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January 22, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-22

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The Weather
Today unsettled; probable
snow; moderate to fresh winds.


A6F 41P
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The Inaugural Address ...
Borrowed Time...



Strikers, GM
At Stalemate;
Next Move .Up
To Roosevelt
Sloan Leaves Washington;
Lewis Says It Is Up To
President ToHelp
Chrysler Company
Closes Four Plants
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-(A)-
General Motors management and
labor union officials directing the
strike in the company's plant tonight
virtually left up to the President the
next governmental move for peace.
Alfred P, Sloan, Jr., company pres-
ident, told reporters tonight that he
was leaving the capital, where labor
department officials had sought to in-
duce both sides to negotiate for settle-
ment of the strike.
He said, however, that "any time
the President sends for us, we'll be
'No Halfbaked Compromise'
A few hours earlier, John L. Lewis,
generalissimo of the strike, told re-
porters that there would be "no half-
baked compromise," then when asked
if it was time for President Roosevelt
to intervene, said:
"That's up to the President-but
labor intervened for him."
(Lewis, president of the United
Mine Workers as well as advocate of
industrial unionization, gave Mr.
Roosevelt both moral and financial
support during the presidential cam-
Sloan, in a press conference, indi-
cated that so far as he was concerned,
efforts by Secretary Perkins to bring
the two sides into negotiations were
Willing To Return
"I don't think at the moment any-
thing further could be accomplished
is Washington," he said, but later
added company officials would be glad
to return to Washg tomorrow if
Mr. Roosevelt requested it.
When asked to what General Mo-
tors particularly objected in Lewis'
statement, Sloan made an answer,
and then withdrew it as "off the rec-
ord." John 'Thomas Smith, company
counsel, then said that "it was plain
from Mr. Lewis' statement it was im-
possible to get the men out of the
seized plants."
DETROIT, Jan. 21.--AP)-Despite
prospective settlement of glass indus-
try strikes, the shortage of that prod-
uct affected motor car manufactur-
ing lines tonight.
Chrysler corporation closed the De-
troit plants of its four divisions-Ply-
mouth, De Soto, Dodge and Chrysler
-until Monday, announcing that
present sources were unable to supply
sufficient glass to meet requirements
of the five-day production week that
has been in effect since Jan. 1. Ap-
proximately 50,000 workers were af-
General Motors Corporation, its
production paralyzed by strikes in a
number of plants and by material
shortages, issued a claim late today
that 110,262 employes, representing
79 per cent of the total employment
in 43 of its automotive plants, have
protested against the interruption of
Bishop's Death
Makes Coughin

Status Doubtful
DETROIT, Jan. 21. - UP) - The
death of the most Rev. Michael J.
Gallagher, staunch defender of Fr.
Charles E. Coughlin in several con-
troversies, made uncertain tonight
the radio priest's future.
As plans were made for Bishop
Gallagher's funeral Tuesday, many
church leaders speculated whether
Father Coughlin's activities outside
the church would be affected by the
appointment of a new bishop, who
governs all priests in the Catholic
diocese of Detroit.
Father Coughlin, who announced
after the November 3 election that
he was quitting his radio talks, has
inquired in New York about obtain-
ing Sunday radio time. Whether
Bishop Gallagher's death would
change these plans could not be
Bishop Gallagher recently urged
Father Coughlin to resume his
speeches, and, in one of his last
public statements, said:
"I hope the people call him back
to the air where he belongs."
Father Coughlin's entrance into

Increased Sedatives Given Holy Father

-Associated Press Photo

* *

Pope Takes Turn For Worse;
Heart Is Weakening Rapidly
VATICAN CITY, Jan, 21._-(W)-
Pope Pius was given increased quan- Federal Survey
tities of sedatives tonight to fortify
his weakened heart against great o Bir
suffering, persons close to the Holy Lees si .o ad
A slight fever was reported to have In Relief Load
developed. There was a noticeable
"turn for the worse" during the day,
Vatican sources said.Diiu onO 30 erC t
New pains he called "atrocious" af- Diminution Of 30 Per Cent
fected the Pope's swollen right leg Is Shown; Ten Billions
and added to difficulties of blood cir- SEiit Since 193
The newspaper Osservatore Romano WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-(A')-
stated 300 persons in Monte Solaro, The nation's relief load has dropped
Italy, offered the Lord "one day of nearly 30 per cent from the peak of
their lives for prolongation of the me ta 5,300,n0 fmile and
precious life of the supreme Pon- sge psn5,300,00anuay 1935.and
tiff," a day spent entirely in prayer. This was disclosed today in a new
The Po remained in bedruntil federal survey compiled by Emerson
late afternoon when he was trans- Ross and T. E_ Whiting, statistical
ferred to the new wheeled divan de- experts in the works progress admin-
signed to keep his swollen legs hor- istration.
izontal andat the same time to per- Ten Billion Spent
mit his Holiness to sit erect enough Simultaneously, treasury figures
to aid his labored breathing. !ndicated. that since 1932 about ten
The Holy Father was propped up billion dollars of federal funds has
among cushions and a short white been spent under the heading "re-
cloak was thrown around his shoul- covery and relief."
ders to protect him against draughts. The Ross survey showed that the
While still in bed, the Pontiff heard "net number of relief persons" in the
mass and attended to the curtailed peak month of January two years ago
routine permitted him. was about 16 per cent of the total
population. His latest adjustments
Civilians Get.otice carried the statistics to September of
last year, when close to 3,800,000
To Leave Ma r families and single personsywere re-
ceiving federal relief money. This
was about 11 per cent of the pop-
MADRID, Jan. 21. -/P)-Defense ulation.
authorities tonight gave the civil 3,000 00 raw Relief
population 72 hours to evacuate '' w
Madrid, permitting only those en- Isolated figures compiled by the
gaged in combat or public office to Works Progress Administration re-
remain. flect a further downward trend since
Those refusing to leave, the evac- then and indicate that perhaps less
uation committee announced, "will than 3,000,000 family heads and in-
be taken from their homes by desig- div ufeeral reiedra g checks
nated authorities and removed." fo eea eifpywnos
ase. le The WPA has estimated that the
Citizens were ordered oa assemble a ge relief recipient probably
at Garcia De Paredes street, desig- shares his income with three oilier
nated the center of evacuation ad- persons On that basis, between 20,-
ministration. To protect unoccupied 000,000 and 21,000,000 persons were
homes against vandalism, commun- "on relief" at the peak, and less than
ists urged authorities to place a spe- 12,000,000 now are dependent on fed-
cial watch. cral emergency spending.
As the defense junta pushed its As for the cost of relief, the federal
evacuation plans, Madrid residents expenditures began with $300;000,000
watched a spectacular aerial "dog delivered to the states by the Recon-
fight" under cover of a thick mist structidn Corporation in 1932: The
that gave them relief from the fascist :.ext year the civil works program
shelling. took $802,000,000.
Stanton Refutes Wrigl, Says
Turks Do Have A Dictatorship

Carillon Bells
ToBe Included
On Broadcast
Tests Prove Successful;
Director Praises The Cast
For Cooperation
Demand For Tickets
Indicates Full House
The Charles Baird carillon will be
included in the Pontiac Varsity hour
broadcast tonight, it was definitely
decided yesterday.
After tests of the bells through
the microphones and wiring set up
by the technicians from the National
Broadcasting Co., had been conduct-
ed yesterday it was found that the
carillon could be picked up by the
microphone system sufficiently well
to be broadcast. The piling up of
tones caused by the continuing res-
onance of the bells after the note
has been struck, audible to those in
the tower and caught by the micro-
phone will not interfere with the
successful broadcast of the carillon.
May Get Too Close To Bells
The main trouble in broadcasting
carillon music, Marvin Eichorst, NBC
technician from Chicago said yes-
terday, will be due to getting too close
to the bells, which will cause dis-
tortion and improper balance be-
tween the bells with greater volume
and those with less volume.
Tickets for the broadcasts went
fast, according to Prof. Waldo M. Ab-
bott. The last of the 5500 tickets
printed for the broadcast were given
out yesterday, and a full house for
the broadcast was assured. For this
reason, 'those holding tickets are
urged by Albert G. Miller, director
of the program to be at Hill Audi-
torium early, both to get seats and
prevent confusion. The doors will
be closed at 10:15 p.m. and all must
be seated before the program begins.
There will be no standing room, he
Rehearsal Satisfactory-
Mr. Miller spoke o yesterday's re-
hearsal which took place on the stage
of Hill Auditorium over the regular
microphone hook-up, as being highly
satisfactory. He expressed his pleas-
ure at the manner in which the stu-
dents having parts in the sketches
played their parts.
Among the longer sketches is one
which he has built up to fit imitative
abilities of Allen Braun and Peter
Gerded, who do imitations of Walter
Winchell and Bob Burns. Others in
the group of campus anecdotes in-
clude a skit of two students who are
trying to think of a good way to 'cut'
a lecture, and one of a coy co-ed
who handed in the wrong paper to
her professor.
As the rehearsal ended for the day
Mr. Miller was pleased with the pros-
pects for tonight's broadcast. "This,"
he said, "should be as fine a show
as I have ever helped produce, and
will be, if I continue to receive today
the same fine co-operation as I have
received from the students who
helped write the script and the fac-
ulty, especially, Dr. Frank Robbins."
Earhart Deeds
18 Acre Tract
To Park Board
Announcement of the gift of an
18-acre tract of land along the Huron'
River by Harry B. Earhart was made
yesterday by the city board of park

The land is a section suitable for
development into a park that the city
had wished to acquire. It comprises
a wooded area bounded by the Huron
River and Fleming Creek, and is de-
sirable for its undeveloped scenic
The donor, Harry B. Earhart, is the
retired president of the White Star
Refining Co., of Ann Arbor and De-
troit. On learning that the city
wished to acquire the land he bought
it from the Cadillac Sand and Gravel
Co. of whose land it was a part, and
presented it to the city
Covered with trees and shrubbery
in which are included sugar maple,
coffee, ash, maple, three kinds of
oak and many fine shrub specimens,
the land is to be the first part of a
proposed system of parks, the board
of park commissioners revealed yes-
terday. Adjacent to a 12-acre sec-
tion of land which alone stands be-
tween 72 acres of land along ,the
Huron, which the Michigan Central
Railroad Co., has given the city per-
mission to use as a park, the land is
the keystone in the system.
Plans for developing the land with
the aid1 of the National Park srvice.

John'Held, Jr., famous artist and
cartoonist, who will do the masterj
of ceremonying for the new NBC
network program, the "Pontiac
Varsity Show" which goes on the
air waves tonight from Hill Audi-
torium. Following Michigan the
Varsity Show will come from Chi-
cago University; Ohio State; Co-
lumbia and the University of Penn-
Nazi Doctrine
Unlike Jewish,
Heller. asserts'
'Chosen People' Concept
Does Not Imply Racial
Superiority, He Says
Jews' religious concept depicting
themselves as the "chosen people" has
no resemblance to the Nazi theory
of racial supremacy, Rabbi Bernard
Heller, director of the Hillel Founda-
tion, said yesterday.
Dr. Heller spoke in answe to a let-
ter in The Daily Jan. 13, which com-
pared this aspect of Hebrew philos-
ophy to the idea advanced by Adolf
Hitler that "pure Aryans" are su-
perior to members of any other 'race,
Jews in particular.
Chosen People
"The doctrine of the selection of
the people of Israel as especially
chosen by Jehovah,'' Dr. Heller said,
"has no connection whatsoever with
any supposition of racial superiority
or moral excellence of Jews or. He-
brews. The legends of most of the
peoples of antiquity are replete with
stories which make its heroes and
founders lineal descendants of their
gods. Such stories aie intended to
prove; the racial superioi'ity of that
stock. Israel is a rare exception.
"There is not the slightest hint
in all the stories of Genesis or in any
of the subsequent myths of the Tal-
mud (a body of Jewish law)," he
declared, "to indicate the biologic
connection of Abraham, father of
Israel, or Moses, founder of Judaism,
with Jehovah."
Task A Mission
Jews, Dr. Heller explained, regard
themselves as "chosen" solely because
of the presen'e within their midst
"of a spiritually unique literature and
philosophy and because such is the
exposition of what they feel is their
task and mission in the world. It is
a purely religious concept.
"The Hebrew race," he pointed out,
"ages ago found itself with a mono-
theistic religion, involving moral ob-
ligations. Its religious laws, con-
tinually expanding and growing
(Continued on Page 2)

Somlinson Says
Latin America
Likes Roosevelt
President Roosevelt could be presi-
dent of any of the 20 Latin-American
countries and by a larger majority
than he received in the November
election, Edward Tomlinson, writer
and lecturer on Latin-American af-
fairs, said yesterday afternoon be-
fore his address in Hill Auditorium.'
Mr. Tomlinson, who presented a
color motion picture, "Haitian Ad-
venture," last night in the auditorium
under the auspices of the Oratorical
Association, said, that the President
is the most popular person in any of
the southern nations since his ap-
pearance in December at Buenos
Aires to speak at the Pan-American
Peace Conference. His popularity is
due to the fact that he is the greatest
example of democracy in the world,
he said.
Meeting Of Good Will
Mr. Tomlinson was in charge of the
broadcasting of the peace conference
for themNational Broadcasting Co.,
and termed the meeting a "demon-
stration of good-will and friendliness
unsurpassed." The actual accom-
plishment of the conference, he said,
was strengthening of the machinery
of peace and of mutual relations be-
tween the 21 countries represented.
He outlined the four major
achievements of the conference.
These were the provisions for non-
intervention in the affairs of another
country; obligatory consultation to
avoid war; neutrality in case war
should break out (including the pre-
vention of the sale of war munitions),
and the creation of an educational
convention. Under this latter ar-
rangement the United States will
send two graduate students and one
professor to each of the Latin-Ameri-
can countries every year and they
will do likewise.
Good School System
One of the accomplishments of the
American occupation, he said, was
the system of school's which was in-
troduced, "Every town now has at
least one school, and they are packed
and jammed with children," he said.
"The death rate among infants is
the smallest of any peasant country,
and consequently the island is full of
The mulattos are the aristocracy of
the island, he explained. They own
the industries in which work the
black people, the direct descendants
of the first slaves brought to the
Americas. "The black people of
Hait," he said, "are the kindest,
most-gracious, and the hardest work-
ing people I have met anywhere."
To Raise Operetta
Curtain At 8 P.M.
Tonight's curtain for "The Yeo-
men of the Guard," Gilbert and Sul-
livan opera at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, will be raised promptly at
8 p.m., it was reemphasized yester-
day, to avoid conflict with the na-
tional broadcast from Ann Arbor at
10:30 p.m.

Ohio Town Four Hours
To Save Lives
Rain, Snow Raising
Turbulent Streams
Red Cross, Relief Agents
Rush Food, Clothing,
Tents To Homeless
CINCINNATI, Jan. 21.-()-The
Norfolk & Western Railroad aban-
doned service in and out of Cincinnati
tonight when floods east of the city
washed out tracks at Clear Creek,
just beyond a bridge crossing the
Little Miami River.
Tracks at that point were under 36
inches of water, line officials said.
Service on other roads was im-
PORTSMOUTH, O., Jan. 21.-(P)-
Screeching sirens and roaring factory
whistles at 11 o'clock tonight gave
citizens "of Portsmouth four hours
to abandon the low-lying business
district before sewers are opened to
let in the muddy Ohio River flood
waters at 3 a.m.
(By The Associated Press)
CINCINNATI - Twenty thousand
homeless along Ohio River. City cal
culated losses at $1,000,000, rising riv-
er expected to crest at 68 feet, 16
feet above flood stage.- '
Newport, Ky.-Fifty city blocks
Hazelton, Ind.--White River surged
through homes and buildings resi-
dents had evacuated before a levee
Golconda,. 11.-Water from ' hio
River ran eight feet deep down front
Point Pleasant, W. Va.-Flood wa-
ters seeped through every business
house in town. Boats rescued fam-
ihies marooned on second floors.
Pittsburgh-Six foot rise over 25
foot flood stage at junction of the
Monongahela, Allegheny and Ohio
Birds Point, Mo.-Fifteen hundred
residents of Birds Point-New Madrid
area ordered to evacuate.
Portsmouth, Ohio-Thirteen thou-
sand of community's 43,000 residents
prepare to abandon homes.
(By The Associated Press)
Nearly 80,000 persons were unof-
ficially estimated homeless tonight
in the flooded areas of the Midwest.
Meantime, rain or snow contin d
to fall over a wide section, resulting
in predictions by meteorologists that
most of the rivers, already running
above flood stages, would reach even
higher levels.
Red Coss and relief agencies rushed
food, clothing and tents and blankets
into every zone that called for as-
sistance. Ten states had reported
heavy damage.
Populations Move Out
The entire populations of Law-
renceburg and Aurora, Ind., were
moving out. Flood waters of the
Ohio River threatened to crush newly
built levees. Calls for help were sent
to Indianapolis. A special relief
train was being made up to take
supplies to the stricken areas.
Three Indiana towns and five in
Kentucky were without electricity
when flood waters of the Ohio River
cut off the electric light and power
company at Troy, Ind.
At Portsmouth, 0,a boulder esti-
mated to weigh six tons, loosened by
rains, rolled 150 feet down a hill and
crashed into an apartment house.
One woman was injured. The lives
of eight families were endangered.
At some points business and indus-
try was at a standstill. Household-
ers and merchants moved their goods

to upper floors. Trucks hauled val-
uable stock to the hills. Transporta-
tion was crippled.
Seek Shelter
Bedraggled refugees - many of
them had seen icy waters creep to
the eaves of their dwellings-sought
shelter in schools, box cars, tents,
halls and public buildings.
The overburdened Ohio swelled
steadily from Pittsburgh to Cairo, Ill.
But the worst, meteorologists warned,
was yet to come. More rain, turning
+A v"1 i., -,-,.a,,n.nra fall Wm

Sirens Give Citizens

Master Of Ceremonies

Midwestern Flood
Covers Ten States;
80,000 Flee Homes


Public's Tacit Support Helps
Uniois Cause, Say sMcFarlan

Turkey is a dictatorship, her full
parlimentary government and state-
ments to the contrary notwithstand-
ing, Prof. John W. Stanton of the
history department declared yester-
Professor Stanton's statement was
made in response to a denial that
Mustapha Kemal Ataturk was a dic-
tator made Tuesday by Dr. Walter
Livingston Wright, president of
Istanbul American College, here for
a lecture.
"Turkey is a backward country,"
Professor Stanton said, "and in a
backward country the army is a de-
cisive factor." He went on to say
that Ataturk controls the army, and
+-,n _ _ fl oa" t-f- _ r nl trun

blance between the Turkish dictator-
ship and the Nazi and Fascist is too
great to be ignored.
He pointed out that although in
theory there is an opposition party in
Turkey, in practice there is but one
party, Kemal's Popular party; and
although formally there is a parlia-
mentary government, to all practical
purposes none exists.
Turkey since 1922 hassbeen taking
the same nationalistic steps toward
cultural and economic self-sufficiency
that so characterizes Italy and Ger-
many, Professor Stanton indicated.
The fixing of maximum retail and
wholesale prices, stringent exchange
contr'ol, and the exclusion of foreign
goods in the interest of autarchy,
as well as the building up of military

The union strength in the history-
making General Motors strike arises
not so much from the sit-downers'
occupancy of important plants as
from the rather tacit support of pub-
lic opinion, Prof. Harold J. McFarlan
of the geodesy department asserted
Not only does the United Automo-
bile Workers union possess more
members than is admitted by the
company executives, Professor Mc-
Farlan declared, but also the balance
of the General Motors workers are
in sympathy with the union men.
Even if the union included only 15
per cent of the workers among its
members, General Motors would
hardly hesitate to resume operations

ber of union buttons displayed on
the street.
The automobile buying public also
exerts some influence upon General
Motors' attitude towards the strikers,
he stated. Fear of possible loss of
markets deters the company from
ejecting the sit-down strikers, be-
cause this action might cause public
indignation, he said.
A large body of workers in other
industries are likewise watching the
strike with sympathy, he added.
These workers, to whom the Commit-
tee for Industrial Organization, has
appealed, or who see in the stand
of the U.A.W. a situation analogous
to their own, are important, in Pro-
fessor McFarlan's opinion, in direct-
ing the public's attitude towards the

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