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March 07, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-07

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PJouiar Liner,
Tanker Collide
In Golden Gate
One Of Fastest Recent
Sea Rescues Saves All;
1,000 Endangered
-One of the fastest sea rescues in
recent maritime history took place
today when the big Dollar Liner Pres-
ident Coolidge collided with the
tanker Frank H. Buck in fog-choked
Golden Gate channel.
Twenty minutes after the crash the
Coolidge reported the rescue of all
hands from the apparently sinkingl
tanker, which settled rapidly by the
head as the passenger ship turned
back toward her San Francisco pier.
Whether the Coolidge was seriously
damaged was not determined imme-
The shadow of disaster flitted mo-
mentarily through the lives of more
than 1,000 persons as the ships met.
Aboard the Coolidge were 678 pas-
sengers and 350 crew members, bound
for Honolulu and the Orient. The
inbound tanker had a crew of about
North Shore San Franciscans heard
the crash but could not see it because
of the fog. Fishermen to the wind-
ward of the collision did not even
hear the sound.
"The fog, she so thick you can cut
her with knife," yelled a fisherman
from a nearby trawler.
Workmen on the Golden Gate
bridge about a mile away could not
see the drama, first accounts of
which came only from the Coolidge's
Sun shone over the blue ocean and
the rest of the bay, but the ghostly
patch of fog covered the "gate" near
the giant span, nearing completion.
The big passenger ship flashed a
distress call saying she rammed the
tanker at 12:45 p.m., just twenty min-
utes after leaving her pier

Visiting Pastors Give
Service Tbalks Today
(Continued from Page 1)
the Wind," a discussion by the Rev.
H. P. Marley, will be given at 11
a.m. at the Unitarian Church. At its
name suggests, the talk will be based
on Margaret Mitchell's book.
The Rev. H. P. Lemon will give the
fourth of a Lenten series on "Letters
on Life," at the 10:45 a.m. service of
the First Presbyterian Church. At
6:30 p.m. Dr. Lemon will present the
topic "Is There an International
Rose Page Welch, Negro spiritual
singer from Chicago will sing several
spirituals in conjunction with a spe-
cial program on "The Story of the
INegro Spiritual" given by the Church
of Christ Disciples at 6:30 p.m.
At the First Baptist Church, the
Rev. R. Edward Sayles will speak at
10:45 p.m. on "The Only Good Life."
Prof. Erich A. Walter of the Eng-
lish department and chairman of
academic counselors, will speak on
"Academic Counselors" at 6:15 be-
fore the Roger Williams Guild. This
lecture will be one of a series on the
conflicts and problems of students, it
was announced.
Corrects Statement On
Mental Aid For Students
In Wednesday's Daily in an inter-
view with Prof. Arthur D. Moore of
the engineering college there was a
statement to the effect that at any
one time, 10 per cent of the student
body would be found in need of psy-
chiatric assistance. Professor Moore
wishes to correct this statement.
"Fortunately," he says, "things are
not as bad as all that. But certain
studies have shown rather definitely
that during any one school year,
about 10 per cent of a student body
will, at one time or another, need as-
sistance from a psychiatrist, mental
hygienist, or a person who under-
stands and can deal with the simpler
phases of emotional upset."

Democrat Split
May Hurt Plan,
States Br o w n
Says Opposition Written
Party Shows Breakdown
In Discipline
(Continued from Page i)


Ontario Strikers
Win Wage Dispute
TORONTO, March 6.-W)-One
thousand striking Ontario furniture
workers won minimum wage demands
and agreed to go to work Monday
in 20 affected factories, the Mi:istry
of Labor announced today.
Union representatives and manu-
facturers signed an agreement after
a week's deliberation for the wage
rates, effective April 1, and agreed
to further conferences to work out
Two zones for the industry were
established-one "A" comprising all
Ontario except the western Stratford-
Itchener district, which was desig-
nated zone "B."
In zone "A," wage rates were set
at from 32 to 40 cents hourly, de-
pending upon the degree of skill of
the workmen; in Zone "B" from 34
to 49 cents.
A minimum of 18 cents an hour was
set for juvenile workers, with provi-
sion for an annual increase of three
cents an hour for four years.

Democrats have in the Senate 75
members to the Republicans 16, and
they have in the House of Repre-
sentatives 333 seats to the Repub-
licans 88. Also, in 38 states, two more
than would be required for the ratifi-
cation of an amendment, Democratic
governors were elected with the gov-
ernors in three other states regarded
as liberal or in favor of the Presi-
dent's program.
Party Agreement Needed
With such a setup, Professor Brown
feels that "there should be no diffi-
culty whatsoever in passing a judi-
cial reform measure or amendment,
provided that the members of the
party can reach an agreement as to
the type of reform desired. Until
now, however, this agreement has
been obviously missing and it re-
mains to be seen whether the opposi-
tion Democrats will obey the Pres-
ident's wishes in the matter,"he said.
"Another consideration of speed
enters into this matter of amend-
ment because of the suddenness of
the appearance of the judicial issue,"
Professor Brown continued. "The
prohibition question was before the
American people almost continuously
since 1920 and the people had had
an opportunity to fully discuss the
matter from all angles when it came
before the states for ratification.
This opportunity for previous discus-
sion was undoubtedly an important
factor in the speedy action given the
21st Amendment," he said.
Heavy Debate Expected
"This lack of discussion of the
present question may mean less rapid
action in the case of a judicial
amendment than was the case with
the 21st Amendment," Professor
Brown said. "At any rate," he said,
"the present issue will probably pro-
vide the greatest constitutional de-
bate in recent United States history.
"Only 16 states, however, are ready
to act at once upon ratification by
convention of an amendment," Pro-
fessor Brown said. "At the time of
the ratification of the 21st Amend-
ment 16 states set up permanent ma-
chinery by which ratification con-
ventions can be called with no fur-
ther enactments by the state legis-
latures. The fact that the rest of
the states would have to establish
provisions by which ratification could
be accomplished would tend also to
slow up the ratifying process," he
Dexter Woman, 50,
Attempts Suicide





VOL. XLVII No. 111
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to faculty members, towns-
people, and their friends today from
4 to 6 p.m.
Students in the College of Liter-
ature, Science, and the Arts: A meet-
ing will be held on Tuesday, March 9,
at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell
Hall for students in'the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts and
others interested in future work in
education. The meeting will be ad-
dressed by Dean J. B. Edmonson of
the School of Education. The next
meeting, in the vocational series de-
signed to give information concern-
ing the nature of and preparation for
the various professions, to be held on
March 11, will be addressed by Dean
A. C. Furstenberg of the Medical
Seniors of The College of Engineer-
ing: Call at Room 412 West Engi-
neering Building 'at once for your
Drawing, I, II and IIIPlates.
Contemporary: Manuscripts for the
third issue should be left in the Eng-
lish Office, 321 A.H., as soon as possi-
Social Chairmen for fraternities,
sororities and other student organi-
zations are reminded that all party
requests must be filed in the office
of the Dean of Students for Dean
Bursley's approval on the Monday
before the event of which approval is
Fraternities and Sororities are re-
minded that only a member of the
University Senate and his wife, or
persons selected from a list submit-
ted to the Dean of Students by the
organization at the beginning of the
year may be used as chaperons for
social events. Additions 'to the ap-
proved list which any house desires
to make must be acted upon by Dean
Bursley prior to their use as chaper-


University Lecture: Mr. F. W. Gra-
vit will give the sixth lecture on the
Cercle Francais program, "Henri IV,"
Wednesday, March 10, at 4:15 o'clock,
Room 103, Romance Language Build-
ing. Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured at the door.
Lectures on Forest Service Activ-
ities: Mr. A. R. Standing, in charge
of Personnel Management in Region
4, and recently Supervisor of the
Dixie National Forest in Utah, will
deliver the following lectures on For-
est Service activities at the times and
places indicated below:
"Highlights of the current National
Forest Program to contribute to the
economic and social needs of the na-
tion." Monday March 8, 9 a.m., in
Room 103 Romance Language Build-
"Type of work, career potentiali-
ties, and personnel management in
the Forest Service." Monday, March
8, 11 a.m., Room 103 Romance Lan-
guage Building.
"Problems of grazing administra-
tion and range management on the
National Forests"' Tuesday, March
9, 9 a.m. Room 103 Romance Lan-
guage Building.
"Wildlife management on the Na-
tional Forests, with special reference
to oi, game in the West." Tuesday,
Promptly and neatly done by experi-
enced operators at moderate prices.
314 South State Street

Find that my negatives
are more artistically developed, with a finer grain
and better finish, and handled more to my satis-
faction as to time, quality, and cost when I have
them done

READ this
page every
USE it every

3-Thread Ringless
Crepe Hose
Michigan Theater Bldg.


Mrs. Esther Coon, 50 years old, 24
B St. Dexter, was rushed to St. Jo-
seph's Hospital early yesterday af-
ternoon after drinking a quantity of
poison in an attempted suicide.
Her condition was reported serious
by Sheriff Jacob B. Andres after a
report from the hospital. Mrs. Coon
was unable to make a statement at
the time.
Authorities at St. Joseph's Hospital
reported no knowledge last night as
to the reason for Mrs. Coon's at-
tempted suicide, but said that her
condition was improved.
To Continue Tuberculin
Tests Here This Week
The tuberculin test will be given
from 8 to 12 a.m. Monday through
Friday of this week at the Health
Service by Dr. B. Jiminez of the
Health Service staff, Dr. Margaret
Bell of the Health Service said yester-
The test will be given for sopho-
more, junior, and senior women who
received letters from the Health Ser-
vice regarding the test, but who were
unable to take it when it was pre-
viously given, she said.

While They Last . .



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