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January 30, 1937 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-30

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SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1937


Feathtpr In His Cap'


Be Presented By Junior Girls March 17-20


Dorothy Gies'1
Script Selected
For 1937 Play
Former Hopwood Winner
Takes As Plot Troubles
Of TyroleanToymakerI
"Feather In His Cap", the manu-
script submitted by Dorothy Gies, '36,
has been chosen by the central com-
mittee of the 1937 Junior Girls' Play
to be presented March 17-20.
The play concerns the troubles of
a toymaker in the Tyrok who refuses
to make teddybears to supply the de-
mands of so many American children'
at the beginning of this century. The
love element is supplied by the toy-
makers son who falls in love with his
employer's daughter whom he has
never seen. The Teddybear King of

Writes.1937 J-G-P.

League Council New Frock 'Tonic' Currie, Makepiece Grace Snyder Studies
Is Recommended To Be Wed Today For Finals In Hospital
To AcceP t Last Grace Snyder, '37, who has been
For Gloomy Hours confined in the University Hospital
1 The First Methodist Church will be for the past month suffering from an
Petitions Today the scene of the wedding tonight of eye infection, will have to take her
Since a new dress is the best tonic Jean Currie, '29, daughter of Mr. and finals in bed.
a woman can have, a frock chosen Mrs. George Currie of Ann Arbor and Miss Snyder, a member of Pi Beta
Juichiary Council To Offer athis time from the exciting coilec- Roger Emmerton Makepiece of Bos-
JdcayCuclT ef rjat ti iefo h xiigcle-1tn as Phi, has been studying for her exams
Slate For Campus Vote tion that is now in the local shops will ton, Mike by having her mother read to her
Early Next Semester do wonders for that let-ownfeeling iThe cr ht during the day. She is a member of
in the church at 3 p.m., will be fol-Alh LabaDtaWvr an
Early Nxt Sen ester thiat invariably hangs over the two lowed by a reception in the Grand Mrobadadwl o eunt
weeks of exam period. Rapids room of the League. Mortorboard and will not return to
Today has been set as the deadline One shop features a two-piece print garetdCornell of Ann Arbor will be the University next semester.
for all petitions for next year's major with a peplum that has the new rick Miss Currie's maid of honor. Both-_ __ __
League offices, it was announced by rack trimming. The background is are members of Delta Zeta. Prints are soon due to make their
MaryannaChockley, '37, head of J black upon which are set white star- Dr. Frederick Bohn Fisher, pastor yearly appearance on campus. One
accept Concr o Miss Cillke shaped flowers. It has a round neck of the Central Methodist Church in of the cleverest is a strawberry pat-
said. Miss Chockley and the usual short puffed sleeves. Detroit will return to officiate, tern in white on blue or dubonnet.
The offices for which applications The white rick rack is sewed along -
may be submitted are those of League every edge, even the hem of the skirt. -_-
president, three vice-presidents, sec- Another two-piece dress comes in
retaiy-treasurer, two junior and one either a red or blue print having as-
senior position on Judiciary Council, sorted white dots in it. The jacket is
and the chairmanships of five League made to give a tuxedo effect. The
committees. lapels are turned back and are cov-
The committees are the social, ered with what seems to be yards of
house reception, publicity, merit sys- lace in an interesting pattern. The
tem and theatre-arts groups. sleeves are puffed and edged with
A representative of three of the lace. Four white tear-drop shaped ALL NEW CA RS
following schools will be chosen for buttons give a double breasted effect
the office of vice-president, the Col- to the jacket. The skirt is swing, of
lege of Architecture, the Music courseE
School, the School of Education and
the literary college. . ( POLICE HONOR.MAYOR -

In connection with the dental
school alumni homecoming day, qan.
27, Alpha Omega entertained visit-
ing dentists from Detroit and vicinity
at a supper Wednesday. The list of
guests included: Dr. S. H. Gerendasy,
Dr. L. A. Katzin, Dr. L. I. Fidlow, Dr.
M. C. Gantz, Dr. M. Lappin, Dr. A. C
Altman, and Dr A. T. Weller.




the mysteryI

Won Hopwood AwardI
While on campus Miss Gies was a
winner of a Hopwood Award for four'
consecutive years, being given one of
the major awards last year for her
novel. She was a member of The
Daily for four years, editing the book
page in her senior year. During her
junior year on campus she was elect-
ed to Wyvern, Mortarboard, and Phi
Beta Kappa. At present Miss Gies
is attending Columbia University on'
a fellowship.
The time of try-outs for members
of the cast will be from 3 to 5:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
the first week of the second semester.
Dance rehearsals will be held at 4:30
p.m. Monday of the same week in-
stead of Tuesday, as formerly an-
nounced. There will be much op-
portunity for dancing and singing
parts and choruses.
The play, which is under the direc-
tion of Sarah Pierce, Grad., will go
into rehearsal the second week of the
second semester.
Recheck Slips Necessary
Anyone who is interested in trying
out for the cast or the choruses
should get their health recheck slips
at the Health Service between ,emes-
ters. This will eliminate the rush
during the first week. Health re-
checks are compulsory and no one
will be able to work in the play un-
til she secures one.
The members of the central com-
mittee for this years production in-
clude, Hope Hartwig, general chair-
man, Margaret Ann Ayers, assistant
general chairman, Nancy Kover, in
charge of programs, Margaret Fer-
ries, finance chairman, and Ruth
Bertsch in charge of costumes. Others
on the committee are Virginia Hunt,
music chairman, Marie Sawyer, dance
chairman, and Jo-Clarke Kimball,
male-up chairman, Joanne Kimmell,
properties chairman, Janet Allington,
ticket chairman, and Betty Strick-
root, publicity chairman, comprise
the rest of the central committee.

Dance At Union
Is To Absorb,
A dance will be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday, Feb. 12 in the Union
Ballroom to take care of the J-Hop
overflow, according to Herbert Wolf,
'37, president of the Union.
Students who have been unable to
secure J-Hop tickets and will be in
Ann Arbor that night will be able to
dance in the Union. The sale of J-Hop
tickets has gone so rapidly that many
fraternities have been unable to get
the quota for which they asked.
Bob Steinle's orchestra will play,
for the dance and admission will bef
the usual week-end price. Students
who have made no arrangements for
the week-end will be able to dance
in the Union as usual. The dance
will be. informal and students are
urged to attend if they have made
no J-Hop arrangements.
Child Study Group
To Sponsor Party
A party will be given for the chil-
dren of the Michigan Dames from 2
to 5 p.m. today in the junior nursery
room of the University Elementary
School, sponsored by the Child Study
Group of the Dames.
Mrs. Karl Karsian, chairman of the
Child Study Group, announced that
there will be games for the children,
and that all Michigan Dames are
invited to attend with their children.
Dr. Lavinia G. MacKaye, doctor of
the University Elementary school will
also be present.
Mrs. John H. Muyskens, wife of
Professor Muyskens of the speech
department, is spending a short time
in Los Angeles, Calif. She was called
there by the death of her mother,
Mrs. John Groen.


Sophomore women may petition
for the two junior positions on Ju-
diciary Council. It is necessary that
they plan to be members of that body
for two years, Miss Chockley said.
The senior position is open to junior
Judiciary Council chooses a slate
of the applicants for positions on the
Council and the three vice-presiden-
cies which is to be submitted to an
all-campus vote early next semester.
The Council selects applicants for all
other offices and submits the names
to the Undergraduate Council for
final approval.
Interviewing of all petitioners is
scheduled to take place throughout
the first three weeks of the new se-

Members of the police department
honored Mayor Robert A. Campbell,
retiring from office this year, with a
dinner Thursday night in the base-
ment of the city hall. The mayor
was presented with a cigarette lighter
and an ash tray.












For those "shining" hou
lovely slippers of shining
We've many glorious sty
high, medium or low h

rs wear
les with
eels ...





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