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January 13, 1937 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-13

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Books, Radios
NEWS Help Strikers
Of Thn DA Y
Pass Days Awayl
(By The Associated Press) (Continued from Page 1)
Officers Investigate a committee man. No long distance
Dud Bomb Explosion calls shall be made. No profane
language to be used over phone.
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Jan. 12.1 6) When photographers or outsid-
(AP)-Army officers tonight were in- ers come in no one speaks to them
vestigating the explosion of a dud but a committee. (This rule was
i1omb on the Camp Custer reservation violated when the talk swung toI
which resulted in the critical injury whether or not Coach Harry G.
of one CCC veteran and less serious Kipke would be released. The strik-
injuries to two others. ers were unanimously for Kipke's re-
Steve Boniewski, 40, of Detroit, tention, and blamed Michigan's
was in Leila Hospital near death. scholastic standards for recent Wol-
Both legs were shattered by the ex- verine football defeats).
plosion. Nathaniel Eatmon, 42, of No Smoking Allowed
burns, and Henry Elfgen, '48, of De- 7) Everyone must line up single file
troit, suffered leg burns.bE
Investigating officers said the men before meals are served. Dish wash-
wereon hie wen heydisoveed ers will be appointed before each'
were on a hike when they discoveredI meal by the clean-up committee-
the shell, used in army maneuvers every man must serve his turn.
last summer. The shell explodede
when Boniewski stepped on it. A dog 8) Anyone eating between meals
accompanying the men had his leg must wash his own dishes.
blown off. 19) Every man must attend meet-
Drag River For National 10) No standing on tables.
Possibly the strictest rule - one
Guard Flyers And Plane not covered in the rules-is that
HENNEPIN, Ill., Jan. 12-(/P- against smoking. Women are not'
Boatmen dragged the Ilinois River allowed in the plant.
o a y m e dr a e b d i e I lio i s sR i v e r T h e s t r i k e r s i n t h i s p l a n t a r e f o r -
tdstforntebdiesa gofrds Massa- tunately possessed of good bedding,
c husetts national guardsmen and material. Upholstery stuffing makesI

Future Dutch Queen Weds In Royal Ceremony

TTJ in 1906 which internationalized the
Morocco Used Moroccan question but gave France
along with Spain police power over
By D er Fuhrer the principal ports of Morocco.
France Cedes Territory
j lThe 1911 crisis, Professor Ehrmann
To Get Accords observed, was the result of the dis-
patch of the German gunboat, Pan-
ther, to Agadir. Behind this, he
(Continued from Page 1) added, lay the French military occu-

- Associated Press Photo
Here is the official picture of the wedding of Crown Princess Juliana of the etherlands, and Prince Bern-
hard zu Lippe-Bisterfeld att The Hague. The bridal pair is shown seated in the fifteenth century "Groote
Kerk" during the religious ceremony witnessed by mole than a score of Europe's royalty. At the rear left
is Queen Wilhehnina of Holland, mother of the bride.

was a "carry-over" from article seven
of the 1904 accord in which Spain
agreed not '"to alienate or cede under
any form whatsoever, even tempo-
rarily, her rights in all or part of
the territory forming her zone of in-
First Asserted In j19041
This principle was first inserted in
the 1904 agreement at the insistence
of Great .Britain, Professor Ehrmann
pointed out, as a consequence of the
agreement between England and
France earlier in 1904 in which Great
Britain granted France a free hand
in Morocco in return for freedom in
Egypt. The British, he continued,
were opposed to allowing any nation
other than Spain to control the Med-
iterranean shores opposite Gibraltar.
The Moroccan question has been
important in recent history, Pro-
fessor Ehrmann explained, ever since
the French foreign minister, Delcasse,
first began his diplomatic manipula-
tions in an effort to establish a%
' French protectorate in Morocco. In
his desire to secure this, Professor'
Ehrmann observed, Delcasse had in
some way to appease the similar am-
bitions of Italy, Spain, England and
Germany Defeated By France
In 1900 and 1902, agreements were
made with Italy in which France re-
ceived freedom in Morocco in ex-
change for granting Italy a free hand
in Tripoli. In 1904 Great Britain
was given a free hand in Egypt for
reciprocal freedom granted to France
in Morocco. Also in 1904, an agree-
ment between France and Spain
delimited future French and Spanish
spheres of influence in Morocco.
But Germany was neglected by
France, Professor Ehrmann stated.
Thus, when the French began to
move into Morocco by sending a mis-
sion to Fez, the capital of Morocco,
the German government met the
French foreign action with the kais-
er's visit to 'angier where he empha-
sized Moroccan independence. This
crisis, however, it was explained, was
settled at the Algeciras Conference

pation of Fez. This crisis was settled
by negotiation ill 1911, in the Franco-
German treaty in which Germany
granted to France the freedom
sought in Morocco in return for a
territorial concession in French equa-
torial Africa, approximating 100,000
square miles.
With the 1911 agreement, Professor
Ehrmann pointed out, France finally
succeeded in buying off all the inter-
ested nations, and in March, 1912
made an agreement with the Sultan
of Fez by which the French.installed
themselves in Morocco. Later in
1912, in the agreement with Sgain,
he stated, the latter secured a zone
of influence in northern Morocco and
in a small area along the Atlantic
Germany Stripped Of ;Rights
But in the Versailles Treaty after
the World War, Professor Erhmann
declared, Germany was stripped of
all her economic rights in French
Morocco (having given up her polit-
ical rights in 1911) and also lost all
her colonial possessions throughout
the world. This, the Germans claim,
was in violation of point five of Pres-
ident Wilson's Fourteen Points on the
basis of which the Germans asked for
and were granted an armistice.
But in Spanish Morocco, Germany
has economic concessions which still
exist, Professor Ehrmann explinpd,
such as the Mannesmann concession
which Germany is presumabl" pro-
He further added that, if General
Franco's forces are victorious, Ger-
many hopes to gain considerable eco-
nomic concessions from that govern-
ment, but if the Spanish Loyalist
government remains in power, then
Germany through her premature
recognition of Franco's government,
may perhaps lose her economic con-
cessions in Spanish Morocco.
Dial 2-1013 ..308 North Main Street
Downtown, North of Main Post Office


LĀ±eir monoplane.
Captain Wilson Newhall of the Il-
linois national guard, one of three
pilots who participated in a fruitless
aerial search for the missing men,
expressed the opinion they had
plunged to their death in the icy
waters last night. Sheriff Lawrence!
Ellena said he believed the flyersI
-Lieut. Frank Otis of Boston and
Sergt. John F. Gibbons of Natick,
VIass-had drowned in the swollen
Battle For Senate
Seats Greets Legislature
LANSING, Jan. 12.-(MP)-A flurry
of bills and the prospect of a battle
over a Democratic Senate seat greet-
ed legislators tonight as they re-
turned from a prolonged week-end.
Governor Frank Murphy sent to
the Senate for confirmation 12 of the
major appointments he has made
since taking office Jan. 1. Lieuten-
ant Governor Leo J. Nowicki said the
governor's message would be sent to
the committee on executive business
of the Senate and acted on later.
Propose Relaxation Of
English Marriage Laws
LONDON, Jan. 12.-(/)-A pro-
posal to relax the iron-clad rules ofI
the Church of England against the
remarriage of divorced persons will
be debated a week from tomorrow by
a convocation of the upper house of
These rules were the foundation of
the church's opposition to a marriage
between former King Edward VIII
and twice-divorced Mrs. Wallis War-
field Simpson.

a soft bed, serving both as mattress!
and blankets.I
There are two bedrooms, both
equipped with radios. One bedroom
boasts a stack of about 200 pulp
Flint Journal Is Discredited
The Flint Journal (the city daily)
is cursed often and roundly. But,
nevertheless, the strikers accredit
half of their information to the
"We just read the Chevy Auto
Worker (published by the United
Automobile Workers) for one side of
it and the Flint Journal for the oth-
er," the strike leader said. "Then we
get a pretty good picture of what is
"But I," he continued, "like Time
Magazine. I think they give you a
pretty good picture of things."
The dining room is in a wood-par-
titioned corner of the factory. Pie'
tins serve as plates.
What's the trouble?
Protest Wages
"Why, between 70 and 80 of the
men here were receiving only 33
cents an hour," the sit-down spokes-
man replied. "And they were work-
ing 70 hours a week. I tell you it
isn't any fun to work that many
hours a week.
"Our company is pretty fair about
it, though. They tell us that as
soon as the General Motors strike is
settled, they will bargain with us.
There's no need for them to wait
though, because we have enough
material here to keep us busy for
quite a while and we could be work-
ing while the G.M. strike is still go-
ing on.
"Those G.M. men that are gettingj

laid off because of other strikes?
Well, we believe that it's for their abor
own ultimate good. We don't want to
keep on earning starvation wages,j
and they don't either. But we're all
doing~ somethirng about if"

.Problems Will Prevent
ision Of Auto Parts Plants



The plant is 97 per cent unionized,
he said.
And the sit-downers' detemination
is great. It would seem that only
starvation could break the strike be-
fore settlement is made.
As one General Motors employe,
just laid off, expressed it: "I don't
know what in the hell I'm going to
do. I've got 30 cents to my name,
but by God I'm not going to give in
to them. If we do they'll trample
on us."
That seems to be the attitude
among Flint UAW members.
"The Beginnings of the University"
will be the subject of Mr. Wilfred B.
Shaw, director of alumni relations, in
a talk to be given before the graduate
students' luncheon at noon today in
the Russian Tea Room of the League.
Mr. Shaw has written two books on
the history of the University.

Professor Hoover Claims
Further Decentralization
Will Not AidEmployers
Further decentralization of plants
by the automobile industry will not
take place because of present labor
difficulties, according to Prof. Edgar
M. Hoover of the economics depart-
Pointing out that during the last
few years there has been a quiet but
steady decentralization of small parts
plants, Professor Hoover admitted
that this spreading out has probably
been done to prevent the effectiveness
of a general srike.
However, he added, now that labor
is trying to organize the industry as a
whole, this slight separation of manu-
facturing plants is not of great help
in the empolyers' troubles. Very prob-
ably there will be no added expansion
because of the present strike, he said.
When the automotive industry was

in its infancy during the early part
of this century, the Detroit area, still
the center for the industry, was one of
the major centers for the manufac-
ture of pleasure vehicles.
Because Detroit was a center for
the manufacture of gasoline engines
and motcrboats at a comparatively
early date, this meant a specialized
labor supply familiar with engines
was in the city, Professor Hoover
stated. Thus Detroit was a logica
place for the establishment of the
automobile industry.
The great business has tended to
remain in Detroit because it is one of
the gregarious type of industries
which tends to hang together onc
it is well started, Professor Hoove
Once intrenched in this area, there
wer e many advantages resulting from
lhis automatic centralization. Unti
the present labor crisis, no majo
movement for decentralization wa,




f Clssified Directory }
FURNISHED HOUSE: 5 rooms--se-
Place advertisements with Classified F
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. mester or semester and summer.
The classified columns close at five Electric stove, refrigerator and fur-
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no ace stoker. Fireplace. Double ga-
extra charge. rage. Phone 7587. 251 I
Cash in advance 11 per reading line
for one or two insertions. 10c per read- NICE comfortable rooms for stu-
(on basis of five average words to line)o
ing line for three or more insertions. dents. $2 up per week, Jennings
Minimum three lines per insertion. House, 1142 E. Catherine. 243 {
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion. ROOM for rent close to campus. For
10% discount if paid within ten days women. Call 6323, Sunday or eve-
from the date of last insertion. nings. 249
WANTED I ROOM for student in exchange for
staying with child evenings. Phone
WANTED: Someone to share apart- 5112. 259 j
ment with two girls in apartment
near campus. 1106 Willard St. Tel. WARM single room near hospital.
2-3421. 254 Also double room. Available second
semester. 1331 Washtenaw. 262
old and new suits, overcoats at $3, FOR SALE
$5, $8. $25. LADIES FUR COATS
TYPEWRITER.LADISFLD OD ,niNEW and old books. Antiques. 2021
musical instruments. Phone Sam. East Ann. 127x
6304. 78x LOST AND FOUND
FOR RENT _ EWARD for return of Economics'
TWO APPROVED single rooms. 51 Syllabus. Taken by mistake with
Warm and quiet, for second semes- college Algebra book. Phone 2-1777.
ter. 1117 S. State St. 4965. Mrs. R. 260
S. Hastings. 240 TYPING
ROOMS for girls available second se- TYPING: Good work, prompt service,
mester in approved house. 1327 low as 8c per page. Romance Lan-I
S. University corner Washtenaw. guage a specialty. Call 2-2603.
242__ 261
FOR RENT: Two fine men's rooms NOTICES
now available. Private home. Ga-
rage also for rent. 1001 Vaughn. THIS is no practical joke. Do you
Call 3457. 255 want a date? Call the Owl Dating
ir Bureau. Phone 9707 - ask for
VERY NICE double room for girls "Will." Hours 9 to 10 p.m. 258
next semester in approved house.
Telephone 8671. 256 LAUNDRY
NICE comfortable room for nurses LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
and business women. $3 up per Careful work at a low price. 6x
week. Jennings House, 1142 E.
Catherine. 244

WJR Stevenson News.
WWJ Ty Tyson: Dinner Hour (6:10).
WXYZ March of Melody.
CKLW Phil Marley.
WJR Musical Program.
WXYZ Fact Finder.
CKLW News and Sports.
6 :30-
WJR Melody and Rhythm.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Vincent York's Music.
WJR Renfrew of the Mounted.
WWJ Soloist.
WXYZ Lowell Thomas.
CKLW Lane Prescott.
WJR Poetic Melodies.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Shadows on the Clock.
WJR Popeye, the Sailor.
WWJ Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Unsung Champions.
CKLW Hal Kemp's Orchestra.
WJR Jack Randolph.
WWJ Death Fighters.
WXYZ Lone Ranger.
CKLW Variety Revue.
7 :45-
WJR Boake Carter.
WJR Cavalcade of America.
WWJ One Man's Family.
WXYZ Broadway Merry Go Round.
CKLW Mercy Hall.
CKLW Count Basey's Music.
WJR Burns and Allen: Henry
King's Music.
WWJ Wayne King's Music.
WXYZ Ethel Barrymore.
CKLW Pop Concert.

WJR Nino Martini: Andre
Kostelanetz's Music.
WWJ Town Hall Tonight.
WXYZ Profestional Parade.
CKLW Gabriel Heatter.
CKLW Rick Roberts Revellers.
WJR Jessie Dragonette; Al Good-
man's Music.
nCKLW Wallenstein's Sinfonietta.
WJR Gang Busters.
WWJ Your Hit Parade.
WXYZ Les Arouette.
WJR Musical Program.
WW-7 Meredith Wilson's Music.
WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music.
CKLW Don Bestor's Music.
WJR News.
WWJ Jos. C. O'Mahoney.
WJR Immortal Melodies.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Bert Block.
CKLW News Reporter.
CKLW Mart Kenny's Music.
WXYZ Ink Spots.
WJR Wismer Sports: Pryor's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Emil Coleman's Music.
CKLW Ted Weems' Music.
WJR Carl Ravell's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Morrey Brennan.
CKLW Eddy Duchin's Music.
CKLW Al Kavelin's Music.
WJR Phil Harris' Music.
WXYZ Lou Breeze' Music.
CKLW Emerson Gill's Music.
WXYZ Jimmie Garrett's Music.
CKLW Al Kavelin's Music.

seiiou:ly considered. But there is a
tralned and highly specialized labor
supply centralized in Detroit and also
iii n'youiii-,in~ d ustries essential
o) autornabile production. For these
reasons, Professor Hoover explained.
he doubt ;d if any serious decentral-
z.ation moves would be made.
Tues. and Wed., Jan. 12 and 13
Matinees 3:15 Evenings 8:15

speaking on
"The Press - Truth, News, or Propaganda?"
Hill Auditorium Thurs., Jan. 14, 8:15 P.M.
Prices: 50c and 35c Tickets at Wahr's


Today Shows At

; y .a. .. m

2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00
Adolph Zukor presents
-o uum m c



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