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January 30, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-30

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SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1937


Summer School'
To Be Issued'

(Continued fomnPage 4)

All Activities Of Session
To Be Outined In New
Plans for distributing the abridged
announcement of the 44th Univer-
sity Summer Session, to be held from
June 28 to August 20, were being
made yesterday in the office of the
director of the Summer Session.
The abridged announcement is a
complete outline of all the activities,
curricular and extra-curricular, that
are held during the Summer Session.
This includes a listing of courses be-
ing offered by each department of
the Summer Session, descriptions of
departmental stations and institutes
under the Session, and announce-
ments of summer plays, excursions
and activities which will take place.
In March a complete announce-
ment of the courses of the Session
will be published, and later at inter-
vals during the Spring, announce-
ments of the-other activities will be
issued. Work on organizing the lec-
ture, play and excursion series is just
being started, officials said.
Courses will be offered in most of
the colleges of the University, as dur-
ing the regular part of the year. The
,School of Dentistry is offering courses
through the Medical School and the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts. All of the schools and colleges
will have regular eight-week ses-
sions, except in a few cases. The Law
School will offer a ten-week. course,
and the division of hygiene and pub-
lic health will have a six-week ses-
Curricula are also being planned
in special branches of the Session,
which are described in the announce-
ment. These include at Ann Arbor
the regular Alumni University, the
Linguistic Institute, and three new
divisions: an Electronics Institute, an
Institute of Far Eastern Studies and
an Institute of Public and Social Ad-
Other courses are given at special
outside stations and centers. These
include the Biological Station in
nothern Michigan; Camp Davis, for
surveying, at Jackson, Wyoming;
Camp Filibert Roth, in the upper
penninsula, for the School of For-
estry; and the geology camp in Colo-
rado. Lectures, plays, concerts, and
excursions are also planned.
About 50,000 copies of the an-
nouncement will be sent out to teach-
ers and superintendents all over the
country, Prof. Louis M. Eich, secre-
tary of the Summer Session, said yes-
terday. The bulletins will be subject
to minor changes in the later, more
complete publications to follow. Stu-
dents interested may get copies in
the office of the Summer Session
President's Ball
To Aid Infantile
Paralysis Fund
More Than 1,000 People
Expected At Festivities In
Union And League Today
Funds for the attack of infantile
paralysis will be increased by the
proceeds of the annual President's
Ball to be given from 9 to 12 p.m.
today in both the League and the
Union ballrooms.
More than 1,000 couples are expect-
ed to attend the informal dance. As
last year, the funds collected will be
divided in the proportion of 70 and 30
per cent, the larger percentage going
toward the rehabilitation of victims of
infantile paralysis in Ann Arbor. The
remainder will be sent to President
Roosevelt to be forwarded to the
Warm Springs foundation.
It will be possible to go from one
ballroom at the other. At the League,

card tables will be furnished for those
wishing to play cards, and at the
Union the taproom will be open.
Charlie Zwick and his orchestra will
play at the League, and Bob Steinle
and his band will be at the Union.
Floor shows will be presented at both
Tickets are on sale at the League,
Union, banks and bookstores and will
be available until dance time. They
may also be obtained from any of
the committee members representing
every organization in the city.
In the country, more than 6,000
parties will be held to aid in the pre-
vention of infantile paralysis. All
dancing will be stopped briefly at
11:30 p.m. for the address of the


Whitesell, Van


201 UH Hildner
2003 AH Wahr
2225 AH Scholl
B Haven Diamond
Course 2
C Haven All Sections
Course 31
101 Economics Graf, Philippson
1035 AH Willey, Van Duren
35 A.H. Reichart, Nordmeyer
231 AH Eaton
2003 AH Wahr
2225 AH Scholl
Course 32
B. Haven Diamond
231 AH Eaton

Mathematics, (College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts): The ex-
aminations in Mathematics 1, 2, 3,
and 7 will be held Saturday, Feb. 6,
9-12 a.m., according to the following


25 A.H.
25 A.H.
25 A.H.
2003 A.H.
1035 A.H.
1035 A.H.
2225 A.H.
2225 A.H.
231 A.H.
205 M.H.
205 M.H.

Schneckenburger 2003 A.H.
English 88, Sec. 1, second semester:
Tu at 2; Th at 7:30-9:30 p.m., in-
stead of MWF at 9.
S. K. Proctor.
Notice to Students in English 127:
You may get your charts back by
applying to Mr. Wood in 3226 Angell
Hall, Saturday, 9-12.
Karl Litzenberg
Economics 53: Seatnig arrange-
ments for examination Thursday,
Feb. 4, 9-12: Wednesday lecture:
A-M, 348 W. Eng.
N-Z, 25 A.H.
Tuesday lecture:
A-F, 25 A.H.
G-R, 311 W. Eng.
S-Z, 347 W. Eng.
Economics 173: Final exam, Mon-
day, Feb. 8, 2-5, C Haven Hall.
Political Science, Final Examina-
tion, Saturday, Jan. 30, 2:00. Sections
will meet as follows:
Calderwood's sections-C Haven Hall
Cuncannon's sections-205 Mason
Dorr's sections-1035 Angell Hall ,
Kallenbach's sections-25 Angell Hall
Kitchin's sections-2225 Angell Hall
McCaffree's sections-West Physics
Zoology I, Final Examination:
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1937, 9-12 a.m. Place:
For students whose last names begin
with letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G in
West Physics Lecture Room (Use
West Entrance Only); H, I, J, K, L,
M in Room 1025 Angell Hall; N, O,
P, Q, R, S in Room 25 Angell Hall;
T, U, V, W, Y, Z in Room 1035 Angell
Music Students: Final examina-
tions in Canon and Fugue will be
given Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2 to 5 p.m.,
Room 212, Hill Auditorium.
Sociology 51: Final Examination,
Saturday, Feb. 6, 1937, at 9 a.m.
N. S. Auditorium, Gibbard, Holmes,
Angell (MF 10 o'clock). 1025 A.H.-
Fuller, Angell (MF 9 o'clock). C Ha-
ven Hall-Danhof
Sociology 239: It is not necessary
to finish reading Greig Case. You
may have access to case record ma-
terial during examination.
Non-Professional Forestry Courses:
Forestry 194, "The Conservation of
National Resources" which formerly
met at 8 MWF, Allen, will be offered
at 11 MWF in the second semester,
Room 3043 N.S. Forestry 31, "Intro-
duction to Forestry," Young, will
meet at 9 MWF, Room 4054 N.S. Each
of these non-professional courses car-
ries 3 hours credit and each is open
to students in several of the schools
and colleges of the University other
than the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, with consent of the respec-
tive deans.
Organ Recitals: Recitals will be
given on the Frieze Memorial Organ
in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. on
the following dates. The general
public, with the exception of small

children, is invited without admission 111e
charge. yden
Palmer Christian (Bach recital) . .
. Sunday, Jan. 31)j r o J y,z i
Arthur Poister (guest organist) ... j JA
..Wednesday, Feb. 17
E. William Doty . Wednesday, Mar. 3
Palmer Christian Natives Fear
.~~Wednesday, March 10 Oni JapantIe
Palmer Christian............
.Wednesday, March 17 Will Destro
Palmer Christian (Good Friday{
Program) .......Friday, March 28 Prof. Joseph R.I
Palmer Christian (Bach recital) .. litical science de
.............Sunday, April 25 vice-governor of
Islands, stated in
address yesterday1
Exhibitions ways for the Fili
Exhibition, Architectural Build- economic security
ing: Photographs of work of artists their freedom in
in the fields of t spt these ways is to o
Spaining, scupur, to militaristic Jap
architecture, and landscape archi-
tecture, secured through the College Referring to the
Art Association of New York from d that will confront h
the Alumni Association of the Ameri- he said that the
can Academy in Rome, are being "securemutuallyr
shown in the third floor Exhibition with the United St
Room. Open daily, 9 to 5, except w te Unted S
Sunday, through Jan. 30. The pub- other country. Ev
lic is cordially invited. that 'other count
fears that economi
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in it will mean the e
eluding ancient bronzes, pottery and economic freedom.
peasant paintings, sponsored by the Cites Tw
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural Building. Open daily from 9 According to F
to 5 p.m. except Sunday through the there are two dang
month of February. Illustrated le- commonwealth. T
ture to be announced. The public is ger of internal
cordially invited, discontent and th
__ ym__.discontent in Ma
Exhibition of oil paintings by Karl peril is an econor
xhit o oas the people ha
Hofer, Alumni Memorial Hall, Feb. most "rigid and re
1-21, 2-5 daily including Sundays. even thus far, in o
budget. And asb
Events Of Today been obliged to p
The Motion Picture Producers and imports to the Uni
Distributors of America, Inc., Com- As the duties
munity Service Division, will present gradually increase,
a free showing of films selected for pay the full taxes,
their value in presenting individualeiadn.haddi
estimated that thi
and socialhproblems for group ably kill 70 per ce
discussion this morning from 10 commerce with A
to 12 o'clock in the Michigan stitutes more tha
Theatre. Mr. Irving I. Deer, form-__tiutemoreth
erly active on the Committee on So-
cial Values in Motion Pictures, of Muyskens
which Dean Howard M. Le Sourd of J
Boston University is chairman, will Of Ele
answer questions concerning the use
of these films in community groups. Prof. John .
All interested are invited to attend. speech departmen
drew from the rac
Coning Events tion of mayor o
ticket, leaving Art
Junior Research Club: The Feb- attorney, unoppo
ruary meeting will be held at 7:30 nomination March
p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 2 in Room However, Mr. Le]
2083 N.S. Bldg. position in the gen
Program: "The histologic verifi- He will be oppose
cation of root canal therapy in ex- either Prof. Walte
perimental animals" by Dr. C. Merle of the College ofI
Dixon, School of Dentistry. dent of City Cou
"An Adventure in Industrial Re- Staffan, fourth wa
search," by Dr. E. J. Abbott of the of the latter arec
Physics Research Company. nomination on the
Varsity Glee Club: No rehearsal
Sunday, Jan. 31. No make-ups Tues- speak on "That's t
day, Feb. 2. The next full rehearsal ship hour followin
is Sunday, Feb. 7, at 4 p.m. in prep- First Methodist
aration for the concert trips. Worship at 10:30
Brashares will p
All women students who are in- Kampf.
terested in playing club basketball
next semester, and have played two
or more seasons, get in touch with Church of Chris
Norma Curtis at Helen Newberry.
Phone 2-2591.10:45 a.m., Chi
Fred Cowin, Mini
12 noon, Studen
Monday Evening Drama Section Louis A. Hopkin
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. Summer Session,
1, at the Michigan Union. Poetry of the Bib
B~t Curch Sundy' :30 p.m., Discip~
First Bapist Thedisussiony:
10:45 a.m., Worship and sermon. "Personaity Deto
Rev. R. Edward Sayles will speak "; ed. This is
on "A Poet's Creed." Church School discussions on tI
meets at 9:30 a.m. "'Pathways to Pers
The Guild will
Roger Williams Guild: Sunday HeG438dMayns
noon. Class omitted. House, 438 Mayn
6 p.m., Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Univer- at the church du
sity Counselor in Religious Educa- tion peiiod.

tion, will speak to the Guild on "An
All Absorbing Aim." Refreshments ices will be held
will be served and a social hour held icastor, Henry 0.
following the address. his text Matthew
First Presbyterian Church, Sunday: Thirsty for the
Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth
Avenue. Lutheran Stude
At the morning worship service at be no meeting on
10:45 a.m., Dr. C. Herbert Rice, Prin- Thennext meeting
cipal of Allahabad Christian College day, Feb. 7 at 6 p
in India, will be the speaker.
Dr. W. P. Lemon will give a lecture prepare the suppe
on the subject "What Determines an informal meeti
Human Destiny?" at 4:30 p.m. This is Unitarian Chur
the last of a series of lectures on PUnar il
"The Faith of a Practical Christian." Victory and t
The Westminster Guild Student Victory and the
Group will meet at 5:30 p.m. for their 7:30 p.m., Stud
-upper and social hour, which will be ing pictures of T.
followed at 6:30 p.m. by their regular Camp.
meeting, at which time Dr. C. Her-
bert Rice will be the speaker. TYPEWRITE

the commonwealth
two ways were to
beneficial. perma-
ade relations either.
tates or with some
very informed Fili-.
ied, "knows what
ry' must be, and
c dependence upon
nd of any genuine.
o Dangers
Professor Hayden,-
ers which face the
'he first is the dan-
e organized labor
nila. The second
nic one, inasmuch
ve had to use the
lentless economy,"
rder to balance the
yet they have not
ay duties on their
ted States.
upon the Islands
they will have to
asserted Professor
d that experts have
s duty would prob-
Lt of the Philippine
merica which con-
n 80 per cent of
Is Out
Ltion Race
Muyskens of the
t yesterday with-
e for the nomina-
n the Democratic
hur Lehman, local
sed for the party
hman will have op-
eral April election.
d at this time /by
r C. Sadler, dean
Engineering, presi-
ncil, or Frank W.
rd alderman. Both
candidates for the
Republican ticket.
he Spirit." Fellow-
g the meeting.
Church: Morning
a.m. Dr. C. W.
reach on "Mein
t (Disciples) : Sun-
urch service. Rev.
ts' Bible Class. Dr.
s, director of the
will speak o "'The
le Students' Guild.
f lastwSunday on
cus" will be con-
one of a series of
le general topic,
meet at the Guild
ard St., instead of'
ring the examma-
an Church: Serv-
at 10:30 a.m. The
Yoder, will use as
5:6. "Hungry and
Right Things" is
nt Club: There will
a Sunday, Jan. 31.
g will be on Sun-
).im. The boys will
r and there will be
ing afterward.
ch, 5 p.m. Rev. H.
peak on "Wingless
King of England."
ent Meeting, Mov-
V.A. Student Work

beyond the control of the western
world. America's policy in the Far
East should rest, I believe, upon a
recognition of these basic facts: The
United States must make up her
mind whether she should continue to
exercise a powerful influence in the
affairs of the Far East, whatever the
cost, or whether she should withdraw
politically from that portion of the
Flood Area Victim Is
Recovering In Hospital
Still in the Health Service suffering
with the flu, Langford R. Whitmore,
'39, is doing better according to Dr.
Nelson M. Smith and should be out by
the first of next week.
Whitmore, who drove to the flood
area earlier this week with Jane
Reinert, '39, has a temperature ac-
cording to Dr. Smith but his condi-
pion is not to be considered serious.


Sees Philippines Tied
an When.Freed From U.S.
Dependence their total commerce. Another sig-
sificant fact is that they cannot sell
'e For TradeE most of their products anywhere else.
y Freedom I The fundamental facts underlying
the perilous situation in which the
Hayden of the po- Islands will be placed when they ac-
epartment, former;quire their independence are, in the
the Philippine opinion of Professor Hayden, the con-
a University radio ditions of internal instability and ex-
that there are tw~o ternal insecurity.
pinas to maintain Future Is 'Problematical'
after they attain "The future of the Philippines is
1946-and one of problematical," he stated. "The
4bligate themselves prospect for peace and stability in
an. Far Eastern international relations
does not seem bright. Furthermore,
ultimate problem I s o ht has mssed

'Social Unrest'
To Be Thomas'
Subject Feb.13
Norman Thomas, former Socialist
candidate for president, will speak at
3 p.m. Feb. 13 in the Masonic Temple
on the subject of "Causes of Social
Unrest." His talk is being sponsored
by a group of local citizens.
Mr. Thomas, one of the country's
outstanding socialists, has been can-f
didate for the positions of mayor of
New York, governor of New York and
president of the United States on his
party's ticket.
Members of the committee spon-
soring the talk are Prof. Harold S.
McFarland of the College of Engi-
neering, chairman; the Rev. H. P.

319 South Main St. - Phone 2-2214
Featuring Sunday Dinners
LITTLE SAUSAGE - We have them!
Excellent Service Enjoyable Atmosphere
Reservation Accommodations for from Ten to Thirty People.

Four terms of eleven weeks are given
each year. These may be taken con-
secutively (graduation in 31, years)
or three terms may be taken each year.
(graduation in 4 years). The entrance
requirements are intelligence, charac-
ter and at least two years of college
work, including the subjects specified
for Grade A Medical Schools. Cata-
logues and application forms may be
obtained from the Dean.


Marley; Prof. John F. Shepard of the
psychology department; William S.
Kemnitz; Miss Miriam Hall and Bert
A small admission charge will be
made for the talk. Those holding
tickets for the unfulfilled lecture en-
gagement last fall may use them for
this address.






- --------



STRANGE HOLINESS (Pulitzer Prize)...............$1.75
JOHN DAWN ... . . .. .. ..... $2.50
PORTRAIT OF AN AMERICAN....................90
LOST PARADISE .........$2.50
YOKE OF THUNDER .......... .................$1.50
On Sale at

316 South State Street

Main Street Opp. Court House



I k







"A nan's greatness may be measured by the reach of his relationships."


Masonic 'Temple, at 327 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. W. P. Lemon, Minister
Miss Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistiant.
10:45 a.m. - Address by Dr. C. Herbert Rice,
Principal of Allahabad Christian College in
India. Student choir and double quartette.
4:30 p.m. - "What Determines Human Des-
tiny?" The last of a series of lectures on
"The Faith of a Practical Christian" by Dr.
W. P. Lemon.
5:30 p.m. - Westminster Guild, student
group. Supper and social hour followed by
the meeting at 6:30. Dr. C. Herbert Rice.
Corner Washington St. and Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor.
South Fourth Avenue, near Packard
Rev. T. R. Schmale, Pastor
9:00 a.m. - Early service (conducted in
9:30 a.m. - Sunday school. Classes of the
Adult Department will be addressed by
Mr. Kermit Eby of the Ann Arbor high
10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship.
Sermon topic : Retarded Progress.
7:00 p.m. - Young People's League.
Discussion topic: Problems and Possibilities
of Motion Pictures.

Oakland and East University.
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director.
Sunday School - 10:00 a.m.
(Missouri Synod)
Cor. Third and Liberty Streets
Carl A. Bauer, Minister
10:45 a.m. -Sermon,
Corner State and Washington Streets
Rev. Charles W. Brashares, Minister
9:45 a.m. - Student Class at Stalker Hall.
East Huron between State and Division
10:45 a.m. - Mr. Sayles, Sermon.
"A'Poet's Creed."
12 Noon. Class omitted today.
6:00 p.m. - Roger Williams Guild meets.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman will speak on "An All-
Absorbing Aim."
409 South Division
Reading Room, 206 East Liberty
Services Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Subject, "LOVE"
11:45 -Sunday School



Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Class led by Prof. Geo. Carrothers.
Subject: Certain Shifts in Religious
Emphasis." 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild
meeting. Dr. C. W. Brashares will

All makes and models,
Bought, Sold, Rented,
Exchanged, Repaired.
O. D. Morrill



. "

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