SUNDAY JAN. 31"1987
?AGE FOUR SUNDAY, JAN. 31,~ 1937
Foreign Lands
Claim Students
For Vacations
Europe, South Seas Lure
Many; Faculty Will Tour
Abroad Next Semester
Obsessed by a desire to get away
from it all, 10,000 students are plan-
ning to do anything but study in the
few days of vacation between semes-
ters. Faculty members are also plan-
ning a respite. While the majority
will stay here, many are planning in-
teresting trips.
One of the most ideal of the latter
is the one planned by Winston Smith,
'37, who receives as a graduation gift
a trip to the South Seas. He will leave
San Francisco Feb. 28 and will spend
six months cruising. among the fa-
mous islands.
Betty Le Blanc, '38, will leave Feb.
20 from Vancouver, British Columbia,
bound for Honolulu. Miss Le Blanc
expects to remain there fortan indefi-
nite length of time, living at the Roy-
al Hawaiian Hotel and attending the
University of Hawaii which is located
in Honolulu.
Sails For Central America
Robert VanderPyl, '39, will sail
from Philadelphia with his mother
and sail for Central America. He
lands first at Guatemala and plans
to remain down there for two weeks
before returning to Ann Arbor about
March 2. Last year he spent his
vacation in Mexico.
Europe lures more than its share of
Michigan students this spring. Sail-
ing Feb. 10 from New York will be
Al Ricker, '38, who will travel to Eng-
land on the "Bremen." He will re-
main there in order to witness the
coronation in May and then cross to
the continent for a leisurely bicycle
trip. Also leaving New York Feb. 10
will be Carl Pletscher, '37, who em-
barks on a Mediterranean cruise with
his parents, to be followed by a tour'
of the continent. Later he will visit
Zurich, Switzerland, where he plans
to remain for several months.
The Sorbonne will claim as trans-
fer students Jane Lewis, '38, and
Dorothy Cloudman, '39. They sail
from New York Feb. 20 and plan to
study French at the famous Paris
Student To Visit Philippines
Emey Moore, '37, wiji take the
"Empress of Canada" out of Van-
couver on Feb. 20 with her mother.
Her first stop will be the Philippines
and later she plans on visiting the in-
terior of China and Japan. She will
return in three months. Jack Otte,
'37, plans to leave as soon as his ex-
ams are over tomeet friends in the
East and accompany them to Ber-
muda, sailing from New York Feb. 6
and remaining as long as possible
before the second semester starts.
Foreign lands are not the only at-
tractions for there is a group believ-
ing in seeing America first. James
Morgan, '38F&C, forsakes Ann Ar-
bor Feb. 4 to spend 10 days in Hol-
lywood, Florida, before resuming his
studying, while the other sunny state,
California, lures Edmund Andronik,
'38, and J. J. Scherr, '37. The latter
two will not return for the second
Many Plan To Travel East
Many students are traveling east.
Dorothy White, '38, will the week of
Feb. 8 witness Junior Week at
Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.
While there she will attend the
Junior Prom.
Betty Basse, '37, will pass her va-
cation in New York and will attend
proms at both Amherst and Colgate.
Jeane Stone, '38, plans to take in a
round of eastern colleges in her trip.
After seeing the Dartmouth carnival,
she will visit Smith College, Prince- I
ton and Amherst.
Melville Hyatt, '37E, and Rodney
Eshelman, '37E, intend to be taken
through the Du Pont plants in
Charleston, W. Va. Another pair
who plan to cut into flood territory
are Bernard Schweid, '39, and Rob-
ert David, '39, who will hitch-hike.
Bob Holt, '39, will spend his vacation
in Wyoming.
A large group are going to the
frozen North for winter sports, among
whom are: Charles Coe, '39; Joseph
Osburn, '39; Charles Evans, '39E;
Kenneth Bradford, '37E; William
Forcey, '37; Carlton Cummings, '39;
Ross Curtis, '37, and Robert Mueller,
Members of the faculty too are
planning extensive tours, and Europe
is the main attraction. Prof. and
Mrs. Walter A. Reichart will sail Feb.
16 and will remain one month in Italy
before leaving for Breslau, Germany,
where Professor Reichart will do
some research work on the Shake-
spearian influence in Gerhardt's
A Persian Miniature To Re On Display In San Francisco
Three Decades
In Engineering
School Related
Mrs. Camilla Green Tells
Of University Changes
In Her Years Here1
In her memories of 30 years of
service here, Mrs. Camilla B. Green,
assistant secretary of the engineer-
ing college, finds tha't handling the
records of students whose fathers she
knew in their "salad days" interested
her most. Monday will be the an-
niversary of three decades of workl
for Mrs. Green.
During her early years at the
Un.iivers ity Mrs. Green did practically
cvecry thing for the entering students;
met them at the desk, assisted them
with their registration, and generally
helped them to adjust. Now these
duties have been passed on to others,
but in over 20 cases in recent years
she has handled the records of stu-
dents whose fathers she was well ac-
quainted with in years gone by.
Few Typewriters Used Then
"Thirty years ago," Mrs. Green
said, "there were only about a dozen
women employed in University of-
fices. There were very few typewrit-
ers and everything had to be written
in long hand." Her first office was
in one of the oldest buildings on
campus. It was erected in 1841 on
the site now occupied by the Clements
"01 course, I have seen many
changes in curriculum and the stu-
dcnt body since I first came to work."
Mrs. Green stated. "The school was
first a department of the literary col-
lege, known as the Department of
Engineering, then it became the De-
partment of Engineering and Archi-
tecture, and now it is called the Col-
lege of Engineering. In the begin-
ing five different degree programs
were offered, and now we have 18."
Mrs. Green has worked under three
different secretaries, two deans, and
about four assistant deans.
Collects Old University Pictures
At present Mrs. Green is assisting
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of thecEn-
gineering College, retired, in com-
piling a history of the University. She
has collected pictures and prints of
the early days of the college and has
had them rephotographed. They are
filed in chronological order, and even-
tually will be published with a writ-
ten history of the University. Three
NYA students are aiding her in her
search for materials. Many of the
prints are reproduced from stereo-
scopic views which Mrs. Green's
mother had. They were taken in
the 70's and 80's when the Univer-
sity was still very young.,
Posts Kept Stock Off Campus
One picture shows the entrance to
the diagonal with the posts still up
to keep stock off the campus. There
was a very decorative gate on the
corner of State Street and North
University where Haven Hall stands
now. Mrs. Green first came to live
on campus when she was 10 years
old. Her mother was matron of the
Homeopathic Hospital which stood
on the site now occupied by the Nat-
ural Science Building.
One- very interesting fact was
brought out when Mrs. Green showed
her pictures of University Hall in the
early days of the college. The sec-
ond floor of this building was orig-
inally an auditorium where all the
:z aduation ceremonies were held. At
either end of the room were two
beautiful paintings by Gari Melcher,
JThe Arts of Peace" and the "Arts of
War." When the new library was
constructed these pictures, which
were done on canvas were taken
down. They are hung now at either
end of the main reading room on the
second floor of the library.
"There really isn't much opportun-
ity for women in the engineering pro-
fession," said Mrs. Green. "Although
I have seen several enrolled at dif-
ferent times in the college." She
pointed out one girl in the graduation
picture of the class of '95, Marian
Sarah Parker. Miss Parker got a
very excellent job aiding in the con-
struction of the Flatiron Building in
New York. At present there is a
scholarship available for women in
the engineering school which was
presented by Miss Parker's mother.
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University Cooperates In Art Exhibit
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was
written for The Daily by Peter Ruth-
ven, Grad., son of the President and
an authority on Near Easterb art.
The University is cooperating with
the De Young Memorial Museum of
San Francisco, Calif., in one of the
most important exhibitions of Islamic
art ever held in America. The cat-
alogue has been compiled in the Re-
search Seminary of Islamic Art under
the direction of Dr. Mehmet Aga-
Oglu who selected the 250 rare ob-
jects to be shown. These include
illuminated manuscripts, miniature
paintings, carpets, textiles, metal-
work, carved wood, glass and pottery
pieces from thirty-five public and
private collections including the
Louvre, Muee de Cluny, Musee des
Arts Decosatifs, the Eumorfopoulos
collection in the Victoria and Albert
Museum, the Bachstitz Gallery at the
Hague, the Metropolitan Museum,
the art museums of Brooklyn, Chi-
cago, Cleveland, Kansas City, St.
$I, I
Louis, Detroit, the Textile
of the District of Columbia,
Art Museum, University of
the Fogg
vania Museum, the Pierpont Morgan
* To Open Feb. 20
Among the private collectors to
lend objects are: Myron C. Taylor,
Clarence Mackay, Mrs. George D.
Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Ford and
Eustache de Lorey, former director,
of the French Archaeological Insti-
tute in Damascus who will come to
Ann Arbor sometime next semester to
give a lecture. Besides objects from
the University's collection several
pieces will be sent from the private
collections of President Ruthven,
Peter Ruthven and Mrs. Aga-Oglu.
The exhibition will be opened Feb-
ruary 20 in San Francisco with a
series of lectures on Islamic art by
Dr. Aga-Oglu who will comment on
the rare pieces lent for the occasion.
Included among the many important
monuments of decorative art is thel
large lion of turquoise blue, a rarel
example of Persian ceramic art of the
thirteenth century, loaned by H. Kev-
orkian of New York; six pages of the
famous "Demotte" Shah-Name, the
most important example of four-
teenth century Persian miniature
painting; and several miniatures and
rugs which were exhibited in Ann
Arbor in the spring of 1936 under the
direction of the Seminary in Islamic
'Coronation Carpet' Included
Among the many famous rugs to be
shown are an Egyptian carpet of
the seventeenth ventury with a geo-
metric pattern in blue and green, lent
by the Textile Museum of the Dis-
trict of Columbia; a sixteenth cen-
tury medallion rug of floral motifs
owned by Mr. Myron C. Taylor; and
a magnificent Safavid medallion and
animal rug belonging to Mr. Clarence
H. Mackay. The latter rug, some-
times called the "Coronation Carpet"
as it was lent for the coronation of
Edward VII at Westminster in 1901,
(Continued on Page 6)
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