
on his locals to resist "encroachments" of the
Arms And Money
DOMESTIC POLICIES of many European
countries designed to sway the international
scales took the spotlight last week.
It was reported that German anticipation of
a severe French financial crisis is a guiding fac-
tor in Hitler's foreign policy. On Friday Pre-
mier Blum announced restoration of a free do-
mestic gold market and a program of strict gov-
ernment economy to forestall any such crisis.
From Britain came impressive reaffirmation
of the extent of the new armament program.
Twenty-five capital ships, 70 or more cruisers,
and hundreds of smaller vessels will be afloat
by 1942, Parliament heard. Army estimates were
higher than any time since 1922, and similarly
huge air appropriations are expected.
Italy replied Tuesday when the Fascist Grand
Council voted an expanded army, military serv-
ice for all men from 18 to 55, and further efforts
for economic self-sufficiency.
From Germany came reports that Hjalmar
Schacht, and not the army, was to lead the Reich
in its latest tactical maneuver. Armament ex-
penditures are to be restricted, and expert man-
ufacturers stimulated. With the creaking Nazi
economy unable to match Europe's latest arma-
ment spurt, Schacht hopes to equalize new Brit-
military power by commercial gains.
Th iscrintinn the fnmh of the Unlrnnnm
That Girl From Paris
That girl from Paris is Lily Pons
and That Girl from Paris is as light
and gay a combination of music and
hilarious comedy as you will see this
season. Miss Pons is one of the few
grand opera diva who seems to be
able to forget about it when she faces
a camera.
A French opera singer runs out on
her marriage to a wealthy Parisian
who is interested in her commercial!
possibilities. On a provincial French
byway she meets Gene Raymond,
American jazz band leader. She an-
nexes herself to Raymond's four-
piece band, and is not even shaken
by the lack of a passport or im-
migration officials when she lands
stowawayed in New York. She clings
to the band through a roadhouse en-
gagement, but after a good deal of
complications she leaves them, jailed,
and goes to the Metropolitan. She is
a mighty success, runs from the altar
the second time into band leader
Raymond's arms.
The story is improbable and com-
plicated enough to produce an ex-
cellent flop. But that need not both-
er you. The zest of the individual
scenes and Miss Pons' voice redeem
the story. Miss Pons' screen per-
sonality reminds one of a Janet Gay-
nor with a sense of humor. She is
altogether refreshing. And Jack
Oakie and Misha Auer as half of the
band turn in some mighty neat com-
edy. There are two scenes which
strike a new high for hilarity. In one
of these a Brooklyn danseuse slides
about on the floor in the process
of her act, and in the other Jack
Oakie camouflages himself in a boys'
choir trying to persuade Miss Pons
to run out on her wedding to the
strains of "I Love You Truly."'
That Girl from Paris is a comedy
with enough ingredients to make it
worth your time.
[D~u~oFim. I
(Continued from Page 3)
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Wnversity. Copy received at the offe oftthe Assistant to the President
until 3.30; 11:00 am. on Saturday.
being shown in the third floor Exhi-
bition Room of the Architectural
Building. Open daily from 9 to 5
p.m. excepting Sunday, until March
10. The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: All men expect-
ing to qualify for concert appearances
must be present at today's rehearsal,
4:30 p.m.
University Girls Club: There will
be a rehearsal today, 2:15. All mem-
bers are requested to be present.
The Graduate Outing Club: Meet
at Lane hall today at 2:30 p.m. for
a hike, and baseball at the Island.
Lutheran Student Club: Tryouts
for the Lutheran A Capella Choir
will be continued today from
3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Mr. Roozboom will
continue rehearsal for the ladies'
division at 4:30 p.m. and at 4:45 p.m.
for the main choir.
Rev. Sylvester Michelfelder of
Toledo will be the speaker on Sun-
day evening. Rev. Michelfelder will
show pictures and tell about the Lu-
theran tour he conducted through
Europe. Fellowship and supper hour
at 5:30 p.m.; Forum hour at 6:30 p.m.
Everyone is cordially invited.
Reservations for the Twentieth An-
niversary Banquet on March 14
should be made immediately by tele-
phoning Marguerite Groomes at
8534 or Alta Haab at 6969.
Hillel Foundation: The first Pop-
concert this semester will be held at
the Foundation today, at 2:30' p.m.
Everyone is invited.
Stalker Hall, Sunday, March 7:
9:45 a.m. Student Class led by
Prof. Geo. Carrothers on the subject,
"The Old Book in a New World."
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Three classes on the following
themes: "Life of Christ" led by Dr.
B. B. Kanouse; Prayer led by Dr.
Brashares; Worship led by Mildred
Sweet. Fellowship Hour following
the meeting. Amateur Hour.
First Methodist Church, Sunday,
March 4:
10:30 a.m., morning worship. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on the
subject: "Are Christians Better?"
Harris Hall, Sunday, March 7:
All students and their friends are
cordially invited to the student meet-
ing in Harris Hall at 7 p.m. The Rev.
Gordon Matthews of St. Andrew's
Church, Detroit, will be the speaker.
His topic is "The Value of The Re-
formation of Our Day."
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. in
Harris Hall Chapel. This is followed
by breakfast.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday, March 7:
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
Good Life." Church school at 9:30
a.m. High School young people at1
5:30 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday,
March 7:
12 noon at Guild House. "The Mes-i
sage of the Prophet Micah."
6:15 p.m. Dr. Erich A. Walter, As-j
sociate Professor of English, and
Chairman of the Academic Counsel-1
lors, will speak on "Academic Coun-
sel." The address is to be one of a
series by several authorities on the
conflicts and problems of students.
Opportunity for questions and dis-
cussionwill be given. The customary
friendship hour with refreshments'
will close the evening.
First Congregational Church, Al-,
lison Ray Heaps, Minister. Sunday,
March 7:
10:45 a.m., Service of worship, ser-
mon by Rev. Ralph H. Ferris of the
First Congregational Church, De-
troit. His subject will be "The Love
of Christ."
6 p.m., Student Fellowship. There
is an unusual Fellowship hour plan-
ned which will begin promptly at 6
p.m. after which supper will be
served. Following the supper there
will be a Discussion on "Student In-
ter-racial Experiences," led by Mr.
Kenneth Bean.
The Congregational Student Fel-
lowship: The Devotional Group will
hold its regular meeting Sunday
afternoon at 5 p.m. in the church
First Presbyterian Church, meet
ing at the Masonic Temple, Sun-
day, March 7:
"For Married and Unmarried" is
the subject upon which Dr. Lemon
will preach at the morning worship
service at 10:45 a.m. This is the
fourth of a Lenten series on "Letters
on Life.' There will be special Lenten
music by the student choir and
double quartette.
At 5:30 p.m. the Westminster
Guild, student group, will meet for
their supper and social hour. This
will be followed by the meeting at
6:30 p.m. Dr. W. P. Lemon will pre-
sent the topic "Is There an Interna-
tional Morality?
Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
day, March 7:
10:45a.m., Morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students Bible Class. Dr.
Louis A. Hopkins, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Special program: "The
Story of the Negro Spiritual" Rose
Page Welch, a prominent Negro sing-
er from Chicago will sing several spi-
rituals and will lead the group in
many of the old favorites.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Lib-
erty at Third. Carl A. Brauer, pas-
tor. Sunday, March-7:
9:30 a.m., Church school.
9:30 a.m., Anniversary service in
10:45 a.m., special morning service,
observing the Eighth Anniversary of
the Church. Both sermons by the
pastor. Topic, "One Day in Thy
7:30 p.m., special evening anniver-
sary service. Guest speaker will be
the Rev. Edwin E. Rossow of North-
5:30-7:30 p.m., following the fel-
lowship hour and supper, our guest-
speaker for the evening service will
address the Student Club.
Wednesday, March 10, 7:30 p.m.
Midweek Lenten service, the pastor
preaching on the Savior's Fifth Word
from the Cross.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Services
will be held at 10 a.m. Sermon will
be delivered by the pastor, Henry O'
Yoder, on "What are Ye?"
Lenten devotions are held on Wed-
nesday evenings. A series of ser-
mons on "Teachings we surely be-
lieve" are being delivered by the pas-
Christian Science Organization an-
nounce a Free Lecture on Christian,
Science by Dr. John M. Tutt, M.D.,
C.S.B., Kansas City, Mo., at Hill
Auditorium, Sunday evening at 8
p.m. The public is cordially invited
to attend.I
Tuesday, March 9, at 7:15 p.m. in
Room 4215 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject
will be "Routine Control Analysis
by the Spectograph."
The Mathematics Club will hold
its regular meeting Tuesday evening,
March 9, at 8 p.m., in Room 3201
Angell Hall. Professor R. V. Churchill
will speak on "The solution of linear
boundary value problems by means of
the Laplace transformation."
Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday,
March 9, 7:30 p.m. in Room 1139
N.S. Professor E. B. Mains will be in
charge of the program, which will
consist of reviews by Miss Josephine
Burkette, Mr. R. E. Bennett, Mr. R.
E. Joyce, and Mr. W. E. Mains.
Botanical Seminar meets Wednes-
day, March 10, at 4:30, Room 1139
N.S. Bldg. Paper by C. D. LaRue
'Studies in plant tissue culture."
Mechanical Engineers: The stu-
dent branch of the ASM is to hold
a meeting Wednesday evening, March
10, at 7:30 in the Michigan Union.
Mr. A. I. Butler of the Transportation
Dept. of the General Electric Com-
pany will speak on "Diesel Electric
Transportation." His talk will be
illustrated with motion pictures and
Mechanical Engineering students
are reminded that March 10 is the
last day for turning in application
blanks for student membership for
the year 1937. Those students in-
terested should come to the meeting
or see one of the officers.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held tomorrow at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are
cordially invited. There will be an
informal 10-minute talk by Prof.
William H. Worrell.
Deutscher Verein: The regular
meeting will be held Tuesday, March
9, at 8 p.m. at the Michigan League.
The program will include the show-
ing of the film "Max und Moritz"
and the singing of German songs.
Members of the Verein are urged to
be present. The meeting is open to
all who are interested.
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets Tuesday evening, March 9,
at 7:30 p.m. with Professor Litzen-
berg of the University English de-
partment who will speak of exper-
iences in Scandinavian Univtrsity
life. Adelphi meets in open forum
in the Adelphi room, Angell Hall.
Alpha Chi Sigma will hold a
smoker for students majoring in
chemistry and allied studies at 7:45
p.m., Wednesday, March 10, in its
house at 727 S. State St. A talk by
Prof. Dow V. Baxter, illustrated by
his movies of Alaskan scenes, will be
Interfraternity Council: All second
semester sophomores who wish to try
out for the Council lower staff, report
on Monday, at 5 p.m. in Room 306
of the Michigan Union.
Badminton Doubles Tournament:
The tournament draw is posted in
Barbour Gymnasium. Players are
asked to get in touch with their op-
ponents and play off the first round
by March 17. A 1936-37 medical re-
check is essential.
The Bartered Bride: All those who
are interested in this musical pro-
duction that will be put on by Play
Production, the School of Music and
the Department of Physical Educa-
tion for the Centennial Celebration,
are asked to report at the Laboratory
Theatre on Tuesday afternoon at 2'
p.m. Those who cannot come at this
time, get in touch with Mr. Windt as
soon as possible.
Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae will meet
Monday, March 8, at 8 p.m. at Cou-
zens Hall. Hostesses will be Carol
'Soverhill and Dorothy Seiferlein.
Junior A.A.U.W. Dinner Meeting:
Dr. Carl. E. Guthe, Director of Mu-
seum of Anthropology, will speak on
the American Indian in World His-
tory at the monthly dinner meeting
of the Junior A.A.U.W. on Wednes-
day, March 10, at 6:15 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Reservations may
be made at the League, (Dial 23251)
until Tuesday evening, March 9.
They Too Arise, Hopwood award
winner, 1936, is to be presented at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
March 12 and 13. Tickets are now on
sale at the Hillel Foundation until
the opening of the box-office.
Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
day Afternoon Play-Reading Section
will meet on Tuesday, March 9, at
2:15 p.m. in the Alumnae Room of
the Michigan League.
The Monday Evening Drama Sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will hold their annual Husbands'
meeting Monday, March 8, at 7:30
at the Michigan Union.
Unitarian Church, Sunday, March
11 a.m., "Human Degradation-
'Gone With The Wind.'" Discussion
by Mr. Marley of the current novel
of Margaret Mitchell.
7:30 p.m. Liberal Students Union.
Prof. DeWitt Parker of the Depart-
ment of Philosophy will lead a dis-
cussion on "Preliminary Analysis of
S.C.A. Members and Friends: There
will be a party and dance at Lane
Hall from 9 to 12 this evening. Ja-
cobs and his Wolverines will furnish
the music.
Rendezvous Men: There will be a
party and dance at Lane Hall tonightl
from 9-12. Jacobs and his Wolver-I
ines will furnish the music.