The Weathe~r
Fair and --lightly otfilev ullfiih
C, 4r
~ aitg
The Imlicilationis
Of Coldletive 'Security .
Varsity Wins
In Overtime
While Illinois
Stubborn Chicago Team
Extends Michigan But
Finally Loses 35-29
Wolverines Close
To Big Ten Lead
CHICAGO, Jan. 18.-(Special to
The Daily)-The Michigan basket-
ball team, forced into an overtime
by an underrated Chicago five just
as the news of Purdue's surprising
upset by Illinois came over the loud
speakers, fought its way through the
extra period into a virtual tie for
first place in the Big Ten title race,
35 to 29.
With but 50 seconds to go, the
Maroons went ahead, 28 to 27, and
seemed to have the game. But Bill
Barclay drew a free throw and with
41 seconds left to the ball game,
dropped a shot that sent the game
into an overtime period.
Danny Smick scored the first bas-
ket in the extra period as Jake
Townsend stole the tip-off. Then a.
quick basket by Townsend put the
game on ice despite Amundsend's
free throw. Herm Fishman dropped
in a third field goal just as the gun
sounded to end the game.
Team Has Won Three
As the race stands today, Michi-
gan has wonthree games and lost one
while Purdue and Illinois have won
four and dropped one. Minnesota,
by virtue of its victory over North-
western, is tied with the Varsity with
three wins and a single defeat while
Ohio State has won two and lost one.
The Wolverines played mediocre
ball the first half but led 20 to 11
when they left the floor. In the
second half, however, they looked
bad with the Chicago forwards driv-
ing around the Michigan defense and
big Paul Amundsen dropping in pivot
shots in the second period.
Townsend Controls Ball
With his shots refusing to drop
John Townsend turned ball-hawk
and controlled the ball for Michigan
despite the absence of Captain
Johnny Gee, who left the game on
personals in 'the middle of the second
halfsafter scoring four baskets. De-
spite his inability to hit, Townsend
made 11 points to bring his, total for
Conference games up to 41 points.
With Amundsen playing better ball
than any center that Michigan has
met this season, Chicago was not
hampered to any appreciable degree
by the Wolverines' height superiority.
Chicago was the first team that
Michigan has met this season that
could work past the Cappon's close
man-to-man defense and get under
(Continued on Page 3)
Students Minolej
Among Faculty
At Coffee Hour
An enthusiastic group of students
and faculty men turned out at 4:30
p.m. yesterday in the small ballroom
of the Union to greet the coffee hour,
latest innovation in the Union series
of social events.
Over cups of coffee and hot choco-
late, topics varying from the discus-
sion of logarithms to the philosophies
of Aristotle and Plato were heard
from the lips of students and faculty
men gathered in informal "bull ses-
These discussions are open to men
students tnd faculty members and
are held daily.
Sponsored by the Student Faculty
Relations Committee, and conducted
by the Executive Council of the
Michigan Union, the plan calls for
the establishment of more intimate
relations between men students and
faculty members.
Faculty wives have been invited to
pour. Mrs. John S. Worley officiated
yesterday, Mrs. Bennett Weaver will
pour today.
Ancient University Pins
Upturned By Gardeners
Gardeners and other small-time
excavators from such distant parts
as Haverill, Mass., every once in a
while dig up a University lass pin
dated 1837 and write Dr. rank E.
DRohhivnic a noant o e +V, rn.r nt
Professor Aiton Finds Possibility'
OfSpain 's Conflict 'Overflowing'
Expresses Fear Foreign to divide the contending parties into
Interests May Lead To distinct categories," he declared. Pro-
fessor Aiton explained that the pop-
Spread Of Conflict ular conception of the present line-
_________up as church, army and landowners
versus peasants and industrial work-
By ROBERT FITZHENRY ers, is not an accurate generalization.
The present civil strife in Spain "Such a belief," he said, "disregards
might better be termed a "miniature the various geographical sectors
world war" as "volunteers" fighting where the great majority of the pop-
in it amply represent all major pow- ulation is either Loyalist or Insur-
ers, Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the gent, regardless of their economic
history department declared in an status. In such areas as Galicia,
interview yesterday. INavarre and Old Castile, aristocrats.
From its inception as a controversy churchmen, peasants and bourgeois
over the policies and political constit- are usually enlisted in the same
uency of the Spanish government, cause."
Professor Aiton continued, the tur- Without the additional foreign bur-
moil has long since lapsed into a con- den, the Spanish issues in themselves
flict of international complications. are sufficient to cause unending com-
"The present danger as I see it," he plications, Professor Aiton continued.
said, "is that Spain will be found "Within the present government," he
too small for the increasing propor- said, "there are contending parties
tibns of the struggle. Already the is- from the Communists over to the Left
sues have ceased to be only Spanish Republicans, who quarreled bitterly
and there is an imminent possibility among themselves prior to the out-
that the contending factions will ex- break of the revolt and if their side
tend the battle ground beyond the is victorious, will undoubtedly re-
limits of Spain, in spite of the recent sume their internecine strife.
neutrality parley." "The Moderate and Rightist parties
To attempt to summarize the whole within the insurgent ranks could not
conflagration in a terse epigram, as even get together to oppose a united
seems to be, in the opinion of Pro- front to the popular front," he con-
fessor Aiton, the wont of American tinued, "ticketed in the election of
newspapers and commentators, is, last year. And hence despite a ma-
he said, impossible and preposterous. jority vote, they failed to secure a
"The whole conflict has developed parliamentary victory.
so many confusing ramifications that "Then too, different geographical
it has now become quite impossible m«ontwnued on Pa e9
To Speak On Near East
Give Freshmen
Rioht To Live.'
In Fraternities
Permission To Be Subject
To Fourfold Restriction
Of Dean's Office
Freshmen have been granted per-
mission to move into fraternity houses
next semester by the Committee on
Student Affairs, John Mann, '37, sec-
retary of the Interfraternity Council
said yesterday.
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley will grant permission to move
with the following restrictions:
1. That proper notice of intention
to move was given his landlady by the
freshman at least one month before
the beginning of the second semester.
2. That the freshman be scholas-
tically eligible for fraternity initia-
tion (He must have 11 hours and 14
honor points).
3. That the freshman present to
the Dean of Students written per-
mission from his parents or guardian
to live in the fraternity.
4. That except in extraordinary
circumstances where in the opinion
of the Dean of Students conditions
warrant an exception being made
permission shall not be made where
the scholastic average for the fra-
ternity 1935-36' was not at least as
high as the All Men average for the
same year.
This permission resulted from a
petition submitted to the Committee
by the Interfraternity Council asking
that freshmen be permitted to move
in because of the poor housing con-
ditions in Ann Arbor rooming houses
and because it put the freshmen
under closer surveillance of the fra-
Girl IS Killed
By Automobile
Irene Phelps, 18, Patient
In St. Joseph's For Rest
Cure, Is Victim
Miss Irene Phelps, 18 years old,
of Lansing, died at 10 p.m. yesterday
in St. Joseph's hospital from injuries
sustained when she was struck at
6:30 p.m. on Dexter Ave. back of the
Mercywood Sanitarium by a car driv-
en by Robert Wuerfel, 34 years old. of
Miss Phelps, who was staying at4
the sanitarium for a rest, suffered
a fractured skull and a fractured
pelvis. Immediately following the
accident she was taken to the hos-
pital by Wuerfel.
Wuerfel was driving about 40 miles
per hour at the time his car hit Miss
Phelps. According to him, she
stepped in front of the car. Wuer-3
fel's wife was also in the car at the
time of the accident.
Assistant Prosecutor Franklin For-
sythe said last night that he will ob-
tain routine statements from both
Wuerfel and his wife. However, he
said, they will not be held, for the
accident was "unavoidable."
Excavations on the West side of
the League Building were started at
the first of the week in order to lay
a heating tunnel that will be con-
Near Eastern
Colleoe Head
To Talk Today
Dr. W. L. Wright Speaks
On American Colleges
At Istanbul
The story of how two American
collegessinyTurkeydisarmed a sus-
picious government that at first for-
bade the attendance of Moslem
Turks, and achieved a position of
confidence and reliability, will be told
this afternoon by Dr. Walter Living-
ston Wright, 36-year old president of
Istanbul American College.
Dr. Wright will deliver a lecture on
the six "American Campuses in the
fNear East" illustrated by a motion
picture in natural color at 4:15 p.m.
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
He will be given a luncheon at 12:15
p.m. in the Union.
Since the spring of 1935, Dr.
Wright, who is a Princeton graduate,
has headed the institutions of Robert
College and Istanbul Woman's Col-
lege, now jointly administered under
the Turkish title of Istanbul Amer-
ican College.
It was these two colleges that Mos-
lem Turks were forbidden to attend
by their government, suspicious and
resentful of foreign intrigue by Eu-
ropean governments under the guise
of educational institutions, according
to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counselor
to foreign students, who arranged the
Buffet Supper Series
Inaugurated At Union
The first in the series of Union
Sunday buffet suppers was held from
6 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the small
second floor ballroom. Forty-nine
students and faculty members at-
The purpose of the suppers is to
permit students and members of the
faculty to meet each other socially.
Women are also invited. The series
is planned by the student-faculty re-
lations committee.
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Jan. 18.-()-
Court Actioi
To Be Taken
By Roosevelt
Indiana's Senator Minton
Confers With President
On HighTribunal
F.D.R. To Summon
Body, He Declares
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-(A)--
The first definite indication that
President Roosevelt will act soon to
bring order out of the chaos of con-
flicting proposals concerning the Su-
preme Court developed today in the
form of a surprise announcement by
Senator Minton (Dem.-Ind.).
After a visit to the President, Min-
ton declared that Mr. Roostvelt will
summon a conference soon on the
question of possible legislation deal-
ing with the high tribunal.
The news aroused interest in Con-
gress, which has been showered with
a variety of suggestions for curbing
the court, obtaining decisions more
favorable to administration objec-
tives, or broadening congressional
powers over industry and agriculture.
Attendance Undecided
Just who will attend the presiden-
tial conference was not announced.
Some legislators assumed, however,
that Congressional leaders would be
among those present.
Whether the gathering would be a
rival to a forum over which Senator
Norris (Ind.-Neb.) will preside some
six or seven weeks hence also was
not clear. Norris, who has criticized
the court as "out of touch with the
people," has accepted a call to head
a "conference on constitutional
Attending the Norris meeting will
be "liberals" who are striving to
agree on some one proposal, so they
can rally their collective strength be-
hind it.
Minton Expresses Preference
In the past, Norris has proposed
that the Supreme Court be forbidden
to invalidate acts of Congress except
on a seven-to-two vote.
Minton, the White House' visitor
today, also expressed personal pref-
erence for such a bill. He said:
"That is one way we can obtain
legislation we have been seeking."
24 Prisoners
Still Missing
Ontario Jail Is Patrolled
By Strong Detachments
Of Guards After Break
GUELPH, Ont., Jan. 18.-(Cana-
dian Press)-With supplies of tear
gas bombs exhausted, police and
prison officials were handicapped to-
night in their plans to halt any new
rioting in the big Ontario reforma-
In a tense atmosphere, heavily-
armed guards kept watch to prevent
any sequel to the wild disorders last
night, when 700 inmates rioted,
wrecked and burned a large part of
the prison.
The problem of the officers was to
maintain order among almost 700 ex-
cited youths and men, herded back
into close-packed cells. Tear gas
proved the most effective weapon for
this purpose last night and today.
Throughout western and central
Ontario the hunt went on for 30 con-
victs still at large. Others of the
estimated 100 to 150 who got away
during the rioting last night were
again in confinement, most of them
in the reformatory but 16 in Guelph
City police headquarters. Six were
locked up there late today.
With strong detachments of guards
patrolling the cell blocks in the half-
ruined reformatory; authorities as-
serted the situation was under con-
Four Clock Dials
Being Constructed
On Burton Tower
Four clock dials are being installed
on the exterior of the Burton Me-
morial Tower this week, and within a
month the master clock with three
mechanisms will toll the time by
striking the Bourdon Bell, largest of
the 53 bells.
Installation is under the supervi-
sion of the building and grounds
department and the International
Business Machine Corp. of Endicott,
N. Y. William G. Nichols is in charge
of the installation for the New York
Each dial of the clock measures 15
feet in diameter. Each dial weighs,
together with the hour and minute
hands, 790 pounds. The hours are
marked by stainless steel blocks, but
there are no minute marks.
One of the three mechanisms of
the clock is of one-fifteenth horse-
power and will control the minute
hand. Another will strike the hour
on the Bourdon Bell, and a third
mechanism will toll the Westminster
chimes at each quarter-hour.
Health Service
Still Closed As
Colds Decrease
25 Students In Other
Hospitals; Contagions
Are Fewer This Year
In spite of adverse weather condi-
tions the number of student cases
of influenza and colds has decreased,
Dr. Margaret Bell, acting director of
the Health Service said yesterday.
In the Health Service infirmary
there are only 5 patients who have
the flu and 14 who have upper res-
piratory infections or "colds," out of
24 bed patients in the infirmary, she
"While the weather is uncertain,
Dr. Bell stated, "no visitors will be
allowed in the infirmary. This pre-
caution prevents direct infection,"
she declared.
There are 25 students in outlying
hospitals of which seven have colds
and one has influenza. Two students
have chicken pox, one has the
mumps, and one scarlet fever, Dr.
Bell said. Four cases of acute appen-
dicitis were also reported.
"At this time of year we usually
have many more cases of contagious
diseases, she said.
R.P.T. Coffin
To Give Talk
Here Jan. 29
Strike In Impasse,'
Uion Blames GM;
Flint Grows Tense
GM Asks For Evacuation;
Union Claims Violation
Of 'Bona Fide' Terms
5-Minute Meeting
Decides Situation
Gov. Murphy Hurries To
Washington To Confer;
Expresses Hope
DETROIT, Jan. 18.-()-Pros-
pects for an early settlement of au-
tomotive strikes paralyzing General
Motors Corp'oration production lines
exploded today in a five-minute
Leaders of the United Automobile
Workers of America whose strikes
have thrown 115,000 General Motors
wage-earners out of work sat in a
conference room with corporation of-
"There was no discussion," a Gen-
eral Motors announcement said.
nected to the New Graduate School+ Residents of the "Flood City" retired
and to the Hill Auditorium, accord- tonight breathing easier, after learn-
ing to a report released yesterday by ing the treacherous Conemaugh Riv-
the Buildings and Grounds depart- 1 er had reached its crest anfd was re-
ment. The tunnels are expected to ceding after a steady rain of 72
be ready for service by spring, hours had stopped.
General Motors strike settle-
ment negotiations collapse. Cor-
poration and United Automobile
Workers charge violations by other
side of Governor Murphy's truce
Union officers after five-minute
meeting say General Motors "re-
fused to enter negotiations," cor-
poration says "there can be no
bargaining until the plants have
been evacuated."
Stay-in strikers hold two Fisher
Body plants at Flint, Mich.; na-
tional guard units remain on duty
to keep order.
Governor Frank Murphy goes
to Washington to confer with Fed-
eral officials on strike develop-
ments. Expresses confidence "the
problem will be worked out."
"There can be no bargaining until
the plants have been evacuated (of
stay-in strikers)."
The Union said General Motors
"refused to enter into the negotia-
Union charges were that General
Motors committed "flagrant viola-
tions of a bona fide agreement" by
agreeing to negotiate with the "Flint
Alliance" which the union said "is in
no sense representative of automobile
Late this afternoon Governor Frank
Murphy announced his immediate de-
parture for Washington to confer on
the strike situation with Federal of-
ficials he declined to name. He ex-
pressed confidence "the problem
would be worked out. It may be long
drawn out, but it need not be."
The entire situation tonight was
back in a deadlock apparently more
unyielding than it was last week
when Governor Murphy brought op-
posing leaders together in a 17-hour
conference that produced a truce
agreement providing for settlement
negotiations to start today.
FLINT, Mich., Jan. 18.-()-Col-
lapse of negotiations in Detroit be-
tween General Motors Corporation
and the 'United Automobile Workers
of America caused a slight heighten-
ing of tension today in Flint, where
"stay-in" strikers still occupy two
Fisher body plants.
There was no demonstration at
either plant, however. Apparently,
the break-up had been expected here
in view of the union's determination
to continue the occupation of the
factories. Union officials, withhold-
ing formal comment, said the men
were "prepared to hold the fort all
winter if necessary."
A striker in one of the plants,
speaking from a group, asserted that
"we will wait a year if we have to;
we're not coming out until this thing
is settled."
Ellis To Take Over
Duties Of Babcock
The Rev. Fr. Lewis M. Ellis, third
assistant of St. Thomas Parish, will
temporarily take over the duties of
the Rev. Fr. Allen J. Babcock, former
chaplain of the Student's Chapel,
who leaves to take up his new post
as vice-rector in the North American
College at Rome, it was announced
vat,+rlrl a v
Why Hasn't GM Strike Been Settled
By National Labor Relations Boar d
A weary Michigan is wondering
these days if there is no governmen-
tal agency than can justly and amic-
ably settle the industrial warfare with
which it is saddled.
There is such an agency, the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board, set up
by the Wagner act of 1935. Its pur-
pose is "to diminish the causes of
labor disputes burdening or obstruct-
ing interstate and foreign con-
merce.; . ."
It was originated, in the opinion of
its author, Senator Robert Wagner,
New York New Deal Democrat, to
settle just the sort of thing that is
tying up the automobile industry of
America and is causing Flint and
Detroit-Michigan-so much discom-
fort and suffering.
National Board Inactive
Yet the National Labor Relations
Board has not acted. It has not even.
investigated the General Motors
strike. It has not, apparently, con-
cerned itself with industrial warfare
in one of the nation's greatest in-
the purpose of which is to see that charged that any person has en-
laborers have certain specified rights, gaged" in listed unfair activities, in-
chief among them collective bargain- cluding discrimination of 'union
ing. members or other "unethical and un-
Action Not Mandatory - lawful" practices. Section 13 speci-
The Board has the right to hear fies that "nothing in this act shall be
both parties to an industrial dispute, construed so as to interfere with or
and though there is nothing in the impede in any way the right to
act that absolutely requires that a; strike." And part E of the same
complaint first be submitted by a section points out that the findings
union, Professor Reigel and Prof. Z. of the Board, so far as evidence is
Clark Dickinson of the economics de- concerned, are conclusive; and that
partment both point out that action its decisions in settlement of a dis-
by the board is not mandatory. pute can be overruled by a court of
The Board so far has not acted, justice only where new facts are pre-
however, until a specific complaint sented.
has been presented to it, and Profes- Request Is Necessary
sor Reigel believes that it is unlikely The act says, it will be noted, "may
to do so. investigate" and "may take a secret
Section nine, part C of the act ballot," rather than "shall." It furth-
reads: "Whenever a question affect- er reads that the Board's function be-
ing commerce arises concerning the gins "'whenever it is charged. . ."
representation of employees, the It can be readily seen that this is
Board may investigate the contro- indefinite language, and therein re-
versy and certify to the parties in sults the confusion, and the inaction,
writing the name or names of such in the present crisis. The Board does
representatives that have been desig- not have to act, because the law says
nated or selected. In any such in- "may." And many persons doubt
vPnctiun~inn +f lilnnAd chP.l n nnidp.I.:Tmti- - r nt i a n not, -1 Q a
1936 Pulitzer Prize Poet
Brought To Ann Arbor
By Hopwood Committee
Robert P. Tristram Coffin, well-
known American poet and novelist
and winner of the 1936 Pulitzer Prize
for poetry, will lecture here on Fri-
day, Jan. 29, at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre under the auspices of
the Hopwood Committee, Prof. Roy
W. Cowden of the English depart-
ment, .chairman of the committee,
announced yesterday.
Coffin's subject will be "What
Poems Are and How I Make Them."
He appears as the second lecturer
brought to Ann Arbor by the Hop-
wood Committee this semester, hav-
ing been preceded last October by
Paul Engle, youthful author of
"American Song," who spoke on the
subject, "The Writing of Poetry."
Coffin won the Pulitzer Poetry prize
last year with his volume, "Strange
Holiness." He was one of the judges
of the major Hopwood contest last
The lecture will be given at 8:15
p.m. Admission will be 50c.
Campus Sale Of J-Hop
Tickets After Tomorrow
General sale of J-Hop tickets will
start tomorrow from 2 to 5 p.m. in
Nails, Clubs Add Color '
To Australian's Soccer
PORT MORESBY, Papua-(By the
Canadian Press)-Soccer football
may be forbidden in this mandated
Australian territory following a po-
lice report that the football death
rate among natives was higher than
in the old tribal wars.
Investigating a recent match at
Rabaul, police found seven players
with kenives. 17with bmrokn bottles-