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October 01, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-01

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mw(5 I


THURSDAY, OCT. 1, 1939



Q The


PLEASANT single room, 1% blocks TWO neat and clean double rooms.
from campus for graduate girl. 829 $3.50 per boy. 127 N. State. 9790.
Tappan. Phone 8321. 42 44
FIRST floor three-room apartment. WANTED: Roommate, male. $2.00
Private bath and electric refriger- week. Block from campus. Grad.
ation. For adults only. Call in per- student. 213 S. Thayer. Ph. 5156.
son, 813 E. Ann St. 19 41
FOR RENT-Nice warm, double I NICE single room. Private entrance.
room. 1208 S. University. Also, Adjoining shower bath. $5. 508
room-mate wanted. 21 Monroe. 42
SINGLE rooms for students. $2 and BOYS: Very attractive suite of rooms
up. Mrs. Walker. Jennings House, for rent. 913 E. Huron. Phone 7851.
114 ' rf*in 2A

(By the Associated Press)
Spanish Government
C~om plains To League
GENEVA, Sept. 30.-(/P)-The
Spanish delegation to the League of
Nations tonight published documents
charging Italy, Germany and Portu-
gal with furnishing arms to the
Spanish Fascist insurgents in viola-
tign of the European non-interven-
tion pact.
A note, the documents said, was
sent by the Madrid government to
all signatory nations of the non-in-
tervention accord declaring that if
the insurgents had not received
armed aid from Germany and Italy
the Spanish revolt would have been
"crushed at the outset."
The communication concluded
with a demand for abolition of arms
embargoes on the Madrid govern-
The charges made specific refer-
ence to insurgent receipt of "arms,
ammunition and men from Ger-
many" and alleged that Italy had
sent 24 war planes to Spanish Fas-

Longshoremen Strike
Settlement Near


WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.--)-In
a final, last minute effort to forestall
the t'hreatening dispute between the
Pacific Coast Longshoremen's Union
and ship-owners, the Maritime Com-
mission today made a second at-
tempt to obtain extension of existing
agreements expiring at midnight.
Rear Admiral Henry Wiley, chair-
man of the newly appointed com-
mission, expressed "high hopes" of
a compromise after dispatching a
new series of telegrams to opposing
1ders on the coast.
Whether or not differences be-
tween maritime workers and their
employers are to be submitted to ar-
bitration appeared to be the issue in
the attempt to for stall trouble to-
Employers were urged by the com-
mission to accept without reserva-
tions the suggestion for a 60-day ex-
tension of maritime labor contracts,
with the understanding that the
commission would use its influence
to obtain arbitration at the end of
that time in the event no agreement
is reached.
Students Talk
At Convention

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lie per reading line
(on basis of five average words to line)
for one or two insertions. 1c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions.
Miniumn three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate --I15e per reading line
for two or more insertions. Mnimum
three lines per insertion.
10t discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
2 ines daily, college year ...........7c
By Contract, per line 2 lines daily.
one moth ..... ....................c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ............c
4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months...............c
160 lines used as desred..........9c
300 ines used as desired...........e
1,000 lines used as desired ..........7c
j2,000 lines used as desired....... ..6c
lT he abovesrates are per reading line
The above raters are rr 7 point type.
based on eight read ng lines per inch
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
boldrface, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
COUPLE desires job in fraternity or
sorority. Man will take job as por-
ter. Phone 8873. 34
EXPERT porter service wanted! Fra-
ternity house. Permanently or tem-
porarily. Call Willis Harris. Phone
6152. 16
WANTED: Man student salesman to
work in clothing store afternoons
or mornings. Box 1. 47
WANTED: Girl to assist with house-
work in private home in exchange
for board and room. Phone 6654.
Watkins States
Devalued Franc
Will Aid Dollar
The devaluation of the French
franc as an effort to stabilize its cur-
rency with those of Great Britain
and the United States offers somel
insurance against further inflation-
ary measures in this, country, Prof.
Leonard L. Watkins of the economics
department indicated recently in an
inte rview.
The devaluation measures of the
French cabinet will also stimulate
world trade, especially as concerns
France, whose trade with other coun-
tries has of recent years been lagging,
he said. The stagnant condition of1
France's trade has been partially re-I
sponsible for the devaluation move
inasmuch as the move was considered!
inevitable and trade accordingly was
"In view of this situation, the de-
cision of the French government to*
devalue the franc is of first import-
ance, not only to France but to the
world at large," Professor Watkins
said. "The action is being taken
not with the purpose of driving up
prices, as was the case when the
American dollar was devalued, but
with the purpose of avoiding a furth-
er drastic decline in French prices.
"Business improvement in France
and in other gold standard coun-
tries, which may be expected to fol-
low the lead, promises stimulation to
world trade in general."
Professor Watkins expressed the
belief that out of this "gentlemen's
agreement" may develop an oppor-
tunity for world stabilization.
"The announcement that the franc
is to be devalued by 25-33 per cent, or
cut from approximately 6.6 cents to
about 5 cents in American money,

STUDENT with car for part time
work. Phone 6555. 602 Monroe St.
PRACTICE piano for rent in resi-
dence. Half block from Mosher-
Jordan. Rates reasonable. Phone
9829. 39
NOTICE: Everybody selling football
programs meet in 318-320 Union
8 o'clock Thursday night. 37
FROM Michigan's leading amuse-
ment centers, any size orchestra.
Ballrooms, clubs, parties. E. R.
Clemons. Phone 4873. 23
MOTHS, bedbugs, fleas, roaches and
other household insects positively
destroyed by hydrocynic-gas fumi-
gation. Endorsed by U. S. govern-
ment and health authorities as the
surest, quickest, safest and most
economical method. We- are pro-
fessionals in our line, handle each
problem personally, and give a
written guarantee on all work. Let
us handle your problem. Dial 3113,
Kurtis Exterminator Co. 308 May-
nard. 11x
BROWN LEATHER wallet. Identifi-
cation card reading Kenneth A.
Mantete, 141 S. Berkeley St. Kala-
mazoo, Mich. Reward. Call 5075.
LARGE, white cat. Pointed face. An-
swers to whistle. Strayed from 2002
Scottwood. Call 4991. Reward. 26
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price. 6x
EXPERIENCED laundress d o i n g
student laundry. Call for and de-
liver. Phone 4863. 12
confirms the prediction made fre-
quently during the last several years
that France, despite deep-seated pre-
judice against monetary manipula-
tion and inflation, would be forced to
devalue the franc. A succession of
monetary crises and large losses of
gold have accompanied the deflation
which has persisted in France. It is
not mere loss of gold, however, which
is responsible for the present deval-
uation. France still possesses a gold
stock in excess of three billion dol-
lars. Were this the only considera-
tion, she might have continued the
epochal fight to avoid devaluation,"
he said.
"It must be recognized that the
monetary poliices of the United
States and Great Britain-whatever
their intrinsic merits-have contrib-
uted to maladjustments in world
trade and continued deflation in the
gold standard countries. Great Brit-
ain's abandonment of gold and de-
preciation of the pound against other
monies, beginning in 1931, had seri-
ous deflationary effects on gold
standard countries, France included.
Our devaluation in 1933-34 created
new maladjustments between our
price structure and that of the so-
called 'gold bloc' countries and gave
a further impetus to falling prices in
those areas."
Trade restrictions which have
been detrimental to international
trade may be partially removed as a
result of this devaluation, Professor
Watkins said. 'iThe action is espe-
cially significant," he said, "because
it marks the first step in internation-
al stabilization of foreign exchange
rates an important condition of com-
plete world recovery."

LAUNDRY wanted. Priced reason-
ably. Student and co-ed. Silks,
wools our specialty. All bundles
done separately - no markings.
Personal satisfaction guaranteed.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594."
Silver Laundry, 607 E. Hoover.
NICE room on second floor. To rent
single or double. Phone 4531. 509
S. Division. 46

SUITE: Bedroom and study, choice
location. Two boys, $8.00. Call
after 4 p.m. Phone 2-1249 or 605
Oswvego. 30
'NICE single room. Oil heat, lavatory,
hot water. Students can earn all or
part of rent. 928 Church. 35
SINGLE rooms and two-room suites
with use of lobby $2 to $5 per week.
Formerly the Jennings House. 1142
Catherine Street. 2
SINGLE or double room-clean, well
furnished. Steam heat. Upperclass-
men or graduates. 314 E. Liberty.
STUDENT rooms, suite or single.
Running hot or cold water in every
room. Mrs. Dom, 616 Church.
Phone 6738. 27
ROOMS: One block from campus,
newly furnished. One suite, two
singles, also 3-room unfurnished
apartment. Reasonable. Phone 6629
or 2-2061. -38
- - - -
Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio
Ynstructions i n al l
forms Classical social
)dancing. Ph 9695.
M ly Wuerth Theatre Bldg.
Nationally-Advertised Makes


i i4iz E. uaunez ine.

X17 waited,

3 1


ATopqoat That's
Positively Unique
identifies the
genuine HUDDER
Famous All - Seasons
into your traveling bag - it
won't wrinkle
into your rumble seat - it
will hold its shape
if the wind is sharp-it keeps
out cold
in a storm or shower - it's
immune to rain
Often Imitated-Never Duplicated

4 '!

Parker, Waterman
and Others
and up
A large and complete
a Specialty
Student and
Office Supplies

HEN the class of 1917 was at college, a long
distance telephone call took (on the average)
more than ten minutes to be put through.
This time has been whittled down gradually, so
that now the connection is made in an average of
1.4 minutes-nine out of ten of them while you
hold the line.
But this is only one phase of the relentless effort
to improve. Your service is better today because
voice transmission is clearer - interruptions and
errors less frequent than
ever before.
America demands fast butf.frP.
sure telephone service-and
gets it.
evrY.s ae r
M- WOAEo (S t




First National Bank Bldg.

(Continued from Page 1)

At the conclusion of the session, the
audience was divided into 10 round
table discussion groups.
Chairman for the evening session
was Frank Cody, superintendent of,
Detroit schools. Mr. Rainey deliv-'
ered the report of the American
Youth Commission on secondary edu-
Referring to a recent conference
conducted with the aid of Owen D.
Young between representatives of ed-
ucational institutions and employer
groups, he suggested that schools
were not able to assume the full bur-
den and that employer groups must
shoulder part of the responsibility.
Several suggestions made to amel-
iorate the problem included part time
educational opportunities, and the
adoption by the schools of an addi-
tional period of responsibility, making
education compulsory until 18 years
of age instead of 16 years.,
The last day of the sessions will
open today at 9 a.m. in the Union.
The question for the day will be: "If
you had the opportunity, including
financial backing, what changes
would you make in the high school
program to meet the needs of youth?"
Eugene Elliott, superintendent of
public instruction, State of Michigan,
will act as chairman of the meeting.
Two Features


I0. D. Morrill
314 S. State St.
Since 1908 Phone 6615
If You Write, We Have It



r ,
,; t
, , g, - .
----- '

"So long, Georgie! Any time you need
help just wire us ... same old address...
behind the eight ball."

Today through Saturday
A galloping romdree qof~
a gambler who was too
smart to gamble with love.


Now that you are
away from home,
send your picture
back to the folks.


Iro out Ia-- --


T o- EiesY


.. -

Adelph fukor presents



t bunch of heels
n't got brains
;h to understand
a guy's fallin' for
a real dame."

144/e &aj I?
Let that dependable college pal, Railway Express,
pick up and ship your laundry home and back for
you every week. You will find it glossy going
easy, fast, inexpensive.
Merely notify the folks you will send the pack-
age by Railway Express, and ask them to return it
the same way. You can send it collect too, you
know, and while on that subject, we can add, only
by Railway Express. The folks will understand. It
saves keeping accounts, paying bills, to say noth-
ing of spare change.
You'll find the idea economical all round. The
minimum rate is low - only 38 cents - sometimes
less. Pick-up and delivery by motor vehicle and
insurance included in the shipping charge. It's the
same with shipping baggage or anything else by
Railway Express. So arrange your shipping dates
by nhone call to the Railwav Exnress went and

D o lo r e s C o s t e llo B



and I

I El


9 - .a

w , M _Iqm , lq% a lk IL


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