SUNDAY, JAN. 31, 1937
R an- am rn M M a Boo. m ....-...."a m
136 Member 1937
Associated Cotte6cje Press
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Some Aspects Of The
Automobile Labor Dispute
THE NEXT ACTION of the auto-
mobile strike may be expected on
three fronts; (1) at 2 p.m. tomorrow hearing on
an injunction to force the strikers from the
plants will begin at Flint under Circuit Judge
Paul V. Gadola; (2) Governor Murphy is ex-
pected to attempt, now that the Washington
conferences have failed, to get Union and Gen-
eral Motors around a conference table again, by
subpoena is necessary; (3) the Circuit Court of
Appeals of St. Louis may allow the National
Labor Relations Board to enter the dispute as a
The strike is now a month old. In that time
certain problems have been raised, some of them
new, and haye not as yet been satisfactorily an-
swered. Let us examine some of these problems.
1. Is Governor Murphy failing in his duty in
not evicting the sit-down strikers and in refusing
protection to strike-breakers?
2. Should the sit-down technique be legalized
if it is not now legal?
3. Should the United Automobile Workers be
granted sole bargaining power (a) if they have a
majority; (b) if they have not a majority of
the workers?
4. Is Mr. Sloan wise in refusing to negotiate
until the strikers have evacuated the plants?
5. Should the government (either Secretary
Perkins or Governor Murphy) compel Mr. Sloan
by subpoena to enter negotiations before the
strikers have evacuated?
One who believes that the Governor is per-
mitting lawlessness in the State by refusing to
evict the strikers is Arthur Krock, Washington
correspondent for the New York Times, a col-
umnist whose opinions ordinarily may be respect-
ed. "Though a Michigan judge has asserted what
to the lay mind is a simple truth-that the sit-
down strikers are trespassers on the property of
others-and though the bootleg coal industry of
Pennsylvania is clearly outside the law, there is
unfortunate precedent in the United States for
the continued toleration of both by the author-
ities .. .
"In Michigan it is a minority of workers who
are violating the letter of the law in remaining
on General Motors property and preventing the
operation of the plants. That a large majority
want- to work, and the community itself disap-
proves the infraction of basic statutes, seem to
have been clearly demonstrated . . .
he (Governor Murphy) is basing, his
refusal to enforce the letter of the common law
on two points. One is that there is still hope
of settlement of the strike, and the removal
on the ground that, capital not having lived up
to its obligation to them, they have done the
only thing they could to keep their families from
misery. A lesser group condones the sit-down
strikers on the contention that the enlightened
public opinion which has legalized picketing
(once banned by statute), and put collective bar-
gaining into an act of Congress, will soon legalize
the sit-down strike under certain circumstances.
"Whatever the force of these views, whatever
the prospect of their sublimation into law, the
unpleasant fact remains that both in Pennsyl-
vania and Michigan the authorities have de-
clined to protect property, thus unsettling the
keystone of the structure of capitalism."
This is a forceful statement, and some of it
valid, but certain considerations ought to be
borne in mind when reading it.
First, the sit-down strike has not been de-
clared illegal. The "Michigan judge" to whom
Mr. Krock refers is Circuit Judge Edward D.
Black, owner of 1,000 shares of General Motors
stock, and the injunction issued by him has
been allowed by the company to lapse because
of the disqualifying fact of that ownership. If,
however, Judge Gadola issues an injunction this
week, it will then, and only then, be declared
Second, Mr. Krock's assumption that a major
ity of General Motors employes want to work and
that a small minority is preventing them may be
true, but it has not as yet been established.
Both sides contend they have a majority of fol-
lowers among the workers. There is one way
to settle this argument, and it presumably will
be taken if the NLRB steps in.
Third, if we assume for the sake of argument
that the sit-down strike has been or will be
declared illegal, would Governor Murphy still be
justified in refusing to evict the strikers by force,
and refusing to protect strike-breakers? May he
not regard the law, as Robert M. Hutchins, pres-
ident of the University of Chicago, put it in an
address before the New York Bar Association
this week, as "a set of political determinations
of the principle of justice with respect to the so-
cial and economic relations of men at a given
time and place." What is the justice in this
situation? Is it not that for the first time in its
oppressed history, labor has found a method
whereby it has some measure of equality in col-
lective bargaining? Mr. Krock says that if Gov-
ernor Murphy is swayed by any consideration
other than the letter of the law, if he fais to
protect property, he is "unsettling the keystone
of the structure of capitalism." To that we say
that unless the government recognizes human
rights above property rights, the structure of
capitalism cannot endure.
Some qualifications must be made to this point
of view. Suppose that, like picketing, the sit-
down strike comes to be recognized as a legal
weapon in labor disputes. Still, the most ardent
advocate must acknowledge that this recognition
cannot be without reservations because of the
nature of the technique. It is possible for small
groups to stop production, whether or not their
complaints be just. These groups, whether dis-
gruntled factions of the union, or provocateurs
of the company, can disorganize an otherwise
effective union. The sit-down strike carried to
this extreme must not be allowed. It may be
said however that when unions have become
responsible agents after recognition ,by the
companies (as was the case in Great Britain) and
when the Federal government has set up media-
tion machinery for the settlement of labor dis-
putes more carefully created than the NLRB,
this difficulty will not be of major importance.
In answer to the third question, the New Re-
public answers yes in either case. "Is America's
memory so short that we have already forgotten
the dismal experience of the President's agree-
ment in the automobile industry?" it asks. "That
agreement was an attempt to do exactly what
Messrs. Sloan and Knudsen now propose: to give
representation to every group, large or small,
genuine or fake, that called itself a union. It
was an abject failure which broke down before
it was even under way. What earthly reason is
there now for making the same mistake again?"
With this we cannot agree. It is true that many
unions are as bad as no union, but we believe
that unless a union can demonstrate that it rep-
resents a majority of the workers, it ought not
be recognized as the sole bargaining agent be-
cause of the obvious unfairness to the majority
of workers. It would be better that the United
Automobile Workers be content to operate as one
of several unions until such time as it can prove
that it does represent a majority of the employes.
It will gain that majority, if it does not already
have it, if it can prove that it is responsible and
trustworthy during future negotiations. This
will also involve proving that certain national
organizations which are active in the present
strike will not prevent the UAW from acting
in the best interests of the particular workers
it is supposed to represent. If it can do this, it is
entitled to be the sole bargaining agent, and only
under such conditions can it be an effective bar-
gaining agent.
* * *
In answer to the fourth question, we indi-
cated in a previous editorial our belief that it
seems necessary to a settlement of the strike
that Mr. Sloan agree to preliminary negotiations
without insisting on the evacuation of the strik-
ers. This point seemed settled once, when strik-
ers began to evacuate after an agreement by
General Motors that machinery would be neither
moved nor operated until the strike would be
settled, but that agreement was shattered
through tactlessness on both sides: General Mo-
tors having agreed to negotiate with the Flint
Alliance, and allegedly having planned to call
some of its employes to work immediately; and
the Union breaking the agreement rather than
allowing the Governor plus public opinion to see
to its enforcement. Mr. Sloan is refusing to
#~.#IT ALL
CHET STABOVITZ, varsity football player and
one of those physical education laddies,
must have a great time in his practice teaching
over at University High School. He was down at
the skating rink yesterday to see where his
charges go on their day off, and gave, the girls
quite a flutter. "The competition's too stiff,
darn it," one of the girls complained to us. "About
four other girls discovered him ahead of me, but
we all think he's swell."
Ah there, Stabby!
A little tyke about nine years old has an in-
teresting racket all of his own invention at the
rink that might in time call for a grand jury
investigation. With a following of 10 or 12 thug-,
lets of about the same age he swoops around
students skating with their girl friends, cutting
in front of them and threatening to trip them,
until the skaters, in embarrassment or fear, rake
up the required nickel or dime for their mem-
bership in the Skaters' Protective Association.
Latest to pay tribute, it was rumored, was Jack
Kleene, Alpha Delt pledge, and last of the tri-
umvirate by that name who have kept the
Alpha Delts and the beer business in the running.
The latest story about pre-exam defense
mechanisms comes to us in this fashion: a
co-ed went to her instructor in a depart-
ment which for the instructor's sake must
remain anonymous, and told him that while
she was in class she was able to grasp the
difficult problems of the work without the
slightest trouble, but that once she left the
classroom her studying and reviewing
seemed to lack the kind of inspiration con-
ducive to proper understanding. The in-
structor, without taking time out to think,
told her, "Sorry, but I'm married."
* * * *
Starting in somewhat belatedly on the prep-
aration of "term papers" are City Attorney Bill
Laird and the law firm of Hooper and Hooper,
attorneys for Ray Riksen, local sandwich tycoon.
The theses are being drawn up by assignment
of "Professor" Jay H. Payne, local justice of the
peace, wearied by nearly a year's squabbling over
Riksen's peddler's license the city demands for
the continued existence of his fraternity and
sorority snack business.
Riksen's first defense was that, because lie
had prearranged contracts with the houses he
supplies for a specified number of sandwiches,
milk, orangeade, candy, and what have you, he
was not a peddler and not required to buy the
$150 license which all his competitors have se-
But after he had paid for his drivers' fines
totalling nearly the cost of the license on several
justice court arraignments for breaking the or-
dinance, Riksen finally got first one, and then
a second license.
Now the police are claiming he must have a
license for each truck he operates, which, we
understand, means about 10 of them, a rather
costly procedure. He obtained a temporary in-
junction a week ago on grounds that such an
interpretation was contrary to State law, and
that the whole ordinance was similarly uncon-
Upon hearing, Payne ordered the opposing at-
torneys to draw up briefs on the case for pres-
entation next week, at which time he will make
his decision and wash his hands of the case.
Should Payne turn thumbs down on Riksen's
plea, the sandwich man will have the alternative
of appeal to the circuit court and possibly the
supreme court before the fraternities and soror-
ities are finally deprived of his tid-bits.
* * * *
And so we sign off with a prayer for
softening of the examinations until Both
returns next semester to take over again.
-Pat Taylor.
A Bach Prograrn
Svniay, Jan. 31, 4:i5 p.m.
IN THE YEAR 1750, at the age of 66,:
died Johann Sebastian Bach
Cantor of the Thomasschule in Leip-
zig, skilled organist, renowned music-
master--and composer of sorts. He
was buried, along with the rest of
Leipzig's sturdy and respected citi-
zens, in the churchyard of the Jo-
hannis-Kirche. And there, for over
a century, his music lay buried with
his body, covered over with oblivion,
neglect, and misunderstanding. To
the musical world of the latter 18th
and early 19th centuries, the world of
Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven, the
name of Bach recalled a simple
schoolmaster and churchman of
Leipzig who had served loyally and
efficiently in his position for many
years, astounded people with his or-
gan playing and improvisitions, and
written a good deal of music in an
"unintelligible, arithmetical man-
Part of this neglect of Bach was
due, of course, to the poor printing
and publishing facilities of that day,
a composer's works to be spread and
perpetuated except as he travveld
about, producing them from manu-
script, and thus gaining interest and
recognition. Bach travelled but lit-
tle, and even then it was his skill on
the keyboard instruments, rather
than his compositions, which
claimed attention. But the main rea-
son why Bach was so long in coming
into his own is essentially a musical
and esthetic one. In him culminated
the art of polyphony, which had been
many centuries in developing, and
which then practically constituted the
limits of. musical expression. The
sonata form, which has dominated
the musical world for the last two
centuries, was in his day in too ele-
mentary a stage to appeal to him. The
opera, the only other form of musical
expression which he did not employ,
was too insincere and superficial But
a great part of the music written
since his day has employed the son-
ata form, or has been written for,
the stage. For a generation or two
succeeding him composers were con-
cerned with working out the details
of thetsonata form, and intusing that
form to bring classicism to its cul-
mination. To them, the old poly-
phonic style seemed dry, unintel-
ligible and outmoded, compared with
the fresh world of homophony which
was opening up before them.
And then came Beethoven, raising
music from its lowly position as toy
of the rich or servant of the Church,
and placing it on a pinnacle of es-
thetic dignity and freedom. And with
this arousal of interest in music as a
means of expression came also a re-
awakening of interest in the works
of "old Bach." Bach performances,
at first of the smaller church and
organ works and later of the orches-:
tral pieces and large choral works,
became 'increasingly numerous-a
thing which was due quite a bit to
the activities of Felix Mendelssohn,
who, someone has said, "went about
like a nineteenth century John the
Baptist, preaching the gospel accord-
ing to J.S.B." Scattered editions of
Bach's works-of which, during his
lifetime and the half-century follow-
ing, only a handful were in any but
manuscript form-began to appear,
culminating in the complete and au-
thentic edition of the Bach Gesell-
schaft Society, which devoted the
years from 1850 to 1900 to the com-
piling and editing of that 60-volume
edition. Bach societies and Bach fes-
tivals were formed, symphony or-
chestras played his orchestral pieces
and transcriptions of other works,
and he became a regular and con-
siderablespart of the pianist's diet-
not to speak of the organist, for
whom he is a good part of the meal.
So, in the complex and chaotic civil-
ization of today his message has come
to have far more significance than it
had in the sober and passionless 18th
True as this is, and that the name
of Bach is not only one of the great-
est in music, but also one of the most
vital, living, and "modern," it can-
not be said that even today we are
fully appreciative of the extent, the
variety, and the completeness of his
genius. Of the great wealth of mu-
sic which he produced, a large por-
tion lies comparatively untouched.
Certain numbers of the organ liter-
ature, with which we are concerned
in this program, have b- en tran-
scribed for symphony orchestra, and
thus made familiar to a public which
might otherwise not enjoy them. But,
as great a help as such transcriptions
are in "spreading the gospel," and as
brilliant and colorful as they become
in performance, it is greatly to be
desired that such works be heard on
the instrument for which they were
originally conceived, and which, in its
modern improved form, possesses in
itself a great variety of color, besides
tremendous power, vitality, and so-
Therefore, the excellently con-
structed program which Professor
Christian has arranged for this af-
ternoon's recital is of interest not
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the offie of the Assistant to the President
until 3.30, 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
SUNDAY, JAN. 31, 1937
German 1, 2, 31, 32, Room assign-
ments for final examination:
Course 1
25 AH Graf, Willey, Braun.
West Lecture Physics Striedieck,
Reichart, Whitesell, Van Duren
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to faculty members, towns-
people, and their friends on Sunday
afternoon, Feb. 14, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Please note that this date has been
changed from Feb. 7 to Feb. 14.-
To The Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: The fourth regular meeting
of the faculty of the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts for the
academic session of 1936-37 will be
held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Feb.e
1, 1937 at 4:10 p.m.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of Dec. 7, 1936, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 307-313).
2. Resolution on retirement of Prof.
T. R. Running. Committee: Prof.
H. D. Curtis, chairman, T. H. Hilde-
3. Reports:
a. Executive Committee by Prof.
George La Rue.
1. Resolution concerning the
granting of I's and X's dur-
ing the last semester of the
senior year.
b. University Council by Prof. R.
W. Sellars.
c. Deans' Conference by Dean E.
H. Kraus.
4. Resolution on non-academic
employment presented by Prof. L. C.
Karpinski at the December meeting.
5. Report on the resolution con-
cerning Freshman English by Prof.
L. 1. Bredvold.
6 Report of the Committee on
Emeritus Professors. Committee:
Prof. R. A. Sawyer, chairman, L. C.
Karpinski, Henry A. Sanders.
7. Announcements and new busi-
A full attendance at this meeting is
particularly desired.
J-Hop Tickets: Any person losing
or mislaying his J-Hop ticket must
report same to the undersigned at
Room 2 University Hall as promptly
as possible. There will be no adjust-
ment or provision made for lost tick-
ets on the evening of the party, nor
will cash be accepted at the Intra-
mural building in place of tickets.
Holders of tickets numbered 92,-
1404 and 1405 are requested to com-
municate with the Auditor at their
earliest convenience. All holders of
J-Hop tickets are urged to check
the numbers of their tickets without
delay. W. B. Rea
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: It is requested by
the Administrative Board that all in-
structors who make reports of In-
complete or Absent from examina-
tion give also information showing
the character of that part of the
work which has been completed. This
may be done by the use of the sym-
bols, I (A), X (B), etc.
Saturday Class Committee: During
the examination period this Commit-
tee will not hold sessions. Following
examinations the committee may be
consulted on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 9-
12, 2-4, in Room 231 A.H., and
throughout the classification period
in the gymnasium.
Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of L.S. & A.: Changes in second se-
mester elections, especially if such
changes are made necessary because
of low grades which have been re-
ceived during the first semester, may
be made Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday, Feb. 10, 11 and 12 from 9 to
12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.; for
freshmen in Room 102 Mason Hall,
and for sophomores in Room 9
University Hall.
Hygiene Lecture Examination -
Women Students: There will be a
make-up examination at the end of
the series of lectures last fall. This
will be held on Thursday afternoon,
February 4 at 5:00, in Room 14, Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Any student who should take this
examination but who has an exam-
ination at this hour on Thursday
afternoon should see Miss Beise be-
tween 10:00 and 12:00 on Wednesday
morning, February 3.
University Bureau of Appointments
- Mr. J. R. Knisely of Firestone Tire
& Rubber Company will be in the
office on Monday and Tuesday, Feb.
1 and 2, to interview applicants for
their sales and business division.
Kindly call 4121, Ext. 371, for ap-
pointments, or stop at the office, 201
Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
- All registrants who are leaving in
February are reminded to leave a
change of address at the Bureau. All
those who have not completed their
registration are reminded that they
cannot be considered for positions
until this is done. This should be
taken care of at once, as both teach-
ing and business positions for next
year are now coming in.
201 UH Hildner
2003 AH Wahr
2225 AH Scholl
B Haven Diamond
Course 2
C Haven All Sections
Course 31
101 Economics Graf, Philippson
1035 AH Willey, Van Duren
35 A.H. Reichart, Nordmeyer
231 AH Eaton
2003 AH Wahr
2225 AH Scholl
Course 32
B. Haven Diamond
231 AH Eaton
Economics 53: Seating arrange-
ments for examination Thursday,
Feb. 4, 9-12: Wednesday lecture:
A-M. 348 W. Eng.
N-Z, 25 A.H.
Tuesday lecture:
A-F, 25 A.H.
G-R, 311 W. Eng.
S-Z, 347 W. Eng.
Students Concentrating in Eco-
nomics: See Mr. Briggs as early as
possible to have your program ap-
proved. He will be available in Room
9, Economics, as follows:
Tuesday, Feb. 2 1 to 3:00
Wednesday, Feb. 10 1 to 2:00
Thursday, Feb. 11 8 to 4:00
Friday, Feb. 12 8 to 4:00
Saturday, Feb. 13 8 to 12:00
Political Science: The following
changes in courses for the second
semester have been made:
Pol. Sci. 52 (R), Sec. 2, TuThS 9,
2203 A.H. Heneman.
Pol. Sci. 52 (R), Sec. 3, TuThS, 10,
2014 A.H. Heneman.
Pol. Sci. 156 (C), MWF, 10, 2203
A. H. Heneman.
Political Science 65: The final ex-
amination will be held Tuesday
morning, February 2, in Room C,
Haven Hall
Music Students: Final examina-
tions in Canon and Fugue will be
given Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2 to 5 p.m.,
Room 212, Hill Auditorium.
Botany I: Final examination for
this semester will be given in the
Natural Science Auditorium, Feb. 9
from 9-12.
Botany I: Changes in sections for
the second semester:
Sec. 8 rec. MF 3, 2033 N.S.; lab.
TuTh 1-4, 2033 N.S.
Sec. 10 rec. MF 9, 2003 N.S.; lab.
TuThS 9-11, 2004 N.S.
Sec. 11 rec. MF 9, 2033 N.S.; lab.
TuTh 8-11, 2033 N.S.
Sociology 51: Final Examination,
Saturday, Feb. 6, 1937, at 9 a.m.
N. S. Auditorium, Gibbard, Holmes,
Angell (MF 10 o'clock). 1025 A.H.-
Fuller, Angell (MF 9 o'clock). C Ha-
ven Hall-Danhof.
Sociology 54 (Modern Social Prob-
lems: Term papers will be collected
at the final examination Monday
morning. These reports must be re-
turned at this time.
Zoology I, Final Examination;
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1937, 9-12 a.m. Place:
For students whose last names begin
with letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G in
West Physics Lecture Room (Use
West Entrance Only); H, I, J, K, L,
M in Room 1025 Angell Hall; N, O,
P, Q, R, S in Room 25 Angell Hall;
T, U, V, W, Y, Z in Room 1035 Angell
Students who Plan to Concentrate
in English are reminded that quali-
fying examinations will be given on
Monday evening, February 15, in
2225 A.H. (See p. 104 of the An-
nouncement). Sophomores as well
as Juniors are eligible to take these
tests. W. G Rice
Chemistry 3, Lecture Section II:
Final examination for those students
whose last names begin with A-D
inclusive will be held in Room 303
Chemistry 'Building; all others meet
in Room 165 Chemistry Building.
Education D100: A fourth section
for the Tuesday conferences of D100
has been added at 8:00, Room 2203
U.II.S., to aid students who might
otherwise have difficulty in arranging
their programs.
Organ Recitals: Recitals will be
given on the Frieze Memorial Organ
in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. on
the following dates. The general
public, with the exception of small
children, is invited without admission
Palmer Christian (Bach recital)
.. . . . Sunday, Jan. 31
Arthur Poister (guest organist) ...
.. . .Wednesday, Feb. 17
E. William Doty .Wednesday, Mar. 3
Palmer Christian . ... . ........ .
will be on the air over CBS at 3 p.m. today
at the same time that Metropolitan will conduct
its auditions for likely talent over NBC-WWJ.
Georges Enesco will conduct the Philharmonic
in a program consisting of excerpts from the
opera "De La Matei Citire.," Otesco; overture to
"Marriage of Figaro," Mozart; and Symphony in
G Minor, No. 40, Schumann's Sym.phony No. 2
in C Major. Wilfred Pelletier will conduct the
orchestra for the Metropolitan auditions.
* * * * *
Lucrezia Bori will be the guest soloist with
the Ford Sunday Evening Hour tonight, with
Victor Kolar conducting the orchestra. On the
General Motors concert an hour later Kirsten
Flagstad, Metropolitan soprano who inaugurated
this season's Choral Union series last fall, will
be holding sway while Jose Iturbi conducts the
orchestra. The program will include the prelude
to "The Meistersingers," Wagner; prelude to "La
Traviata," Verdi; and the intermezzo to Gra-
nado's "Goyescas."
the two, the loss or the determination, is greater.
But whether he will or not depends also on
the use of the subpoena power. Governor Murphy
has the power to summon Mr. Sloan by subpoena
to conference, and Secretary Perkins has asked
Congress for the power. However, because this
ought to be a judicial rather than an executive
function, and because, as William Green has