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October 04, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-04

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SUNDAYOCT. 4, 1936

Distributors of
ColediCe Diest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Chicago, Ill.
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes,
Mary Sage Montague, Elsie Roxborough.
Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
associates; I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bngham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J.Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wlsher Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Of The Franc...
N OW THAT the excitement over
France's long-awaited but hardly
expected devaluation of the franc has subsided,
it appears as if everybody is more or less happy
as a result of the action.
Certainly France is better off, despite cries
of the extremists. After Great Britain went off
the gold standard, the gold franc was hard put
to it, and the French deficits increased. When
the United States went off gold, money was being
borrowed by France in ever-increasing quan-
tities, and because the franc was insecure, the
French government was forced to pay ultra-
high interest rates.
With 81 billion in currency a year ago, France
had as gold reserve only 72 billion francs. Two
weeks before devaluation, those reserves had
fallen to 53 and a half billion francs while the
currency had risen to 84 billion. The reserve
was falling rapidly, almost a billion francs a
week, as Frenchmen hastened to exchange their
currency for gold bars. And in order to stop a
further decrease in reserve, and the inflation
and economic and political panics that would
result, the Blum government devalued, i.e., re-
duced the gold content of the franc and thus
built up more reserves, despite its election prom-
Certainly the United States and Great Britail
whose cooperation made safe devaluation pos-
sible, are happy. As Prof. Leonard Watkins
points out, Frances action offers insurance
against further inflation in both countries, and
gives them, as it does all powers, a feeling of
monetary security, a feeling that has not reall
prevailed sincethe Great War.
The greatest benefits of the devaluation of
the franc, however, lie in the partial removal
of trade restrictions and increase in economic
intercourse that the French government's ac-
tion will probably bring about. The trade of
all nations with France has been lagging for
years, because of the instability of the franc.
Furthermore, our own devaluation, like that of
Great Britain, had serious deflationary effects
on gold standard countries, and the falling prices
in the "gold bloc" nations, caused by the inequal-

ities between the price structure of the devalued
nations and the others proved a hindrance to
international trade in general. France's deval-
uation goes a long way in ameliorating this sits
uation, and world trade, as a result, can be ex-
pected to pick up.
Last but far from least of the benefits ex-
pected from the devaluation of the franc is the
future of international cooperation with an eye
to currency stabilization. One of the chief eco-
nomic maladjustments since the World War,
certainly one of the worst in recent years, has
been the cut-throat policies of the great nations
with regard to currency. However much Presi-
dent Roosevelt may deserve credit for aiding
devaluation, and has a result stabilization, in this

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reJect letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
Yesterday's Daily (Wednesday) referred to
Frank Murphy as Governor-General of the Phil-
ippine Islands. I was under the impression that
he is High Commissioner now on leave of ab-
sence. Who is correct?
EDITOR'S NOTE: You are correct. Mr.
Murphy is now the High Commissioner of
the Phillippine Islands. Before the Jones
Act, starting the Islands on their 10-year
period as a Commonwealth, went into effect,
e was Governor-General.
The faint rustling of unseen leaves in unseen
The exquisite closing strains of an unknown
The fleeting fragrance of the last few hours of
My rough hands try to capture
That rustling, those strains, that fragrance-
But, wraith-like they glide through my clutching
I wer e my ineffable loss-yet I am free!
To the Editor:
I wish to commend Mr. William J. Lichten-
wanger upon his excellent editorial, "The Phil-
harmonic Carries On," which appeared in the
Thursday edition of The Daily. It is indeed
gratifying to a new student to learn that here on
the campus we have a staff of writers who dis-
play a fair-mindedness and an artistic under-
standing totally lacking in many metropolitan
publications. The breadth of knowledge and the
depth of feeling with which Mr. Lichteriwanger
approaches his subject are, I have observed,
typical of the entire publication; and such treat-
ment augurs well for the continued popularity of
The Daily.
-Colvin L. Gibson, '40.
As Others See It
Farm Policy
(From the New Republic)
BUSINESS and financial men who support Mr.
Landon are hereby invited to explain to us
what they make of his farm policy, as set forth
in recent speeches. He will protect domestic
crop prices with a high tariff, and will subsidize
the farmers for their loss on exported surpluses,
sold at lower world prices. This is the old Mc-
Nary-Haugen scheme, valiantly opposed by Cool-
idge and Hoover. The catch in it is, of course,
that without any means of crop restriction, high
prices maintained by tariff and subsidy would
so increase production that the exportable sur-
plus would grow almost without limit, dumping
would cause foreign complications, and the sub-
sidy would eventually bankrupt the treasury.
But limitation of output is taboo in the Repub-
lican platform and by Mr. Landon himself. There
is no honest explanation of this stand possible
for an economic literate except that it is bait
to catch the farmers' votes. Of course the farm-
ers like the idea of raising as much as they
like and selling it at high prices; they don't care
very much whether the treasury and the tax-
payers suffer or not. But business in supporting
Mr. Landon on the theory that he will balance

the budget; either the business men or the
farmers are being pulled around by the nose.
Incidentally, we should like Mr. Landon to ex-
plain to us how and why farmers are injured
by imports from Canada resulting from the re-
ciprocal tariff treaty, when at the same time
they are selling more than before both at home
and abroad, because of the business improve-
ment that this treaty helped to bring about.
Social Security
(From The Nation)
GOVERNOR LANDON has never been on
stronger ground than in his vigorous crit-
icism of the old-age section of the federal Social
Security Act. He justly points out the gross in-
adequacy of an old-age insurance scheme under
which those who are insured-only about one-
half of America's workers-would have to work
twenty years at $125 a month to qualify for a
monthly pension of $37.50. He is also sound in
pointing to the unnecessary hardship imposed
on the working class by the 3 per cent tax on
wages and pay rolls, and especially in denouncing
the absurd and dangerous $47,000,000,000 reserve,
fund. He is undoubtedly right in criticizing the
unwieldy bureaucracy made necessary by the
complex nature of the machinery established
by the act. But when it comes to proposing an
alternative, the governor bogs down completely.
While approving of economic security in prin-
ciple-what Presidential candidate today would
dare oppose it?-he would abandon the old-age
annuities altogether and leave unemployment in-
surance to the states, knowing full well that the



By Bonth Williams (.0
T HAS come to our attention that there are
several fraternities on the campus who are so
hard put to interest rushees in their houses that
they have resorted to the practice of manufac-
turing bear stories about rival fraternities. Per-
haps the lowest form that this type of rushing
has ever taken is the exaggerating or distorting
of the reasons behind the closing of two promi-
nent organizations last spring.
Dragging forgotten stories like these out of
the moth bag stamps 'poor breeding' all over
anyone, but when those stories are twisted and
exaggerated into malicious slander by a rival
fraternity man, you are face to face with a slith-
ering rattlesnake's belt buckle.


* * *


THE DELTS had a rushee out north Geddes
way recently who insisted upon getting
buddy-buddy with one of the hatchetmen to the
extent of discussing his love life.
Clinging to a brief case with which he refused
to part during his entire visit, the yearling finally
"You know I've never kissed a girl. I couldn't
kiss a girl unless I felt that I was really, oh
truly in love with her.
"I've never been in love you know, and I some-
times wonder if I ever could fall in love, but I
know that if I ever do, yes if I ever do, it will be
underneath a winter moon."
BORN of a long line of G.O.P.'s and named
after a man who was three times Republican
governor of Michigan, Fred Warner Neal, the
tycoon of Northville and its environs has been
accused of heading a local branch of the Young
Questioned first by the chairman of the Dem-
ocratic Committee here, Fred Warner vigorously
denied any such connections and in a lengthy
statement elaborated upon his political views.
The matter appeared closed, but not so. The
phone set up a constant ringing as Young Dem-
ocrat after Young Democrat called Fred to see
just how soon the organization would be gotten
underway. Fred Warner stomped and raved and
even cursed a little as he slammed down receivers
right and left and finally in desperation gave
out this abbreviated statement to the press:
To the Editor:
There seems to be a rumor going about
that I am organizing on the campus a Young
Democrats of America League. This is not
so. I have absolutely no connection with
any such group. Regardless of my attitude
on the Presidential election, I class myself as
a Republican.
-Fred Warner Neal, '37.
American program of poor relief. Much as we
disapprove of the details of the Social Security
Act, we canot but admire John G. Winant's
courage in resigning from the board in order
to defend the Administration's hard-won gains
against ill-concealed reaction.
Rearmament And Prosperity
(From the Annual Report of the $ritish
Free Trade Union)
THE YEAR has witnessed over much of the
world a gradual recognition of the follies
of economic nationalism, but, with few excep-
tions a parallel development of the process
whereby that recognition is submerged by the
domination of political considerations over public
interests. In this country, the year has seen no
diminution of the grip of the state on trade and
industry, but rather its gradual intensification,
and this can be observed in most other countries.
This sacrifice of national resources to war
mentality is, of course, producing some indica-
tions of fictitious prosperity in those countries,
including our own, which, while prating of peace
as the great desideratum, have involved them-
selves in the danger of war by persistent acts
of economic hostility against their neighbors.
The general outpouring of national resources
in preparation for war has, it is true, tended to
a fairly general increase in productive activity
and a consequent diminution of unemployment
in the countries which have especially indulged
in it; but those results have been achieved at
the cost of the material and cultural advance-
ment which ought to be the main desideratum of
The popular contention that rearmament "at
least provides plenty of employment" is the
outcome of a despairing mentality. War prep-
arations, like war itself, are the negation of
social justice and idealism.
The "prosperity" which myopic champions of
self-determination profess to trace in the oper-
ations of armament ramps is a cynical delusion,
and the identification of opportunities for per-
sonal advantage with warlike preparations a
deadly danger.
Each tower of the San Francisco-Oakland
bridge represents a construction job equivalent
to building of a 60-story skyscraper.

San Francisco firemen cut open a drain pipe
and rescued a kitten, unharmed after a 75-foot
fall inside the pipe.
The San Francisco board of education requires
parents to pay for damage done to school build-
ings by pupils.
Two San Angelo, Tex., brothers purchased four
oxen for spring plowing, had diffculty finding

JACK BENNY will be back on the
air again tonight to start his sixth
series of broadcasts. All his former
stooges will be back with Benny, with
the exception of Johnny Green, the
maestro. Up to this time Benny has
been reported to be culling his brain
to find an orchestra leader who will
make a competent laugh-getter. In-
cidentally, Jack's sponsor is getting
his name on the record book for buy-
ing three radio shows to be broadcast
on the same day-Sunday. Phillips
Lord, former "Seth Parker," will open
the first in a series of "We, The Peo-
ple," airings that will feature discus-
sions and opinions of the so-called
average citizen. The listeners are to
choose the subjects for each broad-
cast. This can be caught over NBC
at 5 p.m. Stoopnagle and Budd are
next on this sponsor's list, starting a
new series with Harry Von Zell and
Don Voorhees' orchestra at 5:30 p.m.
over NBC.
* * *
Joe Penner is also returning to the
realm of radio tonight after a lay-
off of two years. Although a bit sus-
picious regarding the redoubtable
duck salesman's ability to live down
his former programs, we shall tune in
on Joe's first. nighter with an open
mind and a clean sheet in our note-
book. Jimmy Grier's orchestra will
furnish the music for the program.
* * *
AT 10 O'CLOCK Sunday nights the
Community Sing broadcasts over
CBS feature one of the real old-time
comedy teams, that of Billy Jones and
Ernie Hare. Jones and Hare are vet-
erans of the radio, having started
in back in the early twenties. For
five long years they were billed over
onedstation, although WEAF was al-
ready then one of the key stations of
the country, as the Happiness Boys.
Later they were known as the Inter-
woven Boys and broadcast over a
coast to coast network. Although the
humor of this duo is not like most
of the "smart stuff" of today, it is
refreshing and enjoyable, if only for
sentimental reasons. The act at which
the boys used to excell was the three-
minute "opera." They would mix up
the largos and the vivaces with the
allegrettos and the piu mosos into a
burlesque that had real qualities of
finesse about it. On the present
program Milton Berle, Broadway
comedian, and Wendell Hall, writer
of "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More,"
are also featured.
Ethel Barrymore, who not so long
ago announced her retirement from
the stage will, as expected, start a
series of appearances on the air.
Wednesday night she will reenact her
performance in "Captain Jinks of the
Horse Marines," the mellerdrammer
in which Miss Barrymore appeared in
her firstgstarring role, back in 1901.
According to the advance plans for
the series, Miss Barrymore will pre-
sent all of her triumphs in chronolog-
ical order. The premiere will be heard
at 8:30 p.m. over NBC.
IT LOOKS LIKE Harry Richman's
feat of carrying over to England
and back the oh-so-many thousand
ping-pong balls was a wise move for
the veteran singer and actor whose
fame was definitely, on the wane.
Harry has subsequently received at-
tractive theatre and night club offers
and now he has been booked to ap-
pear on the "Laugh With Ken Mur-
ray" program, supplanting Phil Re-
gan, the singing policeman. Over CBS
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays.
. * *
Columbia made an unpopular move
when it discontinued the Saturday
night swing sessions with Bunny Ber-
igan and his orchestra and guest

stars from the swing fan's social reg-
ister. This was one program dur-
ing which the hot men had a chance
to show off their talents without hav-
ing to tune down for the sponsor's
benefit. Musicians will miss this hour.
One of the best broadcasts in the
series, in our opinion, took place sev-
eral weeks ago when Miff Mole, trom-
bone player immortal to followers of
le jazz hot, returned to play "Slippin
Next Friday night, at 10 p.m. over
NBC, Radio Guide, national radio
weekly, will inaugurate a sponsored
series featuring the music of Shep
'Rippling Rhythm" Fields. Sorry to
say, Fields and the latest freak to hit
the realm of dance music, "Rippling
Rhythm," seem to be gaining rapidly
in popularity. All that is needed now
to make the dancers lose themselves
in rapture is an effect of the water
gurgling in a gutter at 6 a.m.
FRED ALLEN and company resume
the "Town Hall Tonight" broad-
casts this week after an absence of
several months. The set-up will be
practically the same as last year, with
the rather sad comic, Portland Hoffa,
acting as Fred's stooge in the hole.
Peter Van Steeden and his orchestra
will serve to furnish the overtures for
the performances of the Mighty Allen
Art Players. Every Wednesday at 9
p.m. over NBC.
- * *
Now that Louis Prima has hit Chi-
cago, listeners will have plenty of
opportunity to hear him vv rur-

(Continued from Page 3)t
call Mrs. Mary Farkas, telephone7
7513, School of Music office. f
Charles A. Sink, President.d
Department of Music Education:e
All students registered in the De-t
partment of Music Education are re-
quested to attend a conference in the*
School of Music Auditorium, Mon- C
day, Oct. 5, 3:30 p.m. Mr. John R.t
Emens, Director of Certification andi
Teacher Training, Department of
Public Instruction, Lansing, will be
present to discuss and explain the!
new requirements for certification ins
the state of Michigan.N
Earl V. Moore.I
Extra Curricular Activities: On or
before Oct. 7 managers and chair-
man of extra curricular activities
should submit to the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs,
Room 2, University Hall, a complete
list of all students who wish to par-t
ticipate in their respective enter-t
prises, in order that their eligibility
for such activities may be checked.
The names should be presented on
blank forms to be obtained in Room1
J. A. Bursley, Chairman of
Committee on Student Affairs.1
Hygiene Lectures for Women Stu-T
dents: The Hygiene Lectures for
women students will begin on Mon-
day, Oct. 5 and Tuesday, Oct. 6.
All students whose names begin
with the letter A through L inclusive
will meet on Monday at 4:30 in Na-
tural Science Auditorium. All stu-
dents whose names begin with the
letter M through Z will meet on
Tuesday at 4:30 in Natural Science
Choral Union Tryouts: Tryouts for
membership in the University Choral
Union will be held as follows at the
office of Earl V. Moore, Musical Di-
rector, School of Music Building,
Maynard Street: Monday, Oct. 5, 4
to 6; Tuesday, Oct. 6, 5 to 6; and
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 4 to 6. All per-
sons interested will please present
themselves during these hours.
Choral Union Ushers: All men who
ushered last year may sign up for
this year at Hill Auditorium box
office between 4 and 5:30 p.m. Mon-
New men may sign up between 4
and 5:30 Tuesday.
Social Chairmen of fraternities and
sororities are reminded that all party
requests, accompanied by letters of
acceptance from two sets of chaper-
ons and a letter of approval from
the Financial Adviser, must be sub-
mitted to the Office of the Dean of
Women or the office of the Dean of
Students on the Monday preceding
the date set for the party.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
1 Mimes, Union Opera: All Mimes
and other students who have written
story or music for an all men's mu-
sical show are asked to attend a
meeting at 4:30 Monday afternoon,
Oct. 5, at the Union.
English for Foreign Students: A
two-hour non-credit course is to be
offered for foreign students who feel
the need for help in English. The
class will meet regularly at 4 o'clock
on Monday and Wednesday. Those
interested should meet me next Wed-
nesday, Oct. 7, at 4 o'clock in Room
201, University Hall. Students who
t require tutoring should see me at
once as I have a list of tutors ex-
perienced in such service.
J. Raleigh Nelson,iCounselor to
Foreign Students.
Academic Notices
Reading Examinations in French:

Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
' wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the cur-
rent academic year, 1936-37, are in-
formed that examinations will be
offered in Room 210, Romance Lan-
guage Bldg., from 9 to 12, on Sat-
urday morning, Oct. 17, Jan. 23, May
May 22, and Aug. 7. It will be nec-
essary to register at the office of the
Department of Romance Languages
(112 R.L.) at least one week in ad-
vance. Lists of books recommended
by the various departments are ob-
tainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will
be found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the Department, and
further inquiries may be addressed
to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays
at 10 and by appointment).
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics, Sociology, PoliticalScience,
fPhilosophy, Education, Speech, Jour,

tory schedule, the section intended
for Tu. Th. at 1 o'clock and W. at
7 o'clock must meet hereafter M.W.F.
from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock. All stu-
dents in this course, therefore, should
present themselves on Monday at
either the 1 or 4:30 o'clock sections,
the latter if possible.
German 229, English influence in
German Literature in the 18th Cen-
tury, will meet next Tuesday, Oct. 6"
in Room 305 U.H. at 3 p.m.
J. W. Eaton.
Economics 53: Students who have
signed for the lecture Tuesday at 8
will report at that time in 348 W.
University Lecture: V. Gordon
Childe, B.Litt., professor of Prehis-
toric Archaeology at the University
of Edinburgh, Scotland, will lecture
on the subject "The Early Civiliza-
tion of the Indus Valley" on Monday,
Oct. 5, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Al-
umni Memorial Hall. The lecture
will be illustrated with slides. The
public is cordially invited.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. E. C.
Franklin of Stanford University will
lecture on the subject "Liquid, Am-
monia as a Solvent" in the Chemistry
Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m., Thurs-
day, Oct. 8. The lecture, which is
under the auspices of the University
and the American Chemical Society,
is open to the public.
Preston W. Sloson, Lecture, spon-
sored by A.A.U.W., on Current events,
Monday, Oct. 5, 4:15 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Events Of Today
All Graduate Students are cordially
invited to the first meeting of the
Graduate Outing Club which will be
held today. The club will meet at
Lane Hall at 2:30 and hike to the
Island for baseball and a picnic sup-
per at a cost of 20 cents. In case of
rain the meeting will be held in Lane
Genesee Club meeting today at 5
o'clock in the Union. Old members
from Rochester, NI.Y., and vicinity
please attend.
Freshmen Rendezvous: Men, wom-
en and counselors are invited to Dr.
Blakeman's home, 5 Harvard Place,
this afternoon, Oct. 4, from 3 to 6.
Archery for Women Students: All
women students interested in join-
ing an archery group are invited to
attend a tea at the Women's Athletic
Bldg. today at 4 o'clock.
Hillel Foundation: Regular Sunday
afternoon tea will be held at the
Foundation today, Oct. 4, from 3:30
to 6.
First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m.
Worship and sermon by Rev. R. E.
Sayles, minister. Introduction to
series of addresses on "Sermon on
the Mount." Communion service.
12 noon, Roger Williams Guild,
Baptist student organization, has a
special study period following the
morning worship. This is held at the
Guild house, 503 E. Huron, and the
group is led by Rev. Howard R. Chap-
man, minister and advisor for stu-
6 p.m. Students Guild meets at
Guild House. Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, Counsellor in Religious Educa-
tion for the University, will give the
address on "The Religious Growth of
the Student."
A social hour with refreshments
will follow the address.
Congregational Church: 10:45
service of worship with sermon by
Mr. Heaps. Subject, "Building Chris-

tian Personality."
6 p.m., Student Fellowship. Supper
to be followed by program with Prof.
Bennett Weaver as speaker. His
subject will be, "The Ordeal of Ed-
Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45
p.m. Prof. Geo. Carrothers is the
Wesleyan Guild meeting, 6 p.m.
Prof. Carleton Angell will give an il-
lustrated talk on sculpture and its
relationship to religion. Fellowship
hour and supper following the meet-
ing. All students are cordially in-
vited to both of the above meetings.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares will preach on "Men-
tal Radios.'
Church of Christ Disciples, Hill
and Tappan Sts.
10:45 a.m. Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible class, Mr.
Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour. "15 cent
supper served.
6:30 p.m, Discussion program, Top-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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