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September 30, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-09-30

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.1 "-'.

Distributors of
CoI~e6iae iest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Chicago, Ill.
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes,
Mary Sage Montague.
Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
associates; I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth°M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

AsOters See It
The Way Of Norman Thomas
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
REGULARLY as presidential campaign years
roll around, Norman Thomas is chosen
by the Socialists as their candidate, and faith-
fully he gives everything he has to the task.
Readers of the Post-Dispatch were enabled vi-
cariously to follow him through a day in Ohio.
Even in print the pace was exhausting.
Arriving in Cincinnati in the early morning,
he was met by a friendly, but impatient and un-
expected host, who grudgingly yielded a few min-
utes for a hurried breakfast. A dizzy motor trip
half-way across the State, a waiting audience,
a speech, again the automobile, a more leisurely
driver this time, another meeting, another speech,
the whole program in impromptu violation of
the prearranged schedule, then back to Cincin-
nati, aboard the train, the nightly climb into an
upper berth, Washington, a speech, then to New
York for a day at home, after a journey of 4,000
miles, and again to the road on a swing to the
Pacific coast.
So it goes. Speeches, speeches, speeches, some
of them prepared, many of them extemporane-
ous, every minute packed to the full, endless
traveling, with none of the luxurious appoint-
ments of special trains and completely equipped
private cars of the major-party nominees. Some-
how, a voluminous correspondence is carried on,
and, as was remarked in these columns a week
or so ago, time was wrenched from amazed clocks
to complete a book. Yes, the volume was largely
a compilation of the author's addresses, but even
so, it was a prodigious feat.
And through it all, Mr. Thomas, serene, urbane,
punctiliously observing the proprieties of polite
discussion, an occasional facetious commentary,
a flare of righteous indignation at instances of
economic injustice, is a truly happy toiler in the
vineyard of his choice.
No faintest hope of victory to sustain him, his
only reward is the belief he is sowing the seeds
of the harvest to be reaped in some far-off and,
he is persuaded, much fairer tomorrow.
Accept or reject his philosophy, his strenuous
unreserved devotion to the cause is admirable
beyond expression.
"Sincerity," said Confucious, "is the way of
heaven; the attainment of sincerity is the way
of man." Norman Thomas, untrammeled by
expediency, wholly free to speak the truth, ac-
cording to his lights, is a sincere superior citizen.
Homer Croy, novelist and screen writer, was
the first journalism student in the first journal-
ism class of the first journalism school in the
United States-but he never was able to get a
newspaper job!

An Analysis Of The DigestPoll
ON THE FACE of the returns in the second
week of the Literary Digest poll, Gov. Lan-
don is leading President Roosevelt by a vote of
61,190 to 33,423, or close to 2 to 1. An analysis
of the vote shows, however, that is is as yet dan-
gerous to draw a definite conclusion from the
magazine's poll.
Of those who have thus far participated, a
total of 50,916 voted the Republican ticket in
1932 as against 34,668 who voted the Democratic
ticket in that year. That is, a majority of the
persons shown voted for Hoover in the last pres-
idential election. The Digest poll, it seems to us.
will only become significant when it shows a total
of persons participating whose vote in 1932 fa-
vored the Democratic candidate. That, of course,
is what happened.
Little, moreover, can be deduced from an an-
alysis of the switching of voters from one party
to another, though Landon at the present time
has a slight edge. The Digest figures show that
Landon's total vote includes a percentage of 17.3
persons who voted for Roosevelt in 1932. Roose-
velt's total vote includes a percentage of only 16.8
persons who voted for Hoover in 1932. Thus
Roosevelt is getting smaller support from per-
sons who supported Hoover than Landon is get-
ting from persons who supported Roosevelt.
There are certain "X" factors which make a
complete analysis impossible, namely, those who
did not indicate how they voted in 1932 and
those who did not vote at all in that year.
As expected, the Digest poll shows Candidate
Lemke receiving far more votes from persons who
voted for Roosevelt in 1932 than from persons
who voted for Hoover. The figures are 2,918 to
In some quarters, the Digest is being criticized
for printing its first returns from Republican
strongholds. We do not profess to know the me-
chanics of the Digest's procedure, or to be able
to say whether it is yielding to the desire of se-
lecting for its first publications votes which su-
perficially indicate Landon's victory. If the lat-
ter is the case, close analysis, as we have shown,
offsets the purported indication. In any case,
the Digest itself warns its readers that the re-
turns are far from inconclusive.
The case for the Digest poll rests on the final
result, not on piecemeal publications in Septem-
ber. Upon that, it will stand or fall.
"For years to come, you will be working for J.
P. Morgan and Barney Baruch" - Father
Coughlin. There's the first promise of steady
work in the campaign.-New York Sun.
Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel were come-
dians in the same touring company before either
came to pictures.
Having kept Maine in the Republican column,
Jim Reed is reported ready and eager to attempt
the same heroic feat in Vermont.-St. Louis Post-

A Statement
Of Policy. ..

WPA Projects
MACBETH by William Shake-
speare. Presented by the Negro
Unit of the WPA. Arranged and
staged by Orson Welles. Cos-
tumes and settings by Nat Kar-
son. Lighting by Feder. La-
fayette Theatre, Detroit. Sept.
15 to 26.
A MACBETH set in the tropics,. the
witches' scenes made into a Con-
go voodoo dances, the banquet scene
a dance to a jazz orchestra, the cos-
tumes military, renaissance, direct-
oire exaggerated in line and color to
suit the fancy of the designer, the
actors all Negroes: this is Project
891 of the Federal Theatre.
The question the production raises
is whether the emotional idea of a
great play can be presented to an
audience better by. a literal produc-
tion or one which departs from the
exterior demands of the script in
favor of action and setting that seem
to the producer to convey better the
effect the playwright wanted to
achieve. Because of limitations in
the execution the Harlem Macbeth
cannot answer the question. It
brings out superbly the barbarity and
superstition back of the play, but be-
cause of inadequate performances the
play lacks the stature it should have.
Maurice Ellis, for example, is unequal
to the demands of the leading part
except in physical appearance. He
reads the lines in a routine sing-song
fashion and except for a sense of fear
conveys no meaning back of the
words. Edna Thopas as Lady Mac-
beth is more successful. She has
dignity, understands the part better,
and gives stature to the tragic queen.
Her voice is unusually melodious and
helped her sustain the part through-
out the play. Macduff, Duncan, Ban-
quo and the smaller parts were ade-
quately played but cut to the barest
minimum to keep the thread of plot.
On the positive side were the color
and movement, full value of sound
effects and the contrast of light and
shade inherent in Macbeth more than
in any other of Shakespeare's plays.
The witches' scenes were totally suc-
cessful. A Congo witch doctor, large
groups of dancers moving in a
rhythmic monotone so well sustained
that it grows in interest the longer
it lasts. The last scene of the play
combines the elementsof dance and
music of the witches' scenes wtih the
actual lines of the play to make a
thrilling ending. It was the most
successful scene in the play. It be-
gan with moving crowds silhouetted
against a gradually brightening sky
smoke and cracking of flames from
the burning castle, drumbeats and
screams from the crowd. Yet with
all this spectacle the scene itsel
comes through because for once the
leading actors were equal to the act-
ing demands made upon them. The
fight scene ends at the top of a tow.
er high above the stage, Macbeth's
head is thrown down raised high on
a pike and with screams of triumph
fortissimo the play ends.
If the acting of the principal parts
especially of Macbeth, had been bet.
ter, the play less ruthlessly cut, thi
would have been a supremely suc-
cessful interpretation of the grea
tragedy. But it is thrilling theatr
anyway. * * *
sented by The Living Newspa-
per, WPA Federal Theatre. Bilt-
more Theatre, New York.
IN ONE evening Injunction Grante
shows in thirty episodes, a hun
dred scenes or groupings of charac-
ters the history of the labor move-
ment in America from the days o
indentured servants in the 17th cen-
tury to the present day. The em-
phasis is on the treatment of labo
in 'the courts. This may sound dul
enough but on the contrary is thrill.

ing, amusing and bitter, fast mov-
ing, applying the March of Time
technique to the theatre. And
throughout the action is commentec
upon in pantomime by a clown. The
action is stylized, accompanied by
sound effects-music composed b3
Virgil Thompson who did the Ger-
trude Stein Four Saints in Three
Acts. Staged on an arrangement 0:
steps and platforms, scene follow,
scene with only a few words by the
announcer in between.
The Popular Price Theatre of
the WPA Federal Theatre pre-
sents Help Yourself, a farce
adapted from the Viennese of
Paul Volpius by John J. Cowan.
Adelphi Theatre, New York.
TN A FARCE adapted from the
Viennese one would expect more
routine theatre but the same kind of
intelligence that seems to be back o
the other WPA plays is evident here
It is speedily played by Curt Boi,
and a generally good cast. The set-
tings are amusingly and substantiall'
done and the production is on th(
whole equal to all but the very best oi
Broadway. * * *
The WPA is active in the other
arts as well as in the theatre. T(
quote Lewis Mumford in the curren
New Yorker concerning the WPA ex
hibit called "New Horizons in Ameri
can Art" which recently opened a,
the Museum of Modern Art in Nev
York: "No one could have imagine(
in 1933 that the first attempts t(
keep a few amiable souls from starv
ing would broaden into a movemen
as solid in achievement and as en,

(Continued from Page 2)

!uhlcata e " tt.'-nun:n N co ruci'e n"ice to all membt-rs of the
University. Copy receivedat the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3.30; 11 :00 am, on Saturday.

call for you, especiall at noon when a
traffic both on wheels and on foot is s
heavy, it is especially urged that the t
car wait for you in the parking space a
adjacent to the north door of Uni- n
versity Hall. Waiting in the drive- a
way blocks traffic and involves con- p
fusion, inconvenience and danger,
just as much when a person is sitting a
in a car as the car is parked empty. C
University Senate Committee On
Parking. e
La Verne Noyes Scholarships: All t
students who intend to apply for La o
Verne Noyes Scholarships are urgedL
to present their applications at once. l
This applies also to those who wish
to renew scholarships held last year.
Application forms may be obtainedf
from the undersigned at 1021 AngellE
Hall. Only veterans of the World
War and their blood descendants are
Frank E. Robbins.
The University Bureau of Appoint-t
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examination for
Research Associate in International
Relations, Department of State, sal-
ary, $3,200, requiring three years of
college or university postgraduate ed-
ucation in history or political science,
or three years of responsible exper-I
ience in the field of history or po-
litical science, (or time-equivalent
combination of both). For further1
information concerning this exam-
ination call at 201 Mason Hall, office
hours, 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.
Students in Literature, Science and
the Arts, Architecture, Education,
Forestry and Music: Save your blue
print for second semester registra-
tion and save yourself the $1 fee for
securing a new one.
Assistant Registrar.
Part-Time Students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts.
Permission to register on part time
must first be secured either from the
Dean (Room 1210 A.H.) or from the
Assistant Dean (Room 1220 A.H.).
Important Notice To New Grad-
uate Students:. All students regis-
tering in the Graduate School this
semester for the first time are ur-
gently requested to meet in Hill
Auditorium, Oct. 3, at 8 a.m. The
occasion will be a brief statement by
the Dean of the School and a special'
f form of a general examination. This
is purely an experiment intended to
aid the school in determining wheth-
er or not it can by such means be of
greater assistance to you in your
s future plans.
The examination itself is very gen-
t eral and calls neither for special
knowledge nor preliminary prepara-
tion Those of you who have had
experience with such examinations or
s systematic forms of analysis will
- know that one such is insufficient to
t sample ability adequately. We do
e not, therefore, expect it to do more
than be an additional aid to your
instructors in advising you.
We invite your cooperation and in
return will see that you are fully
informed regarding any 'points of
3 significance. Such information will
be given individually and kept as
confidential and personal material.
Two pencils will be all the equip-
f ment needed.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean.
r Contemporary: Tryouts, for edi-
l torial and business staff will be held
- at 5 p.m. today in the Student
- Publications Bldg. Second-semester
e freshman, sophomores, and juniors
I are eligible to attend.

Reading Requirement in German
or Ph. D. Candidates: Candidates in
ll fields except those of the natural -
ciences and mathematics must ob-
nam the official certification of an
dequate reading knowledge of Ger-
nan by submitting to a written ex-
mination given by the German De-
For the first semester this examin-
tion will be given on Wednesday,
)ct. 28, at 2 p.m., in Room 306 U.H.
Students who intend to take the
xamination are requested to register
heir names at least one week before
he date of the examination at the
office of the German Department, 204
U.H., where information and reading
ists are available.
English 297: My section will meet
from .7:30 to 9:30 this evening in
Room 406 General Library.
R. W. Cowden,
English 230, Studies in Spencer,
will meet in 2213 Angell Hall to-
day, Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. to arrange
time of class meeting.
M. P. Tilley.
English 293: Bibliography. The
class will meet on Wednesdays from
4-6 in 2235 A.H.
W. G. Rice.
English 197-Honors Course: The
first meeting of the class will be held
at 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 2, in the
English Seminar Room, 3217 A.H.
W. G. Rice
English 159, Sec. 2, will meet in
Room 231 A. H. instead of 1209 A.H.,
Thursday at 10 a.m.
Paul Mueschke.
Psychology 131 meets in Room
3056 Natural Science Bldg.
Psychology 133 meets in Room 4014
Natural Science Bldg.
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar. The first meeting
of the Seminar will be held in Room
3201 today at 4 o'clock. The hour
will bedevotedstodintroductions, and
all graduate students in Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering are
invited to be present.
Alfred H. White
Aero 14, Experimental Research.
Aero 19, Analytical Research.
Students interested in research
work on problems in aerodynamics
should meet with Professor Thomp-
son in his office, B-302 East Engin-
eering Bldg. at 4 p.m.
E.M. 16
C. E. 65a Seminar in the Advanced
Theory of Structures. This seminar
will meet in Room 307 West En-
gineering Bldg. on Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 11 a.m. The first meet-
ing on Oct. 1 will be devoted to a
discussion of program for the com-
ing year. All students and faculty
members are cordially invited to at-
tend and participate in the discus-
sion of current problems in me-
chanics and structural engineering.
University Lecture: Sir Joseph Bar-
croft, Professor of Physiology in
Cambridge University, England, will
lecture on the subject "The Origin of
Respiratory Movements in Foetal
Life" on Thursday, Oct. 1, 1936, at
4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Au-
ditorium. The lecture will be il-
lustrated with moving pictures. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: V. Gordon
Childe, B.Litt., professor of Prehis-
toric Archaeology at the University
of Edinburgh, Scotland, will lecture
on the subject "The Early Civiliza-
tion of the Indus Valley" on Monday,
Oct. 5, at 4:15 'p.m. in Room D, Al-
umni Memorial Hall. The lecture

will be illustrated with slides. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Of Today
Freshman Glee Club: Tryouts and
first rehearsal today, 4:30 to 5:30
p.m., Glee Club room, Michigan

N ORDER to prevent possible mis -
f understanding, The Daily wishes
to clarify its editorial policy with respect to the
coming election.
We start with no predisposition in any direc-
tion, and we will endeavor to remain unbiased.
Criticism or praise in the course of the day-to-
day examination of campaign issues is not in-
tended as part of a program of support for either
Correspondence from readers on political sub-
jects will be welcomed. Letters should be made
as concise and specific as possible. Through such
correspondence, the various political attitudes
represented on the campus may be made more
apparent than is possible through the editorial
columns of The Daily.
A Liberal
Drain Commissioner .. .
THE, IMPORTANCE of state poli-
tics and its dissimilarity to the
national campaign has been repeatedly empha-
sized here and elsewhere, and now, with the state
conventions in Michigan just concluded, it is
timely to mention the subject again.
There is always the danger, in a presidential
election year, that the vital problems confront-
ing the nation, with their glamor and popular
appeal, will detract attention from those almost
equally important choices of candidates for state
and local offices. Too often a Republican or a
Democratic state administration is swept into
power simply because of the popularity of a
Republican or Democratic president. Too often
we are confronted with the spectacle of govt'
ernors and state representatives and sheriffs and
drain commissioners winning election because
of their stand on national relief, the tariff or. the
League of Nations.
Such things should not be, for it is imperative
to good state and local government, so important
in its effect on the individual citizen, that state.
and national issues be examined separately.
In Michigan we must choose Nov. 3 between
Governor Fitzgerald, the Republican, and Frank
Murphy, the Democrat, governor-general of the
Philippine Islands. Both of these candidates are
guilty of hiding behind the skirts of the na-
tional campaign. Fitzgerald makes much of his
Landon support and of his criticism of the
New Deal. And Murphy seems tj rely most
heavily on the fact that he is a friend and
backer of President Roosevelt and that he be-
lieves firmly in the New Deal.
These are not the issues. Governor Fitzgerald
more or less stands on his record, promising pri-
marily passage of the Civil Service Act at the
beginning of the legislature. Passage of such
an act, although no governor can "promise' it,
will be a cardinal step forward. Murphy's out-
standing specific promise was to work for a
unicatneral, or single-chambered, legislature. Al-
tha-h many nnliticn lsientists favor such an

Raw Materials In World Politics
-A Discussion Of Paths To Freedom From Economic Discord-
(John C. deWilde in Foreign Policy Reports)

TENSION between the "haves" and the "have-
nots" has increased and become one of the
primary causes of international unrest. Those
who count themselves among the "proletarian
nations" have been advancing with ever greater
forcefulness their claims to a larger share of the
world's wealth. Japan has conquered Man-
churia; Italy has annexed Ethiopia; Germany i
demanding consideration of its colonial claims.
Other countries, not strong enough to enforce
consideration of theirdemands, may, onthe
basis of equity, have the same or even a better
claim to a fairer distribution of the world's
wealth of primary products.
Given the unequal distribution 'of raw ma-
terials among the countries of the world, what
measures can be taken either to remove these in-
equalities or diminish their importance?
The transfer of territory is the first remedy
that suggests itself to countries with little na-
tural wealth of their own. Obviously, there can
be no question of realloting or transferring the
territory of self-governing imperial units such as
Canada and Australia. Only the transfer of de-
pendent colonies and, in particular, of mandates
is considered in this connection.
Colonies produce few raw materials of major
importance; rubber and tin are the conspicuous
exceptions. All the mandates, including the
former German colonies, are exceedingly poor in
raw materials, so that returning them to their'
former suzerains would bring little relief.
Possession of even a small supply of colonial
products might help a country whose foreign
exchange position is very tight, although a more
permanent and a sounder remedy would obvious-
ly lie in the expansion of international trade.
On the whole, the transfer of colonies and
mandates, even on a considerable scale, would
constitute only a partial and inadequate solu-
tion of the problem.
In theory, a balance of resources might be
achieved by permitting people to move freely
to the sources of raw materials, there to exploit
and utilize them without restriction. In this
way, the movement of populations might ulti-
mately compensate for differences in natural
wealth and standards of living between countries.
Artificial barriers to immigration, however, have
been erected by many states. But without these
barriers, there probably would have been no
large migratory movement in recent years, for
widespread unemployment even in less thickly
populated countries has made emigration unat-
tractive. Relaxation of emigration restrictions
and revival of migration must therefore await
the elimination of unemployment. The latter, in

abolition of export duties which some nations
need for revenue or the conservation of natural
wealth. An international agreement might pro-
vide, however, that such duties should in no case
discriminate according to destination of the ex-
ports, and that, wherever such export levies are
exacted, equivalent excise charges should be im-
posed on internal consumption. The League of
Nations has worked in the past, but not very
successfully, for the removal of export restric-
The most efficacious remedialmeasures that
could be devised are those. which would bring
about a revival of international trade on a
sound economic basis. No country will experi-
ence difficulty in procuring essential raw ma-
terials when opportunities of international ex-
change are ample. The community of nations
must therefore address itself to the task of re-
moving or reducing the many impediments to
the flow of world trade.
In theory, there are two ways of accomplish-
ing this. One is to bring about conditions of
free trade by the gradual abolition of existing
restrictions; the other, to discard the old prin-
ciples of economic liberalism and set about plan-
ning and organizing the exchange of goods. The
first has hitherto been the recognized method of
Under present circumstances, this method
would imply the restoration of the gold stand-
ard by an international agreement realigning
and stabilizing world currencies and providing,
perhaps, for loans to countries with depleted
gold reserves. It would necessitate simultane-
ously the removal of foreign exchange restric-
tions and quotas, and the reduction of tariffs.
Trade treaties would be concluded under the un-
conditional most-favored-nation principle.
The implications of the second method are less
clear, because the world has never yet engaged
in any real planning of international commerce.
That it is being considered today is due to a
growing conviction among economists that the
principles of laissez-faire are no more applicable
to international economic. relations than to na-
tional economic life. Many of the present trade
restrictions have been the inevitable accompani-
ment of growing governmental control over eco-
nomic life.
In order not to impair the success of efforts
to put their domestic economy in order, countries
have sought to protect themselves against the
repercussions of uncontrollable forces abroad.
This protection, in the absence of international
machinery to regulate and control foreign trade,
has unavoidably taken the form of import re-
strictions. If the future is to witness a further

Student Mail: StudentsE
mail addressed in care of
versity should call at the
Office, Room 1, University

the Uni-

Hillel Foundation: Students de-
siring to affiliate with Hillel may do
so at the Foundation, corner East
University and Oakland, from 10 to
12 and 2 to 5 every day.
Membership in Hillel entitles you to
all religious, social and educational
privileges, including admission to
Yom Kippur services.
Sukkoth (Feast of Tabernacles):
Services will be held this evening at
7:45 in the chapel of the Hillel Foun-
dation. The Festival will takes place
on Thursday and Friday of this week
and the final two days will take place
on the same days of the following
week.- The services will be conducted
by a student leader and will also be
featured by group participation and
singing. All newand old students
are cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Romance Philology 205, (Proven-
cal): The first meeting will be to-
day at 9 a.m. in Room 200 R.L. in-
stead of in Room 207 R.L.
French 193: Prof. E. Rovillain's
class in French 193 will meet on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at
4 p.m., Room 308, R.L.

night, 8:00,

and Blade meeting to-
Michigan Union. Room

Weekly Reading Hour: The Week-
ly Reading Hour for the present se
mester will be held on Thursday :af-
ternoons at 4 o'clock in Room 205
Mason Hall. For the program on
Oct. 1, Professor Hollister will read
from Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte
d'Arthur," and from Tennyson's
"The Passing of Arthur." All per-
sons interested are cordially invited
to these weekly reading programs.
Women's Field Hockey: For all
students who wish to play elective
hockey, open practices will be held on
Tuesday and Thursday from 4:15 to
5:30 on Palmer Field during the two
weeks of rushing. First practice
starts this afternoon.
Varsity Glee Club: First rehearsal



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